Procedural Animation tutorial

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hi today I'm going to teach you how to use procedural animation asset first you need to install animation rigging package or fast ik from the asset store I personally prefer to use animation rigging because it is easy to set up then we need a rigid model for example I have this spider made in blender but you can use any 3D software you like usually you will have an amateur empty game object which is basically the parent of all bones and this is why I recommend animation rigging package you can just select Armature object go to animation rigging Tab and select rig setup as you can see a rig component was created as a child of this object don't forget to reset the transform of the rig otherwise nothing will work click on this rig and select create empty to create an empty game object as a child of rig let's duplicate it seven times because this spider model has 8 legs select all of them and click add component to Bone ik constraint you can also add chain constraints if the legs in your model have multiple segments now we can start setting up the ik find the end bone of the leg and drag it to the tip field then right click on two bone ik constraint and select auto step up from tip transform as you can see animation rigging sets up everything by itself then let's do the same thing for all of the legs the next thing we need to do is to align transform of targets and feet select Target of the first ik and tip of the first bone go to animation rigging Tab and click align transform do the same thing with hint but this time align it with the middle bone of the rig repeat this process for every leg with me now I usually like to select all Targets and hints and set the rotation to zero just to keep things nice now select hints only click this plus icon and set the size to something like one so we can clearly see where the hints are do the same thing with targets but I usually like to set the shape to sphere and size to something like 12. let's enter play mode and see if our ik is working properly now we made sure the ik is Viking the best thing we need is to select all the target points and make them children of the main game object I'll explain later why we need to do that let's select your model and add component procedural animation this is quite a lot of numbers but don't worry everything from now is pretty easy to set up let's select main object again and lock it now drag all of the targets to the leg I key targets field the first field is called Step distance you need to set the approximate distance of Step that you want usually you can leave this at one for more info read the comments in the code then we have step height this pretty obviously controls step height same with step speed now we go to the cycle speed property and here let me explain how everything works by default this script calls make step function every second cycle limit controls the duration of the cycle with cycle speed controls the speed of the cycle timings offset offsets the cycle for every leg so they don't move at the same time if you need only one leg to move at a time set this value to 1 divided by the number of legs if you need some legs to move together click set timings manually add as many timings as your model has legs and set the offset by yourself foreign to find Target step point spherecast is used with radius of a sphere cast radius range over Ray cast range and offset our raycast offset now select the Armature and add procedural body controller and here I highly recommend to check the smart body position box it makes everything more realistic and brings life to the animation by calculating body position based on average leg positions baby that's it thanks for watching and good luck with your project if you have any questions leave them in the comments below
Channel: lolopupka
Views: 40,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procedural animation, procedural animation unity, unity procedural animation, unity tutorial, unity asset store, unity, unity3d, unity3d tutorial, game development, unity 3d, unity 3d tutorial, procedural, animation, animation unity, procedural animation 3d, 3d prodedural animation, 3d unity asset, unity package, procedural animation asset, game dev
Id: eTERzR4Yu5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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