Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make DONUTS!

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hello everyone welcome to our regular installment of om 101 live here on the om youtube channel it's my pleasure to be with you again and I would also like to offer a shout out to all the essential workers out there who are doing their part to keep us safe keep us strong and also in terms of keeping us healthy that's one part keeping us also well fed so thank you to all of you hello to all my regulars who are watching of course Adam eats you know Cathy T we've got who else is watching we've got Suzanne watching Bonnie watching and I'll shout out to whoever I can but I know you love to participate and I love to hear from you too you voted for it today's om 101 is about chocolate mousse so I'm not just going to make one type of chocolate mousse I'm gonna make two types of chocolate mousse because it really allows me to talk about the styles of mousse different types of chocolate and different uses for mousse because it is a foundation element in baking and then I didn't want to leave you just with mousse let's make it more exciting I have a brand new secret recipe that I will be making in front of you after I get the two mousse is done so you have to stay with me remember it's something that goes with chocolate mousse your guesses have been pretty good I've been following along the hint was it is something round there were lots of chocolate guesses - let's see what could it be I'm not gonna tell you now we're gonna jump right into the very first chocolate mousse recipe and this is a classic dark chocolate mousse pardon me this is the type you would serve in a dish a parfait glass and it is just meant to be enjoyed on its own so it's about the punch of chocolate intensity balanced with the airiness of the mousse texture and that's what makes the bitter chocolate work in a mousse you've got this volume of air worked in there think of it as a chilled souffle without the stress of souffle so the recipe the original recipe can be found right here on om 101 I'm going to walk you through it we've picked up quite a few questions going through the recipe and that you've left here so I want to be able to tell you answer those questions as we go through this is based on a classic French style recipe now it starts off with seven ounces so 200 210 grams of bittersweet chocolate and I call for bittersweet chocolate specifically because I want that chocolate intensity in bittersweet chocolate which is 60 to 70% chocolate cocoa solids you've got less room for cocoa butter and you have less room for sugar and other ingredients and so you're left with that intense chocolate you can substitute semi-sweet in a one-to-one measurement in this recipe without any problem just know that with the addition of the whipped cream and the egg whites afterwards it will be a milder chocolate but the set should be exactly the same now my preferred method for melting chocolate is to do it stovetop and I've got a pot here with fill filled with just a couple of centimeters of water and you can see there's steam coming up but no bubbles no boiling whatsoever it's the steam hitting the bottom of the metal bowl and when I'm melting chocolate I do prefer to use a metal bowl because the heat conducts quickly and when I pull it off the heat it cools down quickly and that's what I want especially if you're getting into chocolate work and tempering chocolate you want to be able to control your temperatures I've added two tablespoons of butter to the mix and I'm gonna melt that together at the same time and you'll notice this is what I am doing just chatting with you hang nope nothing when your chocolate is starting to melt it's such a low temperature just let that gentle heat get through the chocolate a little bit before you need to stir you're going to have plenty of opportunity to stir it as you go through the process so I'm just looking for I can see on the surface of the bowl around the outside edge that the chocolate is melting little bit keep in mind when you're melting chocolate and butter together that chocolate melts at a lower temperature than butter so your butter may be your last bits that you see when you're melting your chocolate but isn't that why we love chocolate because it melts below body temp temperature so when you put it on the tip of your tongue and it just melts away into nothing yes oh it's so so so good now this style of mousse that I'm making the combination of melted chocolate adding whipped cream and whipped egg whites and I will get to the egg white topic it's a big one is not the kind to use for filling a cake or even a tart for that matter it has a nice set and a creaminess but it's meant to be eaten out of a dish with a spoon so there is no added gelatin to it or anything else to stabilize it it's as simple a technique as you can have making a mousse but it delivers that creamy flavor okay in that little bit of chatting right now I'm gonna give this a stir and I know Michael you've been doing a fabulous job as our director of photography it's hard to shoot a metal bowl because it reflects and you can't see through it I will transfer to glass later but I do prefer melting the chocolate like this I tend to avoid melting chocolate in a microwave simply because I find it doesn't take much longer to do it stovetop and a microwave if you have that heat setting wrong all the sudden two seconds later goes from being perfectly melted to burnt and I can recover a lot of things once you burn your chocolate there's no going back white chocolate particularly is quite delicate so I don't know if you can see here but there are still bits of butter visible so I'm just during gently but you'll notice there's no steam escaping from the side of the pot that end the bowl that's very important because if your water was too hot you would risk having chocolate steam come up the sides condense over the bowl and then if you get a droplet of water in the Mel process it can seize your chocolate that is not the end of the world a little quick fix if you've ever seized your chocolate you take it off the heat and you know it seized because it goes from shiny and smooth to all of a sudden dull and granular looking and that is the separation of the cocoa fats the cocoa butter from the solids so you need to bring them back together strangely the fix is what caused the problem so what you do is you take your C's chocolate and this is off the heat just dip your fingers clean fingers in water add a few droplets to the center of the bowl and then you stir where you add of that water and you'll watch that chocolate bond together and then you widen the stirring circle and you'll find that that chocolate comes back and is ready to use now I still see a few pieces of chocolate visible here but I'm going to take this off the heat and I'm gonna get my pot off the heats too and I out have had it I tend to pull my chocolate off the heat before it's fully melted because the actual heat of the chocolate itself will continue melting the remaining pieces of chocolate and this now my metal bowl is cooling down and I'm gonna scrape this into a glass bowl this is only so you can see what I'm doing there is no technical reason for it although the cool bowl right now will help cool the chocolate down a little bit I don't worry too much about timing here in the time that I get through explaining the next steps and this is how the recipe is laid out for you melt your chocolate set it aside take care of your other elements and that's really the time that this chocolate needs to cool down right away so let me pop to the fridge and grab my whipped cream now the cream itself I've already whipped so this is one copper to 50ml of fluid cream and there's nothing added to it I just whipped it right before we we started so it's chilled you can do it in the moment using electric beaters or a stand mixer if you have it an easy measurement keep in mind is that one cup of fluid whipping cream whips up to two cups of whipped cream so if you're ever doing you know we're all mad bakers right and you've got a bunch of things on the go and say you need to whip up a whole bunch of whipped cream to use in different places you know how to measure it out by volume after you've whipped it so it doubles in volume if you're using a non-dairy whipped cream for whatever reason that sometimes goes to a bigger volume even up to three times its volume so just keep that in mind so now instead of adding my flavoring to my chocolate which because this is just melted chocolate with a hint of butter it could risk splitting you want to introduce new ingredients to chocolate very carefully and gently just like as we're going to get back into society we're gonna do it gradually and we're gonna do it carefully this is what it's come to I like to add coffee to my chocolate mousse and I have brewed a cup of espresso coffee and let it cool this is 60 ml or a quarter cup just straight espresso coffee if you don't want to add coffee flavor to it you could do something like tea and that's a great opportunity to introduce a flavor if it's a flavored tea imagine Earl Grey tea in there it would be absolutely delicious it would also mellow the chocolate flavor I go for the chocolate here I when I make chocolate cakes I often put coffee in there for the exact same reason not to make it taste like coffee but to really bolster and push forward that delicious chocolate flavor so I'm adding it to my whipped cream I'll just pour it right in and you'll see the recipe calls for three tablespoons of brandy that is completely optional it's up to you that's based on the classic French recipe it just gives it a little spark but you can of course do without it now you'll notice how that adding that coffee really softened up the cream that's okay that's factored into the recipe so don't be worried and you don't have to try and read whip it or do anything different to it because that liquid is in there now so you can let that be um if you were not using the brandy you don't have to replace that three tablespoons with any other liquid you can just let it be as is as I'm doing right here so let's talk about egg whites because a lot of you have asked both in the chocolate mousse recipe and through my social media feeds etc and I specifically Tia and Christian John we're asking about is it okay to use raw egg whites in baking and the rules when I checked the Canadian standards from the canadian egg Marketing Board and Health Canada they say that softly cooked or undercooked eggs are safe for the most part for most people and again here is a kovat comparison if you are immune-compromised elderly or a child you should not consume raw eggs so I have good news as an option because in this recipe I don't call for cooking the eggs in any way what you can do is use carton liquid egg whites they have been pasteurized so then they are fully safe to use in any meringue recipe you might have called for that doesn't need cooking so that's safety tip number one another great question I'm asked a lot because I know you're watching me from around the world that if you're in Europe or in Mexico or South America I can't remember what the rules are in Southeast Asia but eggs are sold unrefrigerated we're here in North America Canada in the u.s. our eggs are sold refrigerated and you might wonder well what's the difference the difference is in North America our eggs when they go through the grading system are also washed it takes off a natural protective surface on the outside of the egg it cleans the egg but it means then from that point on they must be stored refrigerated where in other countries that surface is left on it's kind of nature's protection and therefore the eggs don't have to be refrigerated but they should be consumed within I would say about five days so I hope that gives you some good information I'm just gonna take a peek here before I get into whipping my egg whites to see what kind of questions you're asking me I'm also giving a little chance for my dark chocolate to cool now remember after this I'm gonna get into my white chocolate mousse now this is a style that suits cake and piping and then after that comes the secret recipe so we've got lots of good look forward to so I'm just gonna stretch it out a little bit and check out your questions here I love seeing them on the feed here and just to let you know this whole video including the new recipe will appear on the om channel so if you have to tune out now or you're just joining now you can watch the whole thing from start to finish soon after I wrap things up here - dude Oh new subscribers Marianne mm-hmm Nadeem is asking do I have a coconut lemon curd recipe I have a couple of delicious lemon curd recipes and I do have a recipe for a lemon coconut cake that is pretty fabulous so I would check that one out for the lemon coconut curd recipe and I notice you you notice how I baked my dacquoise for quite a bit where some dockwise recipes call for a short bake when I'm making a coconut dacquoise because of the weight of the coconut I find to really dry out and get a good crisp dacquoise shell and if Jack was is a meringue style cake layer but it has no flour it usually has either nuts or coconut in its place I find the weight of the coconut takes a longer cook time if I'm doing an almond dacquoise using ground almonds or hazelnuts or walnuts then I can bake at a shorter time so that's a great question to do greetings from Jamaica hello oh and Kristine has made coconut lemon cake so she knows oh and a good Ivanka is asking using dry coconut well here in Canada we don't have access to the best fresh coconuts I've been to Southeast Asia and know how good fresh coconut is but we deal with dried unappealing world desiccated coconuts so it's dry flaked you can get it sweetened unsweetened and depending on I find I tend to gravitate towards sweet sweet and coconut because it tends to be more tender when you use it in a recipe so great questions Shabana asks how am i I'm doing okay still doing the once a week grocery shop so I'm managing my lessons based on what ingredients I have on hand I have chocolate I have whipped cream with coffee now I'm ready to get back to whipping my three egg whites and I'm gonna turn on the mixer a lot of pinch of salt fit to balance flavor a bit to stretch the egg white no cream of tartar required here and now I'm going to whip this until it's foamy and I'll add sugar 45 ml by volume so this is not a very stable meringue it needs to get used immediately so you don't want to search this process until you're ready to start assembling your meat the egg whites are room temperature because they will whip to a better volume oh here's a great tip if you are baking using the cartons liquid pasteurized egg whites they will by nature take a little bit longer to it so just be patient it's not you it's just the nature of the egg whites but you can get exactly the same volume out of liquid egg whites that you can a fresh egg so I'm just whipping to a soft peak so nice and light a little movement in the egg whites got some flexibility to it so these are good to go and let me get this mixer out of the lake side all right let's bring the activity close to me so the Golden Rule when making a mousse that calls for whipped cream and egg whites if you're ever wondering and you don't want to go back to the recipe egg whites always go in last they're the most fragile and the most delicate and so they should always be folded in at the very end so first goes the whipped cream and I'm going to introduce it drag gradually to the chocolate introduce it hey chocolate meet the cream cream how you doing meet the chocolate this is to even out the temperatures if I were to add that cold cream to the warm well it's room temperature now chocolate all at once it could seize up and then you get little pieces of chocolate you we want to smooth fluffy mousse pull from the bottom you can see the streaking of the dark chocolate from the bottom of the bowl that's okay I can already feel it starting to set it changes texture that's what I love about baking you can though there's nothing doing in the oven with a mousse that's still part of the baking world part of that adventure and baking I think the reason we all enjoy it and we're spending this time together is because it is about all of the senses and you have to rely on your sense of touch when you're holding in the cream to the chocolate to feel when you're there to feel when it's right to feel do I have to go faster is it chilling too quickly we're doing just fine here you can see that lightness of color coming in and I should actually this is a great opportunity for me to bring up the point that using semi-sweet and bittersweet chocolate in recipes that is interchangeable you cannot interchange milk or white chocolate in place of dark chocolate and a recipe so if you were to try and make this recipe with white chocolate mousse you would not get the same stats because the combination of cocoa powder and cocoa solids in milk chalk there's more cocoa butter less solids in white chocolate there are no cocoa solids that's why it's white and you'll find it's too soft so you have to follow a different formula or recipe and that's why next I'm going to be making a white chocolate mousse now the same thing I'm gonna fold my egg whites in two additions and this is where I like to start getting a little speedier because when it comes to folding in egg whites time is the enemy and it they can take a bit of action here so I'm still pulling from the bottom working them in and if you still see some streaks of egg white in there that's okay so long as it's before the final addition of the egg whites that's when you want to make sure you have it nicely combined how's everyone doing good feeling it up close and personal with some chocolate mousse here I'm sure Michael you've got a Super Start can I fold mousse and take questions at the same time ah very good question in place of egg whites aquafaba is the liquids left from canned beans or chickpeas and it whips up lovely into egg whites your choice if to use it in making if you're using vegan chocolates you would use a non-dairy whipped cream you could use aqua fauna I would definitely recommend adding the coffee to the recipe for the strength of flavor because while the egg whites work and then the chocolate will start beautifully you may find you get a hint of humus to your chocolate mousse and that may not be what you're after so this is we're adding the coffee would be very very helpful all right doesn't that look luscious and smooth oh yeah look at that fluffy lightness so I'm gonna stop stirring now because I could just do that compulsively it's so gratifying and I'm gonna go for if you're okay Michael this recipe makes six to eight servings clearly we're not having people over for dinner in the near future it's just Michael and I so I'm going to do four large cups and this will be a chocolate mousse we can share how's that this recipe cuts in half easily if you're in the same boat go grab a ladle and depending how cool or warm your chocolate was you may find it's easier to pour scoop you could even pipe it into the cups and I will pop these in the fridge to set because we still have the white chocolate mousse to make and the secret recipe to make so I will pull it out at the end so we can look at everything we've created if you're making this mousse along with me I hope you've had good luck and a similar-looking results well that's a good question um I find a mousse like this you can cover it if you want if it's going to spend a couple of days in the fridge I wouldn't leave it for more than say three days just because of the air in the mousse because anything with dairy or the air will absorb you definitely don't put the garlic kielbasa next to the chocolate mousse or it will just absorb those or odors but really for the optimal taste and texture because it will start drying out and the fridge is about three days but really it's it's yeah it's - yeah I would go three days let's just leave it at that it's it's a tough question because I don't know that I've ever had them in the fridge longer than three days they usually disappeared there we go okay and that's fussing I'm fussing I'm just messing it out here okay I'm gonna pop it in the fridge and then we can move on to our white chocolate mousse and you know I put them on that tray on the napkin for your benefit if we were if I was just making them and it was Michael and I I just throw the cups in the fridge and let them be and cram other things around it but created some space for you so hope you appreciate it um okay white chocolate mousse let's get at it now the recipes that you see on my Oh yum channel is associated with a cranberry chocolate a white chocolate mousse tart which is absolutely lovely so I'm just making the mousse portion from that recipe so we can see the comparative dip today making sure I have everything I need ah yes there we go okay so this white chocolate mousse recipe is a style that suits pardon me that suits piping or cake filling weather on the outside of a cake or inside so meaning it holds its shape when you cut into it but yet the texture is such that when you bite into it it still melts away just like the chocolate mousse that's in the cups that's all about creating the balance between the chocolate the whipped cream and the foundation so to give this mousse some body I'm making a simple version of a pastry cream now if you join me last week I made a caramel pastry cream and that was following a classic pastry cream formula well this one is a little bit lighter it's not thickened quite as much because we have the white chocolate to give the mousse some body and structure too so I'm just gonna turn my milk on I'm going to separate my eggs just as a note I'm making a half recipe for the simple practical reason is that I only had enough white chocolate to do a half recipe and have one children ready for you so these days you can't just pop out to the store for a single ingredients so I hope you don't mind but I'm showing you the volume you get and you can make that choice if you want to do two or one the recipe itself the the base recipe calls for three egg yolks if you want it you could take one of these yolks take a teaspoon and cut the yolk in half pull out a tablespoon and then you would have your one and a half egg yolks I made this with the two egg yolks that's absolutely fine it's such a small measure it doesn't really make a big difference I've got a tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon and a half of granulated sugar and I'll add that to my egg yolks right before my milk is ready so I'm going to just make sure that comes up to a full center I don't add vanilla to the pastry cream or the mousse at all and you probably notice I didn't do that for the tart chocolate mousse either because the chocolate itself is the singular flavor and in most chocolates there is some vanilla flavoring so check your ingredients and it'll tell you if it's in there white chocolate definitely has vanilla in it so you rarely have to add extra I have four ounces so 120 grams of chopped white chocolate now just as a note I had white chocolate chips for chocolate chip cookies kicking around you cannot use chocolate chips for cookies in baking you need to use couverture or baking chocolate so it comes in blocks or squares and you have to cut it up and the reason you have to do that is chocolate chips are made to hold their shape it baked into cookies but in this recipe you need a fluid smooth white chocolate and you'll find if you melt just regular chocolate chips that they're kind of grainy and it doesn't turn shiny so you do need to use the baking chocolate comes in bars or blocks I've got a tablespoon of butter added to to it and it's adding the hot pastry cream to the chocolate itself that will melt it and immediate we cool it down so that I can add the whipped cream so exist is another great recipe because you don't have to space out the timing of making it over the course of the morning it pretty much comes together as is and getting some steam on my milk but this is an important topic I'm going to pull these give you a second Michael if you can see these we're gonna do a little talk through on gelatin if that's okay because I've had people asking me about gelatin using gelatin in North America for home cooks powdered gelatin is the most common it looks like this it's got little grains to it and you want to make sure you buy the unflavored no no cherry or orange flavor in Europe and in professional kitchens we like to use gelatin sheets this is the exact same product just in a different form gelatin sheets offer you a little more precision they look like they're plastic and the equivalent is three sheets of gelatin equals one teaspoon of gelatin powder if you're making the conversion now there are different grades of gelatin they can these are platinum meaning they're super thin sheets then you get gold silver and bronze and they get thicker and thicker so you have less control in a sheet and so I like going for the platinum what is common between these gelatin is they have to be bloomed before you can use them you need to soften them in cold water before you begin so if you're using gelatin sheets you can crack them in half and you just put them in a bowl of cool water you don't have to measure the water the gelatin absorbs as much as it can take that's why it needs to be cooled because you don't want it to melt and then you squeeze it out and you add it to your mousse mixture in the case of powdered gelatin you need to measure your water so I've got a tablespoon and a half and I'll just give that a little stir it only takes a second if I were to add this powdered gelatin or the sheet gelatin to my hot liquid without it's often up in water it wouldn't dissolve you would get the grains so you really have to do this process so I do I tend to do this first before I start my other ingredients now a question you were asking me some great question about aqua fava and we were talking about non-dairy whipped cream and this is not vegetarian friendly so if you are looking for a vegetarian option agar powder or agar flakes this is agar flakes and it is a seaweed algae that's been dried this is a fabulous way to thicken ingredients you see in a lot of delicious South Asian desserts and it gives things they're sort of gum or texture now the difference between using them you use the exact same measure so if a recipe calls for a tablespoon of gelatin powder you would use a tablespoon of agar the difference is you don't bloom it and agar needs to come to a full boil to activate it so gelatin gets added at the very end of the mousse assembly process before you add the whipped cream the agar has to go into the milk you have to make sure that milk comes up to a full simmer if you're replacing the eggs you would use silken tofu to smooth it out and it would help give that protein sets to your pastry cream or you can simply use extra corn starch so I hope that gives you some great information I do love playing with the recipes I find sometimes vegan baking takes thinking completely differently than the conventional training but there are some options that really allow you to take a classic French recipe and adapt it to vegan cooking then return this back to my simmer and now I don't know if you can see this is all of a sudden gummy and thicken now so that's good to go I'll add my cornstarch and sugar to my egg yolks give that a quick stir and if you taught me making the caramel pastry cream last week you know what I'm doing I'm tempering the eggs with the sugar to equalize the heats as opposed to adding the cold dates to the hot pot looks right back in and this is a small volume remember this is a half recipe so it's not going to take long to cook I'm using induction keeps and even with the precision of induction heat or gas I still like to be the temperature control so I tend to lift up and put down the pot because that's faster than playing with the dials and getting the heat right you need to really see this come to a low simmer to know that the cornstarch is got its full thickening power as soon as I start seeing it tighten up on the bottom I want to get the feet away from the bottom and you can see now that it slips through a little bit tighter there look at that glossiness and I just saw a bubble break the surface so I know it hits to swell so now you take the custard off the heat and then you add your gelatin and just the keys of the custard itself will dissolve the gelatin you'll also find it liquefying all of a sudden it goes a lot thinner looking that's part of the recipe that's just how it behaves so it almost looked more like a custard sauce now while it's still hot I'm gonna scrape this through a strainer over my four ounces of chopped white baking chocolates and I did see a question come through about brands of baking chocolate it really depends on what you have available it's hard for me to speak to it because there are so many brands depending where you are around the world but ask your local pastry chef in a bakery what they prefer using and that's a good place to start every bit of that custard so now this custard this pastry cream is creating the stable base for this chocolate mousse and now we're immediately cooling down the custard because of the white chocolate and the butter is melting in and the color doesn't really change white chocolate has this sort of natural butter yellow color to it I know some people love it some people hate it if you were doing a dark chocolate version you would reduce the amount of chocolate this is this recipe factors in the set of white chocolate which is a foster set then dark chocolate and you'll notice when I was wet melting the dark chocolate just the straight dark chocolate with the touch of butter I was using a spatula you want to be gentle when you're melting straight dark chocolate when you're adding something like making a ganache we're adding this cream now you've got so much of an other ingredient that whisking is okay so I can see now this is fully melted there we go sure I'm gonna go grab because I've whipped my cream already for this there we go now because this is a half recipe I took a half a cup of fluid cream whipped it so I end up with about a full cup and I'm just going to check with my finger the temperature of yeah I'm good that amount of white chocolate really does seal down the pastry cream you can let it if it's a hot humid day it may take a little longer to cool to room temperature you might want to give it about 10-15 minutes extract you can tell when it's time to add the cream because the gelatin will actually start setting as the chocolate cools around the outside so you're forever wondering you don't have to cover this like a pastry cream with plastic wrap just give it a swirl and if you start seeing it pull at the sides then it's time to fold in the cream if by accident you leave it go too long and it starts setting up on you yep I've done that you can just gently rewarm it do the water bath put it over a pot of barely simmering water you don't want to cook the custard any more you just want to soften up that gelatin and you'll find it go smooth on you and you're good to go okay I'm gonna fold in the cream in two additions out of habit always two additions cold cream immediately we'll start setting the chocolate and again a few streaks are okay because I still have more cream to add oh you know what time it is we're getting close to the secret recipe time oh it's gonna be a cheesecake it's gonna be a chocolate cake you know it's something I want to make in front of you start to finish and I did tell you I wanted to use my mousse I'm not gonna tell you yet got to stay with me so there we go you've got the cream it's it has fluidity and this is common when you're making most chocolate mousse once you fold it in your cream or egg whites you will find it soft it's supposed to be so at this point I like to let this mousse it in the bowl in the fridge for about an hour to 90 minutes you can make it a full day ahead of time but I like to have it set but not fully set when I'm piping it if I'm using it for a cake this is when it can be poured into your mold and then your cake assembled around it or the mousse on top when you're using a mousse like this you want to use it while it is still fluid and always make sure if you're assembling it um with layers of a cake without cake on the sides assemble it in a mold or a springform pan line the outside of the pan with or the inside of the pan with parchment paper or acetate put in your cake layer mousse goes in cake layer goes on top or if you're doing the inverted style you would pour the mousse into the pan press your cake layers in and freeze it upside down so this mousse can be used for that okay so you're gonna pop this in the fridge and I'm gonna draw it it even more before I reveal what the secret recipe is I'm gonna take a few questions from you so let's take a look here is the secret recipe marble mousse well that is actually a brilliant guess but no very big smart guess hello from Nepal Wow thank you and thank you for staying up late to join us Baked Alaska did you - uh-oh sifting dry ingredients and most of the time oh that's a good question okay so a hint about this recipe I'm going to make I will be using a scepter to sift my dry ingredients and if I'm ever making something light and fluffy like a cake style recipe I always sift my dry ingredients if I'm making something simple like a cookie sometimes I just combine the dry ingredients but the choice of sifter I tend to use a strainer or a mesh flat sifter those are called that's called a Tammy and that's actually okay here's number one I have my dry ingredients for my secret recipe so this is called a Tammy this mesh sifter pastry chefs in a commercial kitchen will use it because they come bigger and you can sip just over a sheet of parchment paper lift the parchment and dump it into your big mixer when you're making big recipes a mesh strainer I find they're just easy to stack in my cupboard because I have so many putts and bands and baking tools you can use the sifter with a little hand drill but I find sometimes you get build up around where the the sifting element is so I tend to just use a mesh sifter because it's handy and multi-purpose at the same time so you can see I've got some chocolate in here I've got all-purpose flour and some cocoa and I'm gonna start bringing my ingredients over because I'm making a batter and I've preheated my oven to 400 degrees and I should tell you right now that this recipe all the ingredients and the method will appear on this video once we cut and get it posted on the Oh yum site TJ does that for me hi TJ um you will be able to recreate this recipe and I wanted to pick something because you're such amazing bakers I love seeing what you post on om 101 the hashtag on Facebook and on Instagram it's amazing what you're doing and I know there are all love of bakers you've got some of you are baking with young people or you're just starting into baking and I wanted to give you a recipe that is easy and workable but I know there are you expert bakers who love spending time on your decor work and decorating and get really expressive and creative so I wanted that same wrested to be to suit all levels so as I bring everything over we are going to make the fluffiest chocolate baked Donuts no fluffy is an understatement these are amazing and it's a simple batter with ingredients I bet you might have on hands or I can walk you through what to do so I want to bake these chocolate fluffy donuts for you and then top them with that luscious white chocolate mousse for what will end up taking tasting like an elegant chocolate mousse cake with a fraction of the effort so this batter is as simple as a muffin or a cupcake batter so you want to start with your big bowl with your dry ingredients so I have 3/4 of a cup or 150 grams of granulated sugar and I'm going to add to that 3/4 of it are you ready you're ready for these Donuts this is that's over Oh people okay thank you and people seem really excited glad you're on board 3/4 of a cup of buttermilk so that's 175 mil and so you can see the buttermilk has this sort of natural thickness to it even though it is only one percent butterfat people sometimes think buttermilk is fatty because of the word butter but it is actually what is left from the butter making process the reason I call for buttermilk in this recipe as opposed to straight milk is buttermilk has a tartness it has acidity built into it that's going to react with my baking powder and I need that lift big lift to make these baked Donuts nice and fluffy and so if you don't have buttermilk it's a okay you can create your own measure out your buttermilk pull away two teaspoons for this volume and replace that with two teaspoons of lemon juice or white vinegar give it a little stir let it sit for a minute and you're gonna watch the milk almost curdles a little bit ideally you want to use one or two percent milk whole milk will work fine you can't use skim milk though in this recipe that adds the acidity and the thickness that you want in this recipe so just like making banana bread or a simple muffin recipe you combine all your wet ingredients together and I consider sugar a wet ingredient because it dissolves into everything when I stir it in addition to the 175 mil of buttermilk the 150 grams of sugar or 3/4 of a cup I've got 1/4 cup 60 ml of vegetable oil plus 1 TSP of vanilla and that goes and I need a newest I just whisk this all together nothing more complicated than that alright now that that's combined I've got one and a quarter cups of all-purpose flour that's 185 grams and I have 30 grams or that's a quarter cup of cocoa powder now I'm using Dutch process cocoa powder in this recipe you can tell by the dark dark color it too is it's like the bittersweet chocolate it's got intensity but it's a little milder tasting than conventional chocolate they are interchangeable here but I find I get a punch here dark color from using Dutch process cocoa powder black cocoa powder is now available more two home bakers you have to be careful when you use black cocoa powder because it has a lower fat content half the fat content of Dutch process cocoa and so you may find things like your fluffy baked Donuts look delicious but they might be a little drier than normal so I would go for the conventional or the Dutch process here two teaspoons of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt that's it can I add it all at once to my base mixture and this makes a relatively loose batter I find it depends on the cocoa you use tidy up here no messes here and I just whisk this to combine it how's that for easy we've been cooking together for just over 45 minutes today so I wanted to make something that was realistic approachable but add a little sparkle of interest and you know the minute I'm ready for my oh um 101 I'm already thinking about the next one and so oh my gosh we have TJ who you see writing on the thread I'm just gonna smooth it out of it so see how this this kind of has a a pudding texture to it I'm gonna smooth it out you don't want to see any lumps I'm back to that so we were talking about how much we love your feedback your input your such loyal viewers and such great bakers that maybe we should put you in charge of the next OM 101 you get to vote as you do every week but instead of me being the executive pastry chef I think I'll be the sous chef and you're gonna direct what I make what do you think about that more details to come we're working it up so once you whisk this until there are no lumps visible it does how about let's just look to it you can choose to pour it or if you're adventurous you can pipe it into your donut pants now it is true to make baked Donuts you need a donut pan so it's just like I'm not Inchon except of course with the donut shape you can bake these in a muffin tin as a cupcake if you don't have it I don't want you to not make these and then you could use the white chocolate mousse instead of frosting and just blow people's minds with the lightness and the fluffiness the reason I wanted to show you this recipe today was because of the nature of the fluffy donut against the fluffy mousse you really want to match textures when you're using a mousse in a recipe it's so important deciding if pouring or piping is better mmm-hmm what do you think Michael should I pour it or pipe it oh I Scott Idol picture I can use pipe it okay that could get a little messy let's see what happens I'm gonna pipe so no tip in my large piping bag in place here and man I'm going through the whisks and spatulas today aren't I I'll help you clean up how's everybody doing okay well these are only available in Canada right now but these pans are actually my own line so if you're in Canada you can find them at the base and hoping to get them around the world if we can so this recipe makes 18 Donuts you can do this with this type of batter there aren't any whipped egg whites or anything sensitive into in this you can do it in batches if you only have one donut pan you can also find the mini donut pants that works just as well your yield will be almost tripled though because those are really dainty but great if you're having a big party who's having a big party this is our party this is our way to celebrate together nothing 10 would work beautifully you can either grease the muffin tin or you can use paper liners and you should be just fine what's key to this recipe is make sure your oven is preheated to 400 degrees 200 Celsius that is so important because otherwise I learned the hard way it's even at 375 you don't get the fluff and you'll find like a muffin it'll bake up and then spread out what I love about this recipe is it bakes up so you get that full round doughnut shape that you would it looks just like it came out of a fryer but of course it hasn't okay now I'm gonna start back here this is when you see me pipe on my other OEM videos I always tell the director which direction I'm starting in and ending in and then I don't always listen to my own advice so you want to fill these about 3/4 full yep you definitely don't want me to sing we like our viewers now the great thing is these only take 8 minutes 10 max to bake so I'm gonna put these in the oven and you are gonna see them come out of the oven before I sign off I want you to see how easy these are to do and you'll notice maybe you can see the shininess on the pan even a nonstick pan I do grease because the nonstick surface ensures and it's a silicon-based surface ensures that things will come out evenly without cracking but you still want to grease your pan otherwise it depends on the nature of the recipe itself and so some are more for mystic than others so in these go I'm gonna set the timer for 8 minutes and so you'll see these come out of the oven I have magic a television do though and I baked some ahead of time so I thought we could pipe these while we wait for the other ones to bake so here they are out of the oven and they've got that what they're fluffier than a cupcake honestly it just it baffles me how they puff up in the oven and hopefully I'll remember in a few minutes and I'll show you part way through what they look like faith is asking Oh II faith is asking if we can fry these donuts that's a good question faith the this batter would not suit frying a donut that's fried is more of a dense dough that has to be either scooped or rolled so that it holds its shape I mean you could end up with something almost funnel cake like perhaps but I haven't tried it I would stick with this formula for baking only but that's a very good question okay I've got sprinkles I thought today deserves some sprinkles and because this white chocolate mousse needs a good 90 minutes to sit I made this right before we went on camera and look that consistency see how it sets up so you can imagine if you take a knife to cut you can get a nice clean slice when you cut into it if it's in a tart or in a cake but yet when you taste it it just melts away so it does suit piping I give it a little stir only because it only has been in the refrigerator for ninety minutes and so the outside will likely be more set than the center so this just evens it up a little bit smoothes it out people are seem surprised that you can do this but yes you can stir our mousse even after its chilled there we go I can see sort of a creamy texture there I've got a piping bag large star tip and we're gonna pipe this move you've got this mild sweet creamy fluffy white chocolate mousse on top of these fluffiest dark chocolate baked doughnuts and they provide such a great piping opportunity so go nuts you don't have to stop where I stop just by piping the choc the white chocolate mousse on you could do the drizzles you could do the caramel you could add slices of banana and then Oh caramelized sugar on top of it just get creative so see how nicely that pipes it holds its definition but yet it still has that fluffiness to it once you get the mousse on here these donuts have to go in the fridge if you weren't bothering with the piping you could do a chocolate or vanilla glaze you could color it however you wanted you could color this white chocolate mousse I would color it when you add dissolve the gelatin in or even when you have melted the white chocolate definitely before you add the whipped cream to play with the color tone pink would be nice a little coconut on top whatever you like on your doughnut toffee bits so what do you think is this a keeper are you glad you stuck around for the surprise and even if you couldn't and you're tuning in later surprise we've got white chocolate mousse topped chocolate donuts may better with sprinkles just donuts have been in four minutes there's so many sprinkle options out there and it's up to you sometimes I find it easier to buy the separate colors and mix my own blends or you can buy the pre blended depending on what people like even these little pearls are they're just sugar candy they're interval I'm gonna take a picture of these after so TJ has them for this recipe when we post it so said enough sprinkles Michael would think excellent oh this has been great fun and I hope you learned a lot about sort of the foundation and the essence of chocolate mousse let's take a peek at see how those are cooking up it's been five minutes look at that volume you got from that hot oven and that particular recipe that combination of the buttermilk with the baking powder I can't believe that five minutes and that's what they do so just another I don't want to let all the heat out of the oven just another three minutes and then I will pull them out so you get a chance to see them right here and oh I'm gonna take a bite into the chocolate doughnuts don't you worry but let's take this couple of minutes last few minutes to take a few questions cuz you've been so wonderful staying with me today Oh asking for Jenny good question a video for shortbreads I love getting your ideas I remember someone asked last week about choux paste I love making choux paste so maybe a profiterole Eclair dare I make a croquembouche in front of you live I seem to be pretty daring so far lots of great ideas hello Olaf from Barcelona again Oh Diego yes could you add matcha green tea to the white chocolate mousse I think that would be a great idea I would to dissolve it in the milk so that you know and and so you get the proper color and flavor addition to your taste but yes I would definitely go for a matcha green tea there uh more gluten-free baking from words are my trade okay I will keep that in mind and in fact I have a whole repertoire of new gluten-free recipes I've been working on so maybe I won't keep them a secret like I did my fluffy baked chocolate donuts will make sure you know and and knowing how and where to use your substitutions and play with new recipes is great too - Oh a banana bread recipe oh you know what banana bread I have a great recipe for the best banana muffins that I am actually holding on to for the new series that will be coming to this om channel in the near future as soon as we can get our team together to put everything in place in the meantime you can count on me being here for you for these Oh YUM 101 livestreams because they're great and keeping on top of my ingredients that I have available too and I don't have ripe bananas all maybe I should plan for that what to do if you don't have a candy thermometer but you have a meat thermometer Nachi or nay see nasty that's a really good question a candy thermometer is very handy when you're baking especially when you're caramelizing sugar and you need to hit it to a particular temperature for say an Italian buttercream or if you're making nougat or other candies a meat thermometer the kind inserted in the roast at the beginning of the cooking process will not work if you have an instant-read meat thermometer it might do the trick so give it a try but the kind that has to stay in the meat is won't work for a candy thermometer but that's a good tip because maybe I could go through the sugar levels and show you by temperature and by feel how to safely do that oh they don't go high enough yeah good point the digital ones which are multi-purpose yeah good point Michael look at those I don't want them to come near my moose muffins and so just like a sponge cake I check the doneness by touching the top when it springs back it's amazing they take ten minutes I think that's amazing I'll let these cool in the tin for a few minutes and then I'll pop them out yeah there too way too hot right now I don't want to squish them but they smell amazing they smell like a rich chocolate cake you saw how easy that was so I've given you the foundations of dark chocolate mousse I've given you something more involved with the white chocolate mousse and then the surprise I made donuts for you the easy fluffy chocolate baked Donuts so I'm gonna sign off now please if you're making any of these recipes a reminder this donut recipe will be on this video that will come up on the OEM Channel and just give us a little time to get it up there and you can watch it all again start to finish do keep baking with me I'll see you next Thursday for another exciting Oh YUM 101 and Michael says bye mm-hmm it's about the texture creamy and fluffy oh what a treat oh and the donuts freeze well - I'm without the mousse bye everybody
Channel: Oh Yum with Anna Olson
Views: 119,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professional baker teaches
Id: Dvh-M7gL_Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 7sec (3907 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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