Project Cold War - Arblast Guide (New Agent!)

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hey what's going on guys it is I Tetra and in this video we will be taking a look into the brand new agent ablast quick disclaimer this game is enclosed Alpha uh the play test has been extended to the 5th of February 2 a.m. UTC so if you would be interested in joining there'll be some details down in the description now let's have a look at the ablast I'll run you through what there is to know at this point um and then get into some gameplay so if you're not really interested in these stats talks then uh please feel free to skip forward to that gameplay now with the ablast you are one of the fire support agents this uh particular one is I think the new God of ranged DPM uh you hit like a truck and you can hit very frequently but we'll get to that so your early warning system or just the warning system rather uh basically pops a smoke screen when you take damage for 10 seconds uh same as the raise ability we have a single shock gun uh with a base reload of 12 seconds and base damage of 750 now this is where things get pretty interesting we have a Siege mode so by pressing the r key this immensely increases your Firepower it takes 3 seconds to deploy your vehicle is immobile while in The Siege mode and this can be deactivated by pressing the button a second time now what this actually does is it reduces your reload from what I can tell by about 60% and it also increases that damage you deal so I think it increases it to about a th000 now with the last ability here we have the thermal imager uh this is now the fourth veh to join the ranks of thermal Vehicles along with the reaper the Jager and the rare okay let's have a quick look see at these perks so on this you will see that there are no upgrades available currently uh perk wise for our roll perk we are running smooth moves to reduce our reload Time by 10% and then in your division slot we are running no your enemy for that improved uh crit damage uh by 15% I would also say that St pack plus would would be a outstanding choice because of this uh DPM buff and uh I think it would synergize very nicely with the siege mode lastly here we are also running the stim pack in our consumable slot uh for that 5% improved reload speed but yeah I think that's enough uh talking about this vehicle let's get it into some matches and show you guys what it can do hey what's going on guys okay we are loading here into our first match with the are blast this is the 6v6 uh single point contest mode I believe it's called domination and this for us is Just a Dream situation we will be able to snipe into people as they push towards SE and uh get to use our Siege mode to just really up that DPM and do some some truly gross things so I'm going to push forward here okay we've actually we've got a Target already so we're just going to okay now that wasn't a great shot a second not so great shot side of turet maybe for that am okay we miss it let's go for the engine I don't know where that one went okay we got a second hit there let's try and finish this guy off get that engine hit we've got uh the rear of okay we're actually going to go for the Kent cuz I I know that I can crit the Kent a little bit more consistently but maybe we can get amarak on the back of the aira's turret okay we're not managing to to find too much here the can's actually going forward okay feel like this is actually a bit hard to see I feel like that does not actually help H side turret am okay we get them finished off those coming agent okay we're going to roll forward here and try and get a bit closer in yeah because this vehicle doesn't have any upgrades it can be a bit hard to uh actually get those nice umy that like nice retical view okay we absolutely just yoink that ABS out of existence and now we are very close to what I think is going to be our our monster position beautiful where was I getting shot from behind interesting okay so we need to take that into account and try and maybe come up behind this guy seems like unfortunately a vur there I'm not sure if they were the person brawling with that Abrams that we helped but um seems that they didn't actually hold position so unfortunately we got flanked I kind of just assumed that we were safe there'll okay we want to see if we can't get a shot no I really want to try and get back up to that sniping mantlet or mantle rather yeah we haven't managed to do anything uh too crazy yet with the sniping but as I'm sure you will see uh this vehicle's DPM um is just insane it is unfortunate I think that the accuracy doesn't feel just a little bit better okay ricocheting off the Kent there let's see if we can't get that under okay no he's gone get a decent hit and go for another one get a fuel tank hit he's burning up okay and we're going to keep on pushing forward only got a few few more seconds here unfortunately on this match another 50 seconds not ideal beautiful we finally get that engine now I could be wrong but it looks like that man that man rather might be burning going to deploy our Siege mode again for this ABS okay we a track going to go for side got a nice Amor rack again going to put in another one don't manage to get the Amor rack there going to put in one more and finish them off and then turn our attention to the Kent no amarak one more okay that's the end of the game but I mean you do get to see this thing sniping potential and it just gets to hammer in those shells uh it wasn't a crazy performance from us there but I think it gives you a pretty good idea of what this thing could hypothetically be capable of uh in those good situations it is just un bit unfortunate that we actually did die um I really thought that there was somebody watching my my behind but there was not yeah um hope you guys found that helpful okay so we are loading in here in our our blast this is a 10 V10 mode so hopefully there will be lots of Juicy targets for us to be able to potentially pick off I think um being the true blooded sniper and support vehicle that this is I am going to try and take up a sniping post here and see if we can't maybe get some shots into the people pushing towards a this vehicle does very very badly in close quarters guys so you do need to be aware of uh just it its General lack of mo mobility and um it's kind of just well it's exactly that you just can't really keep your gun on target people just run circles around you you can see they're hitting for 900 at quite a decent distance and that's without a crit AE let's see if we can't maybe get a cheeky shot in against one of these guys okay well we've got him beautiful okay I think we're going to have to to move up and you can see there we're deactivating The Siege mode it's a quite a unique animation I think it's actually quite cool we're going to activate the siege mode again here and see if we can't get an under turret shot beautiful so yeah there's a Amor there under the H turret let's see if we don't manage to can know he's I think he's he's committing on going down we're going to try and get him to an angle here to maybe help a little bit but also as I said this thing does not do well in close quarters so I kind of partially expect to just get completely mted uh kind of like that e okay well that did not go as planned um I really wanted to finish up that Kent and then there was just a little bit more heat than I could deal with trying to think of um good angles to to go for because of how this vehicle really does just kind of need to stay stationary uh cuz it's not like you can just whoop Into The Siege mode 3 seconds uh does feel like quite a long time so needing to to be able to switch into that just to get uh firstly the higher damage on your shells it also improves your accuracy by the way so it improves your accuracy your damage and your reload you can see here uh when I do next activate it our reload will go from um 10 seconds to just above four which is a gigantic increase increase in DPM red auction and reload okay we're going to try and come up behind that Retta it does sound like there might be multiple Vehicles here seems our cira just finished off a Reaper okay we're going to go into the siege mode just so we can go through this guy's engine beautiful we finish him off there's an Aira going to go back into the siege mode to give ourselves that uh improved reload time again okay managed to get him finished off going to go out of The Siege mode and get into this cap now I think um we might be able to find a slightly better angle uh just behind this mountainy area where hopefully we can get some good shots uh towards people pushing into a towards people pushing into C and um yeah let's uh let's see what we can do here you can see this thing can get some gigantic crits and um when you get that reload down when you find that perfect position with your siege mode you just get to sit there and Mt people guys it's it's a damage output is really really insane okay we have some some action going on okay okay you know what we just need to how does that a bounce I feel like I just got robbed what is that it's another one okay going to just pop a heal here actually activate The Thermals beautiful crit there against the uh fuel tank now we got lots of people coming in track shot there going to see if we can't maybe get an Amor no my legacy of failing to to amarak airas continues okay we're going to need to to get out of this situation here we are very dead one de okay should have been paying a little bit more attention to that flank but I think there were three of them in front of us there so we really just uh wanted to get those shots but perhaps that was a little bit of negligence on my side um now if you guys do find these videos helpful please do consider leaving a like and subscribing if it helps out a ton uh I am really trying to grow my YouTube channel at the moment and uh all of these new views and everything is exceptionally helpful so yeah if you guys would consider doing that I'd really appreciate it thought you've won you're dead wrong Commander intellig reported clearing sector C you must be the first to the we're actually going to go back into the siege mode here ah okay so I have found that if you I must have been on Lower HP than I gave myself or than I than I thought I was yeah the the one place I have found aira's amarak to be is uh well right underneath it if you ever do see the belly of vehicles I'd strongly recommend taking the shot because it does seem to hit those soft squishy modules quite frequently yeah it seems there might be some contest going on on an e or no we're decapping so looks like they've cleared it out okay let's try and get the gun down okay no crit there for us unfortunately he's trying to go for that uh side SLB back turret um against the ablast yeah I I found that um the the side like over here is uh pretty much where the ammo is stored so so a good way to O what have I walked into I've walked into death that's what I've walked into was that just a whole bunch of oblast just camping out there no no that was a Reaper as well but two oblasts okay yeah not a stellar performance for me but I I don't really know where I can find a a sniping mantle on this map um I actually find it a bit easier if I'm on the other spawn to to find those sniping locations but uh it's it's not disastrous yet we're still we're still top of Team yeah I'm just uh looking forward to to Sunday which is uh tomorrow and uh needing to grind up that scoreboard to secure myself a spot on the leaderboard um when the close test ends I'm hoping that they will persist when the game does eventually go to release um I've managed to get myself to rank six but uh I had to drop off because I heard about the extended play test so been grinding up more vehicles to get more videos out for you guys okay managed to get a kill that I am going to see I can't potentially post up I want to see where we start sliding if I turn do I still slide slide okay we slide much faster okay turn on our smoke screen we should have reload on him oh okay so that our blast is clearly running his perks and stuff as well um otherwise we should have had the reload on him he must be running the consumables and the perks I was slightly hopeful we'd have the reload speed on him there cuz I know that uh a lot of players don't actually equip that uh 5% increased reload because um yeah I mean this obviously there's been so much content to get through there's a lot that you want to spend your money on for all your upgrades for your vehicles and um spending it on SIMPLE consumables seems like a bit of a waste I think in a lot of people opinions which is fair enough so not an amazing game there but um we do manage to finish top of team which is good but um I do think it displays that this vehicle really does struggle when it can't find a sniping mantle but yeah thanks for watching guys and I will see you in the next one
Channel: T3TRA
Views: 2,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Project Cold War, #Gaming, #PCW, #Arblast, #Tanks
Id: eEWz9GOas8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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