Print GIANT things with Glowforge Pro Passthrough, Live!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] or afternoon depending on where you're joining us from i'm bailey from gloveforge i'm here with nick also from glowforge hello everybody thanks for joining us it's really great to have everybody here again yeah we have been doing uh these live printing streams for pretty much every week for a few months now they're a ton of fun lots of you show up um you're probably either watching us here on youtube or on facebook but the whole point is for you to be able to ask questions about uh about glowforge so if you have questions about getting a goal for using your glowforge um today we're going to be specifically using a glowforge pro to do a pass-through print so that means using the pass-through slot on the front of the glowforge um front and back to to feed a giant piece of material through the glow forge and print a giant name sign that's what we're doing today uh something kind of like this yeah just to give an example of scale here is something that we created on past through so you can see compared to the printer itself how big this is i think it's 48 inches long yeah yeah about 20 by 48 this one yeah so you can imagine uh within the glowforge printable area you only have about 20 by 12 inches right so something roughly this sort of size this is a piece of scrap but you get the idea this is the standard piece of material that fits in the plus or the basics great pastor allows you to print much much bigger than that yeah so pass-through is only available on the glowforge pro which is our our premium model it's also our best-selling model and in addition to the pass-through so again the big signs uh furniture art installations that sort of thing uh the pro also prints faster and can print more continuously in like warmer temperatures than the plus or basics so it's especially popular among folks who are trying to make money by uh selling things that they make on their glowforge but lots of lots of people have the pro though oh yeah i agree yeah i have one at home yeah i think you had one too yeah and i definitely bought mine before i joined glove watches the company too because just the perks there they seem worth it to me i don't know what i was going to be doing with my machine in the future so knowing that if if it came to me if i decided to i could print furniture or these giant installations or whatever it might be with the pro i can do that because unfortunately with the basic and the plus we can't add that pass-through slot later on right yes there's no upgrade program to cut a hole through it or something i mean don't recommend it don't do that i'm seeing a couple questions come through um good morning joe in cleveland i'd love to hear where you all are from by the way um we're here in seattle um and digital harambes and do we have proof grade materials especially for pass-through projects we do yeah we're using one today actually um we've got one in the machine and if i just turn this sign the uh backwards this is a piece of pass-through um proofreads walmart cherry this one's more than i think yeah this is the medium plywood identification it's all right it's the one that we have stuck in here that you can't quite see um because it's already through this would be covered in that masking material and then it would also have the sticker um so all of our proof grade material that's the material that we make for glowforge they're covered with a like sticky uh like a sticky sticker that a sticky stick a sticky sticker a low tack adhesive white paper sort of thing over the whole thing and then a sticker here that tells the glowforge exactly which settings to use to cut and engrave so the white low tac adhesive paper that protects the material during printing and the qr code sticker tells the glowforge how to print it so that's the benefit of proof grade materials we also make them in leathers hardwoods plywoods acrylic um draft board which is like a prototyping material and this you get with your flowforge yeah this is 150 worth of proof grade so for those of you who aren't familiar with the material who might want to try it out and see if it works for you we'll send you this with the machine so you can be up and printing right away i think within 30 minutes speaking of which we should get going on your print it could be a long one so yeah make sure we got it chatting and we're like i know it's right it's so much fun okay if we get carried away just in the chat tell us shut up and carry on yeah so speaking of things to sell and when we're thinking about people in businesses um right now we're coming up to well the holiday and the gift giving season and signage and decor are such a huge part of that and so today we're taking one of the most popular things that we see people printing which is a name sign something like this of course it doesn't have to be a name could be absolutely anything it could be something for your store if you have a physical retail location or a craft fair um anything like that really but i'm going to show you just very quickly how to turn a font on your computer into something like this that we can print but we're going to print this on that four foot long piece of material so we're gonna make a giant version essentially and i mean these name signs are huge for baby showers and weddings and all the things yeah and they are i mean they're really cheap to produce they're pretty quick to print and you can sell them for a lot of money yes so uh you know if you don't believe me jump on etsy have a search for like giant i mean hop on there now and see how much it because this is to be what nearly four foot name sign i mean i wonder how much that cost let's take a look and see uh giant name sign probably should have thought about this uh in advance no i like that we're doing it on the fly here we go so 45 for this one right here 35 for this one right here some of those are acrylic i'm seeing some different materials some colors yeah this one here has got some i'm not sure if those paper flowers are included but that's quite nice that's two names here for sixty dollars too you know a piece of material costs much less than that so you know you set it printing and keep going and uh you know you're just making money while you're i think watching your favorite show or working on the next design another great tip if you want to make sure you're maximizing your profits with a product like this if you are selling it is letting it be as customizable as possible for your customer so let them choose the font have you know 20 to choose from and let them choose you know just exactly how it looks because the more involved they feel in designing it the higher value product it is for them yeah that's a great great tip and if you check out hashtag glowforge on instagram so check out the tag not the account you'll see so many people i mean check out the account too it's great but check out the hashtag other people's posts about glowford yeah absolutely yeah sorry i'm old now so social media is hard for me there are so many great examples of custom uh signage out there that is selling really really well we have so many glow forged business owners nowadays but let's jump right in so uh mike if you can show my computer screen here i'm going to show everybody where i'm starting now there's multiple ways to do this i'll say and i'm going to start in adobe illustrator just because that's my preferred tool to use yeah absolutely you can use inkscape however which is a free version you can use a number of different bits of software and actually if you check out the glowforge community forum within there there are a whole bunch of guides that our customers have actually put together themselves that will guide you through processes like these so let's dig right in now first of all i have a name here that i just chose um and i've chosen a cursive type font or a handwritten style font to type it in but just to show you this is completely editable um so we can change this to whatever we might want but what forge doesn't see this oops as a a cutable a cutable as something that it can cut right right now so we find something we can engrave right now right absolutely and to do that very simple we're going to select the word i'm going to right click on here and choose create outlines and what that does if i switch to something called wireframe mode is convert that font into a series of paths and basically the laser will follow these lines and cut this out of a piece of material now a couple of other things you'll probably notice if we want this to be one single piece the s here and the e they are not uh currently joined to the rest of the letters they're not overlapping so they're gonna be separate pieces it's all gonna fall apart so next step and there's multiple ways to do this we can just grab those different pieces and kind of just tuck them together like this so we have some overlapping elements um might increase the size of this e right here just so that line here overlaps and you can see we have the overlapping parts here here here here and here now to make this one piece of material i'm going to use a tool called the pathfinder and i'm going to select all of these and i'm going to combine all those shapes together the pathfinder is this little tool right here you can find it in window and pathfinder click on this first one and you'll notice if i undo that and do it again a couple of times see those overlapping parts disappear they're disappearing they are now all one piece it seems like if you're going to learn like one tool in illustrator it's pathfinder yes to do this literally yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah that's one of the only things i can do it's very very useful yeah and inkscape has its own tool that is exactly the same i forget the name if anybody out there uses inkscape and knows the tool please throw it into chat so people can hear it um and i think you can do the same thing in the cricut software as well i haven't dabbled with that myself but i know a lot of customers love the cricut software for glow fortunately and also the silhouettes you can totally try that and uh another option of course um is purchasing designs off of a marketplace online there's lots of designers who make the files for you so if you just don't even want to mess with design that's also an option that doesn't need to limit what you can do with flowforge at all absolutely because of how many people are there are out there designing already yeah definitely definitely and i'm going to show you one other as well here um excuse me while i was digging through my fonts i found this one which i thought was really cool and i love this s shape but you'll notice with this style things don't overlap and if i was to join everything together um it would be very hard to read it just wouldn't look particular yeah yeah you know it's just real tight so for this i actually chose to use um a little rectangle here to join everything together so we have here our outlines of our font we have this rectangle which is a separate piece and again by selecting everything and using the pathfinder tool i can join it all together to create one single cut file now you'll notice here where the letters overlap we're kind of missing that detail which i quite liked so what i did i'm going to exit wireframe mode here if i zoom in on this one is i took those lines that overlap and i created a separate or a different version of them in pink i'll just ungroup this now so you can see but those lines live separately to the rest of the design and i can choose to score those lines so i can basically add in that extra detail right there i thought that was kind of cool so i combined both of those together onto a print file right here oh this is so cool so here we can see our two different options and of course you can do absolutely anything this is just to demonstrate a quick project with pass-through um and i've developed or sorry develop sounds too fancy i've set up my canvas here i don't know uh this canvas is set to 20 inches tall and 48 inches wide so i'm literally designing full size right now which is really cool and i'm going to save that as an svg or a pdf and i'm going to go over to my glowforge software where i have preloaded that design right here and so now we're going to get into the printing pack now like bailey mentioned we've got a piece of proof grade material in the back of the machine right here and i'm just going to grab the handheld if mike can switch to that just so i can show you how i have it set up now might seem a little counter-intuitive but we're actually working from the back towards the front when we're using pass-through but you can see that piece of material is going right through the back of the machine and i'm actually supporting it using this little thing here which is called a roller stand and therefore we're woodworking we happen to have them around the office but you could use a stall and a stack of books the point is you know anything at all you just want to keep that material pretty flat if you can yeah it just make sliding it through a little bit easier make your prints a bit more accurate so just a top tip for you keep it flat keep it straight start from the back working your way through and you can see the material there is coming in and it's stopping just before the door right there all right so pop that down head back over to my screen and uh if mike can switch back over to that i'm gonna show you the next step very easy three dots again this is only on the pro so if you have a plus and a basic don't worry if you don't see these but click on the pro password feature you'll see how that screen changes and what that's showing us right now is the first slice of the design that we can make up to this dotted line so when we press print we're going to print everything that we see here the glowforge cameras are going to take some photos of what we've done it will um ask us to move the material a little bit further and then it will align the next piece so okay i want to just explain what we're seeing again because i think it could be kind of hard to grok if you're not standing here so what you can see right now is a zoomed out view of the glowforge bed so what you're seeing is like just a third of this big four foot piece and it's just the part that we're going to print on first and then the part at the top of the screen kind of where nick's mouse is right now that bit of the design is like sticking out the back of the glow forge but won't print until we push it through so just to kind of explain that i think it looks a little bit like we're like floating in space or something from that shot i get that thanks i appreciate that yeah i do think this view actually helps to highlight how much bigger this design is so that's pretty neat um but the rest of this is really straightforward i've got my material set here in the left hand corner i have my cut and score settings here which as i scroll over them you can see them highlighting the different features and i'm just going to hit print and that's it woohoo and really the thing we have to highlight here is when you're thinking about creating something really big just draw it really big in your computer send it to glowforge and glowfoot will take care of slicing it up into pieces that it can print for you it's basically robots doing all of the hard work so you don't have to all right so now up on the screen you can see the glow forge it's just measuring exactly the height this button is now glowing this is the only button on the glow forge nick just did this all all this hard work but i'm going to push the button oh not quite ready sorry oh wait wait that wasn't it no no not quite oh just kidding but now it is though oh it wasn't it was what was it doing it was solid instead of flashing yeah yeah that's all under the studio lights it's really hard to see top tip with glowforge it needs to be uh blinking before you press it here we go and there we go we're going to kick that first print off now this first part is going to be just under four and a half minutes i think um and glowforge is going to come across and do a bunch of scores first on that surface of the material and then start cutting all the way through and it's going to be going all the way through this piece of medium maple plywood in one pass it's about an eighth of an inch thick it's a good strong material it's great for this kind of thing and you can see here this is actual like real speed it's not sped up um and it's well it's going pretty quick how long for this whole section this one's gonna be four minutes i love the timer it's always so nice that it that it tells you it's great i'm just going to check chat real quick and see if we have any questions coming in one thing i haven't mentioned yet is the discount code if you are going to get a glowforge um this fall we have a discount uh for this live stream it's pass through fall it's good for all three models so even if you're not able to get a pro you can also use this discount on the uh the plus or the basics so it's 500 off the pro 250 off the plus 125 off the basic and it's good through next monday the 13th so just about a week turn around to use that um and one other little plug i want to give is if you're thinking about getting a glowforge or you just got a glowforge or something and you want to sell things this holiday season i am launching a class i just sent out invites this morning so if you're on your email list maybe you got it um but it's a class about starting a holiday business with glowforge so if you get a glowforge right now what do you do to make money in the next couple months which is the biggest opportunity of the whole year oh 100 there's so much coming out time if you order now to start up the whole business and so i've created these three classes um to teach you how to do it i've been talking to all these amazing glowforge owners who already have low forage powered small businesses and getting their tips specifically about having an awesome holiday season so if you would like to register for that class i'd love to see you there the class is next week and to register you go to holidaybiz101 and i'm going to put that in chat right now so you guys will see that that's a little long but it's a it's a great class i've read through the scripts the stuff that customers out there have shared with us is so insightful really really great and it just makes the whole thing seem so accessible as well it really is possible to get one of these take an idea print it and sell it and pay back the machine within a remarkably short amount of time yes okay so i just put that into youtube i'm putting it into facebook now and um oh and someone's asking is the fan really that quiet and we have it connected to the filter right now so what you can hear this is the fan and then the the filter we've got over here that's it and i'm just switching to the handheld here just so people can see that cutting again excuse the big sphere light that you can see reflected in there in bailey's face but you can see how much bigger this particular design is than the one well actually that's a terrible example because perspective makes the one i showed you earlier much bigger but anyway it's printing it's almost finished and we'll show you the next step in just a moment but since someone mentioned filtering should we uh talk about that real quick yeah absolutely so you might have seen this before when nick was showing the back of the glowforge for this but this is the uh vent hose that we're using so this we do have connected to an air filter a glowford air filter right now um and it's it's in front of us that's why you can't see it but um if you are in a room that has like a window or a door or some way to vent outside that is what most people do so the glowforge comes with this tube like this you just it's just a dryer hose like the for your dryer or air conditioner unit or whatever you can just stick it out the window when you're printing that's what i do and that's what a lot of folks do um and then you i should not be leaning down on this while you're printing oh my goodness not a table bailey no and then um if you are in an enclosed room and you need the air filter we've got one right here can you see it under the table here yeah all right so you can see it's little like a recycling bin or something and it does have a uh consumable filter so uh cartridges i should say rather so you will have to replace the cartridge after hours of printing on certain materials um and that will depend on what you're printing what materials you're using how often how long you're going to go through them but some people use these just seasonally like if they don't want to open the window in the winter because it's too cold or too hot in the summer um or sometimes they'll bring these uh if you bring your glowforge with you to um a craft fair maybe you want one of these uh at your booth so that you can print things right on the spot so really nice option for your low for it to be portable perfect it's really easy to use really small as well all right let's put that one back down we've got seven seconds left on this first slice right here he's asking if it makes a lot of dust um so she knows where to set it up in her house um no i would not say dust i have mine right next to my computer like where i sit all day at home and work unless i'm in here um and no i haven't noticed that it produces like a lot of dust or anything i do like sometimes vacuum out around it i do keep it quite clean because i also take photos of mine a lot so perhaps than you might but it's not like sawdust if that's what you're thinking about it it's when the laser hits the material it's vaporizing it it's creating some smoke and depending on the material that smoke can leave um a like a surface coating if you like on the inside of you can kind of see it on the tube right now let me give you a little piece it's not going to get a little dirty looking like that you can see the tube has some of that on there but it's you know it wipes off super easily yeah just with a little yeah we have a whole video series about maintenance oh this is this is neat actually you can see the glow forge now taking photos of what it is that we have already printed and just to go back to pasta really quick once glowforge has printed half of your design or a third whatever it might be it's going to take one wide angle photo to figure out kind of whereabouts everything is and then it's going to shoot across and take these macro photos of details so it can line up the next piece very very accurately you'll see a flash in just a second just like that and that's it robots are neat right little paparazzi in there it's really fun uh vanessa's asking how wide is the sheet currently in the printer so it's uh 20 inches wide and four feet long absolutely length could be infinite i mean if you could find a piece of wood that is 100 feet long you could absolutely print on that but you are limited to that 20-inch way someone in our community forum did somehow find a piece of 50-foot wood and did like a huge like sentence or paragraph on it it was awesome i still don't know how they did that like what maybe they did it outside can i jump in real quick bailey of course sorry uh mike if you could just show my screen i'm gonna show everybody what people see next now goldwatch has taken a bunch of photos off our print so far and it's telling us to shift the material forwards and this is the next tip that we have for you about pass-through that is to pay attention to the instructions that you see on the right and don't move things until it tells you to because we're using cameras to align everything we want to make sure everything stays nice and still so they can take really accurate photos but as it says we're just going to push our material forward until it comes out the front and then click continue so i'll do that right now so nick is like physically with his arms pushing this through i know there was there was some there's sometimes some confusion about how you do this if the machine um you know has wheels and can yeah but no you just push it through it's quite quite easy very easy um the amount that you push it through is somewhat arbitrary as well the only thing you need to bear in mind is we need to see some of the previous part of the print inside the glowford so the cameras can look at it and figure out how far i guess you can't really see that from the overhead right now let me show you with this oh yeah uh if we switch to you can see we've got part of the sign showing because now the glowforge will line up the rest of the print with this that's it and so now we just let it do its thing for about five minutes or so take a few photos and then we'll be ready for our next print so let's jump on some more questions yes uh do you do black friday specials wow that time of year already that's funny because we were just talking about this with our team yesterday um no we don't tend to do black friday specials um in fact the the price that we have available with this live stream right now with that pass through full discount that's going to be the the best price you can get through the end of 2021 um as far as i know and i should i should know yeah that's true yeah i would say that you were an authority on that so uh-huh so we won't have any black friday specials i will say um you know if you're looking to get a glowforge to make things for the holidays the sooner the better some years around the holidays we've sold out or there's been weeks to wait to get one um yeah so to avoid that it might be best to move faster than slower likewise if you want to start your own business as well black friday could be a good time for you as a business owner yeah absolutely to launch with some special and that might sound too soon and i promise it's not like when i've been writing the scripts for these classes um if if you all are just joining we're running a series of business classes about starting um a business with your growforge for the holidays next uh week uh and as i've been writing these scripts i've been i've been doing the math on you know if you're gonna make this product and it's gonna take this many hours and this many dollars per product and stuff and you could actually pay off your glow forage in a in a matter of weeks by printing the things that you need in a matter of weeks um and i have lots of examples of that in the class um but it's not too late you could get one and still have that business this year i mean it's almost in q4 that's amazing yeah and yeah is it though i don't know it's kind of scary isn't it how quickly this year's gone but to build on bailey's point there if you're not sure what you're going to print or you don't feel like you have skills as a designer to create something like this yourself yeah don't worry like bailey mentioned tons of opportunity out there to jump on things like etsy and find svgs that you can download or we even have the glowforge catalog which is an ever expanding repository of digital designs they're go forwards ready they come with instructions they're guaranteed to work and you can print anything that you you can sell anything that you print right so anytime that you're buying someone else's designs you're just going to need the read the fine print and we'd make made sure to make that real clear with the glowforge designs they are either you know up for commercial printing or not which one were you going to show i was just going to point out the space shuttle but actually since this is ready mike if you could just jump over perfect we can see the next step now gopho just moved the design roughly into position so we can see that it got it right and it's just asking us if everything looks okay and it does so i'm going to press continue and then golf which is essentially going to start the next stage of the print and this is a cool point which we should probably get let me get this ready okay and depending on where it starts printing the moment that the lines yeah yeah it's just kind of neat to see because those lines are you know half a millimeter thick um you know the accuracy that we get with something that's you know been manhandled by a human is pretty impressive anyway so bailey if you want to go ahead hit that button one more time bump it though yep oh yeah please don't bump it for anyone who was uh here last time we did this uh i accidentally bumped this halfway through yeah uh-huh it still works though it still works yeah we just realigned everything now this is frustrating because it's not starting at the join let's see if we can see one in a second you never really know oh that was one right there yep it happened so fast but you can see this corner right here how neatly that joined up um so i'll keep this on here um while we continue talking and let's see if we can see the moment when it happens i think this is going to be one okay let's see but i bet you it's too that spherical light is reflecting my big head the lids it's a normal size head bailey you're okay thank you all right here we go you're ready watch these two line up boom look at that nice wasn't that cool yeah anyway maybe maybe no one else thinks that's cool my reaction was like two seconds behind yours because i'm watching it on the stream that's really funny um oh i think someone just answered this in chat but the deal i was talking about that's going to be the best deal that you can get through the end of the year that's that pass through fall pass through fall so p-a-s-s-t-h-r-o-u-g-h full that's just spelling we often call it you know to pass through t-h-r-u and so i had to i spelled it right i spelled it right very good i passed through fall and that gets you uh 500 off a glowforge pro 250 off the plus or 125 off the basic um and that'll be the best price that's going to be the lowest you can get a glowforge this year let's see i'll be moving shortly would it be a good idea to put all the packing back into the glow forge to move it what do you suggest yes absolutely yeah definitely keep the box is pretty big but please keep it if you can if you do need to ship it back to us for any reason at all or if you're moving or transporting it to a local craft fair or something like that that box has been specifically designed to protect this machine and there's a number of different things that go in there bits of foam these knobs that lock everything into place and keep it really safe and we ship these things off to fedex and have them throw it against the wall and drop it off you know giant things just to make sure the packaging and i have been lucky enough to see some of these packaging it's terrifying i mean we these are like our babies right and so we've seen videos of them literally dropping them off buildings which it seems sometimes that the fedex people do that apparently so yeah but anyway it will arrive with you very safely yeah the packaging that we ship it with i would really recommend keeping it it's been custom made uh all of that it is a big box but i think it'll be worth it and then for removing it like okay so if you're just gonna take it to like the craft fair for the day that's going to be part of your business is that you're going to your craft fair and you're going to let people personalize keychain blanks that you brought right on the spot because they love to watch it you might not need to use your box for that you could consider getting like a carrying case we used to haul them around in pelican cases which always made me feel like i had like fifty thousand dollars in there or something like that like nope this isn't full of cash don't worry i promise yeah um but those were really good and sturdy so some people have kind of something that will fit in their car um yeah but definitely use those locking pieces to hold the moving parts in place when you do transport it um if you're interested there's a series called glowforge essentials on our youtube channel uh and if you take a look at that we've got an unboxing and a repacking video they're about three four minutes or so and that'll highlight to you everything that comes in there and what you should keep all of it very very simple oh uh brie is asking how can we sign up for the class um free i posted the link above but it's glowforge excuse me it's biz101 i'll put that again here um and the classes are next week and so they'll be in the evenings at 5 00 pm tuesday wednesday and thursday but then if you sign up you'll have the link to watch it so if you're busy one of those nights and you can't watch live with us that's that's fine is that 5 p.m pacific time yes 5 p.m pacific yeah we did a bit of a poll to see what time people would be available to watch that seem to be the most convenient and lots of folks watch on demand too that's true that's true excellent finish so it finished the second slice it's now taking the photos again so it's going to tell us in just a moment that we need to move the sheet and then we'll be on to the final print but you can see let's show when the glowforge is not in the way you can't really tell where they came together can you point to where it was nick exactly no quite see i guess there's there's a little mark there just as the uh under the edge you can kind of see that it's nearly perfect tiny tiny zigzag i mean you wouldn't notice it unless you were really up close and peeping we're just being ex especially critical we're like no this is beautiful we're scaring the engineers i know poor engineers i've got a camera up close don't scrutinize my work yeah this is it's so exciting though this is one of those features i think that a lot of people are not they hear about or maybe not sure what they're going to utilize it for maybe they're a bit concerned about how it works or how easy it is to use but i promise you as you saw here really straightforward just design something really big throw it at the printer follow the instructions that's it and to be fair uh pastor has gotten a lot easier to use since we first launched glowforge so like nick said he was an early glowforge customer before uh he even got a job here and when his glowforge pro first would have shipped you know four years ago or something like that pass-through software was not in this state you could try but you'd be lining it up with your eyes mostly you know yes yeah it's a little rudimentary yeah yeah and these days i mean uh the great thing about glowforge is it's uh you get all the updates automatically so nick didn't have to like trade in his glowforge to use and get a has kind of like evolves overnight because we are constantly pushing software updates and you don't need to or in hard firmware hardware updates you don't need to download or upload anything it just does it automatically so you'll have like new features suddenly sometimes it's really cool it's really awesome yeah and i know some people are not particularly keen on the idea of this being a connected device yeah but honestly they they being the designers and the engineers when they created glowforge they essentially designed it for the future so there's a whole ton of stuff in here that we're not properly utilizing yet right and as we develop new software skills we hire more people there is just like bailey said tons of tools are coming out to make your experience better to make it easier to design and to create and all this kind of stuff that just gets fed to you over the internet without you having to do anything apart from login that's it yeah it's there's some great benefits there uh all right so we're on to our final slice um i've moved the material forwards as you can see um they're globally taking some photos again we'll give it another five minutes or so and then we'll be able to print the last piece and this leads me i think nicely into uh tip number five that i have about pass-through now this is very simple but you can see it does take a little bit of time and if you're trying something that might be somewhat complex let's say it's got some joinery or something like that for a piece of furniture rather than printing it full size immediately consider taking some of those more intricate pieces cutting them out and printing them just at a smaller scale or just in isolation so you can test the fit and make sure everything is working the way that you can do i'm sure that your design skills are good enough that it will work first time but if you burn through a piece of material like this and use some of your time and you find you just accidentally you know missed a line or something like that it's just very frustrating so a test print is always a good idea my favorite is a misspelling on like a one hour engrave or something i've i've done that um many times to be honest yeah there's a there's a fun story about that with the some internal awards that we gave out we had a we had an employee and uh every year we recognized everybody's service here with uh with a plaque like a little black yeah they're engraved on granite it's really great and their their name was accidentally misspelled and was engraved and their reaction was well it's not like it's engraved on stone or anything is it which was yeah hilarious and just a great story from glove which history um by the way you can engrave granites with a glow porch too yeah if you're interested in that kind of thing um all right so let's have a look so we talked about uh a lot of things to do with passthrough we could touch on software again really quick for those of you who might have just joined us um i'm personally using adobe illustrator to design this but you could use absolutely anything that can output a pdf um something like inkscape would be a great free alternative to illustrator but you could consider using something as simple as google slides or microsoft powerpoint if that's where your domain of expertise resides photoshop as well that kind of thing will work absolutely fine uh stephanie was just saying love my new glowforge and used pass-through for the first time recently was scared to try but it made it so easy oh i'm so glad to hear that i i get it i understand it does seem a little intimidating and [Music] what is the height of the pass-through slot oh it's about a quarter inch yep so it's about the thickness of this piece of wood it fits fairly snugly in there yeah yeah um our proof gray thick materials like the thick plywoods and what have you um they work really well with the pass-through um anything more than that it might be a little bit of a struggle to get it in there so the proof-grade materials are sized in medium and thick and those will both work absolutely all right so we have three minutes left on this print then hopefully all being well we'll have time to pull it out and show everybody all right that's exciting excellent now just we got a bit of a checklist here yeah we're trying to whiz through and give everybody a lot of information as quickly as we can i know sometimes we're a bit verbose so i apologize about that but i think we've touched on a lot of stuff this time yeah which is great i think we did too we've got your glowforge discount which we talked about a couple of times yes uh for those of you who might have just joined us um if you're looking to get a goldfish yourself maybe to start a business or create some super sweet decor for the holidays yeah right you can justify it you won't go you won't go to marshalls or tj maxx at all or if you do you'll be inspired and then go home and create things you have your own absolutely think of the savings just right there forward slash pass through fall or one word it's good through uh september 13th yep and then i'll get you um 500 of a pro 250 of a plus and 100 off of basic and we just heard our first i should write down this day it is september 7th and we've heard our first black friday question during this stream oh yeah uh every year black friday sale and we're not we don't actually tend to do sales at glowforge with the exception of these uh discount codes that we do for our live video um printing sessions just as a thank you for joining us on these but other than that we don't really run sales we want you to feel comfortable knowing that you're gonna buy and that you're not gonna look on our site and see a week later that it's less money so annoying especially with inexpensive products we want you to have that experience so i want you to know how it's going to cost and that's it and you can buy when it's right for you exactly absolutely all right any questions in the chat we could also show off a few of these things on the back table exactly a lot of questions about like could i use acrylic for pass-through absolutely so materials are something we didn't hit on too much but they're it's one of the most magical things about glowforge is the ability to work with hundreds of different materials so today we've been uh printing mostly on plywood but um you can do yeah acrylics leathers uh stone like we were mentioning here if i trap yeah this camera we can just kind of show off this little table here yeah we got so much good stuff on here and actually a lot of this has come from our customers too so here's some wood of course a bathymetric map of wood some engraved glass and slate some cut and engraved acrylic this is wood that someone's done resin um with as well which is really cool this is engraved leather like a little wristlet uh here's a photo engrave on wood and you could do a photo engrave on any of these materials uh maybe with the exception of you could do glass you just might need to pick a particular photo to get that great like definition that you want this though is i mean just a stock photo and we just printed it right on right on a piece of plywood and it looks incredible like imagine doing that with wedding photos oh absolutely yeah here we've got some of that stone we talked about this yeah this is pretty cool actually this is a piece of slate you can imagine going to your local tyler finding some slate tiles for a kitchen or um you know maybe even a slight tile for a roof and this is thin enough that it could go through the pass-through so if you found a really big piece of this you could create a giant super cool and intricate serving platter uh using that same pass-through feature that we just did interesting too um this is what do you call it um it's like a soap dish isn't it or uh but what is it or ceramic sorry not what is it sorry bailey has engaged on it um no it's so it's ceramic and then we've engraved away the glaze yeah so that's another really that's pretty cool technique you could do with um engraved tiles i've seen a lot of people with this actually um they they engrave away the glaze and then they use a marker pen and color in the exposed ceramic because it absorbs the ink so you can actually change the color of this right now it's just the natural color but you could yeah but you could use a sharpie or something like that and turn that black or you could use a color yeah really neat yeah if you get if you can start to get creative with um going into a hardware store and looking at all the the materials in there you could do some amazing home oh yeah home decor home improvement sort of stuff in fact melissa who is our um on our sales team she's one of our education experts too she um just showed me a friend who's selling their home and she helped them make a backsplash for their kitchen oven nice glowforge and it's wood it's cherry it's incredible that's super cool now i'm pulling this print out here to show everybody we've got the two different designs that we did right here now i printed these this size just to try and get them finished during this stream yeah they could have been another oh dear would you just lose your mic yep i mean i think it's still on i don't know hopefully you can hear me can we hear my can we hear nick talk really close yeah um but you can imagine if we took this same sheet of material if i just stand it up for a second there like we could double the size of these and we could print them even bigger than we already have them right now almost double exactly almost exactly absolutely yeah but you see very very simple this was with a thin font it's so cool and you could i mean you you could then take the same design just print the letters out of acrylic like we just talked about before stick them on the top start creating some layers in here as well same with the rocket like there's so much that you can do using those same design pieces um can we not hear nick is that what you're you're good we're good okay oh and showing this oh yeah yeah um that's that's a great technique with scoring which is kind of like engraving it's like drawing with a pen if you like on the surface and what it's done is just cut through the masking tape that's on here so let's say we were going to paint this what we could do if i can get in here with my fingers peel just that off just this bit and then use that masking tape literally like masking tape so you could apply some paint to the surface of this it would only go in these exposed areas where the wood is peel the rest of it off and you have a perfectly painted rocket chip yeah and then adding those um acrylic letters on top or whatever is a really great way to take the sign kind of from 2d feeling almost to 3d feeling that's another thing that is really on trend and customers will pay a lot more for because it's something that you can't achieve with like a vinyl cutter you need a machine that you can cut through thick dimensional material like like water acrylic to create kind of those pop-out sign effects which man i've seen some awesome ones of those the one that we did featuring marissa for the in the catalog uh that you did last time for pass through oh the uh some mandala is a good example of that not a name sign but like a layered textured art piece using pass through actually it was designed not for pass through and we just blew it up into something huge another great feature to go for if you have a design you love you can make it whatever size you like yeah well oh shanna says the new glow forge it comes in the next week or two so excited excellent and a couple people are telling me they've signed up for my classes thank you well i guess we're going to wrap up so just really quickly for those of you joining us at the end um we just did a pass-through print on uh glowforge pro it's the only goal for it does have that pass-through spot that means we were able to use giant material in this flow forge and if you are getting a glow forge in the next week why don't you because we've got this discount code for you it's pass through full i'll get you 500 off the pro 250 off a plus 125 off of basic and it's good through next monday the 13th so you've got about a week and last but not least if you do want to spin up a glowforge holiday business it's not too late and i'm teaching a class to teach you exactly how to do it it's next week it's tuesday wednesday and thursday night uh three little classes it's gonna be really fun so if you want to sign up for that it's holidaybiz101 and i'll i'll put this in um chat as well so you all see that but i'd love to see you there sign up it's free yeah money this holiday season oh yeah absolutely you absolutely can do it and i will say like bailey's spent a lot of time interviewing glowforge business owners so this is all advice that's coming from real people with real businesses who've actually achieved the things that we're going to share with you it's very doable yeah oh it really is i was really pleased like i'd written you know a lot of the script and then i want needed to put the the wisdom in there and it came to life with these people's stories it's beautiful yeah it's almost too good to believe but i promise you they're real people that really do exist i know sometimes it sounds like snake oils or really convincing actors yeah yeah we'll say that too yeah but you can do it if you're interested take the pledge all right well this was awesome thanks so much for joining us again for our pass through um happy tuesday and we'll see you soon absolutely thanks for joining us
Channel: Glowforge
Views: 7,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BrQz9TBR954
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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