Project Zomboid Nomad - To Hell And Back // EP30

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greetings my fellow zombie survivors rodomon here thank you for tuning in to project zomboid nomad episode 30 to hell and back i think i have friends unfortunately for you friends i have an armored vehicle and you're dead i'm not tired enough to sleep well what do i it's noon the hell do i do for eight hours damn it damn it oh man i do have a metal sheet i could repair my hood i guess i have metal bars but probably not enough to do modifications with sneak into apartment no that's not going to happen do you know you do you know where i am i am so much not near an apartment right now oh the mr dream thanks for the sub all right hood is 100 the jeep's actually up to eat us nice it's up to 69 percent there there really aren't there's no buildings nearby that it could sneak into and and also stay alive i i'll just say it like that it's uh that's a non-starter during the day zombies are faster as fast or faster than i am so that's not a thing that we'll be able to do i could do some car maintenance though um but i think the they're kind of fun yeah there's really not anything to maintain at the moment oh wow i actually have good headlights as well repair the sleep seats the driver's seat in this uh in this car is actually in really good condition for that exact reason i have a 99 percent driver's seat can be pretty hard to beat that uh okay then um yeah i don't know i don't know enough metal bars to do anything maybe i'll organize the loot a little bit i have so many propane torches now i'll grab the food i might end up wanting that oh actually that's that's food that will never spoil i'll grab the jars clothing repair i don't really have the material for it um yeah i don't really have any thread i have like one thing of thread and that's to sew up open wounds in my emergency kit it's not really for uh for clothing oh i don't know what i was just doing see it occupied well that's dumb i think i just moved loot and blocked myself yeah i did i could cover those zombies up for scraps yeah that's something to do it'd be nice to get a weather report you know they were still a thing they're not by the by the uh the weather broke i broke it i have a welding rod in my backpack i probably shouldn't have oh it doesn't fit anywhere okay that explains it all right now i have thread oh shoot there are zombies at the end back inside so there's a little bit of thread i just don't have any leather i don't i have leather strips maybe somewhere in this but not a whole lot of them so put that thread away lock my doors i don't need to lock the the zombies aren't that smart they don't use doors be dumb give me my broccoli i'm gonna go litter how'd the car start i'm not even in it hey night rider we're not going anywhere all right i have a pretty well organized inventory i think oh but i have pots of water that i don't want man every time i think i've organized my loot i find stuff in my in my backpack that i just don't want never win so i have two giant cooking pots with water on me got it and it doesn't fit on my roof rack no stop cut stop doing it i keep miss clicking and sticking loot from the backseat to the front seat because i can't get the seat proper all right you rear seat here take the pots and then the metal bars what i wanted to do is pull up a little bit so i could get to the tire trunk back here that can fit stuff i don't want i still have a sledgehammer that probably want a dish at some point but yeah i have consolidated pretty much everything i don't want on me in the car now swick and cat thanks for the follows so yeah i'm sort of stuck here until uh nightfall i so what i need to do is maybe figure out my neck oh why does the car keep starting i want to figure out the next um place to go so i'm at the dock next to the expo the louisville expo center so what i'm going to do is i'm going to try to mark down roughly where the other hardware stores are so there's a car dealership let's see uh there's a car dealership and hardware store here which is where i'm going to try to go to next and then the last hardware store in louisville and let me also do the predictions too because it's pretty clear that i did not get the lead pipe again so here's the last prediction all right so the last hardware store is approximately here so there's a car dealership hardware store and hardware store and then the other hardware stores i've already hit up let's see if we can mark them down so i think um this i've cleared that was the eb tools and the other one was uh here so this was a hardware store this was a hardware store i'm stuck on the dock now and then there's the hardware store here and there and if those hardware stores come up dry warehouses at that point but it's looking bad if i still don't have uh a lead pipe by then the stream will oh god that i thought it was just one standing at that dock it's not there's no way i'm gonna be able to take on um a swarm of speeders so i'm just gonna sit here see what the radio has to say what my uh it's just gonna be errors but i guess i'm curious what the areas will be how many metal pipes do i have bars i mean three there on the roof i've got none on the back i have four so i have seven seven of the ten i need fatal defect zulu 666 requires utility diagnostic code rpo generator so for those that don't know what's going on i'll fill you in because i have nothing better to do in this series i have the the save our station mod which enables maintenance on the emergency broadcast system so if i take a look at the registry there is five weather stations one the riverside here one in west point one in muldra which is actually my outpost that i live at one in rosewood and one in the military base called zulu so here is zulu zulu is so this this is rosewood and then you follow the highway up you take a left turn you go through a lot of dirt roads which suck and are full of zombies and then eventually this is the zulu weather station so the zulu weather station right now has an issue and that issue specifically is arpo plumbing for fuel or coolant lines item required is a lead pipe not a metal pipe a lead pipe has to be a lead pipe nothing short of a lead pipe so that's what i'm looking for i just don't have a lead pipe and i've checked uh here's where i've checked i have checked um i've checked the warehouse in muldra i've checked the other warehouse in muldra i've checked this part of mccoy's lumber yard [Music] i have checked this warehouse in uh west point this hardware store in west point my original outpost in the west point bridge okay these zombies are shuffling a little close to me i don't like that uh i have checked the valleypoint medium warehouse um i have checked this sort of cluster of warehouses here one being a metal working warehouse still didn't have a lead pipe um and then most recently of course this hardware store and this hardware store so i've gone a little everywhere for this one lead pipe such as the search it's brutal oh just eat some lemongrass why not that lemongrass can what make a poultice or something i forget how you process lemongrass zombie vacation cure is a smack bottle yes lemongrass stops food poisoning yeah i guess you just eat it i'm just looking at what else i can make oh i can refill my propane my my torch here we go topped up torch perfect and there's i'm sort of just stuck for now so what i've been trying to do is make the window protection the um the wrangle which is my vehicle window bars which is metal bars and then the only other thing that i can make for this thing is the lethal bumper but that requires more metal working but i did just jack a lethal bumper from a jeep that i found so i mean i have a pretty modded up car at this point i'm missing some window protection i'm missing a roof rack of lights but that's about it oh you know what i could do i could refill all these propane torches that i have and try to ditch the propane tank if i can get the propane tank to be empty that's a good way to lose weight oh jesus not cool storyteller this propane tank still has fuel left in it i tried all right one more hour and i will try to speed through this hour there we go we're on the move to the hardware store now i am so chock-full of random crap in this car i don't have space for um i don't have space for anything i don't think i'm supposed to be driving on this please be wide enough [Music] there we go okay we're good we're good so heading oh uh does that have another lethal bumper the other issue that i'm gonna run into is my character is understandably gonna be tired because i've been up for a while it does have a lethal bumper at 30 percent it's probably worth grabbing as a spare bumper [Music] i feel like my car is slow i think it's just because it's so armored up at this point all right instead of killing all these zombies what i will do is try to drag them away and equip the pipe wrench that i need to do the the quick swap in my inventory yeah the jeep does look rockin there we go accelerated time dun dun why did i still have to go through my inventory oh because my wrench was nested oh that's just that's just that's just wrong [Applause] i'm gonna get my bumper i'm gonna get it [Applause] fighting the hordes of louisville probably not worth it for a 30 bumper but a 30 bumper is still good for like a whole lot of kills which is why i want it because the bumper i originally had didn't have too much hit points either [Applause] to be awesome i could score some crits some critical hits please whatever slow and steady hello hi getting a little exerted ah they're surrounding my other jeep too this is gonna take all the wind out of my sails [Applause] oh man i don't think i have any beta blockers left do i no okay yeah i don't think it's worth it i think i'm just gonna be fighting here for like another two hours all right come on get away from my jeep well that dude is clear impaled from that spear come on oh i'm getting drowsy son of a glad this bad boy's armored beep beep i'm a jeep [Music] all right i don't exactly know where this um this hardware store is i don't have the precise chords uh and as you can see louisville is big and confusing so i need to find a point of interest so i can figure out exactly where i am so this intersection means nothing to me i don't think uh hang on a second yeah i still don't i still don't really know where i am okay that little uh patio thing is a good point of interest i now know where i am i just wish i wasn't tired it's gonna make robbing a hardware store all the harder so the hardware store is in front of me uh right there no that's his driving school oh it's uh zach's hardware right there but given how tired i am i'm not exactly able to go mano amano with the zombies in the parking lot here so i will use my lethal bumper you know the goals of the series is to keep that broadcast station online so i'm trying to do that and i have enough metal working skill that i should be able to make repairs to the trunk it's the tires that i really worry about my tires do have protection they have metal chains on them which is gonna keep them in okay condition but it's not gonna last forever once this board's down to like reasonable manageable size i'll just finish it off by hand just with how tired i am it was not reasonable to try to fight them until they're slightly uh less populous this hardware store with my luck is gonna have nothing i'm pretty sure [Music] all right i'll leave it running get your fridges kids you want to murder zombies wholesale eat your veggies you're impressed with how accurate the star on the map was yeah it's pretty banging thanks for thanks for realizing that i marked these stars on the map where you see on the minimap down here i marked these stars without having revealed anything at all like it was just blind marking but i do what i can come on come on metal pipes at very least or whatever metal bars this is not looking good fresh crowbar something i guess visibility is near zero um zack's hardware does this have is it oh it has a back room which has zombies in it copy that gets the blood going i guess oh hang on a second my leg fell asleep oh this is not comfortable the problem is i'm already over time and uh oh man i'm coming up dry all right lady door's closed i'm looking for a metal bars not pipes metal bars is what mods the car sorry i call the pipes but they're not that urgent if i skip one it's not a big deal i wish i had a um a thing of coffee all right i would say that this is cleared yup i'm gonna go with we're done here there is a um hmm get back out here man that was disappointing can you not craft metal bars you can uh it requires mods to craft metal bars but i'm not looking for a metal bar well okay that's not what i'm chiefly looking for so then we're gonna try to go to the other hardware store even though i'm already tired and it's super super super ill-advised to do it [Music] let's see actually i'll probably focus on the road maybe i can craft metal bars i'm not sure i feel bad for mice my poor car any other vehicle like if i didn't have a super modified jeep with like ram bar and chains on the wheels and all that no other car would have survived this trip i would be dead like a thousand times over all right let's see uh if my markings are correct oh i have a long way to go so this hardware store is next to the fun extreme and the glowed nightclub okay that gives me larger points of interest to look for hugo burger so that's a zippy mart um i'm trying to figure out where i am so i'm not just driving without direction here there's also an auto shop place uh kind of near where this hardware store is a little bit which wouldn't be a terrible place to go given the damage that i've done to the car i don't know where this zippy mart is where am i oh i know where i am because this is the havasham hotel and suites building just to my north so i need to go one two three blocks down and take a left yeah that's the habashan i'm a little worried about my um tired level oh you know what i did it again i think the hardware store is basically underneath my mark here i am clairvoyant uh where it's right there yep all right i was like a quarter of a block off but i'm gonna go with clairvoyance please and thank you i really should have done a vehicle inspection before um because i don't know if the parts of my car are gonna hold up i'm just sort of hoping oh oh my poor car oh [Music] please just all die i'm not gonna find it i just i don't have a lot of faith anymore in anything part of me just wants to death mode in a blood pipe and call it done with i've spent over five hours looking for this thing and these zombies are coming literally out of the woodwork where i'm every pass i make i'm fighting more zombies than the last pass stupid big cities if i if i had coffee in my glove box like this would be a different matter because i just eat my coffee like it was popeye spinach get slaying makes me very sad that i found a really nice lethal bumper and now i'm ruining it as fast as i possibly can [Music] do zombies respawn no they don't respawn is off not that it matters there's like a hundred thousand zombies in louisville and they do migrate yeah my my car is not happy all right maybe one more pass keep it together bessie my car's name is bessie now keep it together oh there's just more zombies there's like a fresh group [Music] i think uh i am demonstrating very clearly why i was uh i don't know what that was hope it's not mission critical part of the car i think it was a passenger window [Music] no i maybe it was my windshield yeah it was my windshield mowing shield just blew out oh there goes the headlights oh do i not have a lethal bumper anymore oh sugar my lethal bumper's gone that's why all the parts are breaking and my dude is so viciously tired this is gonna be horrible [Applause] just leave well the issue with leaving at this point is with no bumper i can barely get out of i need to i need to inspect the car for damage to see if i can even make it out without having to run repairs on hood because if my uh hood is heavily damaged the engine block takes damage with every impact which means the car might seize up on the way out so it's not exactly it's a gamble to just pack up and leave right now i might just end up dead get off me come on i knock four down i hit them twice i do zero zero zero don't you zero me [Applause] let me hit them on the ground this ain't football i can get dirty hits in soon i'm going to be doing uh minimum damage because i'll be exhausted and super tired and also super panicked grenade would solve everything no grenade would get me killed faster because it would signal five blocks worth of zombies and they'd come and i would die [Applause] i might have to back over the zombies with the car i'm making a little bit of headway oh i really needed to pack coffee i feel very stupid for not packing coffee fail to prepare prepare to fail right don't touch my feet i think i have just about painted this road red oh oh my lord more well i guess i get to kill them in 10 years you know if this um hardware store had like coffee oh shoot i would not complain i'm not uh i'm checking i'm trying to check the shelves while i'm running around for my life and i didn't see any uh lead pipes i need coffee in real life too yeah oh my god maintenance has gone up you don't say the thousand swings it takes to kill one zombie isn't an indicator of how bad my uh damage is all right i'm gonna grab some of the ah and grab some of the um metal sheets so i can run repairs on the parts of the car that are broke but if these guys keep filtering in i am like completely out of juice here there's at least two more at the door just screw off yeah you can see my exertion and exhaustion up at the top right it's not looking good all right metal sheets so i'm i'm grabbing mail sheets now just because the car might need a lot of repair to be able to get out the problem is you can't repair tires so these metal sheets might help the um the hood to keep the engine intact but if i lose my tires that's also game over um i will say that i feel pretty comfortable that i searched everything except for the cashier uh why is there two except for the cashier area and i definitely don't have a lead fight no no no no no okay that's a no oh my lord all right car how sad are you oh shoot i don't have a gas tank i don't it's like i yeah i basically don't have a gas tank it's about to be daytime please start i don't think i'm making it out of the city of life my gas tank was at like less than one percent i had enough of a gas i had like a tiny bit of gas left in this thing but um all right prediction will be resolved in just a sec i just don't uh i don't know if i'm gonna get out of life i have two hours until they become freaky fast and if they become freaky fast on me this car won't make the trip i wish i knew where i was you're surprised that i made it this far you'd be 20 times dead by by now yeah i uh it was effortful it was touch and go i'm not abandoning this car though i'm not going to switch cars this car is uh all right so that's a spiffo's um that helps me that's a landmark where the hell am i it's a row of houses next to a spitfish okay i know where i am so i take this until it ends and then i take a left onto the main road that takes me to the military checkpoint yeah this car is a labor of love exactly you get it i'm just sad about that bumper i gave that bumper up for nothing fortunately i did the smart thing which was to do the analysis of the car before i started rolling because my hood was zeroed and it with a zeroed hood just a few taps into zombies and um and your engine block dies and then your car seizes and then you can't drive so if you're surrounded and you can't drive guaranteed death as we've found out when i was driving the uh peterbilt truck so i'm trying to balance out the urgency of getting the hell out of louisville with the i don't want to ruin the car and die attempting to get the hell out of louisville it's very delicate balance here oh that had like a that car had a ram bar i did have an extra gas tank to to swap to yeah and then i can always rummage up a windshield the rest of the car is not so replaceable though the bumper is a real the bumper was sad because that bumper was it's amazing i mean i killed like 100 zombies with it and i think i didn't actually analyze the tire um durability but the chains on the tires i think were miraculous because if that lethal bumper fell off under normal circumstances all four of my tires would have blown all right i am almost at the checkpoint ridiculously tired i'm still exerted that's how tired i was like exertion wise is i haven't even recovered from the fight back at hardware store i'm still i'm still exhausted from that i pushed it to the limit [Music] all right have one hour before zombies become hell i don't have a plan about where i'm going though i don't maybe i drive all the way to the west point bridge even with zombies no because the roads are still going to be clogged full of speeders that's gonna kill the car [Music] yeah i'm not really sure what to do once i get out of louisville because my character doesn't have the energy to fight this car doesn't have the energy to fight so i need somewhere to limp to but there's nowhere safe to limp oh come on death by cardboard box [Music] cardboard box seriously all right i'm through checkpoint one oh shoot wrong one yeah if i could get to the warehouse that would be ideal and just oh i gotta the these roadblocks are impassable you have to thread through them that's why i slowed down so much i have 20 minutes before these guys become super scary [Music] there's just too many zombies around this warehouse i still have the sledge on me though so i could i could um knock out the second floor and just sleep even if the uh [Music] even if the warehouse becomes swarmed i'll figure something out i've got 10 oh no they're fast oh dear lord sorry baby i need two curtains it was worth stopping for what the hell oh uh sheetrope yeah i need to turn them into shoot ropes oh my god eat it yes i'm inedible now oh i hate louisville oh my god do i hate louisville oh my god okay so i'm alive i shouldn't be by all rights i should be dead i fully searched every hardware store in louisville made it out of louisville and i'm somewhere that i literally can't be hurt right now because there's no way for zombies to climb up so i can sleep and uh this is where i'm gonna have to leave off oh my god oh jesus that was not not easy to get out of that that city alive my poor poor car i have no idea what percent it's at but i know i'm gonna have a lot of repairs to do thank you for tuning in to project zomboid nomad which originally streamed live on twitch august 2nd if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams if you'd like to join my gaming community also has a link to discord as does the description of this video thank you so very much for watching a special thank you to my patreon patrons twitch subscribers and viewers like you that support the channel i'll catch you next episode or an upcoming stream stay safe out there in the apocalypse you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 3,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Apocalypse, Nomad, 10 Years Later, Sprinters, Hard Mode, Nomadic, Roleplay, Twitch
Id: TJFr0kz7efI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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