Princess Exercise for Kids | Learn About Greetings From Different Countries | Indoor Workout

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[Applause] hello everyone and welcome to my kingdom this is a kingdom of my imagination do you know what imagination means yes yes when we imagine something we use our heads to think of something that doesn't exist yet like a new idea or a new creation so i created this kingdom with my imagination because i've always wanted to be a princess do you want to be a princess too yes great then i'm so happy you came today because i have a big surprise for you in my hands i have seven letters from my seven bestest princess friends telling us what princess exercises they do every day so that we can do it too the first one is from princess belle from beauty and the beast the second one is from princess mulan the third one is from princess jasmine from aladdin the fourth one is from princess merida from the movie brave [Music] the fifth one is from princess tiana from the movie the princess and the frog the sixth one is from princess elsa from that's right frozen and the seventh and final letter is from princess moana now it's very important to remember that if you want to become a princess with me we have to read through all seven letters and we need to do all the exercises together are you ready to read the first letter yes great the first letter is from princess bao bonjour miss linky gomez ava my favorite exercise to do every day is expect riding with my ears philippe he loves to gallop i also like to practice my special princess grating by doing curtsy lounges wow we're in the ballroom from beauty and the beast it's so pretty and princess belle is so beautiful belle means beautiful in fringe and princess belle is from france so she said that she likes to do galloping every day so let's use our imaginations close your eyes and imagine that you are wearing the most beautiful princess dress now open your eyes [Music] wow your dress is stunning gorgeous now i want you to pick up your princess trace and we are going to climb on our very own horses so we're gonna climb onto our horses good and now we are going to gallop for 20 counts on our horses so when we gallop we have to put one foot in the front and one foot at the back and then a gallop looks like this like you're riding you're horsey so we are gonna do this for 20 counts are you ready princess yes great let's get started and one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and [Music] good job wow that was a lot of fun i wish i had a real horse so the next thing that princess belle said that she does every day is a curtsy lunge a curtsy is how princesses greet each other and it looks like this pick up your dress and you go how do you do just like that so when we do a curtsy lunge we're gonna pick up our dresses and you'll put one foot in the front and then you're gonna bring the other one all the way around and bend down [Music] just like that and then we do the same thing on the other side so you put your foot in the front bring the other one around and how do you do just like that so let's do eight curtsy lunges ready let's go one two good day three four five bonjour six seven almost there and eight well done i feel more like a princess already now let's read the next letter from my friend princess mulan nihao miss linky i hope you are well when i was training to become a soldier i learned how to do a side kick i still practice it every day sidekicks help me to practice my balance while keeping my leg muscles strong and flexible bs to this exercise we have enough space so you won't knock anything over also never ever kick another person or animal tai chin princess mulan cool we're in princess mulan's kingdom princess mulan trained to be a soldier in the army that's why she knows how to do a side kick so when we do a side kick we're going to stand on one leg and then we're gonna use the other leg to kick to the side just like this stand on one leg it's important to keep your balance and then you kick to the side kick just like that so we're gonna do five kicks on this side and five kicks on this side are you ready princess yes good so put your hands up and let's go one two three four five good job did you keep your balance yeah great now let's do five on the side one two three four five wow that was a lot of fun i never thought that being a princess could be so much fun now let's read our next letter from princess jasmine assalam alaikum is linki i hope you are well happy prince aladdin and i like to hop over the rooftops of agrabah every now and then when we get tired of palace life that is why i do hopping and jumping exercises every day i like to make a game out of it masalama princess jasmine [Music] oh my goodness we're in agrabah and look there's the palace wow it's so pretty and look at the stars i don't think that i could ever get tired of palace life but hopping on the roofs of agrabah does sound like a lot of fun let's play a hopping game so what we're gonna do is this when you see this footprint light up you are gonna hop on your left leg like this when you see the other footprint light up you're gonna hop on your right leg like this [Music] when you see both feet light up together you're gonna put your feet together like this and when you see the hands and feet light up you're gonna do a star jump like this okay so let's recap when you see this foot you're gonna hop on your left foot the other one you'll hop right both feet we hop together and when you see the hands and the feet you're gonna do a star jump like this [Music] do you have it let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good job everyone you're doing so well [Music] oh don't lose your balance stay like that don't fall over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't worry if you fall over just keep trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good job everyone we're almost there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow that was a lot of fun did you have fun too yes great now let's read our next letter from princess merida hello miss linky how are you since my mom was turned into a bear i have been doing bear crawls every day to keep up with her it's a lot of fun see you soon princess merida [Music] we're in the magical forest where princess merida likes to play let's do bear crawls like princess merida so we are gonna get on our hands and feet do it with me and now we're gonna crawl to the front and back like bears we're gonna do four bear crawls but first let me show you so a bear crawl looks like this okay are you ready let's go and go one two [Music] three and the last one four and back [Music] good job that was a lot of fun now let's move on to our next letter from princess tiana hey miss linky greetings from new orleans as you may remember i was briefly turned into a frog when i met prince naveen during that time i realized that frog jumps are amazing exercises and i still do them every day best wishes from princess tiana [Music] wow we're in a swamp from princess and the frog and look i'm standing on a water lily leaf and there are so many beautiful water lilies they're glowing and can you hear the crickets this is the perfect place to practice our frog jumps a frog jump looks like this we're gonna go all the way down to the floor and we're gonna open our legs like frog legs now we're going to jump very high and come back down like this rabbit that's the sound that a frog makes let's do eight frog jumps ready let's go one two three four five [Music] six seven and eight wow good job that was a lot of fun now let's read our next letter from my friend princess elsa hey miss linky greetings from arendelle norway it is very snowy and cold where i live so my sister anna and i like to go skiing in the mountains that is why i like to do ice skaters every day he'll send princess elsa [Music] no way we are inside princess elsa's ice palace [Music] it's freezing in here so princess elsa said that she likes to do ice skaters so an ice skater looks like this you're gonna have to pick your dress up for this one okay so an ice skater looks almost like the curtsy lunch that we did with princess belle but this one we're gonna hop so you have your one leg in front and the other one in the air behind you and then you hop to the other side like this okay let's try it and hop just like you're ice skating so let's do ten of those five on this side and five on the other side ready princess let's go one two three four keep your balance five six seven eight nine almost there and ten good job those are not easy but i think it's time for something warmer so let's read the letter from princess muana talofa miss linky i hope you are doing very well to prepare for all my ocean adventures on my boat i like to practice rowing every day tulfa princess moana we are on princess moana's island and i can see her boat princess moana said that she likes to row every day so let's practice our rowing let's go down to the floor and make our bodies like a boat like this so you're gonna lift your feet up get your princess dress out of the way lift your feet up and keep it up like this and then we're gonna roll so get your petals in your hands and now we're gonna row like this in and out in and out try it with me in and out good so let's roll for eight counts are you ready yes let's go one two three keep your feet up four five six seven keep it there keep it there keep it there and eight [Applause] good job wow that was a lot of fun now i feel more like a princess already how about you yes great okay but remember that if you want to be fit unhealthy like a princess and we have to exercise like this every day and being a princess isn't only about wearing pretty dresses or looking beautiful it's also about treating everyone and everything with kindness love and respect i hope that you enjoyed becoming a princess with me today and i will see you again next time [Music]
Channel: Miss Linky - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 3,380,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miss linky, miss linky exercise, kids workout, exercise for kids, kids fitness, kids exercise, pe at home, distance learning for kids, Dinosaur exercise video, hello song, kids music, kids songs, save the planet song, kids exercise video
Id: ilEsvJF-cPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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