Professor Messer's 220-1102 A+ Study Group - July 2023

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okay we are live with today's 2 2011 zero two Core 2 A Plus study group this is the pre-show where I try to look around to see if I have everything that I need is everything working the way I would expect the answer oftentimes is a decided maybe um we've got streaming looks good we are recording down here you can see my cylons are going that's my video recorder down here uh everything else looks good chat is up hey chat room hope everybody's doing well thanks for being here in this first hour the top of the hour we've got about nine minutes left we will do uh questions I have new questions every month I have new questions and this month is no different I have questions this month for you from the core two and then in the second hour it's just sort of open questions whatever you'd like to ask you're more than welcome to ask that uh Mouse in the chat room from Saint Vincent checking in welcome good to have you here good to see you again uh some folks in Lake Jackson I'm not sure which Lake Jackson it is if it's the one around the streets around the corner from me or if it's the other ones one of the many other ones there's many Lake Jackson's uh we got St Pete is checking in there's Florida people hey Florida people Tacoma WA I'm assuming that's Washington we've got Houston is here Texas in Austin has made it we got Fort Worth Lots Texas there's Orlando hey Chris in Orlando thanks for being here California Virginia there's Jacksonville Florida Chattanooga been there in a while I need to get back up there Puerto Rico is here thank you for being here got the UK checking in Baltimore Columbia South Carolina nicest people in the world in Columbia by the way uh we got Apopka very close to Orlando Central Florida checking in North Carolina Camp Pendleton is here Seattle Central Illinois Western Kentucky I don't know if we could really just go go through all of these they're now they're now going so fast you can see what I see because this is the chat right right here going up the screen I can't I can't quite keep track of all these in Denton Texas and Maryland and Louisville and Toronto Canada there's Canada so at least I can tell Mrs Professor Messer that Canada has indeed checked in for the day we've got to at least one folks one one group of people one connection so that that's all you need we're good uh we got lots of folks in Canada to check in we got we got Kinfolk up there as we tend to say here in the South um we have family in uh in Cananda so we gotta we go up there from time to time they do let me in and and more importantly they they let me leave they tell me to get out you can't stay here go away and then I leave I come back and they say you can come back sometime but not soon maybe later like so okay we'll come back later it's not true we can we have a good time up there um as long as it's not winter that's the only thing I'm in Florida I have no concept of cold I have no understanding of what it is or how it works there's there's a lot of mystery around cold that I just never grew up with like wait you go outside and you have games that you play in the cold I don't understand don't get it it's Florida we don't know we're we're very ignorant of the cold well it's not true half of Floridians are very ignorant of the cold the other half come from places which are cold so that's that's why we see that already checking in thank you Jimmy for the 1.99 Super Chat no specific message in there just uh oh Jimmy says Hey Prof there you go I'll take that thanks so much for your support we appreciate that for those of you that are here it's not in time it's not necessary that you click the Super Chat button it is appreciated but certainly not necessary yeah you can watch this whole thing for free you do not have to commit any dollars to this but Jimmy we sure appreciate your support of what we do here thank you for that uh we've got some folks who are checking in from all over hopefully some of y'all ready for a core two study group did I say y'all some of y'all ready for Core 2 study group and we also do that here we say y'all a lot um it's it is quite the setup it's really more monitor than anything else it's just tons of screens uh that all are doing different things but really there's there's not much here on the table there's not much on the desk there is a mixer you don't see that on the screen there's the video switcher you do see that on the screen you do see the streamer on the screen my computer which is these two an iPad that we're about to use for slides and this is actually running the slide so it's not it's not too crazy there is there is a bit of crazy but not a lot well there's yeah it's kind of crazy I'll have to agree now that we've talked it out I have to agree with you some of it may be a little overboard but this is my boat so this is that thing that you buy that you end up just sinking money into and you think well we could make it bigger and we can make it better and so we do and then why are you buying all of this stuff for the studio I don't know I had to it was important that's that was our reasoning so but because it yeah because it looks great it looks cool look how cool this is now there's there's uh there's plenty on the left and right too yeah there's there's all kinds of equipment in here uh so I I have plans to reorganize uh most of the networking and video switching and audio are on the right side on the left side then on the right side is mostly recording streaming that's my streaming box that you barely see down here I wonder if you can see it through the dust let's uh let's have a look and see so you've got uh video there that is being recorded uh there are two separate recorders you can sort of see the top one there that's cut off the second one in the middle and the third with those four slots are for they're just an SSD reader so I just slide my ssds into it and it's connected to my system via um Thunderbolt and then at the bottom is the streamer it's really just tiny little box but I've got it rack mounted with this empty space on both sides uh and that's it I got a lot of room on that side I can move some things around like I said it's never done we're gonna let's try moving it here let's make this larger why am I why can't I fit another monitor in here that's these are always the questions maybe I could put some up here but then they get in the way of the lights so that's that's kind of how that works there's always something there's always something to do I noticed they came out with some newer video switchers I'm thinking oh I could use a newer video switcher that would be pretty great there's nothing wrong with this one it works great but that's it just gets you thinking maybe I should get the new one maybe I should the fact now is that everything works amazingly well it's it's like clockwork we have a good uh a good chain of of audio and video that we've got set up here it's it works out fine so I don't have any plans to modify a lot of things anytime soon but it's nice that uh we have some options not going not going 8K yet nobody wants to eat 8K for this 4K is fine uh with those all right let's see if I can get adjusted here let me do a quick check around me somebody was mentioning on the last study group hey it's dark in there well yes it is the one of the now of course on the the front video that's not dark at all because it's all lit from the Sun side but the back has no light I actually have plenty of light in here when I'm not doing a live stream there are sliding doors and windows but I cover all of that up because I have a very specific lighting configuration in here and settings in the camera and to have them consistent every single time you need control of the lights so I close up all of the light when I'm doing a live stream or recording content but when I'm here everything's open I can see outside there's you can see dogs running by and the rain coming through I can see everything so it's just uh it's a nice setup I agree it is a nice setup that is actually fireplace Bobby that's not a not a green screen that's a real thing that's that's my that's my real life uh real life setup that's a real room that's what I see every day when I walk in I keep saying we are going to make a green screen out of that we really should just for just for I don't know why but maybe maybe we can use that later we'll have to say yeah 8K would be a little ridiculous you'd be seeing every little problem I try to put on the a filter so this looks it looks 20 years younger um and then but if I go up to 8K you'll think whoa what oh what happened uh that's that's what that's for so we we won't be doing 8K well we're just about ready to go here let's see if I can get um oh it's super bright why don't I do that that's not what I want I want Keynote will keynote work give me a green light yes got the green light that looks good cameras are good recording is going stream is going uh do we have uh we do we do have Graphics everything everything appears to be in order so with that I think I'm I'm in pretty good shape here I think the last thing we have to worry about just is uh making sure that I can remember everything that's a whole different kind of problem but now it's the top of the hour so it's time to get this thing started let's get it going uh let's begin right now hello everyone welcome to the July 2023 Professor Messer a plus study group this is specifically our Core 2 A Plus study group for the 220 1102 exam which as you will find out in just a moment is the latest version of The Core 2 exam available today thanks for being here in this first hour I will ask you questions that come directly from the compti exam objectives and in the second hour we'll open up the chat for any questions that you might have one nice part of this is that there are new questions every month so you will probably find something in here that you haven't seen before we've got a lot to go through but before we get started let me tell you how all of this works if you are here live you're watching this as we are broadcasting it then you can answer the questions online with everyone else who's watching the way that you would do that is to pop open a new browser window and go to this URL QA there'll be a question waiting for you on that screen there's all also a mobile app that you can get for this is called the Socrative student app Socrative is the name of the service we use for this voting that we're doing and the student app is the one that you need make sure you get the student app from your favorite store and of course it will ask you for a room name the room name is professormesser all one word p-r-o-f-e-s-s-o-r-m-e-s-s-e-r make sure you spell it right or you won't find there are any questions in the room waiting for you and nobody nobody wants to be in that position uh this question that you will see Pop Up may look familiar to you and that's because it is a question from last month we call it our rewind question uh actually it will not show you the question yet because I haven't pushed the buttons on my side apparently that's an important consideration when you're working through the the details of this but once you finally get into Socrative you'll see a question that says which of the following can be used to configure a win Windows system for booting without the graphical splash screen would that be bios boot order user accounts device manager system configuration and power options now if you know the answer our general rule is that you answer this online at the URL listed on your screen that is q a that's all you need to know is that URL and you can select what you think the answer is please know answers in the chat room please know hints in the chat room that is our standing Rule and we will come back to this question in just a moment once you lock that in I want to thank you for being here we do one of these study groups every month when we're not here with a live stream we of course have a lot of things going behind the scenes we have daily a plus Pop Quiz questions you can find those questions over on our Twitter and our Instagram at Twitter and Instagram if you're on LinkedIn it's also on LinkedIn at LinkedIn I need to add that to my list and of course I have a lot of things going on video wise we of course have these live streams we do and we post them to our YouTube channel you may want to think about subscribing there and clicking that Bell it sure is something that helps us a lot and you can find that at YouTube today we're going to ask you questions that come from the 220 1102 exam that is one of the two exams that you have to pass to earn your a plus certification these exams were released on April the 20th of 2022 so they've been around about a year now we still have many years before these go away we expect that these will be retired somewhere around November of 2025 so if you're studying for your a plus right now in July of 2023 you've got plenty of time no worries there and this is a 90-minute exam you could get a maximum of 90 questions and the 1102 exam expects you to earn a 700 on a scale from 100 to 900. so is that 600 out of 800 I guess sort of but not really the grading system is a bit unusual but CompTIA doesn't tell you how they grade anything my recommendation to you is just don't worry about the grading part so much just do the best you can on the exam and if you make ovary 700 you've passed that's your only goal is to get there at a 700. so maybe that's something you can work towards once you pass your both of these exams you are certified for three years regardless of what they do with exam retirements once once you pass and earn your certification it really doesn't matter what they do with the exams you're already certified so that's one of the advantages of being certified is you no longer have to keep track of all of those retirement dates or anything else you simply just need to renew your certification every three years we have a number of different topics that we'll be talking about today on the 220 1102 The Core 2 exam is what we call it we're going to talk about operating systems security software troubleshooting operational seizures and potpourri once we get through the the details of that we'll step through a number of questions with those uh we will have an entire study group available and of course I've replaced this study group available on my website and on YouTube immediately afterwards I also create an audio only version that I distribute in a podcast format you can find that at podcast along with all of the podcast links for all of the study groups that we do you also can find these podcasts on your favorite streaming service so if you are on Spotify or apple podcasts or many of the others Google podcasts our podcast is out there as well you may not even need to download and configure anything to listen to the study group also let you know that about a day after we complete the study group there will be additional information added to the YouTube video description in the way of time stamps my marketing manager Lori hey Lori she's going through this whole thing probably at 2x speed and she is putting down all of the time stamps so that you know exactly where the questions are where the answers are and maybe what people have asked in the after show it's kind of a nice thing to have when it goes back for years hopefully that can help you find some things you may be looking for you may have remembered something from a previous study group maybe you want to go in and have a look at the video description to see exactly where that might be when we are not here doing a live stream we're almost always in our Discord you can find myself and many many others that are studying for their A Plus network plus Security Plus and even other certifications in the Professor Messer Discord you can join that it's absolutely free there's nothing that you need to do go to Discord or use the Discord icon that is the upper right on the Professor Messer website well now also let you know that eventually you will need to take your exam and you could certainly go to the CompTIA website and pay full price for that but if you you live in the U.S or Canada I have discounted vouchers available on my site you don't have to know a discount code you don't have to add any special enhancements or extensions to your browser you simply go to vouchers and all of the vouchers are already discounted what could be easier I also since you're coming coming to my site and purchasing these from me I want to give you something additional that you simply cannot get from the CompTIA website which is my exam hacks book I've taken many of these CompTIA exams and many others through the years in the IT industry and after taking so many certification exams I've come up with a list of tips and tricks that helped me study for the exams and some tips that might actually earn you additional points when you are taking the exam these are all documented in my exam hacks ebook and if you purchase a voucher on my site you get the exam hacks with it for free the only other way to get the exam hacks ebook is to get one of my bundles one of My Success bundles that is the only bundle where the exam hacks is available something you cannot buy separately only available with a voucher or with any of My Success bundles find out more about that at vouchers let's talk about this question I asked earlier the question is which of the following can be used to configure a Windows system for booting without the graphical splash screen would that be a bios boot order user accounts device manager system configuration or power options let's see how you answered this particular question we see that we're a little bit split we have 47 percent of us that say it's system configuration and 45 percent that say it is bios boot order that's effectively a tie for first place and then everything sort of drops down after that five percent of you say power option means two percent of you say device manager and one percent say user accounts so if we had to choose it's probably between those top two the BIOS boot order and the system configuration so we the real keys to this question was configuring windows for booting without the graphical splash screen so what we would like to do is see where we might make that change and probably the best place and the one that happens to be one of our options that is on this list is the system configuration this is a separate utility that you can run for the system config it can be run at msconfig.exe and you can see that you've got a number of options to choose from when booting your system this can be really useful when you're troubleshooting for example so you can tell it to boot right now into a safe mode and you can specify what level of safe mode you would like you also have options for creating a boot log when it boots up doing base video configurations which is the VGA configuration if you think you're having some type of Video issue it can show OS boot information as it is booting I like to click that one and just have it as permanent so that I see everything popping up and listing out whenever the system is booting and you can of course say no graphical user interface get rid of the splash screen so that is exactly where you would go to make those changes it's the system configuration and indeed if you answer D 50 of you got that one absolutely right which by the way is much better than we did last month being our rewind question so well done with that it would not be the BIOS boot order 42 percent of you chose that one because the BIOS determines what happens before the operating system starts we're talking about the Windows system configuration for booting without a graphical splash screen now there are and especially the modern bios a graphical splash screen that boots up for the BIOS and you may be able to modify I depending on the BIOS you have you may be able to turn that on or turn it off but that wasn't the question the question was about which of these can be used to configure a Windows system for booting without the graphical splash screen and the answer is system configuration answer D and 51 percent of you got that one absolutely correct now one of the things that you may not realize if you've never taken one of these exams before is that the exams are not just multiple choice so for example this was a multiple choice question where you had a question and then you had multiple answers to choose from so even if you didn't know the answer for that particular question you had 20 percent chance of getting it right just by guessing well CompTIA wants to make it a little bit harder than that so the first handful of questions you get on your exam will be what CompTIA calls a a performance based question a pbq you'll sometimes see folks abbreviate that as the performance based question is one that is well anything but multiple choice it can be fill in the blank it could put you in a command prompt and ask you to perform a function it could be a drag and drop question it could be a matching question it could be putting things in a particular order it could be anything but multiple choice now the good part about this is that they're not going to ask you things that you don't know about they're just asking you the things you already know in a different way in a way that is not a multiple choice question so these are still topics that come from your exam objectives they're still the things you've studied in the videos and the books and the course notes and everything else that you've done the difference here is that they're presenting it to you in a different way and I have for you as I do with every study group the very first new question of the study group is a performance-based question and our question today is a matching question I even made it a little bit easier than the matching questions you would get on the exam because they got a one-to-one question for you today this matching question asks to match the description and in this description I have five I have five different options there and five different I guess abbreviations and then five different selections to choose from now as I'm trying to to sort of break in and get this this on your screen I'm seeing messages on my screen in fact just so you're aware of what I'm dealing with behind the scenes that's the beauty of a live stream everyone is that eventually I'm telling it to go the next question and it tells me you know what Maybe not maybe we won't go to the next question so we may or may not be able to use Socrative going forward in the meantime for those of you listening on the podcast side especially let's talk about this question which asks match the description I have five different acronyms DRM MSDS Eula rmm and p i i and now I also have for you five different descriptions and they are terms of use for an application limiting the number of backups not well written there from a grammatical perspective but you know what we're dealing with we also manage a system from a remote location the third is only licensed systems May launch the application the fourth is a user's full name and address and the last description is used batteries should be delivered to a local disposal site now while we are working on that I'm going to maybe finish my activity online some of you that are online may be seeing weird things happening with Socrative right now and that's because I'm making clicking noises on my side to see if I can get this back up and running again for you so that you can answer this question and can we no something definitely went wrong with this one uh maybe I can edit this and get it up and running for you who knows who knows what may be going on there and see if I can edit the one that is causing us these big problems I don't think uh it's anything that I've done we do these for for a a lot a lot of different uh study groups we do it for extensive uh numbers of study groups and so it's been really a rock for a very long time I don't think I've ever had this specific error show up but I'll try a couple of things to be able to have this here so hopefully you'll be able to log in in a moment let's find out if it doesn't launch we will just do the best we can with what we got so let's launch the 1102 this is teacher paste I'm going to not require you to put a name in we'll give you that first question and nope it's not going to work everybody is not going to do it for us that's that's sort of sad I may be so some of you you can see it well I cannot see it which doesn't help me very much so we may change a few things in the library once we get through this question if you think you know the answer I would tell you to go to a URL and answer the question but instead think to yourself what the answer to this question might be and we'll simply go through the details so those online some of you can see it it is a manual question the problem is I can't control it I guess that's really the biggest problem we have here so you're probably on your side seeing it pop around and things are changing and nothing's working the way you would expect I'm going to try to launch it one more time nope it's not going to work for me so I'm going to um see if I can change a few things with it while you answer this question again match the description I have DRM MSDS Eula rmm and p i i and in each of these I'm wanting you to tell me either the terms of use for an application limiting the number of backups managing a system from a remote location only licensed systems May launch the application a user's full name and address or and or used battery should be delivered to a local disposal site so we have a number of different options to go through why don't we step three through them I'm going to launch this one more time without the question we had here before and we're going to see if we can at least keep things moving in the study group so let's step through these one at a time we'll start with DRM DRM it's sure it helps a little bit if we're able to uh know what the different options might be or what these abbreviations might be so this is one where the DRM that is there we should be able to match with digital Rights Management which means this would mean that only licensed systems May launch the application DRM obviously is a very broad term it can describe a lot of different controls but in the list of options that we had that was really the best best option to put with DRM or digital Rights Management MSDS is the next on our list you should match that with answer e used batteries should be delivered to a local disposal site that's certainly another one you can think about as being an option next on our list for Eula Eula is the end user license agreement that stands for terms of use for an application limiting the number of backups that's a perfect place to put those terms and describe how that piece of software can be used by the end user that's why we call it an end user license agreement next on our list is rmm managing a system from a remote location rmm is a great utility to be able to do that especially if you are a service provider and you have many different customers very common to use rmm for management on these local systems and lastly we have pii there's our pii for a user's full name and address personal information especially personally identifiable information or pii does qualify as something like a name an address a phone number or anything else that can be tied back to you so that is or those are the answers we were looking for DRM is best matched with only license systems May launch the application MSDS is used battery should be delivered to a local dispo proposal site we have Eula which is terms of use for an application limiting the number of backups we add rmm managing a system from a remote location and pii a user's full name and address so hopefully you were able to match these up on your exam these will probably be harder because what they tend to do on the exam is give you four or five abbreviations like this and then give you seven or ten different descriptions so you tend to have more just more of one side than the other which definitely increases the difficulty level because it's not a one-to-one match you know that's one of the nice Parts about doing it this way is I can match these up but I felt like I should give you one that was a little bit easier than what you might get on the exam plus we have limited space on the screen to be able to do that and I can fit in more of these descriptions and things if we do them as a one-to-one as well so get you a little bit more information thrown into that hopefully you did well on that matching question that was our performance-based question of the week let's keep moving and do another question that we have this one is not going to you can ignore the QA that's there because I'm still not able to use the QA functionality that we have online maybe next time we'll be able to take advantage of that but at the moment not working the way we would have hoped unfortunately but that's that's live uh that's live streaming for you so let's look at this question it asks a Soho router opens a port in the firewall each time a specific application is used which of the following would allow configuration of this feature and I'm trying to bring this up in a way that I can show you I don't have a contingency for this how do I how do I even do this so I have for you I'll just show you the the raw screen of these so that we can break these down maybe I can zoom up on it here we go the possible answers are s SSID broadcasts content filtering DHCP reservation UPnP toggle and port forwarding obviously you won't be able to type anything there just just think about what you would like that particular answer to be in the meantime oh there's one thing I didn't change or I didn't modify so I'm going to try reloading this poor website and see if we can get it to launch properly because it sure would be nice to to have those plugged in as we go here so I'm going to give you the question so you can at least read that that might be useful and we'll see if we can get some of these answered nope it's not going to work for us everybody we're just going to show you on the screen so that you can follow along with me and answer those questions the Soho router support in the firewall each time a specific application is used which of the following would allow configuration of this issue so this is uh the options of SSID broadcasts content filtering DHCP reservation UPnP toggle or port forwarding we've got a few options there that you could choose from which one do you think it would be we'll have to see as we step through these which ones it might be that that is the real challenge is breaking down these in my case I give you five different options on the exam usually get four different options to be able to do that but these are the options available to you hopefully that is something you know the answer to or think you know the answer to I'm going to to bring up on my side a spreadsheet so that I can sort of track this along with you I think that would be useful I don't know if I'll be able to show that to you but I will certainly have it I know people on the onsa on the website are saying I can see it fine on my side which is great I just can't see it on my side so the fact that you're able to see it doesn't help me very much so we'll have to figure out what we can do with this as time goes on so hopefully in your mind you've locked in the quest locked in your answer let's go through what we believe it is a Soho router opens a port in the firewall each time a specific application is used which of the following would allow configuration of this feature is it SSID broadcasts content filtering DHCP reservation UPnP toggle or port forwarding let's see what we believe the answer to be and I think in this case having a router open a port every time you start an application certainly speaks to universal plug and play or UPnP that is exactly what we were looking for that is the answer that provides that so hopefully that is something that can that can help you understand where this might be UPnP is that's this is what it does is you start a particular application the application checks to see oh is the firewall that you're using currently have a port open so people can access this service that I am starting up and if it's not it tells the router hey please start that up and if you have your router configured with universal plug and play you'll often see it abbreviated as UPnP if you see that in your router configuration it will simply open that port number without you even knowing it it does it automatically now you may say to yourself well that seems like something that can be very handy because I don't have to worry about manually configuring any of these particular port numbers the problem of course is that uh it you don't know that it's going on and it's opening a port it's opening a hole from the internet into your local network and if there is some type of security issue associated with the application that is using that Port you could be opening yourself up to anyone on the internet gaining access to anything that might be on your local network and we certainly don't like that and that's why usually the best practice for universal plug and play is to universally turn it off and not use it there would have to be a very good reason to have universal plug and play turned on ideally you would not be using that if you want to learn more about that I have it in section 2.9 of my 220 1102 course the video name is securing a Soho Network I think manually doing something like configuring ports uh that is that is where that should always be is on the manual side you never want to have a security situation where it simply just opens the door because because it seems like it's a good idea I don't know that's a great idea either so hopefully not hopefully that's that's something you ever run into we don't know how many people answered that one I think all of you got that one right we're gonna go with that we're gonna say that your UPnP toggle which was answer D was the one you chose and you'd be absolutely right if you chose that one it would not be SSID broadcast those are used to let other devices know that your wireless router exists whenever you list out all the wireless networks that are in a particular area it creates that list by listening in for all of the SSID broadcasts and it creates the list based on those you could turn off SSID broadcast it would make that disappear from the list but if somebody knew the access point they could simply manually type it in and connect to it it's not a security feature it's more of a convenience feature we have content filtering that will allow or disallow someone from visiting a particular URL or other types of content on the internet that doesn't have anything to do with opening ports however a DHCP reservation means that a particular device or particular MAC address on the network always receives the same IP address configurations that is reserved for that system it does nothing to do with opening port numbers has everything to do with making sure that certain devices always receive the same IP address and then lastly port forwarding which is certainly something that you can configure in your router it's a it's a more convenient or more uh end user friendly way of saying network address translation or Nat and network address translation like port forwarding can be done manually in your router but that is something that you would configure not something that means that it is automatically done each time you start an application the only thing that seems to fit the description of what we were looking for is indeed answer d u p n p toggle and that is the answer that we were looking for well I think we made it through that question pretty well I have no idea how you did maybe you did great but we will have to come back to this and see what other options are available let's do another question though I've got one for you this next question asks a user is having a USB issue on their tablet which of the following would provide additional troubleshooting details for this problem would it be jailbreaking cloud backup developer mode Bluetooth pairing or side loading all real things all have to do with tablets and mobile devices let's do the question again it asks a user is having a USB issue on their tablet which of the following would provide additional troubleshooting details for this problem would that be jailbreaking cloud backup developer mode Bluetooth pairing or side loading and I'd ask you now to lock in your answer but you can't do that because we're not able to lock it in at this point we've got that great error message that comes up at least I have that on video I can pass that along to the folks in tech support saying here's what I saw it's this message that pops up on there I will say however even though we're not going into Socrative and locking in our answer we will keep our same rules though no answers in the chat room please no hints in the chat room please we will keep moving through this there's some folks in the chat room asking some questions about uh other things specifically Security Plus I'll be glad to answer those questions in the next hour just uh wait for us just be the uh you can always say that uh and then we start the next hour of q a you're able to ask questions in the chat and I think that would be a good time to address some of the questions you might have about Security Plus so keep those in mind hopefully I can remember what you were asking when we finally get down to that particular View uh while we are doing this I'm going to very quickly maybe thinking that this is something that is only uh uh only a temporary problem I'm going to go through and see if I can oh look look I'm able to click again so I'm able to do questions oh no it went wrong I went too far and it went oh it's doing so well and then something I went too far and it was something I thought we had it I thought everything was fine uh so I'm going to leave that question up even though that's not the question because I have no control of this so I'll leave that question up and we'll simply just keep moving through the questions that we have here I love this by the way uh let's keep going with this question users having a USB issue on their tablet which of the following would provide additional troubleshooting details for this problem is it jailbreaking cloud backup developer mode Bluetooth pairing or side loading I think in this case the best choice that you would want to use is developer mode these are it's of course named for application developers to be able to gather more information about us how a system may be performing but these can also be used by non-developers like those of us in it because we may want to see information about how the USB devices are performing or more detailed memory statistics of what might be there or maybe even some additional settings that normally you don't have unless you turn on developer mode can be extremely useful in iOS and iPad OS you you would enable this using the xcode front end that is the programming front end that is used to develop applications for that platform or those platforms the xcode software only runs in Mac OS so if you're developing applications for iPad Os or for iOS which are Apple devices you must use an apple desktop operating system to run that particular application if you're running an Android you can turn this on inside the Android Itself by going to settings and about phone and here's how you do this and I'm not making this up you tap the build number seven times so it's not obvious it doesn't just say turn on developer mode and give you a little toggle switch it's you have to go to that screen and then tap the build number seven times and it will work it does where I tested it I made sure that the website that gave me this documentation which was the Android documentation I thought is somebody pulling my leg on this one is that a real thing no it's a real thing totally works there so at least you have some options from these uh developer modes what we were looking for that is the right answer answer C is what we had jailbreaking is a way to modify the firmware of these devices that's a pretty extreme thing to do for these devices but um and it doesn't help you get more information about the USB drive at least not necessarily so that doesn't help uh from a USB troubleshooting perspective Cloud backup great for backing up our systems if you lose your phone don't worry about it just buy a new phone I guess I do have to worry about paying for the new phone but I don't worry about my data because all of my data is constantly updated and backed up in the cloud so even if I was to break my phone or lose my phone right now I could buy a new phone tell it to download and update date from the cloud and everything is back to the way it was before the phone was broken we also have bluetooth pairing which helps me connect to earbuds or some type of external device but has nothing to do with troubleshooting a USB problem and then lastly we have side loading side loading is where you can install apps onto your mobile device without visiting the main App Store this is something very commonly done on Android it is a of course a definitely a security concern but it is one of the options you have available you're not able to do that on iOS unless perhaps you first did the first option jailbreaking then you could do side loading so I guess it depends on how you're managing your mobile devices that is the answer we're looking for answer D Bluetooth pairing was the way to get more troubleshooting information about USB on our mobile device well that's uh that is a lot of information and we've only done a few questions at this point it gives you the idea that perhaps there's more to these exams than perhaps we knew when we jumped into into our study process and indeed if you look at my video courses for both the a core one and core two 137 videos just a lot of videos that you would have to go through 19 hours of content and it covers Hardware networking security operating systems uh and so much more lots of information in all of these and I realize not everybody has time to go through every single video so what I did was take everything that was important in these videos and I put them into a single document these are my a plus course notes and they are designed to give you a summary of everything from my courses they're available in both the digital form you see online there and of course a physical form a printed book form which is identical in content but it's just one that you can take along with you in this printed high quality soft back sort of uh book case now one one thing about this is that everything here is available in the digital form if you buy the physical form so you'll have to wait to have this delivered to you because it is physical but one of the nice things about it is uh you'll get the digital for free so you can at least read through the digital form of my course notes before you get off to uh waiting for the actual book to arrive which of course those things do take take some time you have to have to wait for things to get delivered I need things now I need immediate views of these course notes and you can do that the instance you purchase you can download them right away no waiting at all I have both core one and core two course notes on my website I have practice exams on my website at bundle all these together so you can buy them by themselves but you can also purchase them in a bundle which might save you a little bit of money if you need those extra course notes or extra practice exams find out more about that at 1102 notes now before we go to this next question I'm not even going to click away from the question because I was at least able to bring up the results on here what is showing the USB side now hopefully you see the next question that comes up let's see how long this is going to work which says a help desk has been informed of a planned maintenance downtime from their ISP which of the following would be the best way to inform the organization of this event would we use standard operating procedures an incident report the off-boarding process a knowledge base entry or a Change Control process again let's go through these a help desk has been informed of a planned maintenance downtime from their ISP which of the following would be the best way to inform the organization of this event is its standard operating procedures incident report off-boarding process knowledge base entry or Change Control process and in this case it looks like we at least have some control of our q a back so if you think you know the answer go to the link on your screen QA I see a number of you are locking in your answers right now so plug those in get those answers put in and make sure you read through the question and make sure you not only understand the scenario but make sure you read through what it's asking of you which is extremely important I know it seems trivial to say that but it actually is pretty important on these exams I will go through these exams a good example I'll go through a question like a performance-based question that wants me to put things in a particular order and it may go from high is the lowest well I put in from lowest to highest well that I wasn't reading I was going too fast so make sure you don't run into that scenario either make sure you read through the entire question I know it's difficult in an exam situation it's very tense there's a lot of anxiety but it is important to read through and understand everything that you see there let's see how you did with this one the question asked a help desk has been informed of a planned maintenance downtime from their ISP which of the following would be the best way to inform the organization of this event would it be through standard operating procedures incident reports off-boarding process knowledge base entry or Change Control process let's see what the different options are we have about a three different ones that everybody seems to have focused on standard operating procedures got 41 percent of the vote we've got Change Control process at 34 percent of the vote an incident report at 21 of the vote and then only three percent said knowledge base entry and two percent said off-boarding process well in this particular case this is something where we have been informed that an outage is going to occur and it's just something that's a planned outage from our ISP so one of the best ways to uh maybe you're working at the help desk and the Call Comes in hi I'm calling from your ISP to let you know that we are planning a scheduled downtime on Saturday from 1am to 3 A.M done there you go now what do you do where do you go what's the next step well if you're on a help desk one of the great things that you will have available is a list it will tell you what to do if a particular situation occurs and they try to cover every scenario of what it might be so something like this you would probably refer to that list that we call our standard operating procedures it's one so that we know if if this event occurs what do we need to do to be able to handle this issue if something has an outage what do we do do we call someone do we open a ticket do who do we call uh what if it's a weekend what if it's three in the morning there's a lot of different scenarios and different things you would work through what if suddenly uh there's a bad storm and the roof starts leaking right on top of the data center what do you do there's got to be a procedure for this do we call facilities do we call it management do we call a plumber what do we do what's the first do we call someone to fix the roof at three in the morning uh what what part should we go with on this so a standard operating procedures can really be that step by step to really help you understand what to do when a particular scenario occurs and this is a really good example of that because we had someone call to remind us or tell us that there will be an outage well nothing here uh is really stands out more than the standard operating procedures because that's our list of what to do in fact the question asks which of the following would be the best way to inform the organization of this event and if we look at the other options none of the other options really provide us with anything that helps inform the organization of this issue because everybody needs to know there's going to be an outage not just the help desk not just the network team not just it management everyone needs to know there may be an outage if we look at at Change Control process which is an incredibly important process in any organization but it really focuses on letting a small group of people know that changes are going to occur this is not a change this is an outage this is a planned outage by an ISP ideally nothing is changing during this outage we simply lose connectivity to wherever this is going and then when the outage is over we gain our connectivity back but we didn't change any routers we didn't change any firewalls we didn't load any software we didn't unload any software we made no changes so a change control committee that process would probably not be the best way to inform anyone or certainly not the entire organization of this particular event we also have incident reports and incident reports are very important when an incident occurs but in this case we don't have an incident yet we just got a phone call where somebody said we're going to have an outage and it's a planned outage it's not really something that we didn't know was going to happen it's probably in the contract with with our ISP so this is one where we don't really have to create a report that this happened that's usually when it's something that's unknown now maybe after the outage finally occurs we can create an incident report but that reports really for us to use an I.T that incident report is probably not going to be shared with the rest of the organization and it's after the fact so informing the organization of this event afterwards isn't going to help anybody they need to know before it goes down that it's not not going to be available during that time frame you're still going to have people that call you by the way and say you know I got an email last week that said the network was going to be down at one in the morning and then I got here at one in the morning and now the network is down so I wanted to let you know that I saw that the network was down and I wanted to open a ticket that happens all the time that's just normal I have a lot of people by the way in it they get very frustrated over those situations we told them it would be down they're calling that they either saw the message that it was down or if they didn't see the the message that was down they're still calling us and they get frustrated over that I think don't get frustrated you should embrace that that's fantastic I will be more than happy to help you with that thank you for giving me a job thank you for giving me something to do so this is the reason we exist is to let people know I got you where you're Clearinghouse if there's questions we'll be able to provide those answers to you the phone's ringing are a good thing it's never a bad thing to be in a position where somebody wants information from you uh other answers on here like uh the last two on this list are knowledge base entry that doesn't help anybody informed that anything is happening I think we can all assume that nobody's going to see that knowledge base entry maybe ever so that's not a really good place to inform anybody of what's going on with the ISP and an operating process is what we would use when somebody either leaves the organization or moves to perhaps a different division within the organization there's a set of processes and procedures to make sure that the right rights the right permissions and the right data is collected and other things associated with someone who may be leaving the organization that is an off-boarding process in this case though the best answer the one that makes the most sense is the standard operating procedure that's the one you should choose and if you chose answer a 44 of you got that one absolutely right let's do another question shall we now before we do this next question let's see if it's going to click on my side so we all get to do this together usually don't see me clicking the answer to go to the next question let's see if it goes to the next I'll see I know this is why I wanted you to see what I deal with whenever these things break so something indeed Went Wrong by the way when that's I need to get a screenshot of this uh of the whole page I don't have the whole page it won't take a screenshot when my uh my cursor my smart cursor there is up so something went wrong it's okay I got a video of the entire thing so we're good with those let's see what our next question happens to be this question asks a technician is troubleshooting an issue on an Android tablet which of the following file systems would commonly be associated with this device and in this particular case I don't think we'll be able to move over to that particular question but I do have it up on my screen and your possible answers are NTFS FAT32 apfs exfat and ext4 all of these by the way I'll give you a hint all of these are file systems all of these are real so I'm not giving you any fake answers in here the question again asks a technician is troubleshooting an issue on an Android tablet which of the following file systems would commonly be associated with this device is it NTFS FAT32 apfs exfat and ext4 and I realize of course that we are not able to see this in the chat but of course I do mention uh as always please no answers in the chat room please no hints in the chat room we're just going to go through and break all of this down and be able to see what we are doing you will not in this particular case be able to answer like we did the last one sadly instead you will be able to see what's on my screen think about what the answer is and perhaps I will hear your thoughts this has turned into something completely different now than what we started as this is one of those where there's a list of different file systems that are in the compete exam objectives you should be familiar with all of them and you should be able to look at all of these file systems and say I'm the the most common use of this is for this particular thing and if you can do that in fact we'll do that on all five of these let's see if I'm able to do it on all five of these when we step through it some of this will be a giveaway when we look at the answer but then we'll have to figure out the rest I think we could do it so again the question asked a technician is troubleshooting an issue on an Android tablet which of the following file systems would commonly be associated with this device would it be in TFS fat 30 to apfs exfat ext4 what would it be what do you think it is well let me tell you what some of the file systems are that you might run into out there well a good example of one might be ext3 xt3 that is the extended file system ext3 a nice file system of course primarily focused or primarily seen when you are in Linux that's a very common or or has traditionally been a very common file system defined in a Linux operating system we've also got one that is update to ext3 it's the ext4 the fourth extended file system this is one that you would of course find in Linux but you also find it on the Android operating system ext4 there you go those are the ones that you would find in this list and that is what you would indeed commonly find associated with yes the that particular operating system with the Android operating system so hopefully that's that gives you some ideas some things that you can sort of break through to see what the different options might be but we had other other types of file systems on this list so let's see if what the other options might provide for us so let's start at the top we know that ext4 was the answer e that was our right answer if we go to the very top in TFS the the NT file system quite literally named for Windows NT that is one that's commonly seen in Windows it has been updated of course through the years no longer just for Windows and T but for any of the Windows operating systems that you would find and I think if if you ever go through and look at what the Windows operating system does within TFS there have been updates to the file system throughout the years and and they have continued to add features and additional capabilities that make it a very very powerful file system if you're running Windows you probably should be running in TFS we also have FAT32 prior to NTFS being so popular one of the most popular file systems for uh not only dos but for Windows was FAT32 it's an older file system we don't tend to see it used on newer systems these days it has limitations to how large of a single volume you can have or how long a larger particular partition can be and a number of other considerations that limit its functionality in our modern world but still a very popular file system if you need to share data between operating systems fat the file allocation table and FAT32 have been around for so long that so many different operating systems can read and write to FAT32 which makes it a good mid uh or or way to move data between different systems because they all can recognize that file system these days though we we tend to find a lot of different capabilities with operating systems and you no longer have to have FAT32 just to transfer files between systems any longer there's other ways to do this as well one of the most common being X fat we can think of this as kind of the replacement for FAT32 it's a very common Opera file system that's used across multiple operating systems it's primarily focused on flash drives flash drives are are what we use most commonly to transfer on what we call a sneakernet we plug it into a system then we put our shoes on and walk over the other computer and plug it into that system instant sneakernet and expat is the most modern file system for and really designed for these flash based file systems there's a lot of flash capability in xfat and the fact that it's something that multiple operating systems can read have made it effectively the de facto replacement for fat 30 E2 so that helps too and lastly we have apfs the Apple file system if you're running a Mac OS system you may be running apfs but it's not something you would uh certainly not something you'll find on an Android tablet you would probably only find that running on Mac OS which means our answer here that we came up with was really the best answer ext4 is the one that would be associated with an Android tablet and you wouldn't commonly find any of these other file systems running on an Android tablet well that at least gives you at least a question to think about before we go to our next question I always keep jumping back to see if I can make the question continue through and so of course oh was I able to do it it seems to be slowly moving through our list of things so it looks like I do have a question that we can all vote on as we go through it the question asks a technician has downloaded a security patch from a developer's website which of the following would be the best way to verify the Integrity of this download would it be full disk encryption hash verification login credentials https encryption or compare file sizes a technician has downloaded a security patch from a developer's website which of the following would be the best way to verify the Integrity of this download would it be full disk encryption hash verification login credentials https encryption or compare file sizes if you think you know the answer please know answers in the chat room Instead at least for this question you can go to QA and lock in your answer we see a number of people locking in their answer right now it's kind of nice to have this voting system we miss it when it isn't here so hopefully that's something that uh that you can work work with is vote there while we have the chance you never know when it may go away this is one of those by the way I always wonder and one day when I when I log into this what happens when the uh when this whole system goes down well I need to find something else so someday we're going to get there uh folks in the chat room are saying why can we select more than one answer well because the online system allows you to select more than one answer I'm obviously only asking you for one so if you select more than one answer you'll get those wrong so that's that's sort of how that works again please no answers in the chat room please no hints in the chat room we'll see if we can work it all out online go to the link that's on your screen go to q a to be able to lock those in and see how you do a lot of you have answered these so let's see how you did with this one the question again asked a technician has downloaded a security patch from a developer's website which of the following would be the best way to verify the Integrity of this download would it be full disk encryption hash verification login credentials https encryption or compare file sizes let's show the results of how we did 79 percent by far was the the largest answer we got here for hash verification 15 of you say it's https encryption we have five percent that say compare the file sizes and then one percent a piece for login credentials and full disk encryption apparently that's not where people wanted to go with this one so if you wanted to verify the Integrity of a download you would most likely use hash verification this is one where when you are on a download page and here's a good example of a download page they would have a link for you obviously to download the software here's information from a download site for Ubuntu where you can download the entire Linux distribution and with that they include a sha-256 hash you can see the big hash is listed there along with the individual ISO file and you can see that each file has a different hash associated with it and that's the way that hashes work is that each one of those woods so we would download the file I would on that website click the download download the entire file and then once the file is now on my system I can run a utility there's lots of free utilities to do this either the command line or in Windows I just went to the Windows store and downloaded hash Checker which was absolutely free in the Windows store and I had I selected shot 256 I put my file list I I selected the file that I wanted to choose from which is the live server AMD 64 ISO and there's the live server amd64 ISO and it spit out for me a hash of the file that I had downloaded so the real key is does this particular hash match the one that was on the website and if they match then the file that I downloaded is identical to the file that exists on the website so that is a very good use of hashing that's one of the most common uses of hashing is to verify that the information you have matches the information that might exist somewhere else and we do that by looking at one this is really the reason we call these fingerprints we call a hash fingerprint of what's there because we can check the fingerprint just as we can check your fingerprint are you really say you you are that person let's check your fingerprint see if that's the same person who is here last time well we can check this and see the website shows a hash my local machine shows a hash those hashes match therefore we know that we have exactly the same binary file that is listed on that website a great way to check integrity and in fact that was the answer we were looking for didn't really fool very many people eighty percent of you got this one right hash verification would be the best way to verify that Integrity now 15 of you said https encryption which is certainly a great way to transfer data it's a good way to download files from a website it encrypts all of the information as be as it's being sent across the network but it doesn't provide you any way once you have downloaded this file to compare it to the one that may be online that doesn't help me I have no way to check Integrity I downloaded it with encryption so other people couldn't see what I was downloading but now that I've got the file how can I verify that this is the same file that was on the website there wasn't anything changed between now and then well HTTP encryption is not going to do that but hash verification absolutely would if you were just looking at file sizes you could change one of the bytes of this file from a one to a two from an A to a b doesn't take up any more room in fact it's exactly the same size as the original file but it's not the same data the Integrity has been compromised so we know that file sizes can help us to a point if there was a there was a difference with the file sizes we would at least know there was a difference but what if the file sizes are the same doesn't necessarily mean that the data inside of the files is the same a hash however does look at the data inside the file and that's why answer B was really the Right One login credentials would either allow you or not allow you access to a system has nothing to do with checking file integrity and full disk encryption although it would keep your data safe when it is on your local Drive does not provide a way to check the Integrity of that file after we downloaded it the only answer here the one that makes the most sense the one that most of you chose was indeed hash verification and eighty percent of you got that one absolutely right if you're watching this video for continuing education unit it credit I would love to send you an email that certifies that you have earned a one hour webinar category ceu the way that you would receive that email is that you must follow these directions you go to the top or the bottom of the Professor Messer website there's a link there that says contact us click that link it will bring up a form and when you type into that form you want to put your name your email address in the subject line please put July 2023 Core 2 so that I know where this came from and then in the body of the message on a line by itself put the super secret code word of the month hash verification hash verification is the super secret code word of the month I receive those it usually takes me about a week to turn those around but I will send you an email that gives you a one hour webinar category continuing education unit credit or a ceu a ceu use can be used to help renew your certification and there are some organizations that like to use those CEUs as a way to verify your own professional training that you do so it's uh not just for CompTIA but primarily I would imagine for CompTIA hash verification so again top or bottom of the website click contact us put in your name your email address the subject line please put July 2023 Core 2 and in the body of the message on a line by itself put the words hash verification and then if you want to put anything else in there you could I do read through every single one of these it's nice to get little messages from folks letting me know what they've done when they earn their certification what they're working towards uh just a way to kind of keep me up to date with what's happening that is the way that you can earn that ceu give me about a week to turn those around I'll get those into your inbox I know we've been going for about an hour now but I'd like to do another question this question though I don't have up on the screen now so let's bring up too many pictures of me there we go so let me bring up on my screen another question this one is not going to be in Socrative so we don't have to worry about that this one is a little bit different because one of the things I found especially and you've probably seen this too when you start looking around the internet at the different practice exams that are available some of these practice exams out there are just awful they are they are not good at all and what I've found is that there are questions people will have practice exams that tell you that they're for the latest version of the exam and then you dive into the practice exam and it's outdated info they they're giving you information that's not even covered on the exam anymore or the explanations they give are nonsensical the answers don't make sense and they don't give you a lot of information on the answers to begin with well I thought there would be a better way to do questions and answers so I wrote my own practice exams book these are the Professor Messer practice exams as everything else there's a digital form and a physical form as well this is a 380 page book it has three separate practice exams inside 90 questions in each one of those five of them the questions are Performance Based and 85 of the questions are multiple choice all of these questions I have written all of them I have verified match the current version of the exam they provide you with extensive information and why don't we do one right now let's do one right here directly from my 1102 practice exams book again no answers in the chat room the question asks a user on the headquarters network has opened a help desk ticket about their Windows desktop when starting their computer the login process proceeds normally but the Windows desktop takes 15 minutes to appear yesterday the desktop would appear in just a few seconds which of the following would be the most likely reason for this issue would it be a slow profile load an incorrect boot device order a faulty Ram or an incorrect username and password now this of course is a PDF so if I wanted to annotate this PDF I could take a stylus and write on the screen I can select and color in different things if I think I know the answer or if I'd like to make it different colors I can draw different things on the screen and annotate that way as well but be also because this is a PDF and I'm on page 11. the answer to this if you just want a B C or D is on page 33 and you know you'd have to scroll through Page 33 that doesn't work very very well especially when trying to get things done on your system there's also the details which is what we would like to see that's on page 64. but instead of scrolling through I put links in the book so I can simply click on the details it moves me to page 64. there's the question at the top and here are the answers that are here now I've got me in the wrong place here we go the answers that are here and the answer shows that it's a slow profile load and you can see an explanation of why that is the correct answer for this question now the problem I always have and probably the biggest problem I have with today's practice exams that are available is that I get a question wrong I really want to know why I got the question wrong it's an opportunity to learn more about these exam objectives it's an opportunity for you to be more prepared for the exam that you're planning to take so in my practice exams book every incorrect answer also gets a full description of why that is the incorrect answer and I'll even tell you that even if you got the question right I highly recommend that you read through the incorrect answers because when you get to the exam you may not get a question dealing with slow profile loads but you might get a question dealing with an incorrect username and password so it's useful to go through and learn from not only what was right but learn from what was wrong as well now if you went through the question you didn't understand any of it you think perhaps I wrote it in a different language perhaps there are abbreviations there you weren't ready for at the very bottom of this list is a link back to the video where this particular question came from and there's even a hot link that you can use on your system and a QR code if you have this in the physical form so that you can watch the video that contains the information from which this particular question was pulled those are my course notes and if you want to get your hands on these course notes you can bundle them with or my practice exams you can bundle them with my course notes and get a little bit of a discount but you can find them on my website go to core2pe to be able to look through and see if those course notes might be something that can help you prepare for your core 2 exam this is uh by the way also a great way to support what we do on this site a lot of you have provided us with a lot of details along what you were hoping to find and what you would like to see and I think that's another way that we can help you towards your goal of earning your a plus certification another thing that would really help you earn your a plus certification and is to know what's on the exam and one of the best ways to know what's on the exam is to look at the exam objectives some folks may not even know these exist these are perhaps the best resource when you're starting your exam studies and they're the best resource before you go to take your exam because they list out everything you need to know for the exam for example I'm going to pull up a list of the the exam objectives I have here well I thought I would perhaps I will not what I was thinking of doing was showing you these I'll show you these in the right here there we go nope I'll show them the after show so that you see by the way they are free you can download them directly from the CompTIA website and that is a perhaps one of the best ways to know if you have everything you need to be able to pass this exam they tell you everything it really is quite remarkable so take advantage of those I also have a link over there you can go to objectives you can also just go to your favorite search engine type in CompTIA exam objectives it will take you right to the page and make sure you look through those they will list out everything for you well I know that a lot of you have joined us today for this study group we do one of these core 2A plus study groups every month we do two a plus study groups a network plus study group and a Security Plus study group every month we have already done our two for July so in August on August 8th and August 10th we also have a plus study groups that we'll do we have not done our Network plus and Security Plus for July those are next week we'd love for you to come back then we've got Network Plus on Tuesday of next week and Security Plus on Thursday of next week same schedule that we had this week we're just doing them for Network plus and Security Plus next week which is kind of fun also want to let you know that even though we've kind of Hit the end of our hour and me asking you questions stick around for the after show where you get to ask me questions whatever question you have about technology about I.T about it careers or about anything else you're more than welcome to ask them in the after show so stick around for that don't forget about my course notes and practice exams you can find that at 1102 success and of course don't forget that the discounted vouchers are available on my site don't pay full price for your vouchers on CompTIA site go to vouchers and you can of course purchase them at a discount if you live in the U.S or Canada also let you know that we are all over the Internet you can find us on our Discord server Discord and don't forget about our our daily Pop Quiz questions for a plus you'll find that at Instagram slash YouTube slash Twitter slash everything else LinkedIn we got a lot of things there to go through that's another great place to go is to follow us there hopefully that's giving you some perspective active on some of the things you can learn for your core two thanks for joining us in this first hour stick around for the after show we'll take a five second break and we will be right back and we'll see you next time on the a plus study group okay well there's nothing like technical problems to really get the blood pumping on a live stream so there you go that's kind of how that how that works making those happen uh now is the point where I would like you to ask questions of me it's our after show let me move over the chat room so I can see what everybody is doing hello chat room and we'll be able to kind of break down the questions that you have if you'd like to ask questions about technology or anything else uh certifications whatever whatever you would like to you can do that by joining our chat either the one that's on YouTube which is the one that I'm looking at you could also be on my live Channel live there is a chat embedded on the page it's the same chat so you don't even have to go over to YouTube it's very conveniently located right there on that page something you can work through it's sort of the way things work yes I think I thought it was okay even with those technical problems occasionally you run into problems like that and you just keep going just keep things moving uh I've worked as a systems engineer for so long in the industry and have had demos suddenly go south on me if you're someone who's worked in the system engineering field you know you do tons of demos every day you walk in you tell somebody about the technology you have you describe how it's very useful for what they're trying to do or it solves the problems that they have and let me show you how it works and you demonstrate the functionality of the software one of the challenges of course is that sometimes things break your internet connection goes down your local system fails maybe you've got some buggy software these things happen so I think that's where you can of course uh address some of that by learning ways to divert away from the problem or explain what we're seeing on the screen as the problem is occurring uh but the important thing is just to keep going if it ever throws you off uh the customer can smell the fear and you do not want to be in that position uh you want to say yep that that happened to me today I thought we would run into that or it looks like we're having an internet problem now but if this was working you would see this uh and it works fantastic and you're just gonna have to take my word for it and I'll show you more once we're done here I have a great video on it those types of things just just be prepared for the issues that are there and what we would usually work through let's now step through some questions that folks are having in the chat room let me first address the question that I saw earlier where somebody had mentioned that they had found a book for Security Plus which was the sy0501 version of the exam and the chat room was nice enough to explain to them that's not the current version of the Security Plus exam the Security Plus exam is currently the sy0601 it's a newer version but only one version newer and so the question that was being posed was can I use the 501 book to study for the 601 well one of the problems though is when these exams are updated from one version to another they are often also in the situation where they're updating a lot of the content and between the 501 and the 601 there was a lot of content that was updated the 601 uh or I guess I should explain the 501 if you were reading that book only contains half of what you need to pass the 601 exam so if you studied from that 501 book and you walked in to take a 601 exam the best possible score you could reasonably hope for would be 50 and I got to tell you 50 not a passing score so I always tell people look at the version of the exam that you have uh look at the study materials that you have available and make sure they match and if they don't match throw out the old stuff and go get new books go get new study materials that match the version of the exam that you're planning to take that is so important it could be the real difference between getting anything done uh and working through that so that's a that's probably the best thing I can offer you is to not be put in that position where that might happen I'm going to quickly put up this slide for a moment while I adjust things on this side pardon me a second I'm going to move this over here let's take some questions from the chat room shall we I'm going to scroll up a bit so I can find some of these that are coming in and some of the things we would work through well the question we had earlier about hashing was a good one where someone said well where do I get this hash from I've downloaded a lot of stuff from the internet and almost never is there a hash on the website which is true it's it's very unusual for an organization to put the hash right there on the website some most of the time you won't find a hash but for something like a security patch for a Linux distribution for something that's a little bit more focused on the administrator side or something that a security admin may be using they will often put a hash on the web page and you'll see it there so uh don't worry that there's not one if you're on a site downloading something there's not a hash you just won't be able to to confirm that what you have downloaded matches what they have on their side that's unfortunate but you when you see one when you finally get to one of those sites and you're downloading something like oh they got a hash there let me try this out so I would say go try downloading a Linux distribution or some folks in the chat that said they sell this all the time when they would download Linux distributions and that would that's what I would recommend as well that's a good place to go and maybe somebody else here has some ideas of where you could go to get uh to get that to work uh let's go through some other questions that some folks have put up I'm just going to scroll through uh the list of these so uh let's address this one because this is sort of a combination of different things uh this is Dr nunyabiz which I'm more than happy to to talk through these names who asks is exfat compatible with NTFS for file transfer well we're looking I think we're we're conflating a number of different Technologies in a single question so let's break this one out and I'll tell you how these work a file system like xfat a file system like NTFS is a standardized format for storing information on a drive or on an SSD on a storage device there has to be some standard way to put the data on that drive so that next time when a machine wants to read the data it understands that standard format otherwise it would have no idea where things were stored you'd have to have some some predefined way that everybody understands how data is going to be stored on this drive so that data can be easily read and written from that storage device so one good way to do this is with uh with xfat if you have a flash drive exfat is a very common standard way to store data on a flash drive NTFS is a very common way to store data on a drive for the Windows operating system but if you starts if you had an NTFS drive and you took that drive out of a Windows machine and you brought it over to a Linux device you may find that you are not able to read anything from that drive because Linux by default may not have the drivers necessary to understand an NTFS type format in TFS is a it's effectively a proprietary format for Microsoft so NTFS is not something that you will find available on every operating system on the world so that perhaps is not going to work very well for you you'd have to put that any Windows machine for it to understand in TFS or how data is stored on that drive in the NTFS format so uh transferring files though have nothing to do with the format at least not initially if you look at it very broadly anyway obviously we need to understand the file system to be able to load that file into memory but transferring it over the network is done using SMB maybe FTP maybe you're transferring it in a browser with https there's some other network protocol that's used to transfer between systems at that point we're not on a storage drive so the file system on the storage drive is not as important but that also means that we're pulling it off of let's say we're pulling off a Windows system within TFS we pull it into memory now we take that file and we send it over to a Linux machine using FTP using https using something very common between the two on that Linux machine it saves it on its storage drive but it doesn't save it as NTFS because Linux by default doesn't know what NTFS is and instead it stores it into a file system local and that machine probably ext5 or something very similar maybe using some of the other more advanced file systems that are not necessarily part of the 220 1102 there's a lot of other options available inside Linux for that so fortunately you don't have to worry about the file transfer and how it's somehow associated with the file systems because file systems and transferring a data over the network to completely different things you don't even have to worry about putting those two things together that makes it easy other questions um let's keep going uh this one's more of a logistics question I talked about the discounted vouchers that are available on my website and uh Ricky asks I'm not in the U.S or the UK can I still get the voucher well actually the vouchers on my site are only good if you are in U.S Canada or U.S territory they're unfortunately not available for the UK or really any other country they're going to only use those vouchers if you are physically located in the United States Canada or five of the six major U.S territories I'm trying to make that six of six we're working on that but those are the options available for you today if you're not in the U.S or Canada unfortunately the vouchers on my site are not able to be used wherever you happen to be I'm so sorry I would love to have that uh in other places I would love for there to be a UK option an Australia option and others but unfortunately right now the logistics of that are a little bit more involved to make that happen uh while uh I have a question here uh about core two and before we get to that question I promised you that I would pull up the exam objectives that we could look at and I'm going to do that because this question specifically speaks to the exam objectives and I think this would be a good one to talk about so let's do this the question that was posed in the chat asks is Windows 11 an objective for the 1102 exam and this is a good question because as we change the exam versions Through The Years CompTIA will change what operating systems are important for you to know now this particular version of the exam the 220 1101 and the 220 1102 those two versions came out in April of last year so it it's been just over a year since those exams have been available and if we look at the exam objectives it tells us everything we need to know when I say it tells you everything tells you everything let's get a get the right screen up so you can really see what's going on here so here are the CompTIA a plus certification exam core two objectives for the 220 1102 again make sure everything says 220 11 0 2 that is so important now if we look at the first page of this exam or of the objectives it gives you information on what these objectives are when you would use them how these can be helpful uh it just gives you a lot of different uh overviews of things that are going to be important to know as you are studying for this exam things like how this is accredited how these are created what the authorized materials use policy is for the exam and how this is what I love this single uh paragraph because this is what is constantly referenced whenever I see bad training materials on the internet they somehow justify the bad training materials with this paragraph which says the list of examples provided in bulleted format are not exhaustive lists other examples of Technologies processes or tasks pertaining to each objective may also be included on the exam although not listed or covered in this objectives document so that is they're out that is their their way of telling you we can really ask you anything on the exam and whatever's in this list is important but we could really go out offside off the list and really ask you anything that the the reality though is they don't even though they put a paragraph in the exam objective saying we could ask you anything under the sun the reality is they never do the extremely rare for them to go outside the scope of the exam objectives so I don't buy that story where people are telling us well I know that what's on my practice exam isn't in the list of exam objectives but they could ask you anything that's not true they don't they I think that's really lawyer speak we're covering our bases just in case somebody complains about it we are what we told you we could ask you anything and occasionally on the exam they do ask you something that's outside the scope of the exam objectives but one of the things they don't tell you is very often those questions are not scored so that doesn't help you for studying either so my recommendation to you is that if you are studying for the exam stick to the objectives if you find study materials that are going outside of the objectives you can very confidently ignore those taught those things that go outside the objectives that is not what CompTIA is going to deal with let's go to this next page on this list to answer the question that was originally mentioned the Core 2 exam and what it covers there's an entire paragraph on I guess page three or so that says note on Windows 11. versions of Microsoft Windows that are not end of mainstream support as determined by Microsoft up to and including Windows 11 are intended content areas of the certification as such objectives in which a specific version of Microsoft Windows is not indicated the main objective can include content related to Windows 10 and windows 11 as it relates to the job role so to answer your question very long answer the answer is both Windows 10 and windows 11 are covered on the 220 1102 exam and very specifically written there I also want to show you the exam objectives and the information that's on here just so you get a feel for how good these are let's start at the very first objectives domain 1.0 operating systems identify basic features of Microsoft Windows editions for Windows 10 we need to know Windows Home Pro perfect workstations and Enterprise we also need to understand the feature differences what's the difference between domain access and work group we need to understand desktop Styles and user interface what is the availability of remote desktop protocol across those different versions what is the random access memory support limitations how about BitLocker and GP edit and In-Place upgrades how does that change between different Windows versions all of that is only in the very first section of the first domain go let's go to the next one 1.2 given a scenario use the appropriate Microsoft command line tool CD d-i-r-m-d armed or let's just go through all of these so you can see all of the things you need to know are clearly and comprehensively documented in the compete exam objectives this is not something you will find from other certification bodies practically no one provides this level of detail Microsoft doesn't VMware doesn't Cisco doesn't practically no one does but CompTIA and it's incredibly useful because you can go through this list and simply use it as a checklist so that you really know what's going to be expected of you on this exam so that's why I tell people all the time that's a great place to go if you're trying to figure out where you can focus your efforts it'll take you through the entire thing so that you know exactly what you would run into so that's that's where I will would focus as well have a look at the objectives it tells you if Windows 10 or Windows 11 is something that you should deal with uh Luke in this chat room with a five dollars excuse me five euro Super Chat says hi professor Greetings From Italy where in Italy I need to know uh Mrs Professor Messer needs to know last Wednesday I got my a plus cert and your videos have been an invaluable help now on to the next cert that's the way to do it you get that uh congratulations on your a plus best of luck with whatever that next one happens to be and thanks also for the five euro Super Chat we sure appreciate your support there was another Super Chat I saw come through then we're going to come back to our questions this one asks where can I find your video about scripting languages Amy is asking this and the 10 super chat as well thank you Amy and for that ten dollar Super Chat uh scripting languages well one of the advantages of my uh exams or my my course is that the uh the exam format or the the video format that I've created matches the exam objectives so let's go back to these objects actives I'm going to scroll back down we're going to change this I'm going to scroll back over to section 4. specifically section 4.8 which is identify the basics of scripting and all the different script file types including bat PS1 VBS sh JS and py use cases for scripting and then other considerations when using scripts so the big section of the 220 1102 is section 4.8 if you are looking for my video dealing with these scripting topics the videos are numbered and the video numbers you're looking for are those specific to section 4.8 you should be able to tell from the title what it happens to deal with I think there's only one video for Section 4.8 maybe there's two I think there's a file type video and they're in a used case video and it breaks these up into two different ones but it's section 4.8 of my 220 1102 video course that's where you would find it that's also a good way to find anything if you're trying to find information in my video course it's numbered exactly the same as the exam objectives makes it very easy to find information uh other questions let's keep going through this uh this is a pretty good one uh from smokescreen who says hey professor I have a interview on Tuesday as my first it job to be an I.T technician for a school and with the interview is a small task any hints as to what the task could be thank you uh well of course it could be anything it could be asking you to perform any type of function generally when you go into an interview that's a job in it there's really two types of interview questions that are generally posed to us one of them is commonly questions about our background previous jobs we've had uh things that we do in the jobs that we're doing today they want to get some idea of your day-to-day and the things that you do and how you handle problems but there is almost always either a portion or a separate interview that is the technical interview where someone wants to ask technical questions of you tell us everything you know about active directory tell us what you know about replacing an SSD an m.2 SSD tell us everything you know about managing a broken laser printer I mean it could be a very broad question like that this one says it's a small task which makes me think maybe they have some type of of thing they want you to do and I've I've heard of interviews where they will bring in a computer it's on the table and they say this computer doesn't work it doesn't boot up fix that you've got 15 minutes go and you've got to somehow figure out what's going on in that that amount of time that is that's somewhat of a of an interesting should it should we really be doing that an interview or not generally you can get a pretty good feel for someone's technical proudness from simply asking them questions about technical things that they've done you don't have to go through Hands-On but some employers would really like to see if you have the skills needed to perform some of those functions so who knows what they're asking of this small task that they are they're presenting you with I'm curious to know so on Tuesday afternoon when it's over send me a a note go to the the contact us list on the website at the top or the bottom of my website click contact us or you can text me from uh from our contact form that's on that same page you could also send me a Discord DM any one of those will work I'd love to hear what their task was and then we can talk about it on the next Core 2 study group which would be a lot of fun too so unfortunately I have no idea we all want to know now well it's a big mystery what are they going to ask of you it could be many different things and in previous study groups I've talked about when you go into an interview what you need to come prepared with I really haven't talked about being prepared for a task but I have talked about bringing stories of tasks that you have already done and so uh make sure you go into that interview with lots of good stories if you want more clarification on that you're more than welcome to ask and give you some ideas of stories that I've given in some interviews that I've been on and maybe that can help you uh prepare for your interview um here's a question this is this is a pretty good one uh which tests did you initially struggle with in it and how did you overcome it every test is a struggle nobody takes a certification exam without some type of study very rarely would you be in that kind of situation and if you were in that situation it's probably a certification exam you shouldn't be taking because it's something that doesn't help you maybe there's some checklist that needs to be done there have been those situations in my my history as well uh there were a couple that I had to deal with that were big problems for me early on as I was trying to get my arms around I.T and technology in general one of them was a it's an exam series that's not around anymore called the cnx the certified Network expert that's what the x is for X obviously you see how the spelling works the it's an I.T exam certification exam not a spelling exam the these had different flavors of cnx there was a ethernet cnx where you needed to know a lot about just ethernet technology they had another one just to give you an idea of how long ago this was there was a token ring cnx certification a fitty fddi not fitty not no not him Fiddy fddi the the original fitty the OG fitty is that one uh and there was also ATM no not that ATM the other the the network topology asynchronous transfer mode um uh the original ATM actually no not the original ATM the second ATM uh and then there was also one on network cabling and I did great on the ethernet at the time I was the uh the administrator of the Usenet token ring News Group frequently asked questions so I did grade on token ring uh Fiddy is basically token ring with fiber ATM's a different technology but I had a lot of experience with it and didn't struggle too much with that one the one that tripped me up that I had to take three times was cabling network cabling was what I had the biggest problems with and probably because at that point in my career I had done tons of work on the network I was working at the time for literally working for Network General so I had great knowledge of protocols I understood Network troubleshooting I've worked with tons of different topologies all of those that I just listed for example lots of really interesting technical things but I had done very little on the physical plant side I had not done a lot with cables and so at that point in my career I was really learning about the cabling now at that time we didn't have category five and category 5e and Category 6 and category seven they we were sort of in the early days of cat 3 of really and type 1 token ring cabling and other types of cables and so there was a little bit more variation in cabling than what we see today today cabling is a lot tighter in in its requirements and what we would commonly find but at that time there were a lot more options available I'm making excuses for my lack of ability but that did add to the complexity of the certification took the first exam didn't do well uh went back and studied and thought I'm gonna I'm gonna do well now now I know what's expected of me I got it now let's go in and take the exam what I failed what failed that one didn't work out so I really had to go back and spend a lot more time understanding cabling and getting a better understanding of it before I finally went in for the third time so if I had to had to pick one that was really a problem that was a really really struggle it was more about just studying the right things and the right amount of those to be able to pass that exam another set of tests that were a bit of a struggle uh but was not quite as bad was Microsoft certifications which are really quite challenging to complete and at the time Microsoft offered their mcsc certification the Microsoft systems engineer and you had to complete six different certification exams before you could call yourself an mcsa so that one was difficult not just because the tests themselves were challenging and thankfully I got through all six of those without failing any of them remarkably but it was just a lot that's imagine taking an A plus then taking another a plus then taking another a plus then doing that another three times that was the situation it was just constant certification study and exam after another and I just think it was the the amount of work you had to do on that one to get through it but it was worth it at the time the Microsoft mcse was uh one of those certifications that every employer wanted it provided you with a very very detailed overview of the internals of the Windows operating systems and Windows Server it was a great learning experience to go through that so of course Microsoft got rid of that because it it was great so Microsoft threw it out uh it was also well branded everybody knew what an mcse was and so they just got rid of it because why why do you want good branding um they've tried to bring it back and sort of reuse the name it's not quite the same anymore as it as it never is but um there's still a lot of really good Microsoft certifications out there just not bundled in the same way with the same qualifications anymore but that that is a great question on struggling don't the the struggle only comes when you stop so if you if you don't pass an exam you just go study some more and go take it again it's not like you lost anything I guess other than the money you spent on taking the exam that's that's legitimate but nobody died uh you weren't fired there were no no enormous problems we just go take the exam again uh and next time you'll be even more comfortable in the exam because you know how it went the first time so if there's a bright side a little silver lining there it is where that silver lining might help you a little bit who knows let's keep going through the questions that we have here a lot of great questions um I see this all the time it's a it's a really good question I just don't have a good answer for you which is what's the start off pay rate for an A plus certification um it differs depending on where you are in the world and the competitiveness of the market at any particular time but generally it is an entry-level role when you first get your foot in the door A Plus is an entry level cert that gives you qualifications that helps you get a entry level position which means you'll probably get this be at the starting point now with it though this is where things are really different with it than anywhere else and I think people maybe don't realize this enough is that the upward mobility in it is ridiculous if you apply yourself and you start studying and you start focusing on very specific types of technologies that people really really need you will find yourself moving up in the ranks of it usually by going from from company to company to company moving up maybe stay for a year or two or three you move to the next company stay for a year or two or three when you start doing that it's remarkable how quickly you move up into roles where you have more responsibility but also more pay so although the entry pay rate into it may be what some people consider to be very low I've had people say well I'm just going to go work as a bartender I can make more money than being on the help desk that probably is true at least for the first year but after that your next job in I.T you should be leapfrogging a bartender role very very easily and very quickly making very close to six figures if you keep going you can go up to multiple six figures a year in a technical role in I.T those roles exist so I would highly recommend not focusing so much on pay rates but really focusing on where do I go from here and as long as you're always looking to to level up how do I get moving up how do I find the technologies that are most exciting for employers how do I find the technologies that are really lacking the people in the industry that's where you should focus your efforts that's how you move up the fastest and the the upward Mobility is there it really is ridiculous um and and you can do extremely well over time uh in a very short period of time which is what's different than a bartender is always going to be making those tips at a bar which are still pretty good you can make good money as a bartender but you can very easily surpass that and not have to work nights by being in I.T uh and quite honestly there's really no no high level you can just keep moving up for your entire career if you wanted to so you've got you've got options you've got choices you got things you can do and that's that's what that's about um here's the question we were all thinking from Cameron uh does Fiddy have any CompTIA certifications um it's a really good question we'll have to find out um if he does does somebody have because my DMM asked him what it certs he has I'm not familiar I don't know he might these this is the thing those uh those uh musicians the entertainers who knows the things that they do when uh they're not entertaining um who knows um I just I would like to know what some of these folks do and I bet there's uh because you always hear about um the people that are in a different line of work but you then you find out they're very technical you know Henry Cavill always talks about the things he does in his movies but he also talks about the things he does when he games online on his MMO so I find that's a nice it's nice combination of okay he does things that he's in front of the computer and working on those things I can appreciate that being able to work um so let's uh do uh more questions we have more people that uh have asked a few things of me I'm avoiding all the personal questions we're just not even going to talk about it no there are no personal questions in here uh we gotta we got a lot that we can work through so um one of the questions I saw I want to and we sort of spoke to this a little bit earlier uh was a question about the format of the exams this question asks is the test multiple choice only uh and in fact one of the reasons we give you that performance-based question at the beginning of the study group is that you would probably get a handful of these study of these performance-based questions at the very beginning of your exam I think a lot of people walk into the exam thinking oh this is all multiple choice and then they sit down and the very first question is some multiple drag and drop scenario with an image and there's things that they have to put in the right place and they're suddenly thrown like I thought this was going to be multiple choice like maybe it's only a one-time thing and they make a spend 15 minutes going through this question and they click next and then there's another one except this is a matching question okay and they spend 10 minutes trying to match every oh okay and they they go the next question it's another Performance Based question and then they end up spending an hour 30 minutes 45 minutes an hour on these Performance Based questions and then they hit next and suddenly realize oh wait I have 70 multiple choice questions I still have to do so don't be thrown by these performance-based questions at the beginning if anything I tell people read through the performance-based question understand what's being asked of you click next read that one understand what's being asked you do click next click through those questions don't answer them at the beginning because they do have multiple steps and things that you need to do I usually recommend you go straight to the multiple choice based questions and finish all 70 or 70 plus of those because what you'll find is that as you go through the multiple choice questions it will jog your memory about things that are being asked of you on the performance based question you also find it does that between multiple choice based questions as well but especially the performance base so this accomplishes two things first you're skipping over time consuming part of your exam that ultimately may or may not be a significant number of points we simply don't know but skip over those go to the multiple choice which you can tend to kind of go through pretty quickly you can kind of snap through those pretty quick and then once you're through with the multiple choice you can Circle back to the Performance Based questions keeping an eye on the clock going through and maybe filling in some of the things that your memory was jogged on because of the multiple choice and then you can keep going so that's why I tell people don't be thrown make sure you understand the format that's going to be asked of you on this exam because it it could be a format that you get caught in at the beginning and then you run out of time so don't do that don't be in that position it's not a great situation to be in and I've had people tell me all the time I just wasn't prepared and I got an exam and they asked these crazy questions and I ran out of time and I couldn't pass it so time management on these exams is so important you could get a maximum of 90 questions and you have 90 minutes now if I do the math carry the four square root of okay that's one minute per question that's not a lot of time especially in the Performance Based questions so if you can quickly make up the time on the multiple choice now you have some time you can really spend some quality time with your Performance Based questions I think that's that's important darian's given an example of an interview uh something that might help he says yeah and I sat a second interview for a job probably the tech interview right and they ask you a lot about multi-function printers and how to set them up so that's a really good I bet this organization uses a lot of multi-function printers a lot of organizations still people have people working at home or when they were working at home they bought a lot of these multi-function devices now these multi-function devices are in their home offices they're about they brought them back to corporate and now we got all these printers sitting around so anybody we hire needs to be familiar with how to troubleshoot these printers that's why there's such a big section of the compt exam that deals with printers it's it's interesting it's more it's almost a generational problem that I want probably starting with my generation we wanted as little paper as possible in fact when I got into it the big thing was the paperless office you would think that would be where we are today because I started well really it was only a few years ago when I started with it I was just a young kid uh and and getting into it and working with these and thinking no more paper we're going to scan everything it's going to be in a digital format and to some degree we've been able to do some of that but we still need printers we still need people printing some of these things out I still don't know why we do I I'm handed printouts all the time that really why did you give this to me you you're you're sitting right here and I've got a tablet in front of me I'm getting on a plane and you just handed me a three-ring binder that was this big we used to bring these three ring binders back with us on a plane why are you doing this to me uh this all of this and they even say and of course all of this is available online on the internet well you could have just I condemned it I could have used this in a digital format uh but still we still run into folks that needs things printed out I have things occasionally I will need to print because I must print it physically sign it fold it put it into an envelope and put it in the U.S Postal Service mail with a stamp and send it to people because there's some rule law or mandate that requires that they have the physical originally signed piece of paper from me which in the world of legal things this happens a lot so that's what you might run into and those printouts are incredibly important you know what other printouts important the the print they do for uh payroll Another Printer you need to know that payroll printer works if if a company is still printing their own checks that doesn't happen very often either so those are the things hopefully you don't have to worry about and get into anymore working through those I like the chat room uh let's see what other uh types of questions we have on here along the same lines of questions on the exam uh the Philadelphia 9 asks are there any short answer questions on the exam short answer questions there's probably nothing short on the compete exams ever there's very very very few situations where you will have a one sentence question and even then the one sentence questions are not incredibly straightforward for example this is the core two exams let's give a core two question you will probably not get a question that says all I want I don't want to use that one because you actually might get one of those let's use a core one questions I think these these work a little bit better I'll have to find a good Core 2 question according core one question might be um what is the port number used by SMB you have to know oh it's TCB 445 um TCP 445 SMB or they ask you what does SMB stand for you know server message block you will never get a question like that on your exam you will never get a uh a fill in the blank sort of question what I call a trivia question or trivial question on the exam that's sort of a flash Cardy kind of question they don't ask those instead they want to ask you about here's a situation where you are using SMB and it's not and the person is getting a failure on the screen and here's the failure message they're getting what do you think is not configured properly in the firewall okay that's a very different scenario question but it effectively is asking what port numbers used by SMB so the questions are not short in their asking but the fundamentals are always there in the question that's really what they're looking for so I would highly recommend you not only understand the underlying Technologies but how they're used so you you can know how much memory is used or is required for Windows 11 Pro that's an important one to know about but they're probably not going to directly ask you that they're probably going to say a user is installing Windows 11 Pro on their workstation the workstation has a hundred gig of storage space uh two gig of memory this type of video this type of audio why is it not installing and you would need to know you have to go through each one of those requirements and know oh he doesn't have enough memory to install Windows 11. so you'd have to kind of Step through those depending on the version of Windows I guess that is being installed uh but that's that's the type of questions you get they don't tend to be short answer they don't tend to be quick to do you might get a single sentence question from time to time but they're they're not incredibly straightforward all the way through most of them are very similar to the question you saw earlier from my practice exams book where it's one or two sometimes three sentences they've done a lot a lot a very good job most recently of making their questions more directed that it's hard to find a question now that's more than two sentences uh on the exam they've done a good job of really focusing on what you need to know how you need to answer it and that's that's a good way to do it um on the exam another question from Phil says uh do you write slash type your answers or are they multiple choice I know I've said that uh performance-based questions could be fill in the blank but on the compti exams I've not yet seen one so every single question on your exam at least to this point is probably going to be either multiple choice something you can drag and drop or something you can move things around the screen with your mouse I don't think at any time for your a plus exams you will ever be asked to type anything into a blank line so that helps a little bit you don't have to do a lot of typing you don't have to know how things are spelled you simply select it on the screen if they're going to do something like that they usually do it as a matching question instead of you typing in individual things I think that's that's a lot easier too from my perspective I hate fill in the blank sometimes fill in the blank questions are so vague that you could put practically anything in that blank and it would still work for the question but you know they're not looking for anything they're looking for something specific but they didn't write the questions very well it is quite challenging to write really good practice questions you've got to have a lot of practice on these I've I have literally written thousands and thousands and thousands of questions in my career just doing this so I think I've got the hang of it I'm still finding new new nuances additional nuances to really focus on how to make them even better but uh you just you just keep going with that just keep working through that and really breaking those through and seeing what's there um the uh although it's a struggle to get past the help desk it's worth the struggle uh Fitz and fury in the chat room says hey man so you were alive wanted to thank you my first cert was a plus used your study stuff to get it passed that was 2011 I think he said actually it's 2013 could have been 2011. uh I'm now a Senior Systems engineer for a major tech company that's what I'm that's what I mean by the upward Mobility is there and having also been a Senior Systems engineer for a major tech company you're getting paid pretty well you're getting you're getting a six-figure salary on that one plus and if you're a systems engineer senior SE you're probably this is probably a pre-sales role you're probably also compensated based on a uh quota that you've been provided sales quota which sounds scary but if you just do the blocking and tackling you do the normal fundamental day-to-day go see people show them your really cool technology how much of these do you want to buy the numbers tend to work out themselves and in fact if you do really really well in a quarter you get bonus you get get more money they multipliers uh hopefully you have some multipliers fits that you could go through uh and take advantage of that so you end up making even more money plus these companies they're large tech tech companies they often have an employee stock purchase plan where you can purchase stock in the company at a discount usually it's about a 15 percent discount which means you could use your salary to go into a pool at the end of the six months or whatever it is they use what you pooled to purchase stock so let's say you saved up five thousand dollars over six months they purchased five thousand dollars worth of stock but it's at a fifteen percent discount you could technically sell all your stock immediately and make 15 on it that's that's a pretty good deal that's a nice uh nice thing to have those are the types of benefits you have when you get up to that level the the jobs are out there the roles are out there the flexibility is out there the things you can do with your career are mini and varied there's not one single role that's the best every role in it has the capability to be both financially and personally uh something you can enjoy that's that's really why I'm why I get so excited about these Technologies about these certifications about the things that we do on YouTube because I've already done this in my career I've been that Senior Systems engineer I've been someone that started at the bottom running around as a field service technician as a corporate help desk person and I have moved all the way up in my career through the roles of Senior Systems engineer and Senior Systems engineer managers that I feel like I wish I wish I could tell everybody in the world about this because because it provided me with financial stability with the upward mobility in my career with something fun to do something different every day something exciting working with smart people doing interesting things and really that's what we would like when we start thinking about a job wouldn't that be the best kind of job is to have something that you could really enjoy every day and working with these Technologies is something that really did it for me so I love hearing that story Fitz thank you so much for stopping in and not just telling me about the things that you did telling everybody else that's here that's that's me telling you you've heard it from me a million times you probably don't even hear it anymore but I love it when somebody steps in a third party saying the same thing I am it's out there all you got to do is work for it um and it's remarkable what you can do in a very short period of time for those um along the lines of things you should study let's talk to Sister gray who says hi professor I did your company a plus videos but from 2008 wow uh did I have hair then what happened what was that like in 2008 was that a bad idea or is the info still a bit useful for it thank you and sorry in advance well it wasn't a great idea some I would say there is a percentage of that information that could possibly still be helpful for you right now it sounds like you did my very first a plus videos for the 601 and 602 exam uh if it's from 2008 which they're still out there you can watch all of my training videos they're still all on my YouTube channel uh but I try to put into the video description of all of these and Lori if you're watching you are watching but if you would send me a note so we make sure that all of those old videos they should all have on the very first line of the YouTube video description this Series has been retired click here for the latest videos and you find the latest videos but you can always find the latest videos on so I would recommend that uh you look at the latest a plus videos definitely do not go take the exam until you have looked at the latest Series so the video series you should be watching is for the 220 11 0 1 and the 220-1102 if it doesn't say that if it says the 220 601 701 801 901 1001 you don't want those you want the 1101 and the 1102 and you'll do great and they're out there they're free they're available you can watch them all day every day you may find some of the information is similar you might even find a couple screenshots that are the same between those two I think I've replaced everything at this point uh but I would recommend that you definitely look at the latest because it's gonna have Windows 10 Windows 11 and all the things you need to pass these exams not going to find those in 2008 did we even know there would be a Windows 11 at that point I don't think we did we're still doing Windows XP at that point uh there was that may even be the series where you had to know uh while Windows 2000 Windows NT no not in t there was one of these you need to know NT I think 2000 was on one of them that's that goes back a while I have to look look at those and see what that was like maybe as we're sitting here we'll hunt those down um that's that's one of those this is an interesting question uh laurentino says uh hey professor I want to go back into I.T I left to find work because of the pandemic that was a weird time wasn't it what advice do you have into preparing to come back well the good part is that you already have experience it sounds like you've experience in I.T because you mentioned going back to I.T this is great so already someone who is hiring a hiring manager is going to look at that and go oh they already they've already had an I.T position okay that's that's a big check mark by the way already having your foot in the door even if you left for a little bit and pandemic in the world of technology wasn't that long ago um so that's great that's a good plus what I would recommend you do is check the job postings in your area and then I would recommend you go to those job postings and see what they're looking for and there may be certifications in there or Technologies in there that are much more popular even now than they were prior to the pandemic and shutdown so things like cloud-based Technologies you might want to say well like no windows really well but a lot of the jobs are asking for cloud let me go get an AWS cert let me go get a an Azure cert so make sure you you you freshen up some of the technical skills you have and also if you haven't already build a home lab all do you know a lot about Windows and active directory you should build an active directory server at your house and you should administer that active directory server and then you can take screenshots or video and show someone else how you set up your active directory server at your Hub and if you're a if somebody walked into a help desk or an administrator position and you said well I've got active directory running at home here's what I'm doing very few people walking in for this position will have an active directory server running at their house and the fact that you not only have one running but you can talk about the challenges involved in setting it up the errors you ran into when you were trying to get it running the way you troubleshot those errors and the way you resolve them that's the story you bring to the table when you're in an interview I talked earlier about having stories for your interview there's a set of stories stories so already if any of you set up your own active directory server take plenty of notes when errors pop up make sure you document what's going on those are going to be good stories for you take video of it on your phone even if you're not going to show anybody the video just so you remember what happened whoa what was that error that came up let's get a screenshot of that let's take a picture of it so that we know what it was so when we fix it now we've got the beginning the middle and the end of the story that we can then tell someone about when we go to an interview becomes pretty important um other question let's keep uh let's keep going with some of the questions we have here I know it's top of the hour and I'm probably going to have to to bail out in just a little bit but at least uh we'll get some of these that we could can step through um other ones that are here there was uh there was a question that came in earlier this is a pretty good since we're talking kind of about career uh this would be a good one so uh this is from Joshua it says I'm currently in a help desk role at a court yesterday a desktop Tech position open which I will apply for any advice to Landing this job transition well I know we're sort of in the middle of the you're applying for this right now but there are a number of things that can really help you and having worked with a number of people at uh I've I've worked with the aura Supreme Court of Florida and other folks as well in the court system and you've got your own set of requirements for for court type I.T uh challenges for sure but one of the benefits is that you are in a uh a help desk role right now you're part of the organization already that's a big Advantage check check mark on that one the job that you're applying for is a desktop Tech position that's commonly a next step out of the help desk check that you probably really fit the application for that one as well the two things I would really recommend I talked earlier about that home lab you may have a series of tasks that are listed in the job posting for the desktop Tech position they may say you need to understand active directory Administration you need to understand installing Windows uh with automation or doing maybe you guys do some type of Imaging there's probably a set of processes and procedures you have internally and you're probably aware of those at least peripherally from the outside at the help desk now's a good time to go find somebody who works and the in the desktop tech department and ask them hey I'm putting in a position here I'm putting in a my resume for the open position what would you recommend I work on before my interview go talk to them in fact very commonly they have things that go on on nights and weekends oh we got to install a new server we're rolling up a bunch of new VMS where to deploying this new app to the cloud we're doing this we're doing this we're doing this and they usually do it maybe there's more than one person involved maybe they're in a maybe they're on site or maybe they do it on a zoom or a similar Web Conference see if you can get part of that see if you can join them just to watch to ask questions to look over their shoulder their virtual shoulder if you will and if they're doing it on site even better hey can I come in this weekend and you know if you need uh just look over your shoulder maybe ask questions or volunteer to do different things they might be doing that's a way to do it uh some way that you can become more familiar or or if you don't already know the people who work in that department get to know who is in that department one of the things I have a video on how to get a job in it with no experience and I talk about needing a formal degree and needing uh industry certifications and you may want to look into those if you're planning a desktop Tech position it'd be nice to have a certifications specific to the desktops you use so if it's Windows if you could have some windows certs um but or maybe if you use Mac OS good time to have an apple cert but I also tell people it would be really good if uh you knew people who were already working here and and that helps when you get your first job also helps when you get any subsequent positions as well so you might already go to lunch with some folks that are in the desktop tech department that helps if you don't see if you can ask one of them to go to lunch and talk to them about what what would I need to do to to get this job what should I study what should I practice on what certifications would be good to have and just get an opinion and pay for the guy's lunch pay for the person's lunch that would be good as well it might help when you're trying to to get those last pieces of information that can really give you a leg up when it comes to decision time even if you don't get this position that would that would be a very good set of credentials to have if you either go to the next one within the owner your own organization or maybe this is the time where you go outside of your organization to a different company and get a desktop Tech job with a third-party company it's this is the challenge we sometimes have in I.T is the best jobs to get are often not within your own company for some reason companies pay people a lot more when they hire them from somewhere else than when they hire them from inside of their own walls there's there's good reasons and bad reasons for that but there are reasons for that nonetheless and I think one of the things that we get a little afraid of sometimes is going to that next step and going outside and making a change it's stressful it's a risk uh the devil you know here is usually better than the devil you don't know somewhere else uh there are advantages and disadvantages to going to a third party so it does take a little bit more vetting before you make that commitment to I'm leaving this company I'm going to another company I'm leaving this organization I'm going to this other organization but sometimes that is your most upward Mobility than staying within a single company in my career there's I think the first big company I worked for let's see the first tech company out of college I worked there about nine months maybe a year it wasn't a lot it worked there about a year and then I left and went to work for an insurance company I stayed there five years on uh in different roles within that company moving up really not getting paid a lot but moving up and then after that five years I went to work for a manufacturer I went to work for Network General really I went to work for a VAR that was horrible and then I went to work for Network General so I kind of made some multiple steps to get there I I kind of I have the Star Trek movie career which is every other job was bad like every other movie it just turns out to be not so great I have the same problem in my career as I picked really good and then I picked badly and then it picked really good and then it picked badly so I have these I have these fantastic roles that I really super enjoyed that are peppered uh in between with just these awful decisions I've made so as much as you try they can't always be winners people but uh always have a plan B A little bit of little have a little bit of saved up in in your savings account not a bad idea have some Investments and have a plan B uh that's something that can really helpful if you are in that scenario uh and lastly I'm going to address the question from uh Cooley that says any great resources on how to set up a home lab with active directory there are some great videos on the YouTube that can really help you with that there are uh free downloads from Microsoft of Windows server and you can install that in a VM very easily and the the active directory part really not it's not hard to set up at all it's very very simple to get going there are some some technical things that are stumbling blocks that I find to be actually quite useful they help you really learn how to install it the only time you really learn something is when it's broken and when you first install active directory it can be a challenge to get everything connected properly within that virtual environment and it's super important that everything is connected properly for active directory super important so what you'll find is that nothing works until you start troubleshooting it and then you figure it out and then you connect it properly and then every everything works and there's your story for your interview so I would recommend you download the Windows Server just grab the latest one as the evaluation that Microsoft makes available I think it's like a 90-day evaluation download that install it into a VM find a couple of really good YouTube videos that step through the process there's some great ones out there that really go step by step through setting up a virtual machine in a home lab with active directory that's all you need to look for you'll find tons of resources for that on YouTube and I think that that the process of if you've never worked at the VM before a huge amount of knowledge if you've never worked with active directory before your mind will be just completely blown apart like this is amazing but you have to kind of put all of these little pieces together so that you can then have the story that you bring into the interview and it's going to teach you a lot of really good stuff you might be able to do it in in a day you might be able to do it in a week it might take you a little bit longer but you will be able to do it there's plenty of people to help plenty of things online that can help you out with this and a lot of folks that are um that are in our Discord have done this before as well we've got some people on our Discord that are seasoned veterans that um are are more than happy to talk to people about the things they can do to get VMS running to do things in the cloud to get more study study better and study different they've got the ideas in our Discord at Discord I think that's another good place to go well that that is a little bit of overtime went a little bit past our hour in the after show but that's okay we had some fantastic questions which uh is thanks to you thank you for being here and asking the questions in the chat room thank you for your time in the original hour and dealing with our technical issues as we were getting our voting system up and running or not up and running today these things happen on a live stream but we made it through thanks to you we appreciate this if you enjoyed your time here come back next week on Tuesday we have our Network plus study group on Thursday we have our Security Plus study group which is always a big one that's always fun to have and of course all new questions every time we do a study group if you want to know when the next one's going to be check the calendar go to calendar if you enjoyed this video it would help me a lot if you would give it a thumbs up if you subscribe to the channel I would just be over the moon that would be fantastic it really does help us quite a bit it's absolutely free and it's something you can do in just a couple of moments thank you for being here we hope to see you next time thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time on the a plus study group thanks everybody
Channel: Professor Messer
Views: 10,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professor messer, study group, A+, comptia, information technology, certification
Id: zSzdpS6a1zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 10sec (8890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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