Prison Break: The Conspiracy (PC) - Chapter #1 - Solve the Mystery

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we got seven men on our side repeat seven inmates gone rabbit get the dogs [Applause] my name is Tom Paxton I'm on an undercover mission for the cut Fox River State Penitentiary and you're hearing this that means I'm dead [Music] first thing you learn in this business cover your back this recording is my insurance thank you new assignment Paxton you're going undercover at Fox River Penitentiary come on Boss prison your subject is linking borrows we framed him for the murder The Voice president's brother buried him good but now his kid brothers and it makes Michael Scofield clean-cut kid genius type suddenly holds up a bank and gets himself sent to Fox River we need to know what he's up to Secret Service or is the company pulling the strings company business we worked hard to put borrowers in the ground we need to know Schofield is gonna mess that up you don't like me do your medic not much but this has nothing to do with that observe and report that's your mission no rough stuff anyone finds out I'm an agent I'm dead what's my cover murder one I did you a fiver could have made a child molesting Parkson leave the voice recorder behind this time [Music] this ain't summer camp kitties roll call fiorello back again dumbass looks like it Boss shut up stupid all I want to hear is yes sad yes sir Scofield yes sir Paxton you playing games son look at me and call it out you gotta learn to listen Khan yes sir [Music] out of my face [Music] ha ha ha ha ha what's up dude fresh fish get the rest on the line you killed the vp's brother I wouldn't know don't talk much do you and you don't shut up this is prison I'm not here to make friends foreign up the gate okay animals get your ass inside and meet your new pal officer bellick just in cabelic as your new Cruise director hey watch your step hey I didn't do it man shut your pie holes ladies and listen to Patterson welcome to your new home convicts we're taking off your cuffs but don't try anything cute one false move and you'll do your time hog time the move on down the hall to our VIP Welcome Center hurry up boys you don't want to keep Bellic waiting faster move your ass there isn't any flying under my radar we're done here move along you're next fish name and fact number Paxton Thomas 133709 you play in games Paxton not me boss good cause any games that go on in here I win now swim along guppy let's go follow me wait here [Applause] hey you up the stairs now [Applause] [Laughter] close 39. come closer you get up right Schofield get in sucra you got a new friend make him feel at home close 40. Paxton you're next yeah okay look at the fishy icon avocado got the crap [Applause] get him oh yeah foreign [Applause] an organization who keeps the world stable by controlling economies and telling countries not to blow each other up Burroughs is a small Pawn in a bigger game the company needs him to go on ice on schedule and that's what's going to happen my mission is to observe and report but you don't send a guy like me to a place like this unless you're expecting to see some blood spilled here's hoping it's not mine [Music] here [Music] one thing about Schofield is tattoo looks more like a South Side Vander than a structural engineer what's up with that [Music] get him [Applause] you're a dead man they cut the crap convicts get him to the shoe not the shoe boss ain't me don't want to started it please I'm claustrophobic you'll violate my rights oh yeah call you lawyer oh wait no phones in the shoe laughs [Music] first time inside yeah here's some advice fish there's two kinds of time hard and easy hard time is being locked up all alone in a secure housing unit the shoe easy time is well easy which kind you want Easy Sounds good smart man now see tea bag over there he's been Crossing Me Up Just begging for some hard time go pick a fight with him and I'll know you and me got an understanding don't do it and it's the shoe for you hey [Music] bring it up convict I'm coming after you tea bag I suggest you equip yourself with more than those two sticks the licorice see about that UT bag we need to talk oh my does the pretty little guppy need protection in this big bad aquarium I Go My Own Way this little Pond you call your Turf I get free passage govern wants to swim in my pond guppy's gotta pay maintenance and upkeep less you want us to fight and for that I don't think you have the requisite testicular proportions [Applause] thank you tea bag you just got your country ass a one-way ride to the show ah the light begins to Dawn like the song says looks like I've been set up like a bowling pin watch your back milk chicken on tea bags a sure way to gain some respect of the brothers in his place and you can throw your fists right boy my name is Sino how would you like to earn some green what they got in mind there's Mr King he runs the fights everyone's in on it even the gods you lose bad news you win you grab [Music] what are you looking at Bishop scumbag hey King I found a hot one the boy can punch big man wants to earn huh I'll take a shot so you know what I ain't taking any more of your Fighters till I get the meds you owe me when we all right your boy can fight listen snowflake my connection hit my stash in the boiler room but got himself shank before he told me where find those meds for me and you get to fight even on the inside cash is King fighting to get money might help me get closer to Scofield [Music] [Music] foreign foreign good job snowflake you got potential white boy hit the heavy bag do some burners you can do all right meantime you ever want some tats bring me the cash I'll link you up righteous what about the new guy Scofield what about him his tattoo ain't my work but I know it's fresh sup dude come on punch it block punch block come on punch block punch block come on punch it block punch come on punch [Music] you know what I'm saying hey foreign Michael what the hell are you doing here roll it up girls I'm breaking you out link impossible not if you design the place but first I gotta get into prison Industries schofield's planning a prison break no details yet I gotta tell Mannix [Music] right down foreign here's the deal with Scofield he wants to bust his brother out no way that place is like Fort Knox I know but boy genius has a plan it involves prison Industries I gotta get in there painting maintenance crap like that talked to Charles Westmoreland I don't know how to get you on a work crew Charles Westmoreland I know you I knew your wife before she passed you knew Marla you mean Ann how'd you know her I Was the janitor in her school East Farmington you mean West Wilmington okay no more tests you want to learn the ropes look around Trey Street Deuces God Hoops Nortenos got handball Wood's got the weight pile then there's Bellic and his boys dirtiest gang in the whole place only difference between us and Them is the badge thanks for the tour but I need to get into prison Industries uh that's a string I can't pull you need John Abruzzi he runs Pi Abruzzi the mob boss right over there son time to go kiss the ring thanks [Music] [Music] fishy [Applause] hey no fighting and Mr CEOs get a piece of the action now get inside [Music] [Music] I hear you're the man to talk to about pi who the hell are you someone who needs a favor funny that fish Schofield just asked me the same thing beat it I don't do favors then maybe we can do business any chores you need done Bello let's see if you can swim fish one of my guys teats I hear is turning rat and I gotta know for sure before I exterminate him okay what's the play I've seen him talking to Bellic check the seals Locker in the file room and see what you can find oh man [Music] foreign [Music] still running his family from the inside he gets coded letters about the weekly takes the big scores I can tell you what they mean hand it over I'll squeeze our brutzy like a fat chick's ass so I'm still good here as long as you keep feeding me the good stuff ain't nothing gonna happen to you bellick is pumping teets in exchange for protection I've got to get my hands on that letter foreign hey Louis you going up to admin put this on my desk no problem hey Davis command some stairwell check in the basement you copy got it got it hey Louie you punching out need to talk with Becky and then I'm gone talk right shut up hey Becky hey Louie how are you easy like a truck stop hooker can I help you with something well my uniform pants are getting kind of tight we can't have our officers restricted in their movements that's what I was thinking it's a security matter come with me I'll see what I can do shouldn't be doing this should we go we're gonna get God by who the warden we're gonna get by who the warden baby right now right here I am the warrior [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign hit the showers inmate you spied on me bastard now you die [Music] foreign thank you teats was selling you out John I'll kill that traitor he's not going to be talking for a long time you've earned your way into Pi my friend I made it into Pi now I can keep an eye on Scofield and figure out what he's up to [Music]
Channel: Willzyyy
Views: 632,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prison Break, The Conspiracy, Full Game, Walkthrough, Missions, Cutscenes, Stealth Game, Prison Game, Prison Break Game, PC, 4K, Willzyyy
Id: hF8sJvZXyl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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