Profit Crafting a +2 Righteous Fire Sceptre | Path of Exile 3.21 Crucible League

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what's up PV homies Jay we're here with another video so we crafted this RF scepter today if you want to see how we did it we're going to go through the whole process and I'm going to show you guys all the different steps it's pretty easy craft and it's a pretty nice profit margin if you want to craft these so all right let's get into it first step in the process here we want a pretty good base usually and grab these a volceptor we're looking for like uh probably around 32 on the implicit we'll grab this one with no tree put up four hours ago at a level 85 okay come on let's do the trade trade request should be 14 divines for a plus one all spelling skills ball scepter with item level 85 looks good so the next couple things we want to do on this after here are we want to make it look like we actually tried so we also want to put 30 quality on it I usually don't go as far to enchant it uh so we're gonna use a bunch of perfect fossils here this step is probably not mandatory for most people but so hopefully get 30 quality here I might just stop it like 29 29 uh we probably just stopped there okay so next step we're gonna do here I have a lot of uh scorched fossils in these resonators and that's what we're going to use to craft it and we're basically trying to hit plus one fire spell skill gems if we don't hit that we can't really do anything with one uh or the scepter rather and you want to hit burning damage on the suffix or fire damage on the settings it's got to basically be T1 fire damage on the suffix uh scepters are kind of interesting because even if you have fire damage on the suffix you can still craft a fire damage on the prefix which we're gonna want to do with a multi-mod craft at the end as the final step now we could hit a really crazy scepter in this process which is one of the reasons why doing profit graphing is always really nice because you could always hit something super crazy in the process that's not what we're going for but it could happen right [Music] foreign [Music] if not there we go okay and we have burning damage so this is a nice one uh this one has fire dot multi on it um this one we have to go with a YOLO and all I'm not going to keep it in the state because if that fire.multy was higher we could keep it here but we're gonna YOLO and all the burning damage suffix is exactly what we want with the fire spell scope jumps there's a technique I'll use if we were to get to this stage without that fire damage dispels in the prefix we would be able to do something with it but because we have the fire damage to spells in the prefix it's a Caster mod um and we can't really protect our Caster modifier spell skill gems so we're just going to try to YOLO and all here if we remove the burning damage or the uh plus one we're gonna it's gonna be bricked and we gotta go back to doing fossils right so we remove the dot multi there that's fine and we remove the other one okay we actually normally what I would have done there and I kind of forgot to do it actually um well we remove the dot multi first so we still had the yellow note but another technique you do here is so this is the scepter this is the sector we did it's done I decided I wanted to go in and show you guys uh how to do this after if you don't get Super Lucky like I did which I kind of wanted to have a little bit more trouble in the video uh for the video Scorch fossils [Music] okay so this is a good one this is a good one right this is kind of ideally what you want to end up with so what I would do here is we would go to suffixes I'm gonna go to crafted suffixes down here I'm going to put on cannot roll Caster mods now like I said this you can just YOLO a null right here the cost is going to be probably about the same but I like to do this because it saves time right because I don't want to spend a whole lot of time crafting stuff right because the time you spend doing things in the game is you know what gets you currency which makes you more money and all that stuff right sorry one second my cat is uh Lola's freaking out right now anyway we're gonna put cannot roll Caster mods on here and that's really just to protect one of the two things we want to keep so we're gonna have a 50 50 or really just a one in three to hit crit multi-off because we do not want crit multi so but we have a one and three to hit Caster burning damage or crit multi now we can't hit fire spell skill gems so and then it's a two and three to not break it if we hit the burning damage we break it so this is what I was talking about in the video um we didn't really get to this stage because we just hit two YOLO nulls which was really lucky so hopefully we hit the crit multi here on the adult oh we hit the burning damage so this would be the point when we go back to the fossils right so that's one Divine off right and then you'd also have to remove the crafted crafted mods and you go back to fossils but let's say you get back at this point right we do a little control Z we annul again and this is kind of more the typical experience you're gonna get okay then we took off the Caster so we just have to put the Caster back on all right this is a little bit more of the typical experience you're going to have when doing this right this is what's going to drive up your profit margin or or delete your profit margin if you're crafting for profit right okay we took the Caster mod off again that's another minus one divides right and then finally third time there it's a one and three right you shouldn't get that unlucky most the time but that's the main thing that's gonna that's gonna delete your profit margin when you're doing this craft is is we're putting the cast cannot roll Caster on there and annulling right now you don't have to do that it's still it's a one in three to take it off and it's not that expensive to keep spamming for fossils although you can get pretty unlucky and not hit the fire spell skull gems and burning damage when spamming for fossils so it's a pretty good idea to do the count Out roll Caster that's what I usually do when I do these and I usually you know come out pretty good on the profit margin when they're done so that's what I would recommend and that's kind of the method there that we didn't really get to see in the Reel when we crafted so this this receptor has gone really smoothly and just to show you guys like how uh how easy this craft is that's that's basically the last step so we're pretty much done with it now so now all we do is we just um up to three crafted mods now this is the part where this is also going to affect the value a little bit and we're gonna go fire damage now you want to have this increased fire damage chance to ignite which is a veiled mod if you're going to do these you want to make sure you have these build mods I think fire.multy which is the other thing we're going to craft on is also a veiled mod so you're gonna have to have those if you want to get to craft these uh the burning damage is kind of a low Roll But tier two is good tier one obviously be the best thing we could get on the suffix with this method so this is a little bit nerve-wracking here doing this part uh just to explain when you put this on with a multi-mod you can't re-roll it so whatever you hit 51 to 60 is what you're going to end up with and let you define it which we might do if we hit like three really bad roles because the burning damage is already pretty bad so let's craft 53 that's that's pretty bad so we're looking at maybe just throwing a Divine on this thing at the end uh which isn't something I'd really recommend doing but this one's got such low rolls on everything we might do that so fire down multi also we hit 20 on the fire don't multi so I'm not sure if this would really be worth it to binding the fire dot multi it's probably one of the more impactful ones we're really only losing with four percent plus another seven percent so like it could be 11 better on the increased damage but it's done so this this is a really easy craft to do I've been doing these for profit a lot as you can see we spent probably hardly any fossils this one was really easy to hit usually it's a one in 100 I think we only spent like 30 or so fossils to hit it and then we got lucky on the anols a lot of times you're looking at doing probably like a number of the anole attempts so every time you put cannot roll Caster on it's going to be one Divine so if you install it off it's another divine right so and then the fossils it's like a one in 100 and it's probably about a Divine for the fossils and the resonators for about a hundred so you're looking at doing that at least a couple times so you're usually looking about five divines or so in uh investment into crafting it plus the base right and the base cost us 14 divides this time we got really lucky and then we have 116 burning damage with our implicit 32 percent with our suffix burning damage and our crafted prefix fire damage right so we can look at this with craftedfire.multy how much is this going to be yeah right around 35 divides is what I've been selling these for what was our cost on it we spent probably less than a Divine in fossils and resonators which is not normal do you not think you could do this and just spend like 30 fossils and uh hit it and be done after a noling that was uh pretty abnormal pretty lucky but we're happy about it for sure and then what else are we spending we got to spend two divines on the multi mod the crafted mods not really any expense there just like 10 divines to put it on or 10 chaos I'm sorry to put it on not to binds and then the base was I think 14 right so we're looking at probably um right around what's that uh 1617 divides to craft it and we're gonna be selling it for around 35 maybe less I might drop the price on a little bit to get rid of it faster before I post the video because you Savages are gonna go try to craft a whole bunch of these and bring the price down on the market which is absolutely fine honestly the margin is really good on these and you're kind of limited to something else I wanted to talk about here in the video is you're kind of limited to the number of bases with plus one all spell skill fractures on like relatively good bases like volceptors void receptors and other things that are available for people for you to be able to do this so if everyone tries to go watch this video and do that themselves they're just gonna probably run out of scepters on the market that you're able to use to do the craft so I'm not not too worried about people flooding the market on this but just look out for it it's a it's a really good craft to do for profit crafting but doing a bunch of these this league and obviously when I make these videos um for crafting and showing you guys like good profit margins it's going to get worse but hopefully you learned something in crafting the video and how to do these R receptors maybe you're playing RF you want to do one yourself so you don't have to you know get your profit margin marked up real high by somebody like me crafting for profit and you know you can get yours for a little bit cheaper so there you go guys and that's gonna do it for this one so thanks for watching [Music] thank you
Channel: Jwar
Views: 31,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YfqyYdsHics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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