Processing Our Raw Sheep Wool

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[Music] my name's mark and welcome to the 10-acre woods Inside Edition so in the wintertime during the colder months we usually do different kinds of fundraisers and one of them one of the classes that we do is processing wool so we also do things like making moccasins making dream catchers and we do those on weekends throughout the winter right now because it's getting close to you believe it or not Christmastime people are looking for gifts so that's something that that people do to make gifts to give to their loved ones so in this episode we are going to look at the wool processing so I did a video on that last year but there were so many people involved the audio wasn't great I've been getting comments saying I can't quite understand I had to watch the video a few times so I figured I'd make a better one with a little clearer video and audio and there were only three people involved here so it was a smaller class a lot less noise going on and a lot less chaos so I did that video just recently and we're gonna get that queued up for you right away I just have one thing that I want to show you so this here can you guess what this is I'll come back to this at the end of the video but this was actually given to us Tara as a gift and it was from one of our friends I guess you could say family Oh mom see and it was sent or you're gonna actually do something with it okay that's a little bit of it it rotates so what is this contraption here so we'll get back to that at the end of the video and it was it was a post or a message that Tara got from somebody Darren thank you and Makayla and she was like oh well that is really neat oh I'd love to have something like that now sure enough next time they came over he brought this thing this thing out so thank you guys for this wonderful gift we have a bunch of different things out in the yard just old things that are really neat so Tara actually wants to possibly use this in one of the future I didn't let it slip so Tara's over here carding so she's got lots of wool so bag down here she's got quite a few bags that she's going through so she basically just waits or watches TV as she's doing the work here so that's her birthing anyway I will get that clip queued up for you right now oh hang on one second so what I'm gonna do is under the tray lay it back out you know me inside right now I'm on the interent this Freddie here [ __ ] this is the outside of the sheep the one it was on the sheep and the real white is on the inside then lay it backed out because what we're gonna do before you clean it you're going to see this we're not going to worry about your closest that's like that's like philosophy what and it'll come out but it's no point in having it mushy in there you see how big it gets and this is just the one cheapest of one sheet you can wonder what they do if they has a sheep outside right well was he in there she's gonna roll she's gonna be like when we had it down all right now siliceous but we had just a pile downstairs last year we've we're luck why is the wool all getting like messed up and everything we probably realized she was sleeping in it but you feel the like tell that you know I'm liking it Tianna said earlier like if you want to keep the land limp because we went afterwards you can let it cool and you can like what that is the softest say oh yeah ever the dirt is it in the family it looks so nasty I know you wouldn't you see the running around with their you look disgusting but you probably like not doesn't that's a white on the counter that's crazy just from doing this yeah and usually you do it out twice to three times what do it I usually do it once and then see how I just for demonstration sake yeah yeah so what do you do how do you get the Lao in that's take it out here in the water how to use it over there now do you see this in for dog later you can cool it no we're all gonna like but don't grab the maybe mark people grab the plastic camera plastic bags good and you never want to like always gets hot you never want to like over agitate [Laughter] all that coming off ready that's true yeah so if you were to like really yeah I see where the water went in whereas hot water yeah it's on there a doughy already yeah what happens is it felts so you don't want to agitate like you know what I'll be like you know like well that that's why they say that's why your well but Hannah brown gentle gentle so I call on your machine right I've never done I would hate to put this all through my washer no but like oh I'm having a wool sweater yes that will hats or a wool jacket you don't get it on like a heavy duty cycle right um now we wait we leave that half an hour and then we will squeeze it into another will fill the in about 20 minutes it'll start yelling dick glands other one in water okay and so I guess I won this leg is good for like once she beat you I don't you know just too much smaller than that right as hot is you're just going to pick up a handful and with you're not like you're just going to squeeze squeeze as much water out as can throw it in there junkie a matter to me yet oh it's amazing what comes out here so just but you don't want to like if you start like when you do it just pick up what you can get and that what else what are those like oh yeah because the more you play with it the more it'll sell oh yeah all right thank you watch just like a one-time squeeze is that like too much no no no you want out as much water as you can because I get to we go to pisco if you could squeeze it nicely dan you're fun did you use line drive I put it on these racks and then the fan oh okay would you really drive miss sunshine yes yeah few roads up yeah if you were doing it outside here there's nothing that birds and the Chipmunks will get into with me we have a launching these there's a flock of like 4050 something yeah and you have someone sleeping in it I could see someone making a mess in the wall basically the washing is to get rid of the lab one [Music] so with the alpaca would you do it the same way as the sheep wash and dry it and stuff like that and do they have lanolin and they'll pack up no no it's more of a they're more dirty Oh like it's not an oil little thick it's the hair that's the texture that's why yeah yeah well I'm dryer well so when we pick what you want to do is you want to just open it up you're not pulling it apart okay because then you're kind of like shortening and fibers you're just opening it up fluffing it up every little Carol every now and then once it don't you think I mean it's if you get these little things and as you will pull those out for a fill thing and that's just short hair from the plate and it won't expand as nicely oh you don't have to worry about all the dirt so that'll go in there you don't have to worry about the dirt because every process we go through will take up more and more of it so second enough for Canada so you've got sheep so okay it's not yeah sheiks not going that one I love the old Packer it's got such longer fibers yeah yeah so much we're fine than that sheathing yeah more of a hair then don't pick it over the good stuff cuz then we're kind of and if I don't mind it on the floor because after today I go around and vacuum because it gets really hey Phil hey in food what when you're first starting this is why I use this thing because I wanted on that one getting fresh there so now they would pick this up just to make sure that it holds never heard this before at least the first all these new sounds I loaded slow some people what we did last year which worked really well too is called kissing you kiss it up here it kind of eliminates this guy down here when you really don't how we all go on a little straighter yeah yeah I preferred this way to this way and then this catches fun with you tonight okay so I go like this and you can see it it grabs it and it goes and I like don't click it and it straight yeah and then you can also see when you get those little spots haven't seen it yeah right there what you been doing it for a while then you just you pick that out and you have a curvature because this tightens it and squeeze enough so all the dirt will fall down there too oh yeah so when it squeezes the dirt squeezes out and falls out the bottom so I can I'll load the first one show you how to tick it off and then you guys can play with this a few more [Music] yes this is for don't get your hair cut and you can move it around to fill it right yeah this I can do bro we're gonna keep going until it doesn't grub oh it's basically right to live terrible okay be very entertaining tonight what's the paw I know yeah big opening right here so you just start pull it up you don't want like you know key I can take scissors and I can cut it but you want your fibers long and you want them to stick out so they grab the next fiber so you want the length today you just kind of split it at the end there once you lift it off yeah so you split it here yeah and then [Music] yeah having the machine this is huge difference so now when she goes to spin then and you see there's still dirt in it but it'll come out every process a little bit more so here I think we split it before for you for this right yeah yeah so she spins I don't spin so then they watch one day you all of a sudden something will click right yeah okay now I got it so she'll take these and then these will be her rovings for spinning so that is how you wash dry and cart the wool so as I mentioned Terra is just carding this is her thing as she hangs out and watches a little television and this is this is just a bat right there yeah yeah okay so this is a bat and then you take what's called roving roving rovings okay yeah I don't just ii second-guessing myself and you can see Nick's here our cat she likes that a mix do you like that you like climbing on sheep okay so Tiana has a bat here and then she pulls it apart into rovings and then that gets fed into the machine so she hasn't started yet so she cleared off the what am I saying the yarn the yarn that she's done and she'll put that into spools so this is kind of a long process - so she generally does this while watching television as well now you need some good foot in hand coordination something that Tara hasn't quite mastered yet and I really don't have the patience for it so you just kind of start out here with a string I guess a leader string yeah and then that it catches the wool and pulls it on to it for you yeah so there you go and setting up the tension and everything and getting it all right and then you can you can go thinner by stretching it out or you can go thicker now a lot of yarns are done with multi string so they'll take multiply multiply they'll take a two or three or four however many and they'll weave them together they'll wrap them together in such a way to make one thicker yarn it's done exactly the same as this it's just you're feeding in multiple strings instead of just the one yeah now is it the same machine or is it a different it's the same machine you just need them in a ball or something that can hold them as you're pulling on them so they don't get caught okay here we go so this is the one ply and then this is a two ply oh so you did make it to apply this was one of the classes that we had where someone came and she was doing it with us so okay all right so that's kind of the idea there so that's the process pulling it in and ahead continuing on now if you stop for a second Tianna you've got different hooks here yeah so starting off winding it and then I would imagine you just move over yeah as it gets filled up so it fills up the school yeah cuz once if you fill one section up too much it can collapse on itself and it doesn't work too well dough is just every once in a while move it over and then they just continue spinning and then this here is it's just it's just a twine type what is this see you yeah so that's sinew on there and it's on in such a way that it goes right around here now we do have a few different spinning wheels this is one of them and there's there's different sized wheel so this one's kind of the the faster model because from every every push of your foot this larger wheel goes around and makes that go pretty quick so I guess it's you know you've probably got your favorite as to which one you like music I had to get quite used to this one because I'm used to a smaller one so I have to do a faster foot pedal so on this one I've had to learn to go slow yeah so it's less tiring so that's it there you go give it a little a little turn and away you go and then yeah you break it so then she's just got to find the end again yeah and do the same thing and it goes for this this is a unique one where you can't use another piece to pull it through so I have to take another string and I make just a little loop with it pull through okay and then I have to pull it through here that's what happens when I disturb her well I'll make her stop and then start no I had a small thin section that I use through there caught on and then you just took it back up take this oh yeah it goes through there and comes out right out of there and I'm back to it and there we go all right carry on and it just just grabs itself the fibers will just grab all right Tara can you tell our viewers about your new little toy here this sweetheart is a butter churn so that we can make our old own butter out of cream or milk cream milk we can make ice cream yeah I guess you can make game with milk you can't make ice cream in it here - yeah in this - yeah I don't know I have research and I've figured it out but it is an amazing is a patent patent number on of 1900 so of course a patent is when this item was actually patented it would have been made sometime after but the turn of the century and we've seen we've seen lots but never ever in this condition and when we do get things like this we absolutely love to bring back the way things were done the old school because as you see there's no electricity it's old school so a lot of our classes are based around doing stuff like that which is which is neat you know hands-on and making your own stuff which is really cool I'm so thanks Michaela thanks stearin I absolutely love it as you can see it's right in the middle of my house because it is absolutely beautiful and we'll see how about making some boy if any of my friends want to do it - that have done butter let me know cuz I'd love to do a little class on that yeah there's a little foot pedal here - yeah you know some of its worn off there it was probably something on there maybe some leather or something or or just metal yeah that could have been like that who knows but it's in very good shape doesn't even squeak dance sounds great we'll have to oil it make sure we take care of it so that is it for this video so if you haven't seen the sheep-shearing video there's a couple of them I'll put that link up here as well as down in the description so you can go back and you can see how the sheep are sheared that's it for this video and we will see you next time take care and have a wonderful week weekend have a wonderful day take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: The 10 Acre Woods
Views: 12,866
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: 10, Acre, Woods, processing, raw, wool, sheep, alpaca, carder, spinning, wheel, yarn, shear
Id: 3Aeev9l7uFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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