Product VFX Just Got 10X EASIER!!!

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we're about to look at some of the coolest VFX renders on the internet two weeks ago I asked you guys to create VFX renders for this suitcase and today we're going to review the top 10 submissions in no exact particular order the first person is waja Studio from Nepal yeah this is really good this is really dope I love the animation the way everything is just moving smoothly going from place to place everything is just moving coherently you took a note from the last challenge you make the colors a lot better I like the whole dark blue green pink I love it love it this will make me stop for a sec if I saw this on Instagram really cool I would love to see more of this in our future challenges next person on our list is K of Legos from [Music] [Music] Nigeria this is really nice this is really nice I love the sound design of the birds of the boot noises and it's a very simple concept I don't think this is camera tracking this is more of motion tracking tracking the actual boats and then you have two suitcases on it just a simple concept one big thing for VFX renders like this is lighting if your lighting doesn't match it looks crap but this is really good this works out really well next on our list is chuki let's check it out I love the sound design I like how we could hear the rolling of the wheels get closer I like that I like that very simple design the tracking is is done really well yeah the object is really stuck to the floor I can see that really nice tracking the only issue I might have with this render would be the liting because if I look around to see other objects in the scene they don't have this sharp angle you can see from the render you can see around here there's a sharp Shadow and is at this specific angle going in this direction but if you look at everything else in the scene if you look at the people in the scene the other objects in the scene look at this tree is not casting a shadow here everything is it's a it's an overcast day so there's not a lot of Shadow so next time find delighting hdri that matches the actual scene thank you for participating in the challenge next up is blend with denian I like the concept and I don't think you're doing anything special with this are you in terms of compositing I don't know it looks like you're just matching the movement of the product on the water yeah and it actually looks good without doing the extra stuff yeah I really like this I don't know if you're doing anything as regards simulation or what not just let me know in the comments this is actually nice the only thing I would have done differently personally would be to make sure my interpolation is linear cuz as you can see it slows down somewhere in the middle and that looks very weird if it's just linear it's just keeps going and cuts off but with the interpolation now it slows down in the middle of the river which is a very weird thing well this concept is really cool really cool I like how Everything is Everything varies with the submissions everyone isn't doing the same exact thing you guys are going creative with this one up next is aliu Abu from Nigeria yeah this is really nice wow wow wow wow this is really nice I recently did a project like this where I where I use drones to drop a product so it looks familiar this is really cool and the lighting is dope man you can see the Highlight on the top of the suitcase it makes a lot of sense and the the direction of the Shadows it matches the actual footage dope dope dope this this works I love it I think it would have been a little bit better if the drones flew away because if a drone is supposed to deliver something I doubt if the Drone just stays there but yeah this is a really dope concept nice work man thank you very much for participating you guys should check him I'll check out every single person I mentioned I'll put their Instagram links in the description wow now we have gotten to our top five let's take a look at the top five submissions in my opinion this is just Vibes I'm not judging this by any specific criteria this time I'm just looking at the Vibes looking at the animation the lighting see how well everything is put together so next on our list we have screen pie 3D from [Music] India I really like this one yeah I've seen a lot of this on Instagram when is a billboard and the product pops out yo I love the sound design you guys you guys are really using proper sound design here the sound design of the wind sound design of bues ambient um ambient City sound design love it love it love it yeah I like the little detail it shakes off pops out yeah one of my favorites love it thank you so much for participating this challenge I love to see you in any future challenge we do next we have a gun oh I just noticed this other ones that are down there okay that's nice yeah I've seen this a lot on Instagram too with the entire building turning into a clo simulation this this is actually a very cool concept what I don't get is the the balloons are those meant to be balloons first of all please answer me in the comments are those meant to be balloons one and two are they meant to carry the product because if they meant to float up with the product the animation should look a lot different cuz as you can see here it seems like the balloons are going through the building yeah you can see the balloons are literally passing through the building yeah that might be a very little oversight what would have been really cool would have been to add some simulations that interact with the inside of the walls that would have been really nice someone did something like this on the Discord Community yeah I saw something like this and it looks really cool because it's interacting with the worlds by the way if you're not part of my Discord Community you should absolutely join in it's for 3D artists animators designers like you and I just working together learning together asking questions collaborating all of that good stuff I love to see you there link is in the description sweet now we have got to the top three this is my personal favorite out of all the submissions the top 10 submissions so let's get it first on the list is Elson Kenny from South Africa yeah I really like this one it's it's quite short yeah I really like this one because of the character animation this is something that will absolutely stop me in my tracks on Instagram and if this was in a portrait mode just try to make a portrait version of this and upload on Instagram and tag me this is really cool the character is glitching and flickering I don't know where that comes from I know it's probably some rendering issue or or mesh issue with the character or or rigging I don't know you should probably look into that but apart from that I love the concept I did not expect someone to do a character stuff but yeah this is really nice suitcase in every size Tor to every T to every what now to every Adventure sweet sweet little copy at the end love it I would love to see more of this in the future challenges that we do and next we have adok K Jr let's check it out this is this is this is this is one of my favorite Concepts here because you just put the product in between the cars which makes a lot of sense you can see the cars are coming from behind and they just sliding in between just it just makes it part of the entire Vibe and the Pac-Man thing what is with you guys on Pac-Man yeah love it love the way it lands love the way Rose and then this last one that just float in love the entire concept I don't know it seems like they are two light sources because the main Shadow is looking good is in the right direction it doesn't have the right intensity so there are some comp comping work that could do here some compositing work but it has the right direction and it looks good enough but then I see some other Shadows on the other area which looks very weird this other Shadows on this other side yeah I don't know I don't know what caused that so yeah look into that and another thing I would have done would be like in my last tutorial I would love to put CG cars so you can cast Shadows on the cars that would have been really cool if you just get CG cars for 1 2 3 4 five six cars so when the shadow comes in it covers on the cars that would have improved it a lot better but still the concept is really nice love it love it thank you so much for participating in the challenge and finally my favorite from the top 10 submissions CGI blend from [Music] India like you guys know why this is my favorite it's for obvious reasons the attention to detail is too sweet like I have to pick out things one by one first of all the entire Recreation of the lawn the entire Recreation of the lawn then the lawn opens up then you see the product comes out then the handle pulls up then the entire generation of the flowers and garden so cool man a lot of things are going on with the that are going around it this is such a perfect video I would like to know where you found this video from this is such a perfect video for this the cars are just going around and all this is just happening really nice I could watch this again and again and again and finally the blue the blue product turns into a yellow design product which I really love and if just sits on the flower dope stuff man I really love this this is my favorite from this Challenge and I would love to see you bring your creativity to more challenges in the future congratulations for winning this one I really really really love this post this on Instagram if you have not already and tag me you guys follow this guy CGI blend follow everyone else if you love their work and um I love doing these challenges I love to do a lot more of these in the future don't forget to join my community my Discord Community is free for 3D artist check the link in the description and like the video if you like any of this subscribe to my channel if you love 3D stuff if you want to get into 3D an Enthusiast or you are a serious 3D artist we do challenges like this I drop advice for 3D animators 3D artist like and I so catch you in the next one
Channel: Creative Sav
Views: 3,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DyrmjWhR0MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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