Prisoners don't have infinite rights

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hello everyone are you sitting comfortably well then sit up properly that's better now I received a letter recently from H MCS yes Her Majesty's court service you might think that it's HMCS like this you see in big bold capital letters is all looks in your official and powerful authoritarian but apparently that's a little bit too scary for today's modern criminal so instead that enormous I'm guessing but it's a fairly safe guess enormous public expense a logo it's non-threatening for today's for today's caring HMCS you see there it's all in lowercase letters and it informs me that a certain man I shouldn't name him I suppose that he was convicted of an offense more recently and now this guy tried to steal my bike seven years ago I was coming I locked it in town I was coming back to it and I saw that he was mucking around with the various bikes that were locked to some some bike raving things and he made a mistake this guy not only did he try to steal my bike while I was watching but also while the van load of police was watching and when the police found out that I was the owner of the bike that he was trying to do they were just so pathetically grateful and joyful and they near begged me to go to the station to make a statement so I did now in fact it was a it was a rubbish old bike and wasn't really worth all that much but he had damaged the lock and he got fined oh yes for trying to steal a bike in front of a van load of policemen in the centre of Newcastle he got fines the princely sum of fifteen pounds yep and that was seven years ago but though I never actually saw that money but you know what I didn't really chase it up it was fifteen pounds I could probably live without it and I imagined that I just didn't think it was worth it but I can think I didn't need to get this letter and it says that on the eleventh day of November this man was convicted of an offense and was more than to pay the compensation of 15 pounds which is still outstanding as it is he is now asked for the compensation order to be reviewed on the grounds that he is in prison I won't read the whole letter essentially what has happened is that this guy was fined 15 pounds almost nothing but trying to steal my bike and then quite some years later over six years later went to prison for another offence and not terribly surprised the offeree obviously wasn't a talented criminal and then you thought all all that outstanding fine maybe I can get out of paying it altogether now because now that I'm in prison I am reduced financial circumstances and I can have an appeal so this this letter is telling me about his appeal there is going to be in a bit just think how much sending me this letter cost just that but there's going to be an appeal it says when and where it's going to be and that I am not required but requested to go along and voice my view on the matter as to whether this man should be allowed to have the 15 pounds that he's been eyeing me for over six years waived just think of a cost figure about the logo just think of the cost of writing with this letter holding holding this appeal how many people are going to be at that peal presumably several magistrates and policemen and so forth and there's someone at the door get up Norman okay sorry about that they've gone now um they put me off my strategy and the yes so I'll try to wrap this up now because I think you've probably go guess what my point is essentially it is ridiculous isn't it I know her Majesty's court service should have capital letters and she'll have enough teeth to get 15 pounds out of someone when they've had over six years to pay up the fine and if they go to prison no they shouldn't get out of a 15 pound fine it shouldn't even be contemplated yes obviously if they have massive financial debts and then maybe the fact that the state has put them in prison should be taken into account under certain circumstances for 15 pounds forget it this guy should not be entitled to a hearing involving lots and lots of people and lots lots of public expense for a 15 pound fine for stealing some 50-pound fines nothing to put anyone off stealing bikes is it you know if you steal a load of bikes and all you get caught for one and then you get fined 15 pounds Rob you think oh well that's all lapis I'll carry on stealing bikes no capital letters and have a bit more teeth with you that there's something wrong here
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 273,028
Rating: 4.9278779 out of 5
Keywords: Court, magistrate, fine, punishment, HMCS, law, prison, jail, appeal, rights, public, expense, crime
Id: U1fPUlsSe0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2011
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