Prince$$ - Season 1 - Episode 13 - Jennifer

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i've been helping people with money for more than 20 years but no one stumped me more than the princess shopping is like a high for me it's like a release i love shoes i love facials i love to buy beauty products i love to shop for clothes it's like all i think about it i'm here to help this princess take control of her money and her life over the next six weeks she'll live on a strict cash diet and complete weekly challenges it's very easy for jennifer to take advantage of people if this princess has what it takes i'll transform her from spender to save her and i'll give her up to five thousand dollars to help her paid on her debt don't you be like a total no no i can't wait to end this show no changes no money she's a princess she's a princess [Music] meet jennifer my name's jennifer and i'm 30 years old i'm a dental assistant and i make about i don't know i don't even know in her job she has the potential to make up to 60 000 a year while she's nowhere near that income bracket yet you'd never know it judging by how she spends it's like power it's like you have the money to go buy something she has problems with finances she definitely spends a lot i love shopping oh my god it's like a high i love to buy beauty products i love getting like facials i go at least once a month to a spot i love to shop for clothes shoes i love shoes i don't really keep track of any of my expenses if she gets bored at a job or if she gets annoyed with something that's happening she'll quit right away and because jennifer shops no matter how much money is coming in she was finally evicted from her apartment due to unpaid rent if not for her best friend jennifer would have been homeless she was sleeping on our couch for a while we did charge jennifer rent while she was there she still owes us the only way jennifer was able to get into a place of her own was by borrowing money from her family for the deposit on a new apartment basically whenever she asks if i can help i help while her mother acts as her personal need i'll ask my mom to come over and i'll say while you're here do you mind changing the garbage and changing the cat litter once a week you know i help her with the the cleanup thank you she seems to always relying on someone to bail her out give me more no that's it until payday all like guilt trigger whatever it's really putting a dent in my mother's finances when she gives her money because my mother can't pay her bills i don't know at the time like i just don't seem to care you know i just want the money you know yeah if they're gonna do it take the stress off my back like why not and jennifer's financial stress is escalating i get collection calls all the time her enablers don't want to see her evicted again but they're sick of footing the bills so they've called me to confront her about her financial mess she's definitely gonna learn some form of responsibility you gotta stop this you know i took jennifer to the place where she spent the last few months sleeping on the couch her friend jody's house you consider yourself to not be a princess people have called me princess before i thought they were being sarcastic yeah let's see what jody has to say about you because she's devoted to you oh yeah she's nice i don't think jennifer feels guilty about any of the money she borrows from people i think she believes uh this is what i need it's your responsibility to give it to me and that's just the way it is i had no idea like that's what she thought about me you're completely dead weight yeah yeah my father passed away november 25th of last year it did hit her really really hard i might be part of the problem because i kind of don't let her fall right and it's very difficult for me to say no to my sister i put my long-term goals on uh on halt for a bit you know i because i think she's gonna get out of the rut that she's in it's so sad so i'll help her out and kind of give up my long-term goals for right now oh my god are you disappointed with myself yeah yeah could you be a better sister yes could you be a better daughter definitely and what would it take for you to be the person you actually want to be taking responsibility for myself yeah now yeah yeah jennifer is currently working and living on her own and i'd like to see things stay that way for my plan to work i need jennifer's family on board it's time for her mother to find out just how much cash jennifer has been throwing away do you have any idea how much debt she has i think it was like 12 000. she has almost 22 000 worth of debt oh my goodness so your old student loans that you aren't paying back and you owe credit cards that you aren't paying back and you want a cell phone that you aren't paying back you're not paying anybody what's the matter i don't know jennifer may not know what's going on but i do this is how your needs and wants look you spend nothing on debt repayment you put nothing in savings you spent 37 on your needs and you spent 1400 almost on your once can you see how self-indulgent this makes you look it made me realize like how bad my problem is it gets worse even though you have the potential to make a good living because you leave your job at the drop of a hat last year your total income was eight thousand dollars what that's how little you worked i could be right you're a major case freeloader to live the way you are currently living you'd need to make an income of forty seven thousand dollars and to live the way you're living and get your debt paid off you need to make sixty one thousand dollars okay if in fact you weren't sponging off everybody else if you were paying your own way using credit to fill the gap you'd be going into the whole 2 500 every month is this what you want for jennifer no are you gonna keep handing her money every time she comes to your house no are you sure positive this month you're gonna learn to stand on your own two feet okay you're gonna learn to live within your means okay no whining no bitching this is about taking control of your money and your life if you do the challenges i give you in the next few weeks to my satisfaction and if you have the right attitude i'll give you up to five thousand dollars to help you towards a goal that you're trying to achieve if not you don't get the money okay clear yes so this month you're gonna stop shopping you're gonna stop being a major freeloader and you are going to figure out what you owe so you can pay it back oh god do you have your credit cards and your debit cards here i'm gonna take those from you and the debit card everything coming up jennifer faces her filthiest fear i don't want to go in there we need you to wear this once we get inside there oh like the wind's blowing the wrong way [Music] she's a princess she's a princess jennifer is a 30 year old dental assistant whose sporadic employment has left her with a meeker income and a hefty debt i spend my money since i get it i've taken away her credit card now she has to prove to herself and her family that she can stand on her own two feet you have a hundred and fifty dollars that has to last you the whole week food transportation don't spend it all in one place okay this is gonna suck she left me like 150 for like a week um i don't know i don't know how i'm gonna do this i have for you the princess plano you're gonna make your budget the instructions are right here making the budget figuring out a way to like pay off my debt with the numbers she gave me it's gonna be a lot of work and i don't do numbers you actually get your mother to take out your garbage because you're too much of a princess to get your hands dirty you're going out with a garbage collection crew oh my god i'm gonna submerge you what in so much cackle are you serious i'm deadly serious in her current job jennifer could make up to sixty thousand dollars a year but because she's happy to let other supporters she earns far less today i've sent jennifer out to see what it's like to work hard for her money jennifer shows up to her challenge sporting a 450 parka 300 boots and purse hardly prepared for the job ahead jennifer you're a little late we got some junk to move maybe this will help her get real about her situation oh my god that's a lot of garbage i don't want to go in there we need you to wear this once we get inside there you have any other colors i look awful on yellow do i have to do this it reeks in here there's like something weird on the ground here like i was stepping on this big piece of chicken oh do you need help with that this is like immersion therapy i guess make me like do a disgusting amount of like touching of garbage and then i'll be okay with such a rare garbage i can't believe she did this to me this place reeks jennifer may have put out the trash but now she needs to make sense of her messy finances she needs to make a budget and a debt repayment plan but with bets and collections she has no idea how much she owes so this week she's going to apply for her credit report report please press one i had like so many credit cards that are like maxed out [Music] after a week of hauling her own trash and living on a budget i wanted to check in with jennifer to see how she was managing so now are you taking out your own garbage instead of making your mother take out your garbage yes i'm the only person taking out my garage so was it hard making the budget um at first i didn't understand it did you balance did you come out to zero at the bottom uh no no you're negative 245 dollars and in that second i realized no i didn't balance it to zero but i was supposed to i remember just when she mentioned that you're gonna go away and make another budget and make sure it balances right and you're gonna follow all the instructions and make sure you have emergency fund money and savings in that budget right okay yes did you get a credit score yes i did not feel good looking at my credit report because you have garbage credit of the five accounts you had four have gone into collections or into what we call major derogatory delinquency yeah so what are you so happy about i'm a happy person in general and i'm like really optimistic i don't know it doesn't like really get me down i'm an optimist you're delusional coming up will i ever get through to jennifer i i'm at a loss for word she's a princess she's a princess jennifer's a dental assistant who spends less time working than she does shopping to supplement her erratic earnings she's becoming a first-class leech i've been helping her out with rent her friends and family wanted to stop they've called me in and i have six weeks to get this princess living a life she can afford it's been totally unpleasant so far already i'm going through shock i'm so grumpy i'm like so lately and it's because i don't have any money i have no life you know and i can't borrow any money from anybody i can't borrow any money from my mother and that's like a large part of my budget you know yeah i'm just basically like being responsible now with my own money which is good it's just kind of like i have to get used to it that's all you know if i wasn't in a good mood i'd go shopping i'd feel better and yeah it's been taken away from me let's see if she's done any better with her debt repayment plan or version two of her budget so what do you have to tell me about this you redid your budget yeah yeah it was like a huge eye-opener i don't know anything about budgets that's my experience with a lot of princesses okay despite her very ditzy appearance she created the very best debt repayment plan i have seen from any of my princesses it was thorough she followed through on all the aspects that were required for the plan i mean which it sang and it was so easy to see like once i did it how easy it is to like manage money how everything fits together great job thank you [Music] so your mom and jody have joined us because they want to see how you're doing so now we come to your next challenge this is your give back challenge you owe jody and you owe mommy and you owe your brother [Laughter] he has dreams too you need to draw him 12 300 checks what he wants to go to school this 3 600 over the next year will go a long way to getting him to his objective so it's time to give it back to him okay it just sucks every challenge is so challenging a very overwhelmed jennifer set out to pay back her debts starting with her friend jody [Applause] and next she had to give back to her family the idea of her learning from paying somebody back that she owes i feel it's a good learning experience whether or not she follows through jennifer started off by reading a letter of commitment she'd written to her mother to my dear mother thank you for your loving support through the years since doing the show i've come to realize that it'll be better if i take more responsibility for myself financially from now on so i promise not to ask you for any more money there you go signed but i have agreed also that i will no longer support you financially as this has hindered your ability to lead an independent lifestyle and by relying on your abilities experiences it will give you a sense of freedom she wrote this really sincere letter it was like really insightful and like i would like to be able to stick to that contract because i don't want to have to borrow money from people from anybody i want to be able to support myself so aj the second part of my challenge this week from gail was to pay you back some of the money that you've let me over the years three thousand six hundred dollars and gail wanted me to write out 12 checks to you this makes 12. there you go thank you thank gail she's the one who like made me do it oh god because i yeah i definitely would not do this if i wasn't forced that's for sure but yeah i hope you enjoy the money spend it well my hard-earned money that i don't even think i owe you i'm just gonna keep them in a safe place and uh let's see what happens after that although she completed my challenge it's clear to me that her heart wasn't in it so far jennifer's had questionable success to check in and issue jennifer's last challenge i decided to meet up with her at one of her favorite locations the mall so has your mum taking out your garbage i take it on my own garbage not so bad is it don't you feel like a total making your mother come over to take out your garbage no i can't wait to end this show because then she can go back to things like garbage i i'm like a loss for words i'm just being honest it's always one step forward two steps back with jennifer she best give me everything she has on this last challenge or she won't be seeing my five thousand dollars and so we come to your temptation challenge which is why we're standing in a mall but you're not gonna get to go shopping okay instead what you're gonna be is the voice of reason you're going to be a mini me what you have to find some shoppers use the information you've learned so far and educate some shoppers on what they may be doing wrong and how to do it right okay jennifer has a lot of trouble restraining herself never mind others so i knew that asking her to reign in other shopaholics would be tempting fate i don't want to like censor people like you know they're shopping and they're happy and i'm like bringing them down they can feel guilty like what's that but just when i thought she was on the cusp of blowing it all she hopped on board so you guys went shopping this morning we did yes yeah what did you get four shirts i bought a new swimsuit i got a couple shirts do you have swimsuits already uh i do have swimsuits yeah okay so why are you buying another one because it's nice to have a new one to go on vacation with how many shirts do you have 30 to more than that 40. really yes oh my gosh that's a lot probably 80. you actually shouldn't have more than five of any one item um just because like you wouldn't be really wearing them enough to like justify it having a new wardrobe or spending the money on it so 80 is like i want to say astronomical and did you pay for it on your credit card or cash i did yes do you know the interest rate on your credit card i can't remember i like actually used to not have credit cards until i was like 25. i like maxed them out it ruined my credit yeah yeah my credit report is awful now so did jennifer's wisdom have an impact how do you feel about your purchase now guilty guilty i'm having a bit of buyer's remorse yeah i did start to think about my purchase a little more than when i first walked out of the store i could have been saving my money and putting it towards something else that i actually need i learned a lot from her actually i was surprised to see how many of my lessons jennifer had actually absorbed she convinced chapa to take back several hundred dollars worth of merchandise but will she stick with it i do think like i need to treat myself though because i've been pretty good [Laughter] coming up my final verdict i'm not convinced [Music] she's a princess she's a princess six weeks ago princess jennifer shopped like a maniac and when she ran out of money she put it on credit or borrowed from family and friends fed up they called me in i forced jennifer to be self-sufficient i challenged her to pay back those she's taken from perfect and to share what she's learned with others and how many shirts do you have in your closet cool since meeting me she's managed to keep a job an apartment and a budget but before i give my final verdict i wanted to check in with jennifer's mother and best friend to get their take on jennifer's transformation so do you think there's been a big change yes on a scale of one to ten how big a change um i would have put it at like a seven and what do you think is the biggest change you've seen that she doesn't ask me for for money because she has the word with all to make anything of her life that she wants to she's smart she's good at her job she makes good money there'd be absolutely no reason whatsoever that she shouldn't be able to make it on her own well let's tell her this okay come and join us i think i've made a huge improvement the one thing i think that really changed my whole attitude towards money was doing the budget um it was great um i really didn't want to do it and i was very reluctant to do it um but i'm glad i did so how do you think you did this month um i did all right well let's go over it okay you came through on the model of temptation really really well okay but you showed up to take out the garbage in your high heel shoes and i'm not convinced that you're gonna actually make your brother take the money so my big problem is i'm not convinced that you aren't just gonna go and take whatever i give you and go shopping or that you aren't gonna hit mummy up because i have a sense that you yourself are not convinced i'm afraid like what if i do say that and then like something happens and like all of a sudden i do it i'm gonna feel really bad if i went back on what i said so what will you do with this money when i give you this money ideally i would pay off my debt and how much were the total number of checks that you gave to your brother what did that add up to it add up to 3 600 this will help yeah oh my god thank you you're very welcome i think you have the potential to have a great life you earn good money when you put your mind to it you are a smart girl i'd like to see you focus more on things you can do don't get distracted by the shiny new things okay okay i didn't do it for the money in the first place i was happy to do this i got so much out of this i mean it's worth for me to pay five thousand dollars not to get five thousand dollars i'm gonna be better no matter what maybe not perfect but definitely better i'm like forever changed by this [Music] i can tell i can tell she loves [Music] she's a princess she's a princess modern-day princess
Channel: Real Reality TV
Views: 8,734
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv, daddy's princess, gail vaz-oxlade, princess, bad with money, slice tv, prince$$ on slice, financial guru, spoiled princess, reality show, real tv, reality television, prince$$, money management, princess reality tv show, spoiled bratt, princess tv show, watch reality tv, personal finance
Id: 5AfBejNGbUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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