Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make CINNAMON BUNS!

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sticky buns are a bakery bestseller and it's no wonder they're made of rolled leaven dough and filled with a sticky sweet filling let's start with a classic cinnamon sticky bun so we can get a handle on the basics now it starts with a soft dough and part of what makes a soft yeast dough is actually the dairy component in this case I've got a cup and a quar of 2% milk and I've heated it to just above body temperature I'll add that to the mixer along with 1/4 cup of melted butter while I've got my liquids I'll add the yeast I use instant yeast 2 and 1/4 teaspoons I'll add a single egg 1/4 cup of granulated sugar and I need 3 and 1/2 cups of allpurpose flour and the last ingredient for the dough is 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt I'll use the hook attachment making the dough nice and stretchy you know when you can see the dough climb the hook that's when you know it's properly needed it is an easy to manage dough it's so soft and silky I like to shape it into a nice ball before I let it rise take a big bowl and I just give it a light coating of oil and then what's important is that you cover the bowl completely with plastic wrap to protect the dough so it doesn't dry out on top now what you want to do is put this in a warm place and it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours for it to double in size before it's ready to roll and fill with the sticky filling now for the next step in the process the goo the sticky layer that bakes underneath the sticky buns so in a saucepan melt half a cup of unsalted butter oh they are decadent add to that a full cup of light brown sugar and in addition to that half a cup of maple syrup because it's sugar in its liquid state it helps keep the gooey filling just that gooey I want to cook this until it comes up to a full simmer you see it bubbling I have my pan ready which is a 9x13 pan lightly greased I'll pour that into the pan it's a nice thick layer and just to get my filling ready I use brown sugar again 2/3 of a cup and a full tablespoon of cinnamon and now it's time to get rolling I have a batch of the yeast dough that has risen for the 90 minutes and it has actually doubled in size and turn the dough out little sprinkle on top and roll this out into a rectangle it rolls out so easily there we go I have 3 tablespoons of melted butter that I'll brush on top of the dough and then sprinkle on the cinnamon brown sugar and now from one long end roll it up you don't have to pull or stretch the dough but you do want to keep it pretty tight as you rolling it and I want to cut these into 12 sticky buns and I'll arrange it in the pan and as you can see there's space around each of the sticky buns because of course they're going to rise up as they bake in the oven now what do you do if you want to serve freshly baked sticky buns for breakfast but you don't want to get up at 4: in the morning to start the process make them roll them fill them put them in the pan and pop them in the fridge overnight when you want to bake them fresh in the morning take them right from the fridge into a cold oven set the thermometer to 350 by the time the oven preheats the sticky buns will have proofed up and start baking and take the exact same time to bake so these need to go through that second Rise and that takes about an hour so what I do is I set them aside and this time just cover them Loosely with a tea towel I have a pan full of sticky buns that have risen for an hour so you can see they've puffed up a little bit more but wait until they hit the oven it takes 45 minutes at 350 the hardest part is waiting oh smell that cinnamon look at these oh they turn a beautiful even golden brown and that's basically how you tell they're done so just to make sure they're going to tip out easily I run a pallet knife around the outside and now to turn them out I'll just take a cutting board and and look at all that goo it's hard to resist and of course the best part is peeling away layer by layer to reveal that beautiful soft cinnamon dough filling oh I can't resist a good sticky bun
Channel: Oh Yum with Anna Olson
Views: 2,397,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professional baker teaches
Id: 2yrKaAqZ_kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2016
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