Problems with Abrams tank

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[Laughter] [Laughter] you serious [Music] today we're going to talk about m1 Abrams tank and we are going to take a look at the problems the tank had this is a start and some that still persist in the latest variants first one is of course the original m1 the tank officially entered service in 1981 and at the time it wasn't really good it still had the old hardened 5 millimeter gun which was already starting to get obsolete the performance of the gun was rather poor compared to socket hanging 25 or German 120 millimeter guns another problem is the engine at the time Germans have already developed the 1500 horsepower diesel engine but because reasons us decided to go with a far more expensive gas turbine a GT 1500 not only was it far far more expensive than the German diesel it also consumed a lot more fuel which means that operating it was also more expensive on top of the idea engine had a rather poor filtration system but more on that later don't get me wrong the mobility was excellent but there is nothing that would justify the use of the gas turbine over a diesel the commander's station in the tank was rather lacking unlike the Soviet tanks of the period he could not override turret on top of that he didn't even have a specific site for him only had asses to all-around periscopes like on a Sherman and a site for a remote machine gun which was not even stabilized and like the Soviet one and had a rather poor magnification even the German leper to which the US tested prior to adopting vm1 had the commander's independent fully stabilized sight which the commander could use to override the turret the only thing the m1 commander could do when he notices the target through his vision blocks that were just that they had no magnification on her I think she could take a look through the gunner primary site extension and use a hand stick to rotate the turret just like the gunner would and rotate the turret to the target she could have maybe spotted through his vision blocks and that is it in comparison sorry tank commanders at the time had their own sight which they could turn around had magnification it could override the Tauri to the target they would spot with their sight just like the leper tool if you think that is problematic wait till you hear this the commander in m1 was completely blind during the night because he had no sight of his own she could not look for targets during the night and could only look through the gun sight extension in the terminal mode in comparison soviet commanders site had asses the passive and active night-vision site where he could search for targets even in the night even the protection in the tank was lacking with the tank entered service soon they were already plans to increase the protection because the Russian 125 millimeter apfsds of the time could have been able to penetrate its armor that is when I p.m. one comes up and the only difference between IP M 1 and M 1 is improved protection on the turret that is it it when taking the same problems as the m1 m1 a1 then came along and fixed the issue of firepower by introducing the column 20 millimeter gun the firepower was accrued but Soviets at the time developed new monoblock projectiles that could have affected even the improved armor so there were plans to put the depleted uranium in the armor and so in 1989 and 1 a1 AJ came out with depleted uranium being put in the turret Armour composition which improved the protection but the problem is that the hull received no upgrades whatsoever it was still the same as on the original m1 even if the hull was upgraded the issue still persists the problem with how arm design is that the upper front plate is only 38 millimeters thick and even though it is sloped apfsds projectors that especially monoblock ones will have no trouble going through it even if they do bounce off by some miracle they are launched directly into the turret ring and would penetrate it with no issues no matter what happens a hit there would end up penetrating the tank also keep in mind that even though firepower and protection were improved m1a1 hae had no other issues fixed the commander was still blind in night and could not override the turret and the engine still consumed a lot of fuel and had poor filtration system this was especially a problem during golf or when the filters had to be cleaned every couple of hours the reason for that is that the gas turbine sucked in a lot of air and simple filters like the ones of favours at the time weren't enough the Swedes and the Soviets who had adopted gas turbine engines before the US had fixed the filtration problems from the start Abrams is the only tank with the turbine that went around for over a decade with a poor filtration and then a Monique too came along it fixed a lot of issues for moans the commander was no longer blind during the night and now got his own sight with thermal imager that he could use to override the turret the filtration system was also fixed since filters were installed which would automatically be pushed the dirt out which drastically improved the filtering issue of course other problems still persisted over the years the unstabilized remote machine gun was replaced with a stabilized weapon station on m1a2 or receive the civilizational m1a1 tanks but the upper front plate problem was never fixed according to Michael Greene I'm only to hit 51 millimeters stick upper front plate but that is still not nearly enough not to mention that modern projectiles can go through it like hot knife through butter the engines fuel consumption is still much higher than any diesel engine I know you probably think APU fix the issue but no we did not APU is there for the engine not to be used when the tank is idle because gas turbine consumes as much fuel on idle as it does on the move but the tank is moving it still wastes a lot of you another argument for the gas turbine is that it's multi fuel well all these dual engines of modern tanks are multi fuel yeah they can't use the same amount of different fuels the gas stirring can but the question is what's the point the army will have diesel or gasoline or whatever fuel they use the most the multi fuel argument kind of becomes invalid when you realize the army would take one type of fuel for the vehicles because majority of ground vehicles do not use gas turbine engines no one in the right mind would take specific fuel with them just so they could have it if they run out of diesel just so they could use it on neighbors no other vehicle just Abrams because a Bruce is the only one with that ability the problems of m1a1 commander were somewhat fixed by the introduction of stabilized commander's weapon station on m1a1s a variant which is the latest one in use it gave a thermal sight to the commander and the ability to override the turret with a su 2 Q option thus making it perform similar role of CATV but I don't know how good the actual thermal sight is on satellites weapon station since the site appears to be relatively small thus I doubt it's performance is as good as I money to see ITV but now another problem he's appeared since Abrams his ammunition compartment of a limited length it is starting to meet the same fate as Russian tanks and that is a fact that apfsds ammunition has already reached the peak length even with ma2 983 this is a new ma - 984 is of the comparable length one way to fix this problem would be to introduce l55 gun did the Germans are using on their lap or two eight six and 287 tanks or the new l55 a1 with improved performance therefore there is no need to solve the projectiles issue since the battery gun would increase the performance of already existing projectiles for example DM 63 fire belapur to tanks is shorter than the ma 293 fire by a burst but according to available information is relatively comparable performance because it is fired from a longer gun to sum it all up will first appeared and one-hit unsatisfactory firepower and protection for the longtime commander suffered from the lack of night-vision device and the stabilized heavy machine-gun the tank also suffered from poor filtration system although those issues are now fixed tanks still suffers from a bath of protection especially because of extremely weak upper plate fuel consumption is really high compared to most of the other tanks and the projected length has already reached the peak but the only hope is the installation of a new gun that would be all if you like my content you can only support me on patreon every bit helps and I would be really grateful I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you all in the next one have a nice day [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RedEffect
Views: 1,605,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: M1, Abrams, M1 Abrams, M1A1, M1A2, M1A1HA, M1A2SEP, M1A2C, Gulf War, Desert Storm, T-72, T72, T-90, T90, T-14, Armata, tank, tanks, armor, armored, armour, aw, WT, War Thunder, M1A2 SEP V2, M1A1SA, M1IP, IPM1, DU, DU armor, problems with, Merkava
Id: gx2GKAhh-IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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