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all right guys sick days out here we I'm not going to show you the house because there's some very historical buildings around here and I will probably give our location but I'd say the houses or around 18 County and 20 built I have at least three or four pits probed out this is the first one we decided to open up to the back of the perimeter so it's it's probably gonna be the newest out of the few I have in this line here we're about what do you think two and a half three feet down yeah and there's a clay cat and under the clay cap is just a really really dark ash and full glass frit pottery rocks everything's been broken so far except for a bromo seltzer not super old Crocs I'd say from the shards we're seeing right now it's about 1900 to 1910 era because we're in a small town everybody loves small sounds salt always rare it's always hard to find when we like to add to our collection anyway nice piece of Old Crow we're gonna keep hitting it here and try to get down to the trash later and we'll get back to you guys with backs already like what ten seconds later yeah we got about two and a half feet down you can see it got a little med sticking out directly under the clay who comes it's a little slick mad machines and it is machine got the the Owen stamp on it 1930s nineteen twenties so just getting started first bottle out see back oh sorry guys we're back oh that's cool anti anti yep wasn't it like a something for cigarettes in the back yeah old old cigarette quitting tan panting in Bruins do I think it milks Foca but uh we have a milk in the hole in this this pits definitely turn-of-the-century nineteen finish so it's gonna if it's embossed it's gonna be something old bones coming up I'm gonna keep working my way around it cuz little bottles are popping out like crazy is pretty I can feel about you know on it yeah it's full here comes yes yeah that's a one finer where we got chazz chazz see rang Jerry Mahoney City Pennsylvania I have no clue with the 623 East Pond Street check that out guys never even heard of that please guys got the chicken think it's got the Travis symbol in the Baltimore I can tell ya that's awesome right there that is nice I'd imagine it's probably hard to find there it is but we're gonna get back in here and clean it out a little bit keep scooping there a couple more times I think there's a lot a lot of stuff in it how many like pieces of plate there's a piece of the cross laying there see what else we got here is a piece of crop piece of a mason jar another piece of a mason jar think that's hitting that little pocket in that help all right we'll get back to you guys cores got a bottle in the hole take this thing down see the lip sticking out oh no it's way under there still alright do some live for a second go we're just expanding the hole out right now basically full mason live it's in 1858 yes it is yeah no just doesn't make it says Atlas maintenance Mason Patton Atlas may suspend yeah that's an early one Gold man thank you yeah guys ant listen ace is patting while he's working to get another bottle that's what we love love when it happens let's keep going live see what else comes out here I was actually getting ready to go metal detecting and the quarry happen is just be riding down this backstreet even seeing some construction we've been trying going on and the owner was actually outside in the backyard and he pulled the car up beside him didn't even have to get out and got the permissions permission broke flash yeah oh well this we got the nation live said everything for now alright guys see you on the next one all right we clean the whole lot of tiny tiny bit down here what we thought was the sidewall good and it just keeps going thing is it just to cut maybe a German but here comes it's full yeah a nice pretty German with the really really nice and boss the Indian lady on it it's a machine but it's a nice one it is hey you guys go let me pop in this spot little stick was anything else ready pretty cool yeah yeah there's some stuff in there that's it right now Cumberland beer and stuff like that all right guys we we dug to the bottom and it's just it's just so four rocks that I'd say it's almost impossible for there to be anything full down there but we pulled some rocks out in anyway and they're they're huge heavy big brother clay directly under the rock so it's definitely boredom oh no if you guys can see this or not there's a bottle there's a mason jar there's a bottle and there's a soda down here showing so I got four bottles sticking out I'm gonna get the mason jar first it should be ready to come oh I was a big half gallon ball perfect nation yeah number one number two be just beer right here I think the beer another German thank you sums machine you guys can see that actually there it seems to be where the majority of the glass is coming from in that ash layer another piece of a Kurdish brothers ketchup oh this one's broken something Cumberland Cumberland Bruin I think it was let's check out the soda okay another mason jar up top on a how did Buster it was like perfect Khan's his fool eyeball yeah the ball perfect nation it's strange a lot of the stuff that's coming out team again again yeah Mon Cena green then they're good and yeah it's in there pretty good hey maybe a beer big wow it's got a cool Indian on it is it yeah well it's PA it's uh that's really Annie knocking Annie brewing I think is it I'm pretty sure it doesn't say what it is it says oh yeah it does on the bottom it says the sea US patent 1907 nice that's 100% that is 100% of German that's the same exact Indian or really Wow well what a see us there [Music] I have no clue I've never seen a beer bottle before broken one broken blown all the ones that are broken or really blown through and the ones that are full are seem to be machines or some reason well we'll get back to you to forget anything else all right so we've determined now that this is not a outhouse it's a trash pit some a variety of age definitely turn to the century some stuff 1890s in here to about 1920 more so 18 or more so 1910 stuff but traps got a few bottles showing down here feels like a lady's leg she had little extract has popped out you guys can see like the pocket of ash we're in they just loaded with glass yeah there's prey it's right under the ground two maybe three feet very shallow they cap hit bricks yes and see all the broken bottles most their beers you show them the board we've got so far what is it the Horde we've gotten so far ton of stuff in here [Music] lots and lots of Germans I think we've dug probably about 20 30 Germans [Music] definitely heavy heavy drinkers [Music] [Music] guys we are going another way here and there's just I think it's a square I'm not oh yeah it's broke and that might be a piece of that hoods yep no what is it dr. hoops family medicine mmm probably something sitting driver and I don't think definitely early nineties eighties we got pieces of applaud yeah there's some pretty nice stuff coming out broken the beers are cool I think something epic is gonna happen here short look here's another blah yeah we pulled like five there's Pizza sarsaparilla yeah it's full Oh German nice chair nice blown German and dark amber oh well we'll get back to you it's there's just bottles everywhere you we're back in the same yard today as we were yesterday and trav they're here for Evan we have some definite spots I mean they're huge it's really really big it don't make much sense we're gonna open them up and check them out and we'll get back this right here guys it's how you remove the graph off the page yeah basically just roll it up like carpet he preserves the club real nice we already got one over here really there's our two plugs that Dean does dig actually fill the hole we'll then back out rolling back out you want to build Telly's right here all right weird what over six and a half or the fashion area called a pipe but they definitely put that pipe through the pit just came up in the shovel it looks to be pretty early Thompson and blah Baltimore extract tell by the lips it looks pretty old eighteen nineties early 1900s that's it's early eighties early eighties no shoot yeah it's probably a flare to the lip it's it's an early mid we just went through about a foot of wood ash and now we're getting to like a little rust layer and that's where that bottle just came up in the bucket actually we'll get back to you well what five seconds later in the show walked out in the shovel guys you see it here comes I'm gonna get a little bit of dirt with it it's involved yeah Venetian liniment yeah yeah we're eighties early oh there's some more on it doctor lobbyist doctor low that's low pious Allah IV the bias all the bias New York Venetian liniment that's a cool little bottle second one out of the whole guys popping up in the shovels this is gonna be an epic big that's a big put the server with the other bottles nope we'll get back to you you English you all right guys trap jr. wanted to climb down in our hole and climb back out so he wanted me to record it let's see go ahead he's a good ten feet down in the ground right now he's climbing up the side of the wall just like he does at our house the monkey boy just don't fall come on out good job bud that was pretty impressive good job son well back to digging you hey guys it's giving you a little update we're now down about 13 and a half 14 feet we finally have reached the you Slayer or the Pooh player that you know so well we're really really really deep you see they ran an old a terracotta pipe through the hole at one time right back in the forties fifties you can see the beautifulest downline wall that Cory's marking down beside while he's doing that is it I'll show you the two rarest yards that have come out I don't know if you guys know what this is but it's an H Boardman torpedo mineral water ten ten ten pin mineral water from Cumberland Maryland extremely rare only a few known to exist and a piece of a pine tree tar cordial you guys see me dig one of them before up in Pennsylvania privy that would have been a nice one dr. wish yards but you see that big giant thing apparently there was a storage place for train car rail cars back in the day and so we pulled a couple of them out we got a train wheel over here some massive bones you can see our big huge piles and then here's the little teeny pile of balls that have gotten so far and it's sulphide marble and clay marble a couple of balls baltimore meds but i got to get back in here and pull some buckets what was but see back for anything cool comes out stay tuned alright guys we are 15 feet down in the hole deepest one yet and there's nothing down there but water the wall does keep going but it's almost like they built the wall and then filled half of it in before they even started using it I'm not sure we're gonna start knocking the walls down now and slowly yeah it goes down about another 4 or 5 feet and this is too dangerous 15 feet this is this is just massive yeah 20 feet all the way to the bottom but the last 5 feets water so we're gonna leave it so we're gonna start taking knocking the walls down and filling our way back up as we come we'll see you back with anything cool comes out stay tuned you you
Channel: Crick Diggers Inc.
Views: 21,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Privy digging, Stone Liner, Privy, Epic, Bottles, Blown, Embossed, Local, MD, WesternMD, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 20ft, Memories, Cryers, History, Adventure, Crick Diggers, Bottle in the hole
Id: jtb08CspHds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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