Project 8th Gen Civic Si - Hondata Flashpro Dyno Tuning How To

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welcome back guys i am excited because i finally have some free time and i am going to start doing some of the videos that i've wanted to do for a long time and i promised that i would do for a while ago um some of those videos are on this this 8th gen honda civic si i picked up this car a while ago basically just to do videos for you guys because i get asked all the time about 8th gen civics and i thought it would be a great platform to to use to basically answer some of those questions that i get um so i have a lot of stuff planned but by all means if you guys have specific things you want to know about these 8th gen civics by all means please post them up in the comments and if if it's doable i will try to do a video on it or answer it as best as i can the plan for today's video is to do some basic tuning and get some baseline power readings on this 8th gen civic this is a 2008 honda civic si unfortunately it's very high mileage it is it has 330 000 kilometers which is about it's about 205 000 miles so it's pretty high mileage i'm curious to see what it'll put down today with all that mileage uh hopefully it's still healthy it seems healthy but we won't know until i get some dyno poles done but the plan for today is to to do some baseline pulls with the hondata flash pro base maps and then i'm going to do a tune on it i get asked a lot uh how to go about tuning these cars and my recommendation is get yourself a honda flash pro because no matter what in order to tune these cars we we are technically tuning the stock ecu but we actually need a hondata flash pro in or in order to be able to interface with the stock ecu and be able to tune it so i always recommend honda flash pro because it works really well it will make your life easier in the long run and so what i have here is two honda flash pros the one on the left this is a standard hondata flash pro that you would you would buy if you wanted to bring your car just a tuner to get tuned or if you wanted to do e-tuning you need a device like this the grave the gray one that allows you to interface with the stock ecu it plugs in via the ob2 port and then a usb to your laptop to allow us to tune the factory ecu the the hondata flash pro is required and my recommendation is get a race version not the carb one because it has the race one has all the features unlocked whereas the carb one does not these hondata flash pros they are a fair amount of money but in my opinion they're worth every penny you can technically buy them used but if you do buy them used you got to make sure that it is an unlocked flashback if it has been used it has to be unlocked from the vehicle these flash pros are only good for one vehicle at a time if you go and install it and load a tune into your car it gets locked to your car and can't be used on anyone else's car but if you're done with it and you don't want it you can unlock it from the car and then sell it so that's a pretty good feature um so my recommendation is buy one of these so the week so you can get your cartoon now that being said if you don't want to invest in the hondata flash pro technically you can take your card to a hondata dealer i'm a hondata dealer and i can technically tune your car with this device this is a dealer version of the hondata flash pro i can i can tune your car by plugging this in and tune it but you do not get your own honda flash pro if you bring it to a dealer and they tune it with with their flash pro that being said i still even though i can tune this for you with my flash pro i recommend that you buy your own it is a worthwhile investment if you're interested in modding your cars you're going to want to know what's going on and this device allows you to always be connected with your vehicle you can plug this in it has bluetooth and you can download the hondata app and keep an eye on things check sensors make sure everything is running properly and also if you feel that there's something up with your car if you want to get your tuner to take a look at it if the flash pro is plugged in you can basically hit this data log button and it will start recording all the sensors in the vehicle and you can you can save that download it off the flash pro and send it to your tuner so they can take a look and make sure everything is working as it should be so my recommendation first step when you're gonna modify your car is buy a honda flash pro from there if you plan on getting your cartoon you're gonna want to have some mods you don't want to get your stock cartoon so at the bare minimum an intake and exhaust i would also recommend a header maybe some rdx injectors those are all great upgrades um if you want to go a bit further than that and and go full bolt on i recommend doing the throttle body as well if you do full bolt-ons such as a three and a half inch cold air intake an upgraded throttle body such as like a k-tune 72 millimeter throttle body a good header such as say a k-tuned header or a skunk two header or a plm header and an exhaust system you will get the most out of your car once you've done all those mods that's when you want to bring it in for tuning as a tuner we tune the ecu so the tune matches all the mods that are on the car and it runs as fish as efficiently as possible hopefully that helps clear up what's required in order to get tuned with all that out of the way i think it's time to start getting start working on this car uh before i get into it though i should share a little bit about the car like i said it's a 2008 honda civic si it still has the original k20 z3 engine uh k-tune hooked me up with a few parts for this car it has their three and a half inch cold air intake it has their header and it has their three inch exhaust other than that it is all stock still um my plan for today is to start off with the hondata a few of the hondata base maps i think i will do the factory flash first run that one make no mods just load that up see what it puts down then i will try um one of their flashes for for the performance mods that match this car as best as i can find after all that i will load up one of my base maps and i will tune it and see where we end up all said and done so the car is already all strapped down ready to go why don't i get started doing some pulls [Music] all right guys with the hondata flash pro plugged in and the hon data flash pro manager software up and running on your laptop it's time to load up a base map uh you base to do that you go to new calibration make sure that it has the right car selected and then hondata provides a whole bunch of base maps to try um today i've i've actually never really used the factory settings map unless it was a car that i've put back to stock and it's all completely stock so why don't i try to load it up and and see how it works i'm not sure it'll actually work very well on this car because the factory settings tune is designed to work with the stock air intake and i have a feeling that the uh three and a half inch cold air intake from k-tune is not gonna work well with this uh with this tune but why don't i load it up and see how it works and see if we can do a pull with it so it'll take a little while to load that up basically we select it and then hit upload so we'll upload that all right with the tune uploaded it's time to get up and running uh usually i like to key off the car key it back on and then turn on the data logger and start it up all right so cars up and running this is on the factory settings map and right off the bat i can tell it does not like it so right here we have air fuel and it is running extremely lean let's take a look at oh and here here's our short-term trim so this is how much fuel is being added to the stock tune it is adding 47 extra fuel and it is still lean this is because the the intake that is put on this car is way too big for the factory settings of the uh basically the scaling or the factory settings of the uh the mass airflow sensor that it's using to determine how much fuel to provide to the engine so uh i did want to try to run this map but based on how lean it's running it is not a good idea let me see yeah even just revving it the car starts to stumble so this is a good example of what of how how important a tune is if you go and install these mods and try to run it on the stock tune it's not going to work out very well so that all that being said uh why don't i load up a different tune and see how that works out so let's shut off the car [Music] let's load up one of the more applicable base maps that hondata provides there is let's see uh a bunch of different ones but i think this one here cold air intake skunk two header and catback exhaust will probably be the best one and the only thing i'm gonna do is turn off secondary oxygen sensor because again this card does not have a cat and it will eventually throw a code if that is enabled i'm not going to change anything else i am going to save this one we're going to call it the cold air intake base map [Applause] we'll upload this one we'll let it upload and then we'll start getting up and running again all right the tune is almost done loading just finished all done hit okay for good measure key off and then key back on the ignition turn on the data logger and start it up so let's see how this runs by comparison again it's gone a bit lean but the o2 sensor will start correcting [Music] and again it's maxed it out so this could be a problem with my plants um i may not even be able to use any of these base maps and you know what this is a good example a lot of guys will come to me for tuning because they try to load a base map and the car just doesn't run properly so i've loaded up two different base maps directly from the hondata library of base maps and so far neither of them are working out very well for this car uh this one seems to be running a little bit better it didn't stumble when i revved it but it is still maxing out the short trim which is going to be a problem why don't i let it continue to warm up see how it works and see if it will run well enough so at least i can try to do a baseline pull and if not then we're just going to go right into tuning okay guys well i've let the car warm up it's a 172 degrees fahrenheit and it has not improved it is still maxed out with short trim it's still running a bit too lean uh i might as well try rolling the car and just see how it responds but this may i may not even be able to do a pull with base maps base with these mods that are on the car so let's see how it goes it is not happy yeah it is not happy it is super lean unfortunately i don't think i'll be able to do any pulls with the hondata base maps which is surprising and the car stalled [Music] all right well it's funny how these things work out here i intended to be able to do a few pulls with the hondata base maps i thought they'd be pretty close and allow me to do to show you what kind of power it puts down with a base map and then what you can expect from tuning but um that's not going to be the case the engine does not run well enough with the base maps and in all fairness that's probably a good indication of why i'm in business and why us tuners are so busy every car is different and depending on the mods you will need to get it tuned for those mods so why don't i forget about trying to run the base maps and i will just load up one of my base maps get it up and running for tuning and share with you how i go about tuning this car all right base map is uploaded let's uh let's see if this is any better [Music] data logger on [Music] and so far so good we're not too lean we're not adding any extra trim it's fairly close i think i can work with this and uh see what we can get out of this car today so i'm gonna let the car keep warming up once it's warmed up then i will start going through and tuning so with the car up and running we can start to tune the way i like to tune is start off with uh conservative ignition conservative ignition maps so my ignition maps are pretty conservative and i have throughout the years i've developed i just know what these cars usually like for vtc so i have my base vtc map set up and what i end up doing is find is fine tuning all the fuel maps get all the target air fuels that i'm trying to hit and then i will go back through the vtc and the ignition maps and fine tune those so what i think might work best is i will show you a little bit of how i go about tuning the fuel tables and and then finish doing the car and then i'll share with you the final results with what this car likes best and so yeah the car is up and running i'm actually very happy with my base map it is almost bang on air fuel ratio wise i have actual air fuel ratio and commanded air fuel ratio and there's zero trim happening i have not made any adjustments to the base map this is just what i usually use to start off with tuning a car with these similar mods um so to actually tune this car because i have a load control dyno i will use the dyno to hold the car the engine at specific rpms so that i can zero in on the different load columns for fuel and basically zero in the air fuels so they match the the commanded air fuel values um so it's really hard to show all that i'm gonna put the camera outside so you can see some of see some of the the dyno stuff and again like i said i'll share with you the results all said and done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] all right guys all said and done i am super surprised by the results this car has a lot of kilometers on it it is at 330 000 kilometers or 205 000 miles which is way up there as far as i know this is the original engine um it it put down some great numbers considering it has very minimal odds it has the k-tuned three and a half inch cold air intake k-tuned header and k-tune three-inch exhaust and it ended up putting down 218 horse and 160 foot-pounds torque i revved it out to 85 vtec engaged at 42 and yeah this is the results um as i promised i said i would share with you the tune so let me jump in the car and i will show you what i ended up running for ign for air fuels what i ended up running for vtc timing and what i ended up running for ignition timing so give me one sec all right guys so here's the tune i'm sharing this with you with a grain of salt these settings worked well on this car this is not going to work for everyone's car but it might give you a good idea of what a tune should look like and maybe a good starting point i would probably not go as aggressive as i have gone with the timing this is my car i don't mind i watched knock i watched not count there was none i'm also running 94 octane pump gas in this so it is uh pretty knock resistant but anyways what we uh this is the non-vtec ignition map and this is the vtec ignition map so as you can see full throttle it's about 28 degrees of timing roughly 29 to 27 depending on the load um [Music] vtc i know everyone's always interested in vtc in non-vtec full throttle we ended up running 30 degrees vtc which gave it the best results i tested a bunch of different vtc angles this ended up giving it the best results usually i try to run as much vtc in non-vtec as possible because when vtec engages you usually end up running let's show you usually a high vtc angle about 45 somewhere between 40 and 50 vtc at vtech engagement so because there is a big discrepancy between non-vtec and and vtech maps for vtc you actually want to run as much as possible down low so that when it switches over to vtec it's as seamless as possible but as you can see 45 degrees of vtc up until about 6000 rpm and then i tapered it to 20 degrees vtc at redline basically at 8 000 um and it's a smooth transition as you can see um so that's vtc fueling my tables don't matter because they are specific to this setup but what i will show you is the air fuels so this is the final poll that i did i usually try to target about 12 and a half to one in in vtec all the way to redline because that is a nice safe air fuel ratio and it gives you a bit of room either way sometimes you will make a little bit more power if you lean it out up until closer to 13 but if it leans out even more than that you will lose power and it's detrimental to the life of the engine so roughly around 12 and a half to one is ideal for these engines so uh that's about it uh like i said i would share with you what the tune looked like anyways that's about it for this video let me know what you guys think if you liked this video if it was too long or whatnot and if and or if you want to see different things uh i have planned for this car uh uh intake shootout i have a bunch of different intakes to test out and we will see how they affect the performance of it as once i've done that i also have a whole bunch of different throttle bodies i'm gonna test out and we'll see how the throttle bodies uh affect performance so let me know what you guys think what you want to see i will do my best to try to accommodate so again thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed it and i will see you again soon bye now
Channel: Tuning by Nick
Views: 8,513
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Tuning, by, Nick, Honda Dyno Tuning, boostedboiz, pfispeed, speed academy, vtec academy, humble performance, FA2, FA5
Id: S6FXTq_l-p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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