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welcome today we are going to compare the top two best flight simulator games in Roblox we are going to compare project flight and novice FS starting with project flight project flight costs 50 robuxs it has a wide variety of planes and the best liveries in Roblox FS the planes are highly detailed and has various moving parts and animations the game lets you choose from seven different airports Graphics in this game is good but it needs mid to high range PC to run smoothly there are a lot of setting time and weather settings to play with you can also simulate flap Geer spoiler and engine failure UI map and navigation is all so good future of this game looks really good as developers are bringing updates frequently game physics are a solid 8 out of 10 and there is always room for [Music] improvement and you can track the future updates from Project flight Trello which you can find it project flight Discord server new plane models plane cockpits jetway and an island with new airport is expected to come soon so the 50 roo you pay is worth the experience moving on next is Nova's flight simulator this game released a month ago and it is brand new currently there are two airports and two planes and they are really good the graphics are stunning with good lighting color saturation textures and small little details the game is solid and has few bugs even after being in Early Access the physics of this game is good but takes time to adjust to it but there are few bugs here and there which makes sense as it is an early access the UI is simple and easy to navigate you can customize your plane by changing between two engines and wing tips as this game is new you can expect a lot more planes liveries and airports in future the developers are also going to bring cockpits and jetways in future updates the future of this game is really promising and exciting so for conclusion if you have 50 Robux then buying project flight is worth it or you can play Nova flight simulator which gives close experience as project flight but with less content thanks for watching till the end don't forget to like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: RO Aviation
Views: 31,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0siC3bTAUSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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