Prof. Robert Weiner: The Origins of World War II

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All right ladies and gentlemen and others. What are others? I don't know. Just to make sure... This one is exquisite. I'm halfway through it, and it was published in 2007. Bernard Wasserstein - Barbarism and Civilization. He knows the names of people and places I've never heard of. I mean he...this this is so detailed and well put together. Now you got to have a reading stand for it because it's too heavy. Okay? Alright, so it uh... But as narrative and analytical history, it's absolutely wonderful. Niall Ferguson, The War of the World. Um, also remarkable. And, umm... What he adds to Wasserstein is his is more global. ...Hi! How are you? Good... good. -- His is more global. Uhh, so he does more in Asia and things like that. Equally well written. Uh, he makes a lot of moral judgments. Um, he tells you things that make it hard to sleep at night. Um, because he shares the blame very very, very widely... ...uh, in terms of things that happened before and during World War II. Uh, and umm,'s very, very powerful stuff. [inaudible] Uh like water... W-A-S-S-E-R. Vasser...Oh, German water. ...and stien S-T-I-E-N ...and Ferguson. Now this guy is a turkey. He, he would, he would be someone like um... oh, Ted Koppel let's say or... uh, or any of the real important... Diane Sawyer. Takes a year off... goes all over Europe and writes the book that does two things at the same time. On the one hand it is a history of the twentieth-century. And on the other hand, it's a history of the present. So in each each place he goes to he meets the children or the grandchildren of historical actors from the earlier time period. Whether they're [inaudible] officers or whatever ...and interviews them and he intertwines the present and the past in an exquisite way. Okay? It's very, very well written and very well translated. He apparently is one of the great Dutch journalists of this generation. And this book it's Hert - G-E-E-R-T Mak. M-A-K ...and it's now in paperback also. Here's the book I kept on referring to yesterday but had at home... Modris Eksteins's "The Rights of Spring" ...this is difficult. A lot of psycho-cultural history. He makes some claims that are undoubtedly over the top but in getting deep below the surface he brings up issues and questions that are truly, truly extraordinary. So it's very, very much worth looking at. If you really serious about it - it's a challenge. Um, and one of the most wonderful things about Lafayette students Um... I use this about eight, nine years ago for the first time and had to discontinue using it because it was too difficult. And now I began using it about four years ago... five years ago... and students frequently say it's the best book in the class. So, the quality of our students has changed so much over the last 10 years that [inaudible] okay all you're gonna get over it... I'm roasting you guys tonight! You'll get... I', no, no, no, no. I'm giving up giving you the evaluation tonight. So, uh, it's...E-K-S-T-I-E-N-S and again, he's written one powerful book after another. Now, I know the some of these youngsters lecturing have dazzled you with technology and stuff like that and I can't do that. Alright? I go into every class and I let the students know that I am a dinosaur. I wanted to look up something... I can't even look at things on the computer... I need a secretary...I need a wife! Okay. I have a wife! It's been forty-six years! She can do this stuff ...I do some of it. I do email - I mean I'm on email - I get email from all over the world... but I'm really, really a technophobe. But I do know how to use - even in the summer - the photocopy machine upstairs. You should see what happens when Don Miller comes late before class and he has to photocopy something. He runs in my office..."How do you use it?" -- I'm glad he's around because he's the only one -- well he's gone beyond me on many many up other technical levels but not the photocopy machine. I'm really... I thought you were doing so well that you deserve some handouts. Okay? Oh, I hope there are enough here. And this is gonna be the second part of a, of our discussion today. Alright. Here we go. I'm sorry, I was gonna say send them across. Okay. I didn't give directions. I didn't give directions. I was going across. How many people are here? We're not over 50? Alright, then there are enough. Then there are enough. Because I made over 50. Alright. I'm gonna... Just because your sitting alone... [Laughing][inaudible] Uh... They're gonna come. Send all the extras this way please. All the extras, going this way. All the way back to ah...Professor Kelliher back there. Ahh...Bill Kelliher... ...such a sweetheart. How did you ever get to be a judge? I mean... I am, I am, really happy... ...playing cards... you're good poker player. For Dick Sharpless to come in on a day off to see a former student... which he did to see you... is really, really, wonderful. Do you have any questions from yesterday before we begin? Who won the war? Okay...uh, I answered that yesterday... I said If you had to have a winner it was America ...but, I always say there were no victors. They were equally maimed... and European Civilization was the loser. And world civilization was the loser. Umm, and then I will always put in that caveat... that European self-destruction made it easier for places in which Europe was dominant to achieve their independence. So maybe someone sitting in Africa or Asia was a winner. Okay... it depends how you play at all out. Umm, and as an acceleration of history... umm, it certainly got women out of the home more quickly even though a lot of their gains that they made were taken away after the war up by fascist like and other dictatorial regimes that wanted to go back to a more hierarchical view of society. A more traditional view of society. Uhh, but I believe really everyone was a victim and civilization was a victim and one of the great tragedies is that uh, Europeans that... never before had so many people lived well. At that time period... never before had so many people lived well... in Europe. Europe was really, really progressing. but at the same time as progressing there was a level of sneakiness when it came to the acceptance of violence and war and manhood and all of those kinds of things. Irrationality... the growth of irrationality as part of the modernist cultural moment uh, that was at odds with all this material prosperity that had developed over time and was beginning to seep toward Eastern Europe as well, but far too slowly. But again that's just Europe. So this Western Europe, Central Europe umm, minority part of the world was doing much better as we were in the United States. So no one won in Europe, and the United States emerged at the center of the world... umm, economically not yet culturally but economically and financially... we were the greatest debtor nation going into the war. We left the war as the greatest creditor nation. The European powers were creditor nations. They all left as debtor nations... and that was one of the issues about the Treaty of Versailles. They had imposed these reparation payments on Germany mostly, but some of the other a German allies but are all the European countries owed up billions of dollars to the United States... and uh, as one president said "Well they loaned it didn't they?" Umm, we weren't willing to cancel our debts. We weren't ready for a Marshall Plan. We needed a Marshall Plan. We got a Marshall Plan after World War II partly because we didn't get a Marshall Plan after World War I. And what happened after World War II is that States people caught up with this historical time warp and realized that giving money away to get other people back on their feet was cheap compared to dealing with the savagery that might develop they didn't get back on their feet. So this was a major step forward in our in our State's statesmanship. Other questions, at all? No need to be... I'm just...just wanna see... if anythings hanging over there. Pardon? [inaudible] Um, nothing works everywhere, every time. Everything is knowing the moment. And someone else asked the question yesterday which it ties into this which is... "What do you learn from all that?" Well, you learn that there are some generalities and then there's the real world and you have to always be case-specific. So umm, we can fix all the worlds problems and those states... statesmanship is knowing what we can fiction what we can fix... ...and then we take our licks and we decide well, do we really trust these people who we've elected or do we not trust these people who we've elected? Whose full-time job is to make those decisions and then if we are out of accord with them we call them on the carpet. But... umm, it doesn't always work and sometimes it does work. Other questions? Yes, please! Tangential question.. [inaudible] No! I'm not qualified to do it! I can. [inaudible] Andy Fix and he fixes everything. [inaudible] That was Geez and I was the diplomacy guy and and Gee was the intellectual history... and, and this is interesting because um, I love intellectual history but if you're not really, really trained in it it's extremely difficult you have to go all the way back to the classics. It's a different...'s intellectual history, cultural history. Umm, even, even the other "isms" that you deal with... the other... departments you deal with are different like...ecology or stuff like that I, I do, I do play with that but I will admit when I'm teaching something that I'm... You know...I'm learning it with you and that's the way we go together. Is that course is still around? That course is still around. That's Andy Fix. It's a two-semester course - umm, intellectual history from Platto to NATO or something like that. [laugh] [inaudible] All the way down hill... that's a mixed metaphor. [inaudible] That's mine... Albert Gendebien gave me that course good for 1850 to the present. That's, that's what he gave to me and then my specialty is um, modern French history, um, modern Jewish history... um, Holocaust origins of World War I World War II. Um, again, I've taught middle east, I taught the nuclear arms race when it looked real real ugly in the nineteen eighties are and I do use a lot of literature in my courses that's another thing we use a lot of literature in courses. So on in a 19th century course they will read [inaudible] and "The Heart of Darkness" by Conrad and um, the other thing that we do now is um... I use sometimes three full volumes of documents... in one course. So they may get a set of documents that thick and so a lot of the intellectual history is in those documents... So, I'm kidding of course I teach it. But, it's not, not, not as a specialty and, and, uh, you'll find out how little [inaudible] I know by the third question. You know. ...Other questions? Okay. Well, today's comments are going to be divided into two parts... the first is more analytical and the second...I have to borrow this... without that I can't do anything. No... I'm kidding. I have my own copy. I do...You scared me when I saw that I have my own copy. Alright... ...and I did that by heart. Also... you can see how messy it is. It's recent. I did it by heart. Um, the first set of comments are going to be more analytical and then we'll do a time line which is what you have in front of you and talk about how the developments in the nineteen thirties actually preceded. And the first part will be more analytical... um, some of it a recapping. Some other things we talked about last class. Um, what are the basic structural, uh, issues all the nineteen thirties in diplomacy? Diplomacy in the nineteen thirties... how did Adolf Hitler take a downtrodden Germany in 1933, um... all the way to a dominant - the dominant European power by 1939 - without shedding that much blood? At least his blood. The blood of his opponent's, yes. But, actually... um, it is one of the most radical diplomatic and military revolutions in world history. Especially considering, um, the fact that Germany with still fairly well demilitarized and its enemies were more militarized and could have stopped him at any number of moments. So we want to look at a number a general themes first and then look at that timeline and, and see where it takes us. Now the first of these "Stiens" is that domestic and international issues were intertwined continually. You can't study the foreign policy without studying the domestic politics everywhere and in each particular place and in terms of the domestic politics laying over from yesterday, um... the single most important issues were the continued, long-term, impact of World War I and then the more immediate impact of the Great Depression... Which struck all the European nations between 1929 and 1933 and without which Adolf Hitler would never have been able to come into power. And we'll talk more about that when we talk about Adolf Hitler. No depression, no Adolf Hitler. He had a political party. It had representatives in the Reichstag. But it only had twelve representatives in a body of over 600 seats. And then it went from 12 to 107 to 230 in succeeding elections... boom, boom, boom, and on the left the communists did the same thing and all of a sudden the middle trial can all you have is the extremes really left um, because up the depression and the hopelessness of people during that time. Real hopelessness. Um, your a class in Germany of graduating seniors at the University ...and remember it's the elites who to went to the universities at that time... um, you know, sixty-percent are gonna be unemployed. Forty-percent of all Germans are unemployed by 1933. That's that's a lot of people... ...and the unions and the government had very, very finite benefits. So the benefits ran out.. I bet many have you know people whose unemployment benefits now have right now and who've had to take early Social Security to pay the bills and it's not funny. It's really, really, sad. And this is nothing compared to what it was like during the Great Depression. So, whenever you ask yourself, "Why did Britain do this?" or "Why did France do that?" ...ask yourself...What was happening in Britain or France during that time period? What was most important to them? And, the answer in many cases is going to be local politics and economics. Um, they just cant get beyond that. They can't see the forest from the trees or the trees from the forest. They just can't focus well because they have so many other things that they're dealing with. The world is divided between the haves and the have-nots nations. And, especially Europe is divided between the have and the have-not nations. And the haves favor the status quo they favor stability. Your two most predominant haves are Britain and France. The whole diplomatic system rests on Britain and France. They basically would like things to stay pretty much the same although they have different opinions with respect to Germany and I'll speak more about that in a minute or two. But then, you're facing on different levels a whole series of irredentist nations. Of nations who think they have been wronged. Of nations who think they deserve more and they want to change the status quo and they you want to do that either by negotiation or by force if necessary Now clearly, no Germany considering its centrality its industrial capacity its population was going to accept the long-term, in the long term the Treaty of Versailles provisions. So I always say it's not whether - it's when. The Treaty of Versailles was going to be changed. They would have had to have renegotiated Germany could not be kept down. When it was brought back into the family of nations it was bound to regain some of the losses it had from World War I. It was so it was simply too powerful to be kept down. And even the German states people who favored doing it peacefully favored doing it. So Germany is dissatisfied with its plight. Understandably so. Italy under Mussolini is revisionist. And when we get into that timeline, Italy is gonna cause a problem. It had already caused problems in 1920's but they were taken care of rather easily. But in the 1930's is gonna cause a real problem because Italy could have been an allie. against Germany. The Italians were not pro German. They had fought the Germans. The Italians did not like the Germans. The Germans did not like the Italians. Okay? But, Mussolini's irredentist, over-inflated, ego in which he wanted more, more colonies, forced him later into the arms of Hitler Japan wanted more as well. And could not be depended on deeply to reserved the status quo. And some other things Japan wanted should turn all of us red with shame. Because Japan wanted a racial equality clause inserted in the League of Nations comment. And even Wilson wouldn't accept that. Okay? Because we were to racist for that. Now the Japanese were racists too within the Asians sphere... looking down other Asians. And later they began to look down on whites also, and everybody else but themselves So by the 1930's the people in power in Japan - most of the military - in some way we're a mirror image - not quite as radical - but somewhat of a mirror image or what was going on in Germany at that time. And they were revisionists. And the Russians were revisionists. We talk about the map the other day look. Look how nice and fat it is here... it's trimmed down over here a little bit. A lot, actually. They weren't as irredentist as others. But, you couldn't count on the Russians really as yet for the status quo. However that's just the beginning a bit. All these little folks had minorities belonging to their neighbors in their territory. And all these little folks wanted more So when it came time to pull apart, pull apart Poland, Hungry wanna piece of Poll'. Okay? When it came time to pull apart any these other states other or small countries wanted part of those states where their ethnic kin folk resided or even if they didn't they wanted it. Okay? So you know what a [inaudible] is? What's a [inaudible]? Pig. The world was full of [inaudible]. That's the plural of [inaudible]. The world was full with piggish States All of whom wanted more. It was very, very ugly. The powers were divided ideologically an internally. And this is very important. They're divided ideologically that means within each country or rather I'll take the internally first they're divided internally based on ideology each country had domestic problems based on ideological arm radicalization polarization especially during the 1930s during the depression nobody fully accept the Keynesian economics as yet even though he was writing his major series in giving advice all the way even into the nineteen thirties in fact the head of the British Fashion Fascist Party mostly and it was a very small party accepted Keynesian economics and bolted and became a fascist because the government wouldn't accept Keynesian economics among a number of other reasons so there were those on the left generally whose response to depression basically was we gotta do something more like what our government just did somebody's got to get a bailout and the right-wing basically said now you just gotta lay off people have balanced budgets you can't mess with the economy you gotta have balance budgets so they laid off people all over the place state balance their budgets they raise protective tariffs and the mail or worse so the depression got deep now in the case of France the depression came to France Lee because it had a well-balanced economic structure we're used to thinking of France's cripple but it wasn't a cripple was powerful powerful economically but it got worse and worse and worse it was like a whole series of 26 during the whole nineteen-thirties it toward the country apart and the people of France were close to a civil war during the whole half over second half in the 1930s when they were should've been in the process %uh radically building up to face Germany they were about to tear each other apart because have different ideological drives and understandings the old class struggle are came to the fore again internationally the country's were divided ideologically as well now how did of France survive in world war 1 what what's the first thing you want to do you wanna talk about foreign policy or wanna talk about the origins a war the fighting a war what's the first thing you gonna do in my body should tell you no I'm not leaving eat thank you all I up this over short is meant to hide it up look at a map look at a map okay how did Fran survived World War one yeah here Lori giving up are word okay that's part of it but that's too intelligent out I okay look at this guy overview the alarms I'll group their lives of children but even more importantly they align themselves rod democratic France the most democratic state your and Czarist Russia the most conservative state in Europe and they have an alliance against Germany because they're terrified of German how that's cold real polling T but your sis 19 1891 1894 all the way through World War one all always who or what that's how they survive in world war 1 by democratic prancing conservative Russia and and taking off their hats in saluting each other's flags and listening to each other's national anthems and all the rest to that stuff these were people who were detested each other politically because this is the most conservative regime in this is the most liberal regime but the necessity is the mother of invention here to contain Germany it didn't change after world war 1 the map is still the same accepted Poulin stopped in the middle the only way somehow contain Germany that really intends to go to war is to have an alliance with Russia the problem is the ideology the nineteen twenties and thirties all communism was so radical that the French and even more the British feared Russia more than they fear Germany even though russia was fairly conservative in the nineteen thirties diplomatically and very defensive and Germany is very aggressive an increasingly saw so look at the map how did you survive World War one you should go back to doing that and that's where you've read The Gathering Storm the Churchill starts talking about that by 1935 by 1936 he's no lover Russia he despises communism he wants England to survive he looks at the map and the map should tell you at least you got to have a serious agreement with Russia now the French actually had an agreement they signed the Alliance with Russia in 1935 they ratified it in early 36 the British were furious at them for doing it furious and then they didn't implement so it was an alliance that wasn't implement they understood they needed it what this is basically is a 300-year step backward into the Warriors of reformation Europe in the sixties and early 17 century in which Catholic four protestant promised them for Catholic a game each other no quarter what so ever because they each had a utopian view of what life and the future was all about and religion was the ideology up the age and self interest and rationality was so oppressed this is the return all the Reformation style ideology in which secular ideologies have now replaced religion as the focused a people sport process she's destroying reasonable discourse and destroying the Cape capacity to make secular decisions based on geography and it was horrendous in some cases the documents will tell you when you read them they even feared the Socialist government of France which was very very moderate about the same as FDR in america with the same kinda program as FDR in america mild changes the British preferred the Italian style government or even the German style government to lay on bloom in 1936 when he was leading a socialist popular front together with the communists and the French democratic forces the French communist who are a pain in the ass the socialists who were moderate and the varieties of other democratic forces came together in France in 1935 to prevent fascism from taking control in France so things were so severe and France ideologically and with the class struggle that they feared what happen in Italy or what happened in germany would you happen in France because there were so many militarized fascists style leagues like many national socialists or Italian fascist parties are in the nineteen twenties so this ideological stuff is very very powerful the powers are divided constitutionally you've got lotsa dictatorships and arm you've got are a few democracies who does better in these times of crisis dictatorships are democracies in solving problems okay you know by 1929 mussolini had relief or control in Italy took a long time he didn't get it so quickly and he didn't have to worry much after then especially once he signs the Concord up with the papacy okay which is the most important lasting saying the reconciliation between the church and the state from the time of the breakup of that from 1870 1866 actually or more 1871 word when when the the Italian state captured wrong and took wrong to be part of the Italian state and the pope was just left with the vatican okay are Hitler had to do that too when he reached the concord with the papacy also in 1933 one of the first things he did is reach an agreement with the church how is that possible the church also feared communism far more then it's feared Italian fascism or national socialism far far more so the dictatorships could get along with arm dealing with loss up the internal problems much more easily then the democracies were opinions were divided and divided and divided they were fifteen different governments in France between a 1928 1939 I don't know the numbers fifty maybe it's thirty maybe taking I mean they the rose in the fall so quickly sometimes when major historical changes were occurring as with the Anschluss the annexation of Austria in 1938 France technically was in the middle of the ministerial crisis and technically did not have a new valid government it had a government people were making decisions but they were in transition between to different governments okay so about this problem of the arm dealing with all these domestic issues was really very very extreme during this time period all had severe domestic problems bought the dictatorships were able to deal with those problems of much more readily then though democracies are by doing all kinds of other things in the case if hitler even know much at all about economics the old economists continue to serve him loyally well he just started putting people back to work started building roads in building bridges all over the place very very openly very evidently arm he started rebuilding the army he just put people back to work if the ballot the budget was gonna be unbalanced he would take care but later so be it he didn't think in the long long run people needed to be employed he put them back to work there were lots of people in fact most people for whom he was a god and on Idol until the war began and even until 1943 he was adored he was by far the most beloved person in Germany even on the apartment number people who were liberals and Democrats because he put food back on the plates it's not the people were doing well or or great but they were doing so much better than before they had so much security more security than they had before so much more hopeful wishing they had before that's so what are they gave up to civil rights so what other neighbors disappeared it just didn't up okay hitler became more and more popular every single year in which he ruled until the Battle of Stalingrad 1942 1943 because he was able to deal with those domestic problems and lied to the people that he was a peacemaker law I to the people that all he wanted was peace and peace and peace but peace with justice and dignity for Germany the world are you don't wanna know I 0 you are so I was personally alright I gotta run for 10 my quotes thank you hope let's not even worry about the dahmer no I didn't say that the Americans are let's think about the sophisticated British David Lloyd George the British war leader in 19 I'll 30 6 when their concentration camps not murder centers but concentration camps all over Germany by that time all legal activity all civil rights everything has been usurped Lloyd George goes to visit Hitler and he says the following: whatever one may think his methods and they are certainly not those a parliamentary country there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvelous transformation in the spirit of the people in there at it or attitude toward each other and in their social and economic outlook but this is this is the greatest English statesman in the last part of the 19th and early 20th century we thought mussolini was really cool because he kept those communists and socialists in check okay roosevelt certainly understood and didn't like Hitler okay at all but how can you do this and then he adds the Germans will resist to the dat every invader have their own country but they have no longer the desire themselves to invade any other country 1936 now will come back to the quote because by that time and that's a wonderful question by that time hitler had already broken three different parts of the purse I treaty and the look or new treaty which Germany entered into freely in 1924 okay so by that time to make that kind of statement is very very bizarre well Hitler laid it on for David Lloyd George meets some of us want to thank him is it just a plane mono dimensional madman there was the finest tea the cookies were better than at Lafayette College people serving everything we're they laid it all on for those visitors are autographed picture of Hitler directly there for David Lloyd George could you take pictures of him but of course and the thing same thing when Chamberlain goes to visit were later Hitler runs down the steps to reach a member on any shares home so sorry I should have come to is it it England to visit you because you're older than I am I'm so I mean this guy really knew how to play the game okay so he he is sick he is a borderline personality okay he is demonic but he is not out of touch with reality he plays the game jeannie's politically and in terms with dealing with people until he loses that capacity because he decides later fortunately he decides later to give up all of those things and just to be himself an Alan blocking his wonderful biography Hitler talks about the man without his clothes he undresses during the war and he says the world will hold its breath I'm tired of playing games with you people you're gonna see everything I got on the table are putting all my cards out and you can go shot and that's when he defeats himself overextending as long as he's playing the game he still controlling the deck and and that's one other major points here yes home did moves well yeah yes I he became physically and mentally more disabled after the July 1944 plot and at by that time when Germany's losing the war he is being put to bed in the wake and increasingly on drugs so he does become a he does become very very very drug dependent at the very end he does lose touch with reality at the very end he does maneuver divisions which have already surrendered have been destroyed at the end and what you want to do is a tiny little book by you Trevor Roper called the last days if hitler and it's an exquisite little book I and it tells you how Hitler lived basically day by day by day and the film I'll is a very very good film The that that film on the last year the last months or so hitler is historically pretty valid are so the earlier there are a lot of cinematic materials on on this also up other questions are I'm still wanna stay as much as I can in the a in the guidelines were ongoing our book but other questions to take a little break is good if you have any anything up mentioned so far what was the role state okay a wonderful good okay what was the role than eyes and undergraduate as an undergraduate I did a paper a on the Rhineland that was gonna be my PhD thesis I think it's the single most important turning point in the nineteen thirties March 1936 will go over again Hitler email it arises the Rhineland breaks the Treaty of Versailles breaks the three Diablos look or no and for a moment there's a question of will the French goin' and stop this and their army is more powerful than the German army at that time even alone okay and a numbered Hitler's generals at that time were still thinking about trying to get rid of them he'd already accomplished what they wanted he he was really arming Germany had broken the tree never saw everything was in other words maybe it's time to take trouble take it back from him we gave them the power to fix things up we gave the power to break the communists we aim the power to break the socials we gave the proud to break the democrats' we gave the power to break the unions he's done all those things maybe it's kinda get rid of them so I read current history right current history Allan Nevins great professor at Columbia University who wrote an ass a in current history in 1936 and the last line if it was after all the rhineland is only germany's own back your so our view was its German territory let them do what they want with it and don't get us involved again in any troubles in Europe and the a Senate and house were still investigating war profiteering from World War one okay so we wanted we we wondered we wanted out roosevelt is trying slowly by that time still to to reeducate the country arm and the predominant arm problem is the depression again dog depression and we did not want to be involved with that we were much more concerned that early still with what japanese with the japanese were doing in Asia I and with the manchurian crisis 1930 re and a year later it would get worse because Japan with attack China in 1937 then we were really concerned Asia so we were still very very much in isolation that okay including our scholarly yep building are well not not as yet it was there because China and and what would happen later because the japanese navy which was growing and growing yes okay point yet the the German the german generals there yes it was iPhone the little hard to believe that a.m. the I was able to who a molecular yeah welcome Louis the issue where there when who writes about part and the clear warriors amor power the crazy essentially yes that was being namely yes yeah I the past %uh ego he got that we're okay so up I'm gonna I'll talk not right I'll talk about this because it's okay you're interested in it now I would have done a little bit later but it two things okay first of all general though the back chief-of-staff 1933 I have wished for years for the political revolution and now my wishes have come true it is the first real hope since 1918 alright so this guy ends up committing suicide at the end of world war two because the plot to kill Hitler but 1933 that's what he say single most important thing that Hitler dawes June 1934 it's on your sheet with the word knives next to it that's the night of the Long Knives okay that's when stalin began to take it more seriously as a threat hitler has several generals and the leading radicals all the s a his own storm troops murder that night and takes credit for politically openly and he says someone had to be responsible to set the house in order so what's the point the generals were afraid that the essay wanted to take over the army which it did and Huntsman wrong wanted to take over the army and so hitler clean house the clean house a bit own our lieutenants friends up his supporters have his the last decade because they threaten the Army in the army really then became more and more loyal to him 1935 Field Marshal burner von Blomberg he got fired three years later okay 1935 Blomberg said the fuhrer is cleverer than we are he will plan and do everything correctly okay now why the cause he's already rearming he's gotten away with it he got so away with it every single thing he does that works raises his stock because he gets away with and all these people come to really really respect him more yes in the General Staff Hosley militarization who right leg yes and he said go and they followed me wet and the french did nothing he had the guts he had dinner we were we who live %uh it was part of Germany but there was it was a demilitarized okay in the same way as if there would ever be a Palestinian state in the West Bank and hopefully there will be okay it has to be divulged rise in certain ways no heavy heavy stuff no air force and stuff like that and guess what if there ever is a state twenty years later it will have an air force also because those things don't hold okay but the point is that was party to the treaty oversight was supposed to be permanently demilitarized cause that would break French security and a year after the demilitarization is broken facing the French match in allying the German security forces called the secret yes him another reason one mom I'm right not just are this boss-like where you are well that so nicely yes and back pose like that well bro being a great hero bring loan mine a yet is that leftover a that done song on riche people and from you had pain is awesome sure with you know I is this house resolve this house with my own working a 0 I agree with you and that's why start out and say that the war is the first thing you have to remember but we get into the time line I'm going to add some other things about the French which will make it even worse okay we'll make it even worse yes all these who K yes all was me was didn't know for his so much on the island law and everything know this way was new did he did is that K almost he came to believe he was creature fate and fate would save him you can call that God he wouldn't his job to make other people already over this the state himself is my all yet all yes oh yes in 1937 when he tells the german generals that there's going to be a war with the next five years or so he tells them directly this is the hot spot meeting in 1937 November and he says we must prepare for war in five years and here are the number of reasons why we must do it among the most important which is that I'm getting older and we can do as well with a order documents other its e-book oh yeah 500 never yeah ha spec memorandum your mmm I'll part yes at the meeting with the generals me says you dr. solemn no was in public at that point is pop public later after the war but he said he said you guys are doing your jobs right iight said I want re militarization I want economic coordination I want us to be ready for war and you guys are doing it and I'll tell you why you have to do it because within five years or so we're gonna have a war and part of the reason is ongoing because we can have this war without me who's right whose little 40 not yeah not know but he appeal he had concerns about another one of these basic structures is that the world was a mess it's not just that Europe was aware amass it's that the world was a mess are the decolonization movement the Empire Britain and France had world empires which were beginning to become major problems that was especially true for Great Britain and the most important thing to them was the Empire and they wanted to maintain the empire in the empire was beginning the crack so they had worldwide issues to deal with how could their Navy be strong enough to defeat the growing German Navy which the Germans began to really really build 1935 are at the same time be able to cope with the Japanese Navy which was getting larger and larger so that really really concerned them empire was a double-edge sword empire had really really helped the British and the French in world war 1 the total resources at the empire or much of those resources were used by Britain and France to help survive in World War 1 but now the Empire's themselves were beginning to become very very difficult issues where else does this take place well again we call world when the world war one start when it will work to start 39 anyone want to dispute it well if your Chinese you'd probably say hell with you guys I i speak for $300 million chinese living in nineteen if the 37 and Japan attacked us in 1937 so which is the old China or the West okay so we think in terms of Europe okay to the world war begin in 30 and 39 it be in in 37 it begin in 31 the world part of the war well the most important data still 13 but 37 looks awfully bad also and that's when american policy really begins to change and we begin the press on the Japanese so the world is a mess in asia but what about the Italian attack on Ethiopia in 1935 okay now prior to this time Italy and France and Britain or working against Germany when Germany begins to re militarized in 1934 I Italy decides to attack ethiopia why ethiopia whistle lady stay lost Ethiopian the eight in the in 1896 right okay they could win okay they could win well you know and and everyone everyone makes jokes about the Italian Army I i don't wanna use I wanna line up against the time football players and the on our team okay these are big guys a dole accused them over up running backwards a run for its okay Emperor Menelik upto PA and the eighty-nine ease was was was making fun of all the european powers at that time they were just as well on this the Italian Army at that time but Italy wanted to revenge itself up that defeat and also just take more okay the British and the French have this empire or who ordained that the British the French are the only ones who have a right to you jump higher we are a tie-ins we are the heirs Roman civilization we have the rights to an equal Empire DAW check it out first to make sure the british and the french will agree with you you're worrying about Hitler the more Hitler gained things the more mussolini's appetite got whetted by going to war against Ethiopia in 1935 what he does is make it impossible for the British in the French wheels him they cannot because of their public opinion tell her people that this is okay using poison poisonous gas against natives using all the world war one min and better weaponry and airplanes against relatively on militarized people and and show now Italy is los show the overall structure itself is so discombobulated that arm the whole environment is polluted well what about the league of nations well Japan walked out 1932 the league then Japan for what it did Japan said thank you goodbye what's one of the first things Hitler does in 1933 are the British in French won't disarm especially the french won't disarm now and bring down their arms to the size of the Armani nice talking to you it walks out at the disarmament conference and just to make things good he walks at the league of nations also goodbye was the League of Nations we're not in it japan is out a bit Italy's been condemned diet Germany is out a bit arm and we're still basically in Sammy isolation so add on to that then we have arm Adolf Hitler the man and his policies race and speaks the man and his policy the hardest thing to understand is that he was a true believer I want to buy my lips as I speak in his own mind he was utopian visionary he was going to build a better world Karl Marx said that all history is the history of class struggles Adolf Hitler would have said all history is the history %uh racial struggles and the only thing that matters israelis and the germans are the superior race and destiny has given them the right the opportunity and even more than that the necessity to trial and if they can't try now then let them be lost as well and the worst part about this is that although this racist stuff was very much apart lovely nineteenth century and early 20th century thinking Adolf Hitler did not invent any these ideas what he had instead was the demonic believe and the demonic we'll to implement them they were hundreds and thousands of people who held these kinda believes on one level or another after world war 1 in your in Japan in america the difference being that having been part over defeated Germany the vengeful miss and need for making good again breaking oversaw I eighty every me a place for him possible even then most germans harder this in the 1940s first leave whose three parties matalin's our yeah arm socialist or 1928 last election before the crash 3 Martin's aperture shows yeah run for 1929 to 1932 1933 each she election or people palms more people National Socialist papers for you become single or story basically all eats who have lost their willpower allow him to come into our in the same way is each d with caissons me 11 years early shouldn't they have known better eleven years later Muslims power warehouse here just fine there were no unions they're socialized trains running on time so you he was ring and a not all that's losses for me then we're concerned okay so what they did who they were held values that was that in grown man the museum even clean house they would get freedom him really harm their basie injures journey probably should have had some kind of military real democracy was no longer house democracy danger 31 issue was whether or not he was going to be a National Socialist danger or some kind of all older military are carrying the all all school but they didn't really have any my views and he had more control masses no smashes did not suspect where he was really going to pay a they didn't vote for him because he was 87 do you know the against any cost that's that wasn't issue the beach issue laws jury duty who security whole recovery a job I okay there too many Jews your the soviet will get them out that was so I issue at that time on you could say shouldn't they have known better without loman sold us was this whole us its firms its X once its its people's hoops us he's aids take Davis shop how he's able to get away one questions yep sup you do pick up Street yeah Walt 128 used in water with the hair anti-semitism Germany like feelings against african-americans sanctions are I'm was higher than ever before an inning when also he's just everyday Street know it even are he's when he he was a good student until his until his hormones began the work as a teenager he came from a reasonable family with a father who probably beat him up a good at it a very repressive father are he did very well in school he sang in the church choir he sang he was a chorister he was the best student in his class for a while in elementary school he went wacko during his high school years arm any was an artist an arched artistic temperament bohemian okay a fit well you know we call a failed artist if you see his art in bed draw is there anyone here I mean are he would have been as good as any art student Lafayette College easily at any time but he wasn't good enough to get into the finest school in Austria he considered failure he had lots of other opportunities including the pension fund from his father was a bureaucrat be holes the woman called ok I'm yes and the British audience would not have accepted his kinda speaking at the German audience would have had trouble with because the cop it it's kinda speaking for particular culture the United wrong well following so in here there he had used in this University yes is friend was jus his friend loans Nationals his follows absurd just your place at mean I'm as he used use fully or has happened %um with him use scapegoating what you can do with great well on useless so I'm he says it in Mein Kampf it's all there it's all there okay it really is all there in fact it's all their earlier than mein kampf he says our he says that if the we're taken fifteen thousand users so and put them on the front line and and make sure they got gay as we would not lost world war one okay and the the the craziness about all of that is that his his first Iron Cross came from a Jewish officer who who decorated decorator and the juicer be on their numbers in world war 1 but it was not believe that they did so by the other German people in fact that was even an inquiry commission service record up Jews in Germany during the war and to take that further alter Raton now was Jewish and he was the head of the whole German munitions industry are reproduction he kept them in the war in the beginning of the war by being that particular person who put together all the munitions made function he was later assassinated in 1923 here it was all it's all there it's all there isn't people to greater right right it was all there it was common to the culture or not the murderous form but then the negativity was common to the culture in a murderous form with respect to some people but he was the most radical love those people or among the very very most radical and it didn't matter to him at first whether the views were sent to Madagascar whether they were killed it also didn't matter to him whether tenor $50 million poles were killed because they didn't have any values people made a mistake though cause there 150 million poles are only $30 million but there were some polls living elsewhere so maybe the third in know that was the there was adultery in the back in the family family tree had been adjusted are earlier dan dan a German scholar pretty much set that to rest about twenty years ago but there there was the belief the rumor that there may have been some Jewish blood in this family yes well him day only just based on the word religion or when Hill yes well that's a huge question that's a question that pace million it has to do with the homie your coach really I earth-based religions all were nation then you add economic issues US psychological issues you whose it was a station European Hoelscher hatred and fear lives flowers Jews were together NC because a different they're not us but not only their different Akhil God and there for the okay they kill got the poison the well as they eat your children to make martyr I meet okay look at work when I went cross country I was asked by a naval fellow where my horns were this is 1964 when we got married and we were friends we we went out together late at night they talk about religion we said we were jewish where your horns eyesight I take them out when I by calling all okay this is a serious okay so although and and the and the further east you went to worship God so the anti-semitism in are ukraine in in Russia in poland was much more visceral and much worse than the anti-semitism in germany okay what you have is about 500,000 German Jews out of 65 million in Germany in poland you've got three mil 33.3 million Jews 30 three million people living in poland so there's ten percent of the population and all held was already breaking loose in the nineteen thirties against them what's marshall Slutsky defend the jews died nineteen-thirties PC he this role up the kind yet when would you know even educated people that's the whole this is the worst part okay hitler one in the University she didn't lose he won among the students he won among the faculty he answered their grievances he gave them a sense of hope and Jews became to middle-class too quickly and took too many important positions in society because they all steel okay too many journalists too many doctors too many lawyers too many people doing well they suffered through the inflation they suffer through the depression didn't matter okay was time to clean house and get rid of all these foreigners all these aliens so that fewer germans can work or pure polls Ripper Latvians are lithuanians and they basically all did virtually the same thing once the german armies can now that's next year who does it learns document yes others was jewish yes he was protected any any more or those I am the Nazi said everyone has their own favorite you so we can allow that but Hitler allowed wants that we know of their and other times he allowed also only he could I'll yell but this particular person actually had it worse paintings he was not an artist he really was not about arts was common but was not not bad at all okay touch you want to keep going with questions are the one who it yet your day here game your game called keep I N Go I'm line alright arm so we're gonna jump up ugh like shout on that internal coordination comes into power in 1933 regulates coordinate everything by the end of the first year there are no more other political parties that are allowed even the old conservative parties going to abeyance and he's got dictatorial powers by the in the 1933 in 1934 he kills these should a opponents have the army that gives them even more support and in 1935 he announces publicly that Germany is remembered to rising breaks the basic structure I love the Treaty of Versailles Germany is going to remember to rise I'm gone back thank you now arm the goal wrote a book in 1934 their lappam a dim ATA toward the professional army it was a brilliant book he was not the only one who was thinking about these things he thought the mansion o-line which was already being fully constructed was an inadequate defense system because no army should only have a defense system tanks are not supposed to stand still they're supposed to go forward if Germany does something wrong how are we gonna stop them from doing it by sitting in our bunkers poll Renault was a conservative French politician who believed in the goals book the goal had dedicated his book to marshal petain hair the great marcia love World War one to go all believed and movable tanks separate units shock troops small areas small divisions that can respond to small problems and give you flexibility someone had asked for lessons you always have to have flexibility you can't put all your eggs in one basket you must have flexibility so we're not all takes this to the French parliament for discussion the goal has insulted the entire army upper a lead Minister forget shop and says in Parliament with a straight face when we have spent so many billions on our fortifications here comes one of my favorite quotes and all history who would believe us foolish enough to Sally out in front of them in search of heaven knows what adventure this is a general speaking who would believe mission of to Sally L in front %uh them and search have been knows while venture the impact the French army so overwhelmed with the losses and the impact of World War one that they never wanted to fight fence war wanted the german armies if they came to bleed to death on their fortifications while the French defended should do fall on her double off first defend yourself World War one a talk at all costs first attack how about doing both that's all the goal setting how bout being able to do both so the germans read the book a and and and even more them red lid elkhart and general fuller's book that were written in English at all said the same thing and they implemented it and the French could have had it 1935 and did not have Nana okay so now hitler has begun to build this army announced the existence up his Air Force and next it's going to be the Rhineland he's going to remember to rise the Rhineland in March 1936 now by March 1936 if they had adapted the goals proposal they had the taxes just how to use them differently not at the French Court building stop they could have had a way of responding to the email to recession the Rhineland without total mobilization hitler in militarize is the Rhineland the British aid in the French pope do anything appeasement what was appeasement the belief that hitler could be appeased is there anything wrong with appeasement no if the person can be pieced but it wouldn't be a beast how do you know some British believe them passive appeasement some British believe an active appeasement Chamberlain believe an active appeasement put all the food in the plate and say which piece do you want to eat everything anything to give me of course and Maalox still I'll so what happens is the British aid to the French don't do anything we have all the meetings with the French cabinet the politicians say to the generals what plans do you have ready stop him in the Rhineland the general Shane on complete mobilization in the middle of the depression who's gonna take the risk complete mobilization when you're ally is telling you we're not going with you during this time period either we don't want you to do anything complete mobilization one of my favorite quotes the French do nothing it becomes the most popular man by far in Germany the generals come to believe he's got the brains he's got straight strong legs there's a shaky and that this is what he can bring home for no cost and he's the man so what is Renee Albert carry a say about the Ryan plan which most scholars believe was the last chance a possibly getting rid of it without a major war he says France had effective power over own that in the last resort she could have used a long at that moment France was still mistress of her choice that choice was abdication still her responsibility to defend urself you broken every treaty that existed he had really changed the balance a power French do not act and then what is rene albrecht carry a say later in the same chapter and the United States was wondering whether or not we are part of this world well he was an older fellow and he really came got and he had a just getting but we also we're glad that nothing happened at that time and the world did not slip into war at that time 1 more comment take question your cam friend you know way yes you now he can on the French being that way the is army was not fully ready at all his generals were terrified it was a big risk hitler said it fell from heaven Amanda Fe couldn't believe the result that it got away that easily but he just felt it was right way to go and in fact it was no surprise French didn't think it was gonna happen in March they thought it was going to happen later in the year their ambassador was riding home saying this is the next step we gotta be ready gotta we can allow it okay the people who should have been governing France at that time the people who should have been leaving the French army at that time were buried in were done in Flanders and elsewhere okay they were the soldiers who have died and they were fighting the last war and they mark block this wonderful book by Mark block are called strange the feat was written while he was in the resistance in 1940 and he said that the ultimate reason why we lost world war two was mental failure the germans purely outsmarted us they thought creatively they were the loser they change their tactics we sat on our Hans was mental failure any gives a whole other series of reasons but the most important from this great historians mind he was tortured yes by the Gestapo was mental failure then it gets worse the Spanish Civil War you love it who cares well 500,000 people who died another 300,000 people who became refugees so what happens in Spain there's a popular Front government in Spain in 1936 just this other is in France composed the same group communists socialists democrats verses the extreme right wing and the right way they are more radical the army rebels civil war breaks L troops from Morocco start writing in Spain Germany and Italy send weapons and try out their weapons and Spain were nigger in 1937 is obliterated picasso than does the painting the British and the French there's an embargo they're not supposed to send weapons the italians and the German sign the embargo publicly flaunted the russians and weapons to the Popular Front government the Germans in the Italians really try out their tanks and planes and troops on the side of the right-wing and the French sit on their hands with their own Popular Front government why because they're afraid of sliding into war with Hitler more they're afraid that civil war will break now in France if the french government age the left against the right that in France the right will go into rebellion carrying much of the army and France will have a civil war this is 1936 that's how divided society and Spain becomes a proxy war between the axis and the rest especially the russians and Italy and Hitler get drawn into each other's bosom and then they meet with japan and do the same thing sign an anti comment earn back to 1937 and the whole thing is getting tighter but now everybody can look in the newspaper and see what's it look like when they bombed okay they can see what cities look like when they're bomb the name no London will be bomb that there is a war they know Paris will be on there's a war and things get me worse 1937 we already talked a little bit about mister Chamberlain mister Chamberlain are is a believer in active appeasement given the plate and tell them what to take now I'm exaggerating mister Chamberlain however believes that he is powerful enough to deal with Hitler that have hitler's grievances are taken care of hitler has to be a man of peace after all he was a soldier in World War one it keeps on saying he's a man of peace all the cares about his German dignity he is a man of peace and Chamberlain put it all on the table and let's hit were now that the British would not be so upset if hitler did the following things as long as he does it peacefully and not by using weapons so hitler now knows she's gonna ally in England who won't support the French and by the way during the Popular Front government the British said in their own documents in some cases they prefer the government Italy and Germany to lay on bloom socialist in France again that reformation ideology hatred and fear even moderate socialism verses extreme fascism why because the people a property if they weren't jewish in there were communist they work radical the kept her mouth shut all people property you're living better in Germany under Hitler business is doing Jost fine K so they could live with that they were willing to live with these people March 1938 Hitler annexes Austria well after all they're only germans $8.9 million additional people make good soldiers they were excellent as s s people they volunteered Cosi they missed the first six years they have a catch up volunteer Hitler goes in the BN it tears and strolling down his face and he says yes a good political action say people's lives 76,000 people arrested next couple weeks and put camps look at the map what we have here three and a half million germans in the sioux Dayton land in a pincer March are some time for 1930 8 are Hitler makes it clear that this situation has to be dealt with immediately Chamberlain the summer 38 says the mere use the mere threat of the use of the force is a danger to the peace of europe they all have a alliances to czechoslovakia france has an alliance the russians have an alliance czechoslovakia are is the only democratic state left in the center of europe it has a modern military it has border fortifications they let it go Munich September 1938 czechoslovakia is given or rather the shoe Dayton land is given this is the last the freebies I want to leave a little bit I'm for questions but this is the last the freebies march of nineteen thirty-nine what the shit where do he marches into the rest czechoslovakia so what what's the problem the problem is there aren't any more germans there before this he was saying all I want is all of these far and germans brought back to the bosom of the right but these inslaw's and now it becomes clear as a flash what Hitler intends to do domini all okay all the assumptions appeasement go down the two looking at all of this well you're sitting in Russia and first you see this this then you see this then you see this then you she demands for this and you been omitted from all discussions what do you think stalin 4 the West was trying to get him to attack the Soviet Union well hit was not too small for big things all those horrible things he was saying about Jewish Bolshevism stalin fires his Jewish foreign minister lit for an RV replaces them with molotov Germany and Russia start negotiating August 1939 Nazi soviet pack signal war this time with Germany and Russia together against Poland and the West hanging now having lost all of this an issue six-and-a-half years from the depths the depression to dominance in Europe the only ones paying the price the Liberals the democrats the communists socialist the Jews in Germany no military force used always have to consider your worst case scenarios this was not a easy world to play this was a perfect storm the French have a distinguished military history of fighting and defending themselves in conquering everybody else after all they dominated Europe from sixteen 50 through napoleon okay where did you ever get a selection of french generals like these people never in all the french history British and Island conquering half the world we did you ever get british political leaders and diplomats as blind as they were during this time and able all on me and want them us all that he and the war a people what I V realized implored and told me own sure it claimed it hard right the good had yep could have had Italy as an ally of their play their cards right or Italy have played its cards right because Austria is a offer between Germany and Italy italians don't want to be border teacher yes work in Spain who were intelligence a up job for free hitler said old hitless said he would rather go to a series a dentist's than ever meet frankel again private so hard to get Franco to enter the war Franco owed Hitler so much but he just kept saying all right you give me this amount of tanks this amount of oil this amount of this in this amount that miss a manner that and then we'll think about it I writer backup was a while this yes yes yeah do how much you hand-holding Allies in World War One Bowl you well embolden them a lot because they saw how powerful they were with respect to the others but this is a series of a whole series of things that defeating China in 1894 defeating Russian 1905 the if they went through a whole series of steps in which they became a great power and the West didn't really understand them fathom it until later partly because racial and journey silly yeah include war his oh yes oh yes oh yes it brought us in a good couple months earlier a good few months earlier might have taken a whole half a year longer or who knows what hitler for hitler for its that's when he addresses what that hell I'm declaring war on those people yes churchill's for yes arm he's going on primary sources and is quotes workers or is local absolutely I Santander actually I as an undergraduate when I studied the Rhineland crisis actually found places in which he wasn't telling the truth where he was saying that he had taken a position six months to a year earlier than he had taken the position when it ends up being the right position then I read the parliamentary debates as to what he said a yes and I will come over here right yesterday your and you kind of lost guys what I was thinking when you started you were saying the this with lifetime you liberals and conservativism a is there any natin to today in our country and yes it is area group C yes and it's scary yeah yes and I and II I plead and worry about our country cause it's not really a country's an empire okay I don't want to give rise to a stay together and done what we've done is is a marvel I will never let the Euro be created well at that that was for the europeans it wasn't a bad thing it's what you do with it now that that's pretty good thing you know it's a good thing now all in here a good thing is going to breakfast in straw swarg and going to lunch in the little German city right across the bridge without having to show a passport that is a good think so if you want to feel a little bit better after these two commentaries that I've given this discussion we've had wanna feel a little bit better okay Europe has com very very far since world war two well there are some possible about the economic situation sure more well with all a bit they're living better than they've ever lived before the real issue is can we continue to do so on that so %ah
Channel: Lafayette College
Views: 130,810
Rating: 4.4000001 out of 5
Keywords: World, War, II, History, Robert, Weiner, Alumni, Summer, College
Id: WHlfnLj0RPg
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Length: 96min 30sec (5790 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2010
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