Princess Charlotte’s SASSIEST Moments Over the Years

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foreign and Kate Middleton's daughter Charlotte may be a princess but she is the queen of sass the Charlotte is a very happy little girl a very confident little girl she loves to perform um and she's a big personality the young Royals proven she's got a big personality from teasing the public to living her best life at the king's coronation concert princess Charlotte knows how to show her cheeky side I think she was quite known for her feisty personality welcoming Charlotte in 2015. her parents mostly kept her out of the public eye we've seen them on skiing holidays um we've seen beautiful pictures released to celebrate that Milestone first birthday but we haven't seen her in person and that's all a very calculated attempt by William and Kate to just make sure that their children are allowed to grow up outside of the spotlight fast forward to 2017 Charlotte then in her terrible twos gave us a full-on public meltdown it all went down during the family's visit to Germany the Royals were set to board a helicopter but princess Charlotte she had other plans [Music] talk about putting your foot down Prince George may be the eldest child but I think it's I think it's Charlotte who calls the shots and has everyone running rings around her Tantrums aside Charlotte shows she's also got a silly side in 2018 the then three-year-old served as a bridesmaid at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding upstaging the moment with her Regal waves and cheeky attitudes and that cheekiness was seen as Charlotte stuck out her tongue looking out the car window the queen has joked that at home even at Buckingham Palace Charlotte rules the roost and that's not the only time she's done it at the king's cup Regatta Charlotte much to her mother's surprise stuck her tongue out towards the crowd as the cameras focused on the Family yeah the people got a kick out kick on Kate and so much she seemingly scolded her and let's just say she hasn't done it since obviously she is a princess but she's quite a tomboy um you know she loves climbing trees and she's a very much an adventurer jump to 2022 and Charlotte really grew into a proper Royal she started attending events with her parents including the Commonwealth Games as the royal family watched a hockey match between England and India Charlotte had quite a few questions for Kate and William that's when the funny faces began William and Kate seemingly tag team trying to explain what is going on to Charlotte but she just looks over it three two one [Laughter] while her parents aren't teaching her things Charlotte's busy teaching her brothers a thing or two in Royal etiquette I think for princess Charlotte we really see her taking after her mother Kate you know she's so composed so put together you almost can't read what's going on in her mind she's sort of mastered that sort of Royal approach to public appearances at a really young age prime example when she kept her big bro Prince George in line at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee while on the Buckingham Palace balcony they played the national anthem God Save the Queen and George made the mistake of putting his hand on the balcony's ledge that's when Charlotte nudged his arm seemingly telling him to fix his posture [Music] quickly corrected himself by standing up straight and putting his arms by his side and Charlotte seemed to be on mind your Manor's duty all Jubilee long as cameras also caught her putting little bro Louie in check [Applause] during the carriage ride around town Charlotte took a break from waving to the crowd and wanted Louie to follow her lead yep she totally grabbed his hand and put it on his lap then during the trooping of color ceremony Louis got cheeky on the balcony doing silly faces right next to his great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth and Charlotte she wasn't here for it she's also become Prince Louie's almost sort of caretaker at some of these events she's the one that keeps him in line she's the one that pulls his hand down if he's waving too long or if he's talking too much and think it's sweet to be able to see that sort of sibling bond between the two while the young Royal knows when to keep things professional she also knows when it's time to have fun [Applause] oh yeah Charlotte sang her heart out watching Katy Perry perform at her grandfather King Charles's coronation the night was full of performances that got Charlotte and George on their feet including Lionel Richie's all night long [Music] so George and Charlotte are great buddies they're very very firm friends they're Incredibly Close they're great Playmates she has a great friend in Prince George she's not just a big brother he's a great buddy too a couple months later the brother sister Duo also had a blast at Wimbledon George and Charlotte made their debut at the tennis event that's the two totally invested in the game sitting on the edge of their seats yep that is a fist pump we are now seeing even from a very early age in his life Prince George supported by Princess Charlotte you know they've sort of stepped in on some high profile roles in the same way that William always had his wingman in in Harry I think it's rather wonderful that that is being echoed here with George and Charlotte you know you're going to see I think real teamwork at place here Charlotte's proving she's a well-rounded princess but we are so living for her sassiest moments foreign
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 120,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Princess Charlotte, Kate Middleton, Prince William
Id: KWL5XDrv0b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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