Professional freelance graphic designer shows you how to talk to a client; An real sales call!

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I'm gonna cry okay cool so today's video is gonna be a little bit interesting a little bit different and we'll see if this works and if it and if you guys like it then I'll do more of these okay but so base so basically what's happening is in about 20 minutes or so there's gonna be my Harris was sitting up there so in about 20 minutes or so I'm gonna have a client called she's you know asked me about business cards that's all I really know about it she's gonna start a floral business and I think she might actually want a logo redesign or something but again I don't really know what's going on I'm gonna record the entire conversation between her and I'm probably just gonna show you the best parts about it but the key thing is that she does not know she's being recorded so there's a huge chance that this video might actually never even be published on on the internet without her consent so at the end I'm gonna tell her I'm doing a video series basically on how to talk to clients during a graphic design meeting and kind of the techniques that I use and I wanted to document this little thing and I want to see if you'd be okay with me sharing this online on YouTube and if she says yes then this video is a good to go and then at the end of that you know for helping me out I'm actually gonna just give her the entire project completely for free so just to kind of give you a little background of what's gonna happen here and in about 10-15 minutes so yeah hopefully that you know she likes the things that say she likes my page she's ready to do some business if this all goes through really well I will also show you my entire design process of how I design her business card and yeah so yeah hopefully hopefully it's okay hopefully everything turns out okay so let's get started [Music] okay yes hello this is Patrick hey Artemus how's it going good wow it's been it's been a long time since the last time we chatted I mean so how's how's everything going how's the you know the situation and being just like for me I started a whole new business and it's been really good for me because I finally decided and I just jumped in I know how to do this I love it it's my passion and and thankfully like I get orders awesome so okay so I got your email and I you know can you tell me a little bit more about your business so basically I am a designer [Music] generally a florist so I get orders you know by referral my ultimate goal is I'm I want to start serving too you know wealthy people of Beverly Hills Orange County like I do have some celebrity people that I'm in communication with and and some people that they just love personal people feel like really special to have that niche you know to the part about it and I'm also going to be joining that this company called lumination which is one of the top companies right now for you know going through online to a place order okay and so that's really important because now that I'm going I'm going on the site my icons and everything like I worked with the skull annotator you know every what she wanted and the icons obviously for like my Instagram and for like just using it for stickers on envelopes and stuff like that it's just I'm not very happy with it okay okay so basically I need a logo because they might be they're the Artemis floral designs it's but it's not like very solid and strong and I can't use it for my Instagram I can't use it for a lot of things you know it's not just it's just not feasible you know is there any questions specifically that you have for me like um I just need it for any business card a new logo you know I just want because I really like I like my first name really to be something that you know people remember and stuff like that but the logo you know starting from there I guess okay cool so logo can be done so let me tell you a little bit about how how I work okay and it's very it's very good that you start with the logo first logo is basically gonna be the center of the rest of your designs right so this is something I like to ask all the people that I work with okay now in everybody's mind there is this perfect logo right but there's not a way that they can maybe articulate it or may even draw it out but one of the things that really helps me understand what you have in your mind is if you can go on google and just kind of find some images that you like or that you think is kind of what you're looking for and give you like three or more all right now emphasis or more doesn't even have to be flower logos it could be like a Monet painting or it could be something really simple like for example if you like any of these images that you see in your google search right now just copy it put it into the email below I like this I like what's going on here I like the boxes in this one or whatever you know I like the way this flower is being represented here I like the color scheme whatever it is right just so I can get a very very good idea of what you like and this way I can hold you accountable for the design that I ultimately create for you right because you're telling me exactly what you want and I can created exactly the way you like does that make sense yeah and if you can do the complete opposite for me in which you send me like three or more emphasis on more again things that you absolutely do not want to see on your card and then I will absolutely keep away from those styles and elements and maybe even colors so that's and that's gonna definitely help you know really really pinpoint what you want okay it doesn't have to be too much work on you just basically go on google and copy and paste the pictures you want into an email and then that will work okay from there and you know I also write the ones I don't like I'll see absolutely nothing like this right exactly can you see my picture the front of the card the paint and peach and the that type of thing I like that it has like a touch of green a touch of the full image of what it was a little bit okay yeah but I want you to know that I love the whole watercolor watercolor in the background that's a huge thing that I love okay you know and I have to be very elegant sure it has to look rich okay know what I mean like when you look at it you look at it you're just like you know this person has a beautiful eye and like it represents a part of me as a Florida mm-hmm okay I do need like I need people I need to have gold is important to me because my middle name is cool okay nice golden child it's something that also brings a lot of good luck no and I'm like I like the white gold theme however I know that you know it's really hard to see you know the gold on white but I know that you're the expert on like how to make things work and if you need to change that that's fine too sure sounds great right okay cool now just a few things before we kind of get wrapped up here I actually work really quickly right so when I do projects for people I try to get things done within a week or so and I know that you're super busy and I'm super busy as well so I want to make sure that I'm not constantly calling you every single day to like check to see if this is right this is right this is right you know I want to get all the information right up front so I can get building on this and then by the time that next time we have a phone call you're gonna have something to look at and you're gonna critique and then that's what we're gonna call it a revision period okay I'm thinking for this we probably need one maybe two max revision periods and then one last finalization period okay so the finalization periods just basically cleaning up some stuff very very minor work the revision periods are gonna be like the heavy lifting where it's like oh I like what's going on here but I don't really I want this to be change I want this to be change now this would be changed okay and during these revision periods I'm gonna give you a like a set amount of time whatever time you think it's gonna be comfortable one day two day whatever the amount is but I want you to give me all of the revisions that you need in like basically one one email okay and it could be a long email it doesn't matter but just write it all out or it could be a phone call whatever it is right so this is just to kind of prevent the fact I lied you send one revision you gotta know I want this and I want you do this like in it's a session of like hours or days that's not good I don't want that because that really kind of throws off the workflow so everything all at one time okay and then I'm gonna get everything you want done all at one time and then we go into maybe a second revision or can go directly into the finalization period which over my last couple of clients they really like the stuff that did after the first revision so they didn't we didn't need a second return period we just basically cleaned everything up from there and they had a logo literally within like four days and they sent all the information off to you know get printed so yeah take some time gather all your resources send everything to me at one time and then I'm gonna assess that information we may or may not have another phone called then depending on whether I understand everything or not if I have any questions if not that I'm just gonna send you some stuff right away during her your next email probably within the next two to three days okay I'm gonna get started on it just to make sure that I'm putting everything on there if you had any questions please feel free to call me anytime okay cool so I think we got good good first amount of details now we got to talk a little bit about cost and budgeting for this so what is exactly your pleasure for this project if you don't mind me asking so I want to see like you know what your face prices are because I deserve you know everything hey I don't necessarily I mean especially yeah I'd like it to be a fairly high you know nineties and like I don't know what your plans are okay so again just kind of gauging your budget here at like if I were to say like five thousand dollars is that what's in your budget okay so okay so there is so obviously it's not find out so if I say like a thousand dollars is that going to be within your budget 150 300 okay cool it gives me a good idea what it is just to kind of give you an idea roughly of what I usually charge for this type of stuff right so I usually start added base of 500 dollars for just about anything I do I want to make sure it by the end of the day I'm making about five hundred bucks on whatever project it is right so for logo it's gonna be about anywhere for five hundred and up depending on the the type so there's a lot of factors that go into right how many different types of mock-ups you want how many revisions you want you know is this gonna be a logo where there's gonna be illustrating involved is this gonna be like what kind of like a cartoon type of thing or is it gonna be just like text type you know you know there's there's a lot of factors that go into it for logos generally it starts off at 500 and then for business cards designs and usually it usually comes in a corporate package the corporate package would be like your business cards your letterhead you know like one flyer then like one other thing that you want design right it could be I could post cover something or like a smaller type of Africa advertising and that's gonna be another 500 or is gonna be you know I mean I get it like you want simple right but that's that's the key thing here I like doing something simple doesn't make it any and yet any any easier right so with what design people pay more money for these look even more simpler and how well you do that is sort of sort of what dictates the cost here so if the thing is if I okay so I know you're working on a budget this is gonna be slightly under what I'm usually looking for but I'll tell you what logo is the most important let's just do the logo and then if you do the logo I will also throw the business cards for you for free is that cool that's sound good okay cool and then that will and we'll just do at the price of 500 that's not fair yeah okay cool so yeah let's do 500 and then plus business cards so generally it's up to you to either pay me 50 percent up now or 100 percent up now so I can needed to do and I won't start the project until I received the first payment so as soon as I get the first payment then I want to start working on it also here's another disclaimer that I didn't mention right so the thing is with the revision process right if I give you a first set up for visions and you're like okay let's change it up and I give you another set and you don't like it right and at that point we if you still don't like to after the second revision then each revision after that is gonna it's gonna take on additional cost and at that point you can choose to either opt out of the project right because at that point it's not because like I can't get job done is because our styles are statistically different and the style that I make doesn't fit with your project so in that situation it's never really happened to me I've always been pretty good at you know pinpointing what people want especially if you give me a very thorough collection images right but I'm just letting you know that at a certain point there's a chance that like my style doesn't mix your project very well and so we just had to have it back out and unfortunately at that point there's all the work has been done and there's not gonna be any refunds right okay cool so after I got that out of the way that that's just basically the only last thing and there's gonna be some paperwork involved basically like yo general graphic design contracts yeah I'll wait for two things from you the email with all the information and then the first 250 and then you start it sure yeah member works okay yes the better the email the better the logo is but that would be thank you I'm excited to work on this too and I'm really glad like what what I'm just curious what what made you decide to call me for this [Music] right now right right okay cool so looking for working with you and yeah let's just call me if you have any questions I'm you text you so much I'll send you the money right now and then work on the email cool thanks so much [Music] Hey Artemis good how are you I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time so I just wanted to call you real quick basically get a little feedback on how you felt about the whole entire project and yeah after this Ashley was gonna ask you to see if you'd be willing to help out with something so yeah for sure I just recently sent over a list I actually a bunch of files that you're gonna be using for whatever you're gonna need tuned for so I sent you with your logos and your business cards in PNG and JPEG format okay we're logo is gonna be a PNG and you're gonna be able to put them on just about anything so envelopes or you know like a website because they have a transparent background so it's gonna be be good for that and then I gave you a PDF the PDFs are of business cards and those are like high quality print ready and they're good for you know they already have the bleed on them so in case the printers ask they already come with the bleed so give it to them basically as is all right okay so this is uh this is the thing that I wanted to basically ask you to see if you want to help me out with so I don't know if you um know but I'm actually trying to create a bunch of videos make them we'll put them online right and so my first video is basically kind of like an educational video on regards and like how to design business cards but my second video here's the premise the premise is I basically want to guide my audience through an entire sales process or an entire workflow process for graphic design for any kind of project so as you know me and you we did a whole logo project and a business card project all in one okay and so my question is I'll be curious to know if you'd be interested in helping me make this video in which I basically document the entire process of how we worked and from beginning to end and then the end result okay cool so now here's the issue right how are we going to recreate our last entire week's worth of works and conversations I got a redo and simplify it because that the problem with that is that it's gonna be too scripted and you already kind of know exactly what's gonna happen this is what I've actually done and I've actually went ahead and thought one step ahead here's what happened so since the time that we started doing business till right now and even right now everything in the work flow has actually been recorded so there's documentation of me and all the conversations that we've had in terms of you know the sales process and every and you know the revisions and everything so that way everything is purely genuine it is completely unscripted you had no idea that this was being recorded and we don't have to do the work twice I want to ask you if it's okay to even use this content because if it's not okay then this video will never be made and that's totally understandable you didn't know this is happening but you know if you want to help me out with this I'm actually gonna you know hook you up a little bit so that's awesome that's fantastic okay cool so that's good I'm gonna I'm gonna create this video I'm gonna splice it together let me show you what it looks like on the finalized product and you know of course I gotta get your consent before sending any of this out and if it looks good then you know it's gonna be a little bit of extra marketing on your end is that cool that's fantastic and when I said I would have hook you up basically from the beginning of this project to right now the cost for this project all has always been 500 but because you're helping me out while I was actually willing to do this project entirely for free so I was actually just not gonna charge you at all for it but you've already given me like the extra 200 last night so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna refund you all the money and then that's that I guess you're like the sweetest thing in the world something well I mean I'm okay with not getting anything but I'm also not gonna stop you from giving me money so as you know like this is like good work and you know like I kind of want to put you to put my customers in the frame that like this is how much something costs if it's really good quality everything's done on time to your satisfaction never late right so this is this is you know what you get when you you know for this price so whatever you know if you want to that's fine I'm not requiring that you're happy with the service no no that's alright anything at this point after you know what's going on it doesn't really like can you know but it's like that yeah it was cool that you didn't know that any of this was happening right well it's it's it was it was a genuine email that's all that matters so yeah thank you for helping me out with this project and then you know good luck with everything if you need anything just you know feel free to let me know yeah [Music] I really appreciate how much related rose palaces you want to hire you for something yeah okay all right we'll talk that yeah I mean Thomas helped me out a lot too in the past too so I don't matter why okay okay cool no problem thanks earn this I think that went well
Channel: Generalist Mao
Views: 42,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, freelancer, freelance designer, how to charge for graphic design, how to make more money as a graphic designer, graphic designer, how to charge for design work, advice for designers, advice for graphic designers, graphic design career, pricing creative work, pricing, make money, freelance, advice, how to, graphic design for beginners, client, freelancing tips, design tips, how to talk to design clients, sales designer, sales, business of design, how to sell design
Id: DNZM_GgflpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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