Productivity in your Feminine Energy

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hey hello what's up and welcome back to another Coffee Talk podcast episode for those that are watching today I need you to let me know do you prefer this distance usually you're much closer when we have these talks but I'm using a new microphone today and I thought that it would give a little bit more of a cozy feel for some reason if you had a bit more space if you could see that I'm in sweatpants I don't know but let me know do you prefer to be closer is more intimate if you're closer or do you like this distance where it actually kind of seems like you're sitting across from me right now and the fact that you can see that normally from the waist down I'm always in something comfortable unless I'm wearing a dress so there you go today I want to have a really cool conversation someone from the Sunday Club requested I do a talk about how to be productive and manage your time in your feminine energy like doing so from a rooted place within the feminine energy wanting to get things done wanting to manage your time wanting to do those things tends to push us into that more masculine energy and masculine feminine I'm not talking anything at all about genders in my belief we have both of these energies within us it's just the duality of when we talk about masculine energy we're talking about like solar energy we're talking about productivity we're talking about action in a lot of ways like forward movement whereas the feminine energy or lunar energy or more relaxed energy more Stillness more comfort more flow if you will so today I want to talk about where we find that balance and is it possible to be productive while leaning into and rooting from the feminine energy and spoiler alert it is possible before we dive into today's coffee talk I want to let you guys know about Lumi deodorant this has been my recent deodorant go-to and such a game changer heading into summer I'm a massive fan of the invisible cream and I currently have it in lavender Sage this stuff lasts about 72 hours and you can use it everywhere from your leg pits to your armpits from your feet to your belly button everywhere in between it'll leave you smelling so good it head to and use my code coffee at checkout for five dollars off which is more than forty percent off so it's definitely worth checking it out trying it out and upping your deodorant game for the summer season the sweaty hot summer season am I right am I right let me know what you're drinking down below I am finishing up a coffee here with you guys today and I'm gonna release my braids and let my hair flow more femininely feminine feminine I don't know I'm gonna let my hair out because that to me feels like it Embraces that more feminine energy we're talking about here today while we dive into today's conversations so are you someone that at one point in your life was ever stuck in your more masculine traits back in my I want to say like 2016 2017 2018 era I was so stuck in my masculine I was so so stuck in my Perpetual subconscious download that as a woman in particular especially a woman in like of the millennial generation we're kind of sold this lie let me tangent here for a second we're kind of sold this lie right where we were raised as Millennials under like specific gender Norms that I'm glad we're kind of breaking that shell in today's day and age to an extent I again that's a completely different conversation I am all for you know embracing whatever gender traits that you feel like you most match with Millennials I myself I feel like we were raised with a lot of the gender Norms that were still passed down over Generations but at the same time if you were a girl growing into a woman in the millennial age we were sold gender Norms while also being told to chase the career and make something big of yourself specifically things like capitalism do this to us specifically things like I feel like consumer culture can also play into this too because it's like hustle hustle hustle hustle culture work work work make that bed get that money buy these things do these things be successful by the definition that Society has sold us to be success success meaning you know you work your way up to the top of a company or you build a business from the ground up or you have 10 different revenues of income or you've just done the most in your life by the time you're like 25 and I 100 subscribed to that notion and it it left me really really burnt out because for a few years there I had no idea how to embrace my feminine energy all I knew was the confidence and almost in a weird way to I can't think of a better words so please forgive me here because I'm I'm not meaning to use this word so flippantly but it was almost addictive the feeling of being in my masculine energy the feeling of being productive I got so caught up in feeling like my productivity was a direct reflection or indicator of my worth and when I finally hit the wall with realizing that I was really stuck in a lot of my more masculine energy was when I started to date and specifically started to date people where I realized I wanted to be in my feminine I wanted to relax into my feminine and I couldn't lived in the city I lived in Toronto I would date people and I would be like I've got my own bill and I would be like I'm really successful and not in like a gloaty way it was really hard for me to soften specifically around actual men so I ended up either being with people where I was still able to keep my walls up and still kind of like do my own thing gotta be successful gotta work all of the time like gotta do my own thing gotta be independent like I I definitely was coming from a place and this is unrelated but like I tend to be like avoidant attachment so I still made sure that I could like hold my own you know wow I really have no idea how to soften into my feminine I really have no idea how to embrace the natural traits that I'm able to hold within me and have held within me since I was little but do so without downplaying my success or without downplaying myself as a person does any of this make sense I just feel like I don't know if anybody is out there listening to this and feels like the only way to be successful is to be like a hardcore woman or you don't even have to be a woman just to be hardcore and to be soft would mean that you can't be productive or manage your time or be successful or work hard and that's just definitely not the case so it's a very very long intro a little bit of a backstory into I guess my experience with learning how to be productive learning how to manage my time that one's still working because while being in my feminine energy because now I'm coming from a place where I'm almost more in my feminine energy now than I am in my masculine and I'm now coming back to a place of balancing both let's start with exactly what are the key components or traits of feminine energy because that's going to help us Define what we're talking about and then we'll bring it back into the what tends to be a little bit more masculine in terms of things like productivity and time management these are the more historical traits that have been noted and repeated and we've seen as a pattern throughout different cultures throughout different times on the planet for what is known to be feminine energy and what is known to be masculine energy but by all means this energy is not two-dimensional it is not you're either one or the other there's lots of gradients in between it's definitely multi-dimensional too I'm a big believer that you can have masculine feminine you can have feminine feminine I mean everything has both everything has both okay so let me just put that out there but typically when we talk about feminine energy we're talking about intuition your gut in a lot of ways a lot of again typically historically we we talk about the intuition coming from the gut not necessarily coming from the brain and that could also be the opposite of intuition too would be maybe more psychological or knowledge in a way like things that you've learned from the external intuition are things that you know from the internal it's something that you just know you and your intuition depending on how much you practice sharpening your intuition you guys are tight there are things you just know there are things that you can just feel there are things that you can sense fear is not the same thing as intuition intuition can guide you away from danger but it's not going to scream it's not going to yell it's going to be a nice little subtle Whisper of just knowing it's going to be a little inkling in the stomach it can be many different things for many different people so I don't know what intuition could be or feel like to you but it's your inner voice it's your inner knowing and it's a really really powerful force that does come from the feminine and depending on what you believe in it comes from something deeper or we could also say something farther like depending on where you believe we come from and what we might still be connected or attached to uh even just energetically or dimensionally like where is that intuition coming from that's another debate or topic for another time you can come across people or you can even sharpen that intuition with yourself where you can really really get to some deep places of knowing without ever actually really having to know from the external now again I think that this is a really interesting conversation we can unpack again if you'd like to because we have to be careful intuition can also play a little game smoke and mirrors when we get caught in depending on what you believe in but the third eye I feel like again too there can be some smoke and mirrors there can be some dark places of in I'm not necessarily well actually there can there can be some dark places of feminine energy as well that can be destructive that can be deceptive true deep instinctual intuition in your guts is the in my personal opinion the most powerful form of knowledge or knowing that you can have and it comes from that feminine energy whether you're searching for your latest sneaker job that iconic handbag a Timeless watch or your next piece of classic jewelry eBay authenticators are there verifying every detail of your purchase we're talking every inch Stitch tick facet and clasp that make the piece that you're searching for worthy of your collection eBay authenticators are experts in their craft true connoisseurs and as leaders in their fields they're making sure that your items always arrive as authentic as your style so go ahead treat yourself get that piece that you've always wanted and leave it up to the meticulous eyes of the eBay authenticator to make sure that watch movement is original that glimmer is real gold that rare sneaker is legit or that handbag is really made out of genuine leather and never get faked over again in a world that can be full of fakes it is time to get real with eBay authenticity guarantee everyone deserves real visit for terms another trait that typically is connected to feminine energy is nurturing or empathy again this comes from that ability to sense that ability to feel and typically again if we're going to go on the more historical the more cultural sense of what has been known to be feminine energy women in particular for previous centuries were the ones that kept a sense of community men were the leaders of the pack men would go out hunting women would keep the community together they would work together they would bring people together so typically when you're in your feminine energy you are you are more able to sense the needs of others or empathize with the needs of others or take care of others and nurture others help uplift somebody to want to help someone process things to want to take care of people things the planet animals anything of that nature again like I just said to relationship building and collaboration are also key components and historical traits of feminine energy creating like harmonious co-compatibility in a group whereas a more masculine trait would be I mean individuality and moving forward with yourself which again is super super interesting because I'm just gonna go here I'm going to tangent again for a moment let me thought spiral for a second here when we think about how we can debate this too no no I personally do believe that we are still running deep in the patriarchy do I see a shift yes Are We There Yet hell no but we are still running under the energy of the patriarchy and I think a really interesting manifestation of it in today's world specifically with things like social media as well is we're seeing almost like hyper independency or you could even go as far as saying we're on like a borderline narcissism in terms of everybody is kind of out for themselves or everybody is so I'm sorry but kind of like obsessed with themselves and I can say this knowing that I I play a part in this too like I literally film my life for a living I share my life for a living I see it I get it I think social media plays into this too but we are seeing this like every man for themselves kind of thing out there and it's definitely not all the time that's a very blanket statement but I definitely see that trying to be the most do the most and like I mean like show off the most it's very peacock energy if you will like I'm thinking typically on social media but that in itself is a very great example of more masculine traits manifesting in society that's running under a patriarchal energy and if we were to lean more into that maternal energy if we were to bring more feminine energy into our day-to-day culture and Society we would see more communal things and that's not to say that again there is you can find that you can go out and seek it but I think for the most part when we're looking at specifically kind of like top of the top influencers or like what's trending it's very very pick me it's very very look at me it's very very like attention seeking and that is a very independent and like like self-centeredness that we're seeing manifest in the digital world in the digital age which I think is super interesting another trait that's typically known to be more feminine is emotional intelligence emotional intelligence not only understands the importance and also the knowledge that can come from understanding our emotions making space for our emotions and processing our emotions but also healthy communication and creating safe spaces for other people to do the exact same and that is a key trait of more feminine energy because it again comes from that communal that Community communication with other the ability to empathize with other and also even empathize with ourselves I love that at least from the corner of the internet that I'm I'm stuck in in terms of my algorithms I see so much of this now and I love it this whole like softer living this whole embracing the wide range of human emotions and processing our emotions instead of stuffing them down or pushing them away and I love that we're seeing that become more popular and More normalized in society it's not a matter of just like holding space for your emotions but even just having the intelligence to understand where those emotions are coming from to process them to see what lies underneath to download the knowledge that comes from okay why am I feeling this this way what is it rooted from where could it be connected to a lot of that comes from that more feminine energy as well again I'm always talking to a wide range of people here and I feel like I always need to make that disclaimer when I start to talk about things that I'm personally really into and you don't have to be into this but when I really started getting into yoga philosophy and understanding more of the emotional body specifically things like chakras the sacral chakra is known to be a feminine chakra the one that lies in your pelvic bowl and again everybody has it and that is said to be this the space that holds sacred creation and not just the creativity of Life of course we also work with our sacral energy and our sacral chakra when we do any form of creativity when we have any form of art or flow and flow specifically being a big important component that we're going to talk about today in terms of productivity and time management because you are in a state of flow when you are doing without thinking you are so into the moment you are so into it's almost like you be become what you are doing and that interconnectedness that inner beingness is that state of flow and it is a state of creation I mean lots of people will say like I'm not really artistic I'm not really creative but we create every single day every moment we're awake and even when we're asleep we're creating dreams like from the moment that you wake up you create your day with your routines and your choices it doesn't have to necessarily be artistic but you are your own formation and your own creation and you create every single day that you have every single thought that you have every single choice that you make is a form of creativity it is a form of flow and so when you get into those states of flow and it tends to be for the most part I I feel like flow for me comes from yoga it comes from dancing it comes from creation writing I love being in a deep conversation with people where it goes into a state of flow anything with my hands anything where I'm like you know fully and even cleaning I feel like I can get into a state of flow with cleaning but think about it like what for you gets you into that data flow this one can kind of get a little controversial but again a more common trait of femininity is submission but submission again in the state of kind of surrenderings not submission in this in the state of disrespect let me let me make that known I know again we could Branch off into so many common we can always I say this every Coffee Talk there's so many ways we can Branch off into these conversations but instead of reaching and going for things you sit back and allow things to come to you you sit back and let other people take the lead and not in a way again of disrespect like I'll give you a personal example in my relationship I definitely feel like I'm able to be in my it's not I was almost said submissive there but yeah kind of in my sense of surrender because I trust my partner to lead the way I trust my partner to make the decisions to make things happen we come together collaboratively to make decisions and to talk things out but then once it's time to take action I'm able to sit back and I'm able to trust that he's going to lead the pack make things happen push things forward I'm thinking specifically right now about our house renovations but like things like that you're able to sit back and also too when we think about things like manifestation you're able to sit back and receive this is also a very important trait of feminine energy as well when it comes to receiving gifts receiving compliments again if you struggle with being in your feminine energy which hi I'm the problem it's me um I I definitely felt this before too when people compliment you or when people want to give you things or help you or do things for you if you struggle with being in your feminine you will struggle with this you will think like I don't deserve that compliment or I don't deserve your help or I have to give back to you in some way instead of just allow allowing yourself to relax and receive and it also puts you again in that state of flow in that state of trust of letting things unfold and knowing that you don't have to hyper control it and then last but not least embodiment it is being in your senses it is again it kind of comes back to that interbeing that connectedness to everything and that connectedness to yourself that being into the very fingertips of your of your fingers to your sense of taste your sense of sight your sense of smell like it's really embracing all of the senses it's really embodying the things around you it's like if you are in a certain mood you can pull that mood through like your clothing you can pull that mood through the music you put on the candle you light like you create an Ambiance around you in a state of of embodiment and it's like you're able to really create a mood if you will feminine energy can interpret itself to you in many different ways and you might actually have ways that I didn't think of today which you are more than welcome to share it's much more complicated than the way is that we try to minimize it down to that again two-dimensional masculine feminine there's so much in between and there's so much kind of like interconnected ways of being in both of those energies which is exactly what we're going to get into here because I know we didn't go into what are typically known as more masculine traits because this would be the longest conversation ever if you guys do want to have more talks about it let me know I'm happy these conversations make me so happy because I love talking about this stuff but typically I mean you didn't hear productivity there you did not hear controlling you did not hear time management however is it possible to be in those more feminine energies to be in our flow to be in our creativity to be in our embodiment to be in our collaborative energy to be in our receiving State while also managing our time while also you know being productive getting things done creating around us and yes absolutely we already answered a lot of those things in some of the words that we could we could interchange productivity and time management with but let's let's dive a little bit deeper into it right after this break we're coming into summer season which means it's time to check out or up your deodorant game if you are in need of a new deodorant I highly recommend checking out Lumi it has been a personal fave of mine for these last few months my all-time favorite is their invisible cream and I have this in lavender Sage it's more of a lotion consistency but you can put just a little dollop on your hands put them in your leg pits your armpits your feet your belly button you name it plus it's pH balance so you can use it below the belt I also have their Stick deodorant and their deodorant travel wipes which were a huge game changer if you are a stressed sweater and you want a clean wipe a clean deodorant wipe to just help you out to just freshen up a little bit you should definitely check out their deodorant wipes as well Lumi was created by an OB GYN who understands Bo and wants to up the game of deodorant so definitely check it out I currently have the clean tangerine and lavender Sage scent they smell great and last 72 hours so if you want to check out Lumi deodorant and get five dollars off a starter pack to try it out yourself head to Lumi and use my code coffee at checkout that's going to get you five dollars off which is more than 40 percent so again head to and use my code coffee for five dollars off at checkout so productivity is definitely not something that is only attributed to masculine energy and it definitely has nothing to do with gender you can harness either feminine or masculine energy to get things done you're just going to go about it in a completely different way so as I mentioned back in 2016 back in 2017 back in 2018 I was harnessing productivity fully through more masculine energy fully through more masculine traits I was all about hyper controlling everything I was all about push push push force force force and it did work and like if that calls to you I mean jump for it like I think that there's a time and place for both of these energies in our life and there's different chapters where one is going to make more sense for us however if you are wanting to lean more into your feminine or soften more into your feminine but you also know that there are things you need to get done you can harness feminine energy to be productive and get things done as well and I think embodiment really plays into this too like if you can embody what you're doing around you even if what you have to do isn't something that you necessarily feel inspired by again it comes back to like what are you wearing what are you smelling do you have some candle slits you have a coffee made or like a teammate um could you like braid your hair off to the side and then open up your study books can you create almost a ritual around what you need to do that allows you to get into a good state of flow and embody the moment around you that you become so in the activity that you have to do that it becomes you you become the activity and it gets complete without having to force or push or strain yourself to do it move through your day move through your time with a little extra wiggle room so that you're never ever rushing you want to give yourself enough time to move from one task to another and I think it's also really important too especially when it comes to being in your feminine but also managing time is knowing that the time between tasks or the transitions between tasks are super important so this is where I again I would come back to creating some sense of a ritual that allows you to stop one activity move into the next activity and have a ritual in between maybe you stretch maybe you turn on some music and you move your body in some way maybe you nurture Yourself by all yourself up or if you're moving into your night routine you take a bath or you make yourself a nice meal for lunch or whatever it is like nurturing yourself in some way can also really help you move between tasks in a ritualistic way that'll allow you to float into the next task and always always when it comes to being in your feminine and managing time give yourself the wiggle room because the last thing you want to do is Rush feminine energy is not about pushing forward it's all about receiving it's all about moving through a state of flow so with that extra state of time you're never going to feel like you're stressing or you're rushing and that's going to allow you to sit back in that more feminine energy and then two when we come into being productive particularly and managing our time if we have too much to do it's not possible to do it in that feminine energy so it's all about collaboration and delegation there is nothing wrong with again receiving help with requesting help I could not get over when I posted about how I had hired a nanny how how many women women in particular it's like it's so it's it's tough out there to not have women supporting other women I think is again a perfect example of how the darker side of the patriarchy is winning you're seeing women bash fellow women for asking for help I'm now a mom so I still work and I'm a mom too I'm a full-time mom and I'm also working I have like four different Avenues of income so I have a lot of work to do and I also am a full-time Mom and for me to seek out help and seek out a nanny instead of sending my child to daycare the amount of women that came at me for asking for help for hiring help was wild to me because that again is the core of feminine energy we used to do things in full communities and now we're all out here fighting to do things on our own fighting to do things by ourselves and it's so Twisted it's not it's not well none of us are well for this like we're not it's not the healthier way of doing things and so yeah that was really shocking to me because collaborative energy and being in your receiving allowing yourself to receive help or even if you have to pay for help like delegate hire an assistant hire a nanny hire a cleaner whatever you have to do to take a couple things off your plate do not feel bad about that you do not need to be all things all the time you do not need to take on everything you're allowed to break things down you're allowed to delegate you're allowed to collaborate you're allowed to bring that Community back in whatever way makes sense to you again come back into that Creative Energy how can you create the community around you that you need and that other people need to you can be part of that Community to someone else as well knowing the places where you do feel like you are again you can show up and fully Bloom into yourself fully embody yourself when you know the things that you're really good at it allows you to approach the idea of getting things done in a way that comes from that embodiment of who you are comes in that full knowing and Trust within yourself that you know what you got you know what you're good at and you're you can get those things done and you can delegate what you can feminine energy she was all about creating that supportive environment it was all about working together as a community so if you can create that around yourself and then also know your own natural strengths and give your natural strengths to others too create teamwork with other that is going to be a great way of getting things done and managing time while also staying in your feminine energy and I think too when we come into the conversation of things like flow flexibility plays into that as well and not physical flexibility I mean truly allowing yourself to be flexible with not just your time giving yourself the wiggle room but also being in your flow and allowing that flexibility and flow into your day-to-day allows you to also re-work your schedule to rework your expectations to be flexible with what you pull and expect from yourself and from others you Embrace what you do get done and you acknowledge what you do get done and you feel good and grateful for what is already completed or what you already have and you allow yourself to rework and to refold and to re move reshape yourself around what is as you live you know like masculine energy is all about planning and it's all about sharp defined lines of like this needs to be this this needs to be that and feminine energy is all about movement it's all about reshaping yourself around things it's in your being it's in your like embodiment again where you can reshape the plan as you move along and then last but not least it's practicing self-care and practicing healthy communication so this in my eyes manifests its way in a couple different ways so practicing your self-care is all about taking care of your needs taking care of yourself filling up your own cup so that then you can move into your day and nurture and take care of others I think too even just setting intentions around what you're doing and why and doing so from those more feminine traits can help as well like for instance when I'm working and I'm creating content it allows me to feel like I'm helping others it allows me to feel like I'm nurturing other people that's me then creating something it's me producing something but from a feminine State creating healthy communication this isn't just obviously with others yes this is important like if you work with a team or whatever your job is or whatever whatever you have to get done having that healthy communication will help with things like delegation will help with things like teamwork but also having healthy communication with yourself so my favorite way of doing this is journaling and I always I think I thought I'm pretty sure I've talked about journaling until the cows come home so like you probably already know this but journaling is such a great way to create that healthy dialogue with yourself to be in touch with that intuition and to trust your intuition because I think even too you can go out you can go about anything leaning into either energy or both but I feel like when we come back to ourselves at the end of the day or we start with ourselves at the beginning of the day just saying like how do we feel what are we learning what are we doing what's Our intention for the day and then again you come back to it at the end of the day even if you don't Journal you can do this just with a mindful moment drinking your morning coffee sitting looking out the window like how am I feeling what's my intention today healthy communication with yourself again keeps you in that feminine energy it keeps you even in your empathy with yourself like oh this much got done this didn't get done but that's okay I love that I got this done I honor my body in this way or I honor my productivity in this way like that sense of honoring that sense of empathy that sense of healthy communication with yourself is also a great way of staying in your feminine and keeping track of not just time but what you're getting done at its deepest core its deepest root I think to get anything done in your feminine energy it is all about celebrating and honoring yourself at your deepest core it's all about embracing not just what you need to do but embodying it and then moving through your day without any sense of force moving to your day from a place of creativity from regardless of what's on your to-do list realizing that you're the one that's creating the moment around doing that thing and then giving yourself that state of flexibility and flow as you manage your time through those things like realistically ask yourself how fast do you think you can get that thing done and then give yourself an extra 30 minutes to an hour so that you're able to fully relax into the things you have to do fully Embrace and embody the moment around you however there's probably a lot that I didn't think of or can't think of right now in the moment so when this question gets pitched to you how do you manage your time and how do you be productive from your more feminine energy I would love to know what pops into your mind what would be your answer to that question give me your side of this coffee conversation hop on over to kalin's coffee talk if you aren't here already on YouTube and leave your thoughts and your answer to this question in the comments down below thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I love this these conversations okay I feel like there so multi-dimensional there's so many further ways that we could have gone into this today but I love talking about energies I love talking about the duality of life I love talking about all of this so if there are more conversations within this style or within this subject matter that you want to have please let me know we can happily dive into it together otherwise I am cheersing you the littlest bit of my coffee that is left and I will talk to all of you guys in our next coffee talk bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Kalyn's Coffee Talk
Views: 38,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Things Koze, Kalyn Nicholson, Kalyn’s coffee talk, Podcast, How to be in your feminine energy, Soft girl eta, Feminine energy, How to be productive, How to be feminine, How to manage time in your feminine energy, Working with your feminine energy, Balancing feminine energy, How to soften, How to life a soft life, Soft living, Advice, Motivation, What is feminine energy, Divine feminine energy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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