"Project Wilson" 1977 KZ1000A Full Story

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I'm gonna skirt another project here Tim stop I just purchased from among friends of state some time ago here he's one thousand a these terms are converted into this is back in the day they've changed it over to an Ltd style motorcycle because that was a cool thing to do when 16-inch wheels are happening and everything however although we changed the front fender we retained the correct wheel so we can put a KZ 1000 fender on it's not short like this where see we come up with a stock headlamp brackets and mount this back up at the headlight Stacey I've got the Ltd style turn signal brackets on the handlebars but I believe those are KZ 1000 a bars they come to this side of the motorcycle you see it's added like you know damp building because the crash bars rusted shifter got rusty they put it Ltd kingsguard on that with the Ltd body job I'm sure you buy it stuff cheap back in the day but the motorcycle only has nine thousand and forty three miles on it's got some kind of custom grips on it I don't know who made them but they're pretty cool we're gonna hear this thing run and then um we're gonna start to do a semi custom restoration on it and maybe we'll put stock paper stuck here bucks I don't know just yet but we're definitely I get really Ltd stuff so a possitive I'll be marketing some of the stuff for Rob for the future but we're just gonna build a KC 1000 a of it right now now the the trauma people are still moving the front brake and rear brake are seized but all in all we got something that's pretty cool here so you like it no keep you posted this project this is gonna be a good one hi I'm Kenny from Johnny's vintage motorcycles I guess filling in for giant while he's off doing who-knows-what anyway we got this bike this KZ 1008 what we found so far is pretty filthy oil as you can see drain plug was doing this job not a lot of debris on it clean that off already but we're happy with that the plugs not gooned the oil filter bolt same thing typical stuff not hardly any debris in the clutch cavity which we're happy about that as well got the clutch out of it and we have one broken clutch plate somebody's obviously having fun with this bike so we're gonna replace that probably measure all these other ones make sure they're in spec we glass me blast the steel plates to make sure the clutch is going to hook up correctly under the point cover sure is nice to see the point plate and all the screws that hold the adjustments there not all gooned up very nice to see that got the carb drop if we can walk over here pretty filthy sitting for I don't know how many years probably ten plus although that all the floats move I'm sure while the Jets are clogged up as you can see in the balls they're nasty too so we're gonna take these apart further apart and throw them in the ultrasonic get them cleaned up ignition switch had to pull that out we have a key original Kawasaki key but it does not match the numbers it doesn't fit anything all the locks on the bike are the same key number so we're going to send this off and have a key made the only other thing I found so far that was bad is this is the connector that goes on the ground cable to the battery and as you can see enough you can get in there or not it goes on there and taking the battery out this just fill up kind of interesting anyway that's what we're doing now new bugs in it the carbs will be rebuilt fresh oil and filter to touch me back together and we're gonna get this bike running thanks for tuning in [Laughter] okay we're getting ready to fire Wilson spike here well so those little buddy of ours and now anyway we're gonna try to get this whole thing running see what songs like of course we're gonna fix the engine cases on stuff from a replace the engine cases on it but uh I really need to get a pretty good shape so when clean the carburetors new spark plugs went through the clutch as shown so uh you gotta just don't move your jumper battery in it so this should be pretty good okay here we go let's see who's got spark again great no spark no spark so we have to go through the points simply gonna fire it up and try again all we saw get it clean the points this up funny usually we're just trying to kind of hurry up could just run him for the end of the day but let's see what's happening here okay the moment of truth is here [Music] hurt me [Music] [Music] as you can see you got a bunch of debris and dust coming off the motor and everything it stinks it's probably been years since it's been run I'm well it's got a historical tag so I don't know how long it's been but it I guarantee it's been well it's a shame we just got to take it apart because if you look on the other side of the motor here you can see where the case has been welded right here well I think we're gonna replace the cases and throw all new gaskets on it and everything and make it a nice decent piece to start out with and then we'll go from there this is a very nice header the header sounds good I don't know if it's leaking or not but we're gonna build a really nice everyday rider KZ 1000 out of it okay well thanks for looking and I hope you'll continue the quest Thanks maiden voyage here we've had it running so now we're going to see if it shifts [Music] [Music] [Music] cigarettes good I only got it sick here but I only got from break only but uh okay let's put your hat says make motorcycles great again whoa okay and here's Kenny putting new Springs on a set of shocks that's pretty cool in it got the nice tool for that nice little setup so when we get the ugly Springs and stuff we can take them off and we we have a we have some love Springs have been rechromed so here's Kenny putting it together I love it okay so there's our 77k z1000 a we're kind of putting the chassis together we're gonna put the correct headlamp brackets on and everything but we're just kind of getting it together for right now and as you can see we've spray bombed the frame put a better Springs on the rear so it's looking pretty good if you come to this side you'll see where we're getting ready to put a powder coated battery box on it and there isn't I mean there's a it's nice this stuff makes a difference when you put it together so I paid the swingarm get replated studs here replated axle nut for the swing arm I'm gonna cleaned up the inner fender and everything so uh this is this is gonna be the bike hopefully we'll have this done next week if there's any interest out here we're certainly interested in selling it on the snow and uh we're gonna powder coat we're gonna put powder coated parts back on cuz we have all the stuff in stock already and then we're gonna replate all the stuff the bikes at and you can see the condensation that came with it so right now we've cleaned the front wheel off a little bit Newgrange screws in it we're going to replace all this stuff here with our replated stuff but we just kind of wanted to get it together and the show was like we also put a full front fender on it we don't have the ltd fender on it it's got new fork seals and new boots and clean up the bracket a little bit here's a rear wheel we're gonna probably put new hardware and stuff on this but the rear wheel wasn't looking too good so we cleaned it up a little bit now it's not not so perfect but we've got the majority of the grit and grime off of it so we're gonna be running a stock 18 inch wheel so here's our villain now we're gonna be putting that new kind of tire on this also and we're gonna replace stuff like this here I got a key made for it so I want the I want to have the matching key number on the seat lock as well as the ignition and these are the replated nuts we're talking about so grody the old ones are certainly using those and here's our new handlebar bolster and go in it and then we're gonna just go over all the stuff here right clean up what we can and what we can't clean up we're gonna replace with replated stuff I have a genuine factory seat getting recovered for the bike right now so we're making pretty progress on it so I hope you guys liked our bike ok our project Wilson here this is a 77 KZ 1000 a we're starting to get it together here frames nice the shocks break rear brake caliper and rebuilt so we kind of want to show you where we're at with it's got the new kenda tires on it all the replated stuff that we normally do we've got some news or we have some replated Springs on it here's our we plated hardware here replated swinging our bolt now we wound up taking the we had to put a different swingarm on it because when we got the swingarm it had an Ltd chain guard on so what happened here was someone had taken this tab right here knocked it off and put us two steel brackets right here coming down and they walled another bracket here but it had grounded off here so we had to come up with another swing erm and also we found out that the KZ 1077 model took one bearing on the inside of this one arm and 77 and up that we know of took two bearings and of course I'm just talking about like 78 to 80 because we don't really do much after 1980 but I I believe 77 and possibly up to 80 was the two bearings on each side and also that swimming around had a different width right here where they were you see right here then a different whip according to the kawasaki microfiche it was this distance right here we learned something every day when we work on these things okay thanks as you can see we have our normal routine we have the plated stuff chains nice get your Kenna tires the shocks so guess we're under on and stuff it's all looking pretty good it's not perfect but it's not bad now we didn't do a real good cleanup on these parts so a nice detail go a long way we do have the replated bracket here and the shocks look good and we do have a recovered seat this is an original KZ 1000 pan and this is a reproduction KZ 1000 seat cover so this is pretty correct stuff here now so we're gonna have this on there like so now when we're doing a motor it was it was a leaking oil coming out of the front so we're replacing the o-ring here and the head gasket so we're gonna doing some work there now also I want to also point out that there's some very very I think there's a little bit of very minor welding here as you can see right here I don't know well maybe it's not welding and maybe just a little bit of welding looks like someone has done some dress up here but it did not leak out of any of this area so I just want to bring that to your attention it's not as perfect as the other side but we have the the motor it's gonna be ready to go here and we shove is done here next couple of days we've got the headlamp brackets on I've got the gorgeous meters everybody's looking pretty good so we said I kind of want to show you where we're at with it and we are proceeding okay we've got some more work done to it as you can see we've cleaned up the front end a little bit put some replated stuff on it put some new drain screws in it for the Maga skits new dust covers new fork seals if you remember right it was set up like an Ltd so we've now put the KZ 1000 a headlamp brackets on it we've also put a gas tank just to fit it on see we're gonna look like because it came with an Ltd tank so now we've got this tank on here so I've sent side panels and a tail section out to get professionally repainted now we have we had oil leak between the sauna head so we're replacing the old ring that goes in here so it was seeping out kind of bad we've had the clutch apart we're gonna go through the timing and everything one more time we've replaced all these screws all the screws here we still need to replace the screws here at the kicker cover because they're Allen's and we painted the footrests we we had some for us z1 but in case you don't her but they're different this is the first year not to have the web going across they'd a web support got a gorgeous brake pedal on it this is all replated this is re plated this is your plated rebuilt master cylinder and caliper this is already done and as you can see this is a all replated rod replated bolt here replated spring the shacks have been replated this is all looking pretty good it's all starting to file fill in here so once we get the new paint job for it i think it looked pretty good we saw that you put a battery in it and a ring but keep in mind this motorcycle only had 9,000 miles on it so this is a this is a pretty good one I don't know what we're gonna go with the grips and stuff but as you notice 1977 had internal wiring here that went inside so all the wiring is inside the handlebars so this is actually looking pretty good I will get a wiring harness is gorgeous all the we put a stock chain guard on it today it's got all that wiring over here is really really nice so it's all coming together pretty nice and we're going to offer this for sale all there replated bolts and everything a new clutch cable so this is this is actually looking pretty good underneath here is our cylinder head nice cylinder head spike Graham good and we took it apart we're just leaking oil so we're kind of moving along pretty good here now I want to show you what this is going to kind of look like this is the seat cover that we had done so I don't have the hinges on it yet but we will so this is um this is gonna be our baby here this is going to kind of look like we're gonna we're still gonna need to clean it up a little bit more and we're gonna get it fired up probably tomorrow we put the the cooker header on it if that's what we're gonna do I'm not sure but oh no this is really coming along pretty good I think this would be a cool bike and not there's anything for supper let us know okay well make it somewhere time here with the Wilsons bikes we're just about ready for the pain I sent the as we can see this is the tank we're gonna use we're gonna polish this on a little bit we're gonna put nice emblems on it in the tank it has been lined and it looks like they did a pretty good job of it there's let's put the put this on and see how it runs we're gonna run a fuel filter on it also just just in case sometimes I like lining them sometimes I don't some people really like it so anyway we're gonna put that tank on I've got the body parts out getting painted right now for it so basically the bikes about done we're gonna put some air cleaners on it we had a header laying around so get the header on it all the brakes are hooked up got a grab bar for it everything is working so all in all we've got a pretty clean piece here or I've got a few more things here and there to put on it and go put a better hold down on it a new ministry better it does have yes Kenny Stan's got a new maintenance-free battery and we're gonna do something with the breather we're gonna probably run a hose out of the back of it to the back of the bike and anything else Kenny if we got going on here okay well we're just going to show you their progress this is a very clean bike this could be this could be restored could be a really nice everyday writer we're looking forward to trying pretty good if you come over here underneath because we got going on her to the seat we have a maintenance-free battery in there we're gonna put the new bracket like Kenny was talking about right here to hold it down we somewhat had welded these hinges the hinge brackets back on and I just now notice we don't have the catch bar of this like 76 should have I'm sorry 70 70 I should have you know look into that or not we'll fix that or not but it's something that could be done get the right hooks in here and everything so I just wanted to show you everything that's done here so when I represented this as a restored bike however this would be a nice SEC economical bike to get started in the vintage Kawasaki and something probably ride for a while as is or this could be a good one to restore I'm leaning more towards this mica and I saw hot rod out of it and having some fun with it you kind of build it out of a lot of parts we had laying around done we're gonna take it for initial right up nan driveway a little bit wet out but still be okay and we haven't assaulted their drive wearing so it's okay but it's like in November it's not been a good month so Kenny's got this about old just about all done we've got obviously we're wedding to the painter is gonna be dropping us off the side covers and tail section anytime now so have some more final photos so this is the initial run right here [Music] [Music] [Music] as I see a young guy like that write a bike without control Jack Connor time [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are at Mile [Music] I'm Johnny motorcycle and we finally finished up project Wilson Wilson was an old buddy of ours and this is his bike thirty-day so anyway we showed the transmission of all the parts and everything we had a bike sitting for about three months and ahead up was a little seeping puddle oil about like this or so so we wound up replacing the engine cases on it we did just didn't need a Kawasaki that leaked so we're gonna start it up for you and show you everything about it I'm gonna my goal before it sells is I want to put a hundred miles on it so I can this got like a leaking gasket or something I can fix it before we sell it I don't know what sometimes when these older bikes it's it's like 30 years old already 40 years old you kind of got to keep on top of them and and when you first put them together sometimes you got a you'll find a loose bolt or maybe something not really that often but sometimes you do ok bikes a little bit warm I'm going to put the yoke on reserve [Music] [Music] we want a more butterfly for not bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] right Mike Hey 9050 miles on the motor gauges are nice everything seems to work still got the coating on the clutch cable the grips are growing on me they're pretty cool they're called Grand Touring they're not really bad but I haven't wrote them a lot tons of new hardware genuine bars the wiring goes through the handlebar as it did in 77 I mean this is uh this is a solid piece lots and lots of new bolts new Kenda tires front fenders a little gooned here I've got some marks lower legs could be polished out the spokes are pretty good the motor ships clutch is good got the original fuel valve on it the seats been recovered powder-coated pan the gas tank has been lined it looks like they did a pretty good job got like the individual air filters on it just tons of replated stuff I had the tank already painted it wasn't one of my buddies old tanks passed away a while back but it's pretty cool I had the tail section painted and the side covers were painted to match the tank and black these are held on with an adhesive from jb weld to the other side there's one extra hole here in the side cover when the guy paint him he didn't fill these in but I didn't tell him to so it is what it is shocks are pretty cool it's got a really cool pipe this is a very nice bracket setup right here I've got the nice spacer everything two foot pegs are nice nice front brake pedal the motor is genuine finish it's never been be blasted or polishing it's the way it came we painted the frame got the nice mounts everything the hook the spring it's clean it's it this would be a great bike to ride every day or back and forth to work whatever or be a good bike to restore if you ever desire to do that nice gauges nice headlamp bracket it's nice fork tubes complete brake job runs great we have a low cost shipping available two vintage flat track races or Ohio area races as we traveled quite frequently to that stuff [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Johnnysvintagemotorcycle
Views: 30,223
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Z1 900 Kawasaki, Zed 1, KZ, KZ1000 classic motorcycle, motorcycles for sale in, johnnys vintage motorcycle, vintage motorcycles, vintage Kawasaki, classic cycles for sale, vintage motorcycles for sale, classic motorcycles for sale, vintage motorbikes for sale, motorcycle restoration parts, antique motorcycle parts, vintage motorcycle dealers, retro motorcycle shop, Kawasaki KZ
Id: rljVQXR6IdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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