Procedural Black Veined Marble Material (Blender Tutorial)

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in this blender tutorial I'll show you how to create this procedural black vein marble material and then after we create the procedural material I'll show you how to join it together into this custom node group so you can customize the material so there is a scale value so you can make the material bigger or smaller on your object then there is a vein scale so you can just change the size of the veins and then there's also a noise scale then there's three different colors so color one is this default black color then there's color two which is kind of like this gray color in the middle and then there's color three and this is the veins color then there's Distortion value so you can make the veins more distorted if you want to then there's also the veins visibility so you can turn this up a little bit to see more of the veins or turn it way down if you want them to be more subtle then we have the veins detail amount and then we have also the veins Distortion and then we have the subsurface so marble does allow a little bit of light to go through the material so you can change the subsurface scattering right there and then we have the roughness of the material and then we also have the bump strength if you want the surface to be a little bit bumpy and if you'd like to purchase this procedural material and help support the channel you can get that on my G store and my patreon page with the links in the description and you can also check out my ultimate blender procedual material pack if you'd like to purchase all of my procedual materials and my ultimate material pack will also come with future updates when I make more materials so once you set up the material pack as an asset library and the blender then you can just drag and drop the materials into your 3D scenes and I've also just released a procedural marble and granite material pack which comes with all of these marble and granite materials you can check out that material pack with the links in the description you can also purchase any of my materials individually on my GED store and to learn how to create any of my procedural materials you can check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist the links are in the description so if you want to set up the 3D scene the same way that I have then I'll show you what I did so I went to the ad menu and I went to mesh and added an icosphere and then right behind me on the add icosphere settings I turn the subdivisions up to six so it is nice and smooth and round and I will use the object context menu and shade it smooth Now the default objects in blender are quite large so I'm going to scale this object down to like a0 2 and then I will apply the scale then I'm going to move this over here and I'll go to the ad menu and I'll add a cube and I'm going to scale the cube way down and I'll press contr a and apply the scale and I'll move the cube over I can double tap the r key to do use the track ball rotation and just kind of rotate the cube and then if I go into edit mode I'll press contrl B then I'm going to drag my mouse to make the bevel bigger and I can use my scroll wheel to add more cuts to the bevel so I'll just make a nice big smooth bevel like that go back to object mode and I'll shade this object smooth then I also added a camera and I just pointed the camera at the objects and if you select the camera and then click over here to go to the object data properties I turned the focal length to 80 just because it zooms the camera in a little bit and I like that better now as for the lighting I added a few different area lights so I added this large area light right here and I set the power to 120 and it's pointing down at the objects and then I wanted to add a bit of a rim light and some Reflections on the bottom so I added this really big area light and this one I turned the power to 50 so we get some nice lighting now also to get some more realistic lighting and Reflections I went here to the world properties and I added in the Machine Shop 02 1K hdri from poly I'll have the link in the video description if you'd like to download it and I downloaded the 1K version and the HDR version so once you download the hdri you can click on the yellow dot here next to color and you can choose environment texture and then just click on the open button and open up the hdri and then just a few more settings that I'm going to go over I'm going to be using the Cycles rendering engine because I'm going for realism so that's over here on the render properties and also if you want to make the background transparent you can open up the film Tab and just click on the transparent button so the HD will still light the scene but it's not quite as distracting and you can't see in the background and then also here on the color management I'm going to be using the view transforma filmic and I'll set the look to very high contrast to make the colors pop out and to make it more contrasted and saturated so I in the shading workspace so I have the 3D viewport right over here and I'm in the rendered mode I'm just going to make this smaller so we have a bit more space here and I'll make this side panel smaller so I'll select one of the objects let's click on new to add a new material and I'll just rename this to black veined marble and then I can select the other object and add the same black veined marble material now going to be using the node Wrangler add-on to preview the different nodes so you can click on edit you can go to the preferences and over here on the add-ons tab if you go to the search and search for the node Wrangler just enable the node Wrangler add-on so it's built in a blender and I'll show you how to use it in the video so to start off I'll go to the ad menu and I'm going to search for a voro texture and we'll drop it here now to use the feature of the node Wrangler you can hold down the control and shift key and then select different nodes and that's going to preview the node on the object now also with the voro texture selected I'll press contrl T to add the texture coordinate and mapping and I want to use the object coordinates because the object coordinates will place the texture on the object more evenly so we're going to put the object into the vector the mapping and let's drag these down here then let's change some of the settings of this voro so I'm going to turn the scale up to a 10 and also right up here on this type I'm going to change the feature output to distance to Edge and that way it's going to have those little cracks there so the scale is going to be 10 the detail will turn up to five so it has a bit more detail and the roughness I'll turn to a84 and then I'll leave the other settings how they are now it does look really dark right now but we are going to make it lighter now what I want to do is distort this texture to make it look a little bit more noisy and random so I'm going to go to the ad menu and I'm going to search for a mix color we'll put the mix color between the mapping and the voro so what we're going to do is mix the vector between the mapping and a noise texture so I'll go to the ad menu and I'm going to search for a noise texture we'll drop this here let's drag these nodes back and I'm going to bring the noise texture down here let's contrl shift and select the noise texture to previe it and I want to use the same object coordinates so the vector of the mapping will go into the vector of the noise texture and let's change the settings so I'll turn the scale to a 25 let's also turn the detail all the way up to 15 and it'll turn the roughness up a little bit to a 65 so now this noise texture the factor is going to go into color B and the original mapping is going to go into color a of the mix and let's contrl shift and select the voro texture preview it now on the mix type here I'm going to change this to the linear light instead so it is a little bit hard to see I want to show you what this is doing but it's kind of hard to see cuz it's a bit dark so to make it lighter let's drag these nodes back and I'll go to the ad menu and I'm going to search for a map range node to control the white values and dark values so we'll put the map range here after the voronoi so let's drag it over here so now what I can do is I can change this two Min value you can see if I turn this up it's going to be a bit brighter so I'm going to turn this 2 Min to just like 8.4 so it's a bit brighter now here on the twax we can also turn this up to make it more contrasty so this 2ax value I'm going to turn this up to a 90 so now you can definitely see that quite a bit better you can see what it's doing so now let's go back here to this linear light so this mix node is mixing between the noise and the mapping so if I drag the factor around if I turn it to zero it's just using the mapping but if I turn it up more and more it's going to use more and more the noise so it's being more distorted so I'm going to turn the factor to a 05 so it's just using a little bit of the noise texture so that way it's distorting the voro texture cuz it's going through the vector and so now you can see that that original texture that we had kind of has a bit of noise and it looks a bit random so that's going to look a lot better now I also want to make another voro texture and it's going to be distorted the same way so so I'm going to select these two textures I'll press control shift d to duplicate the nodes but keep the wires plugged up we'll drop them down here and I'm going to control shift and select this one here so we now have another vorno and another map range and I want to change these settings to make the texture look a bit different so I'm going to turn the scale to 12 and the roughness I'll just turn to like 8.8 and then on the map range node here we can use these values to make it lighter or darker so I'm going to change these a little bit so the two Max I'm going to turn this to 85 and then the two Min I'm going to turn to a054 but then I'll leave the other settings how they are so I can hold down the control and shift key and select the different map ranges and you can see we have two different textures now so I want to add some colors to both of these and we're going to be mixing them together so first on this bottom one here I want to make the colors so I'll go to the add menu and I'm going to search for a mix color and we'll put this after the map range and the result is going to go into the factor so now I can make the two colors so color B is going to be fully black and then color a is going to be kind of like a gray color and if you want to use the same exact hex value I'm using for color a the hex value is going to be 54 52 4f so those are going to be the first colors so then I want to mix in the other voro so I'm going to drag these back so I have more space I'll select the mix and I'll duplicate it and stick it right here now what we want to do is put the map range into the factor and then this mixed down here this is going to go into color B so if I now take color a and turn up the color this is going to be the veins of the marble so for color a I'm going to make this a pretty light color and the hex value for this color here on color a is going to be a hex value of six C's so now if I zoom in closely you can see we have some really detailed veins in the marble then we have a few little gray bits but it is pretty subtle and then of course there's a black so let's take the mix result and I can put that into the base color and I can control shift and select the principal Shader to pre R Edge and then here on the roughness I'm going to turn this way down to a16 so it is much more shiny now I also want to add a little bit of subsurface scattering so let's open up the subsurface here and I'm going to turn this weight up to a05 because marble does allow a little bit of light to go through the material so I just want to add a little bit of subsurface and then I do want to add a little bit of surface bump but I want it to be pretty subtle so let's take the mix result and I can put that into the normal but then to convert the color data into bump data or normal data I'll go to the admin menu we're going to search for the bump node and I'll stick it between the mix and the normal and the mix result is going to go into the height value so now it's being converted to bump data but I want this very subtle so I'll turn this strength down to 8.02 so it is pretty subtle so there's just a tiny bit of bump over the surface and then there is just one more thing I forgot to do so if I go to the voro texture and go to the bottom voro I want to turn this detail value up to 15 and that way it's going to be more detailed so if I zoom in there you can kind of see that gray more better so if I control shift and select the mix there now you can definitely see that that subtle gray marble has a lot more detail so I'll control shift and select the principal Shader and that is it for the procedural material so I'll now show you how to join it together into a custom node group so you can have customizable values so I'll just click and drag to BLX select all the nodes except the material output I'll press contrl G to join it together into a node group and then I'll hit the end key to open the side panel and I'll click here on the group Tab and on the interface I'm going to double click on this to rename it and I'll rename it to Shader because I like that better so I'll now hit the Tab Key to go outside of the node group and I'll drag the node group over here let's make it a bit bigger and then I will copy the material name and I'll paste it here in the node group so that it's called black veined marble so we'll hit the Tab Key to go into the node group and let's go over here and select the group input and we can plug vales up to the group input to control them outside of the node group so this mapping node is plugged up to all the textures so the scale values will change the size of the entire material so we'll put the scale into the extra socket here and if I click on the scale right now it is three values but I want to be one value so we'll click on the type here and we'll change it to float so it is one value Now the default value I need to turn that to one and then we'll go outside of the node group and the scale here I need to turn to one so now this can control the entire size of the material so we'll go back into the node group now I also want to control the vein scale so we'll drag the group input up here here and this top voro has a scale value so let's put the scale into the extra socket and if I double click on this to rename it I'll rename it to vein scale then let's drag the group input back here and this noise texture has a scale as well so I want to use that to change the noise scale so we'll put the scale into the extra socket let's rename this one here to noise scale then I want to control the colors so I'll drag the group input right over here and then I first want to take the black color put that into the extra socket then the gray color into the extra socket and then also right here we'll put this into the extra socket the last one and let's rename these so I'll rename them to color one and then also color two and then for the last one here you could call it color three but I'm actually going to rename it to veins color cuz that's a bit more detailed because it is controlling the color of the veins then I want to control the Distortion so I'll drag the group input back and this linear light here which is the mix color you can drag the factor to make the texture more distorted so I'll put the factor into the extra socket and I'll rename it to Distortion then I want to control the visibility of the veins so if we go up here to this top voro in the map range this map range value has the from Max so if I drag this up and down that'll make it more or less visible so let's take the from Max we'll put that into the extra socket and I'll rename this to veins visibility then I want to control the detail of the veins and so this noise texture here is distorting the voro so you can see if I drag this up and down that is changing the detail of the veins so we'll put the D detail into the extra socket and I'll rename that to veins detail and then let's also add this Distortion value so I'll put the Distortion into the extra socket and I'll rename this to veins Distortion and then let's click on the group input and I'll drag it way over here and I want to control a few more things over here so I want to control the subsurface so we'll put the subsurface weight into the extra socket and I'm just going to rename it to subsurface or subsurface scattering whatever you want to call it and then I want to control the roughness value so I'll put the roughness into the ex extra socket and then finally we'll put the bump strength into the extra socket and I'll just rename this to bump strength all right so I'll drag the group input back down here I'll hit the Tab Key to go outside of the node group let's hit the end key to close that side panel and there is the finished black veined marble material so I'll just review the material so we have the scale value then we also just have the vein scale and we just have the noise scale and then we have the different colors so color one and we we also have color two and then we also have the veins color so this could actually look really cool if you make it maybe like a bright blue color or something like that maybe even a red color red looks kind of cool so you can really customize the material then we have the Distortion value to make it more distorted or less distorted we also have the veins visibility if you want to see more of them or you can turn it down to make them more subtle we also have the veins detail and the Distortion of the veins and then we have the subsurface scattering so it does is a little bit hard to see on this material but if you look kind of on the edges there is a little bit of light going through the material and then we have the roughness so you can make it more of like a polished marble or a less polished metal so that'll change the roughness and then finally the bump strength if you want to make the Surface a bit bumpy so that'll wrap it up for this tutorial so I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and thank you for watching and if you'd like to help support me and this YouTube channel you can purchase this finished procedural material on my gum store and my patreon page the links are in the description and I've also just released another material pack which comes with all of these granite and marble materials so if you're interested in purchasing that material pack I'll have the links in the description or you can get access to all of my procedural materials by purchasing My ultimate blender procedural material pack which comes with all my procedural materials plus future updates with more materials and all the materials are preset up for blender's asset browser with custom thumbnails sorted catalogs and customizable node groups so you can easily drag and drop the materials from the asset browser into your 3D scenes and then you can customize the materials using the node groups you can also purchase any of my materials individually on my G store and to learn how to create any of my materials definitely check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist here on YouTube the links are all in the description but I hope you found the video helpful I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for watching
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 5,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Tutorial, black veined marble, marble, shader, tutorial, material, procedural, procedural material, procedural shader, marble material, marble shader, black marble
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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