PRO TEAM JOURNAL 2023 | EPISODE 7 | Greg Hackney - Zone 1

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[Applause] [Music] make sure I got extra blood today Zone one is filled with mosquitoes so we're in south Louisiana this week Zone one zone one is Strike King's Regional breakdown of the United States and Zone one is basically the Gulf Coast the exception of the very southern tip of Texas which is still some Gulf Coast Area too but has some reservoirs in it most of Zone one are brackish water what I consider Marsh Fisheries that are all connected to the Gulf of Mexico that one didn't show itself haha The elusive fall bass is on one the cool thing about Zone one is it's a Target Rich environment probably to me one of the most beautiful places on the planet cypress trees a lot of matted vegetation lily pads grass logs lay down everything that you would imagine a bass would live by [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so Zone one is not actually a part of the country I grew up in but I have spent the last 25 years exploring Zone one fished all up and down the coast from Florida to Texas I have a lot of experience when I'm not on the Tournament Trail this is where I do all my fishing at you know we schedule these trips out weeks in advance actually months in advance and so you never know what the weather will bring and we hit really the first major cold front of the year I mean we were still dealing with water temperatures in the low 80s when we got here and we had this I mean like an Arctic blast came through and frost on my boat cover this morning so it was almost too drastic of a change we didn't slip into fall we ran into it this week because of the weather we're having this morning they're staying around a little longer perfect I'm not catching any fish and I'm still getting bit by mosquitoes it's perfect this was the day I dreamed about last night the reason I woke up at three o'clock this morning couldn't sleep because I was excited I woke up at three o'clock but I wasn't excited I looked at that clock and it was 3 25 and I was like foreign that's what happens when you're the first one and you're small you get to go for a ride fun times and he lost the eye oh my God tying on a tour grade Sprinter bait but I went on the one that had a little orange kicker sometimes does make a difference and it has a tendency in this part of the country to make a to make a difference water should be pretty dirty you know and do they think it's a crawfish I don't know what they think I throw stuff because it works you know what I mean like I don't you know I've yet to have one of them to talk to me because I have a lot of questions for them if they would so the ones I caught in practice were on a 4S but they didn't get it very good it's really good around wood too it's real weedless it's probably even more weedless than it's probably actually the weedless bait that Strike King makes crankbait wise is at 4S I just didn't like the way they were getting it my hand alley had a good spawn sometime must have been this year the way the size of the fish those are this year's Bass [Music] and it's kind of funny that with the conditions like they I'm just having to crawl that bait that fish actually bit me the cast before and I didn't think it was very big because I saw the bait just push sideways and then when I flew back in there and I really expected today we don't you know the weather hasn't made a drastic change yet but I would just expect for them to be able to feel it and like I'd be thinking about them cutting a line just you know what I mean like feeding up before this thing and that may happen before the days but so far this morning it's it's been pretty slow that's a better one wrong species The elusive south Louisiana shoe pick that's needed to talk one up [Music] I'm gonna need to wash my hands that's slimy [Music] so really in this part of the country and all the Zone one you know most the time you're with the exception of South Texas which is also part of this Zone you're dealing with fish that live on like they spent all summer right there and then they spawn right there they never you know they're resident fish they just move in and out our fall is like our spring I mean you still have fish lingering because we've not had any you know severe cool weather but you have some fish it's cooled off just enough that they're making that move up and they'll get on the same you know the same stuff in the fall they do during the spring because they're resident you know a month ago you probably could you know would have been hard to catch fish in dead ends and what I mean by dead ends this part of the country has a lot of oil canals a month ago they would want to be on something that current could flow through tide could move or the wind would blow and enforce current through it but you know now it's cooling off you got fish still on their summer stuff and you got fish already made that move you know back in dead end stuff put that bait in front of that fish regardless of how aggressive he is you know the whole tree has to be fished because it's not a bass there's all kinds of things living in these trees here too I mean it's just proven things Strike King catches everything caught me you know one thing about fishing is that confidence will make you fish a lure better if you throw a lure out there and you don't have any confidence in it you're not gonna catch one I don't care if they're eating it you won't move it in the right you want fishing in a manner to get bit but if you're confident in it you know you'll spend more time with your cast or maybe you throw two or three times to the same place you'll just do things it'll get get you bites this is probably my favorite way to fish because I grew up fishing cypress trees I just it's a great it's a confidence thing you know what I mean it's like we go to Santee Cooper I'm confident because you know where I'm gonna catch one cypress trees of course the trees in South Carolina quite as big as these but little smaller ones fish better because I only have to make two gas goodness oh that's kind of my fault I might have been clowning just a little bit [Music] still same type of bite as the one on the Sprinter bait they I mean it just mushed up I'm not really having to go that long between bites now of course I'm being real real thorough you know not fishing very fast but I was just thinking I was like man seems like I've thrown it enough stuff I should get a bite if you're not getting hung you're not catching anything you know that stuff it's a double-edged sword you know what I mean it's a lot of times especially on a crankbait like that that's how you get bit you have to be deflecting that bait that's what makes a crankbait probably better on inactive fish than anything because you can crash and run into stuff and that's what gets that bite it triggers them you know that bait turns and like that last fish it bit me I was I bumped something I popped it off you know when and then the next time you go to pop it again they got it it just makes them react typically for me like if you're throwing a piece of plastic or something those fish are biting that you know because you can't it's hard to make them bite that if that makes sense that crankbait I can throw at a fish that is very inactive if I throw that bait in there enough you get defensive bites you know he just doesn't want it around so he'll you know it does something weird and he's tired of it being around him we're a piece of plastic all he had it moves slow he could just swim away from it if he doesn't want to eat it you know they exist The elusive Zone one Bass probably the hardest bastard is to catch on the planet right there The elusive Zone one mess you know they talk about a muskie being a fish a 10 000 cast well that Bass from Zone one is the fish of twenty thousand casts not ten thousand twenty thousand I had just hit something in the back right before that and I I was a little distraught that it didn't get it and then but it wasn't a bass [Music] no little bait change a little Thunder Cricket action that's the old gold blade my favorite now I do think that gold deal is you know what like most of the time I'm a big gold fan when it's cloudy but in the fall I just think it's a big deal those Shad have a gold tent in the fall and it helps today that we have cloudy weather and the waters dark but typically in this color water you know it's the sunshine and I like nickel you know gold if it's cloudy but I do prefer the gold in the fall regardless oh [Music] big bass I think I'm big and too get in here finally got that weather change [Music] that's what we've been looking for all day I've just been waiting on the weather and it finally happened that first one was just as big as that one my wife missed it pretty bad ah we've been waiting on this weather all day [Music] foreign [Music] so it didn't I mean it's like I said it's Prime didn't it hadn't had that much effect yet I mean because we've been having you know we've had some 60 degree nights and so last night was 50. again there's not going to be a huge change because two days from now it's coming back to 83. nice one fall fishing at a spine it is fun it's one of my fun the only double-edged sword for me and this time of the year is man it'd be some great deer hunting this morning too I don't honestly I think I probably prefer to fish in the ball over the spring because look at this how many people are on the lake you know what I mean we're the only truck in the parking lot you know because it's football season deer Seasons World season fixing to be duck season people doing everything and we're Buzz baiting [Applause] [Music] I'm kind of funny I hadn't even if he'd completely gotten off of it that one didn't show itself The elusive fall bass is on one they are very hard to come by you just have to talk them up sometimes [Music] it still looks good I don't know like I'm still feeling it you know what I mean like I don't have a negative feeling about it all I gotta do is talk them into it every time uh the only thing I noticed I did a little different then slowed down a little bit you know what I mean I got thinking I was like you know I've been just really blowing and going I might have to be a little more thorough around that cover start taking it apart rather than just making one cast over it [Music] going out in day two I will be honest with you I was a little disappointed in how day one turned out to like that last little few minutes of flurry at the end so going out day two I felt a little better about it because now regardless of what the weather does at least I know where they're set up at so I'll just have to change and go through to catch them I felt like it was still dark it was a little bit of Cloudy I still catch some of those Buzz bait bites and it's so funny how that went down as soon as we got out there it's the tail end of the front I could still catch them on the top water you know caught some quality fish on a buzzbait but as the morning progressed that deal just kind of faded and went away and I ended up you know picking up a jig and just really taking everything apart thank you there's a nice one see right where the Buzz bait fish came from I mean the same stuff but they just have tightened up foreign ER there wouldn't it that was the old seven pound tree but think about that while ago I fished that and I threw in there 10 times with that buzzbait never had a bite well I picked up on The Jig it had it and it's not that they're not biting they're just not biting on top now you know the weather's changed that front's starting to make them tighten up [Music] I missed that one dude got it this is I could feel the lines screeching just as I picked up come back and got it I roughed him around he bit twice because sometimes it takes two times as soon as I put it back in you got it again I picked up on it was just pressure that first time as soon as I dropped it back in there you got it again but again one single piece of hard cover you know what I mean like nothing complex just a single really the same place those top water bites came from [Music] you know the big thing for me what makes fishing fun is that deal of figuring them out making those changes the whole deal of going through everything and figuring out what's best having that weather change and knowing what bait to pick up and catching a big bass that's the reason I do what I do I that's the part of it I like the catch and the fish is fun but for me what gets me to where I want to be is that deal of clicking and what I mean by that is clicking mentally going I need to do this and picking that up and it working this jig is just such a good jig for getting bites so it's it catches big ones but it catches all of them it's a small it's just real compact it's got that big hook in it though and I'm fishing on braiding that was made to fish with fluorocarbon but I use it on either it just depends on the cover you know if I I need to use braid I mean there's just so much you know thick stuff wood that I'm again I just kind of let the cover dictate the you know the line I don't care how clear the water is if if it's heavy cover I always use straight braid now if it was sparser stuff and and also the other deal is if I'm spending more time crawling the bait back where I think the line might get past them before uh before The Jig gets there then I'll you know think more about fluorocarbon but you know basically this is straight up and down fishing you know even I'm pitching in a Tree Top I'm just fishing a bait in one one place small one had it look how dark that fish is I saw him pop the line I was excited [Music] thank you catching all I can catch he bit good you know I like it when they're plentiful as long as they're plentiful it's all good all good [Music] well you know here's the whole deal with this you just have to make the most of every experience you know I think honestly Fisheries like this in the long run I'll make a guy better angler I think you see a lot of guys that you know it because it's hard for a guy to come from a slugfest area where they bite a hot dog and then they show up at an area like we've been in they want to throw their hands up in the air I mean I I think it just I really truly does do think it makes you a better angler you know well-rounded I should say Jack of all trades master of none type guy that's what I consider myself jack of all trades master of none just because I I feel like from growing up in an area similar to this and fishing a lot on this area it I just feel like I can catch a fish anywhere you know what I mean it'll be I think this is best for me like I said every now and then I like to throw in that easy deal where the fish are looking for me but most the time this is what this is what keeps me going I captured him [Music] it's like a Christmas ornament hanging in a tree I love my job you know I love to get to travel around I've been very blessed at what I get to do to get to do this every day so I guess that's another thing when the fishing is a little challenging I don't ever I don't never second guess it because I'm like I'm getting to enjoy God's creation and I do this all I want it's very special to get to do this good next time pro team Journal roll for Speed three two and one we are absolutely live [Music] yeah [Music] Frost frost on the pumpkin for this protein journal and a window a small window of opportunity Lake Huron and I got myself a Wisconsin weapon right here Jay Shakira a little bit of a smallmouth expert Jay kind of dial us in your history on Lake Huron zero history on Lake hurons whatever this guy has in store for us today get him young Skywalker look at him when I take a right outside of this breaker wall right here and you see flat water on Lake Huron just saw these things but they were comprehensive she's falling yes [Music]
Channel: Kings of Bass TV
Views: 21,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hackney, Greg Hackney, Regional Bait Selector, Bass Fishing, Spinnerbait, Tour Grade Spinnerbait, KVD 1.5, Squarebill, Jig, Hack Attack Fluorocarbon Flippin Jig, Strike King, Lew's, Lews, BB1 Pro, SuperDuty Baitcast Reel, Buzzbait, Thunder Cricket, Thunder Cricket Gold, King of Bass, Kings of Bass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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