Prince of Space: #17 on my 'MST3K Funniest Episodes' playlist

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[Music] hey I'm space already damn starving Tatsuo drop of tea or Kira and Ken okay okay okay two Italian guys dodge mushrooms thrown by a monkey huh yes they're very happy with them as you can see and he's even started to teach them how to wear in their own money mmm-hmm more squid eyes aha I hope my kids haven't been giving you much trouble about the way you take care of the children you ever feed them we agreed you were doing a marvelous job yeah oh well it's really nothing I'm trying to do my best I just wish I could teach them something besides blue black black and we both like you very much right Kimmy sure so shut up about boob lurking probably some new toy you like it very much like a real rocket attention people of Earth with attention people of Earth this is crank or exploration for speaking Frank or pl/i and by for an important message that's a toy I wouldn't mind having I like it very much attention people of Earth for talk I am ambassador phantom from the planet crane Corps we are I am rapidly approaching your planet in the warship but you have Java partying that's good overloading every channel for a powerful beam in my path thank you look at that modulation I will arrive tomorrow night at precisely 8 o clock at that time I will make my wishes known you you bark you will obey them or die ok have a pleasant night's sleep Frank or nothing to worry about Truman Capote's sent to fight Frank or hey Wally what is it beef hot off the press Thanks where are you going professor Mike is giving a press conference he's supposed to know what these spaceman what he might know how we can fight him off - yeah the whole bunch of fire practice left over from last year maybe we can use them let's go late now goodbye goodbye unfunny weird man these seems like a real jerk I bet you're a fan of those spaceman first I am what for you aren't gonna be much help if you get frightened as easy as that I'm not here good morning gentlemen welcome to my grandma's living well now do you have any question what could they possibly want from us yes they've already achieved interplanetary space travel that's more than we have sir Oh Jerry there you are Jerry baby story Lord of you old gentlemen this may be our last day on earth let's hit the kuroky bar warned to stay off the street paging mr. Herman he said he would come tonight ah he's got some stones to mess with me Monet in parrots a ruffle rule [Music] is on Ross potholes one-minute date is your watch right listen here they come is his watch right we may never know pagoda of the Damned an alien race too proud to ask for directions I've just got a report about some strange electrical disturbance out there Beaver Falls you're dead you better get out there right away and take a photographer with you oh let me go to chief alright yeah oh yeah bizarre little man Beaver Falls control here UFO descending an area - - alright let's go okay yeah let's go I am the lemon zester of destruction bok choy would you Mickey this might be dangerous I'm not afraid if you want to go on home wait those are two separate ideas yeah I saw some smoke it's time for lunch look at the street I'm not afraid I'm wearing a tie you go home that looks more like an upside-down flying wheelbarrow with a stupa on top what is that thing you go home hats are good hello grown ups of the corn Mitch Gayler but then a man believe it or not yeah you are not wanted here I warn you for the last time and by the last I mean first I have no powers but I can skip reasonably well Oh your weapons are useless against me phantom you are merely exhausting your energy supply but who are you tell me who are you but your name I am Prince of space keep shooting you will overload your power supply I have to place the launch order sir he's right we've gotta quit we won't have enough power to get that right we'd better give up now you lie prepare for takeoff sir make it [ __ ] off get them out of here get clear the rocket blast everybody get back back to your three by five apartments men we're ready to shoot sir stand by to fire let him get a little closer we can't miss you there discharge the costing papers Hey look who's talking calls himself Prince of space Buster who he is where he has come from or why he's fought our enemy we have no information Bubba but we do know however that after the battle well I know sir we've seen returning to this area I Oh Oh like this morning huh last night what happened to you last night Oh an old friend asked me to go out to dinner hey while you missed it I hate doing it like that kid oh here's the whole story right here we're not what do you think the princes face might just be a man like Wally what do you haven't asked me out in a way he is if you think about it hi you wouldn't fight him you're too scared maybe we'll come back here again I like it very much we'll find him that miserable scum he stole my comic be around here someplace I'm sure oh here he is hey see if you can get along the television luxury retirement compounds well I'm back from break anything shake all right let's go get him break out the underground tank around the underpants for a change below their coordinates what gets into some civilizations hey that looks like that's basement remember the other night you're right we'll go see come on I have a trial at 3:00 let's go great these will you wait where you going now we're gonna spy on spaceman live in the old factory what we filled our pants sir [Music] mints mints mints mints mints mints this isn't where we park oh yeah up a level honey how are you ran away looking for me yeah we are hi I'm not running away you guys just listen you're gone don't work somebody you go this way don't get away oh bring the laser cannon the print is there yeah he must be fighting with that phantom show yourself otherwise we're gonna kill some good written it's different awesome I hear you come in here I'm waiting for you leave the children alone you hear that Jerry Seinfeld I've got you now yes come where that come from this is the end for you you jerk see you are scum I'll throw my doll at you we have to get back to boot flanking we like it very much and attention is thwarted please call me the artist all right I'm so chilling I brought my shawl even spoke will she know what he said da said there's spaceman Canada Mac a new rocket made the big goombas gonna take the fuel look at this Terry got my gun dirty little troublemakers haven't you come take care of you all right Mars put guards on the door yes sir Mars they considered taking over one of the Earth's good nations boy go so am I your hostage should ain't going [Music] [Applause] I guess medical centers starting evel knievel air crank our Oh crank or blew up a potential tackler on the 40 and now there's nothing but daylight thank you man what an ugly bunch of kids they yours doctor thank you drop this photograph oh thank you that's your sister isn't it she never forgive you you lost it yeah don't talk to me a giant roast turkey but do you want the window seat captain monocot oh come in please I understand you're stuffed with cheese I want you to investigate the disappearance of a civilian aircraft you understand yes sir about 10 minutes ago our radio contact with the plane was interrupted and who sitaji my radar at the time it must have been approaching point we can voices Point Barrow we believe so I'll go immediately or Thursday hey Stevie Wonder oh wait sorry I can move it forgot how for a second mana kata what's the matter this this is the matter talk to you about these invaders from outer space cigarette Oh hearing about them how come you're so old dad did you have me when you were like 60 or something goodbye people I seem to share a house with no the earth is so smooth the must have had dermabrasion sounds like the earth needs new brake pads come now my dear professor what a silly questions do you expect me to keep track of your worthless servants we blasted him out of an airlock so by now he may have fallen into a star chief we got that flying saucer on the televisor he's come here fast astern what what it's the instant miso soup hours I've got it right where I want somewhere in space don't look at my body swing me over there trusty string he's in the Wienermobile he lost control of his fried egg you know through a shower of meteorite and I have to tell Fang about that huh chief chief chief chief chief Lightfoot back in where the others of course not bring them to the Great Hall right here and prepare to return to it right Jerry didn't we just get back from Earth sir I want you to find that Prince of space Prince of space you heard me right he may have possibly escaped destruction when we pass through that meteorite shower whistles basil I must have positive proof that he is finished it's first and disrupt my plans for the earth well sir no I was gonna ask you if I should bring this to the lab don't the last we saw bishop it was falling away toward a he may possibly have been able to return to his base that's his face thank you sir you fight me and comb the city for it is bound to be dishonest of course perhaps a civilian the X radar will find him easily oh I'm ashamed of my talkshow Great Hall designed by the lego corporation oh my rody friends gotcha Oh machan I'm scared are you all right oh I forgot to water your plans are you sure coy Lucille here is prophetic word yet from the Soviet Institute Lucy more I'm honored to find myself in the company of five of the most advanced minds of Earth please make yourselves comfortable until they arrive well I explained my plan you see I've been watching you for a long time now he knows about the porn I knew right where to find you when I wanted to so you know about my rash you will merely obey my instructions you bite me you each and every one of you right now I won't it's out of the question I will bad news all in a curly fries the chief wants you in the worst way we were just about to begin eating you eat later and me ah Mr Bond bah uh good morning gentlemen hey wake up your egg is hatching pick up something I just got a reading on the meter cut in the automatic search now normal got shelled again last night reading of 98 on shoeshine boy tune it in properly just wiggle it around scalpel what happened he ran away he came back it's all right now no wait he ran away again upper half of a hopper clean on the outside tender and juicy on the inside it is not fermented pickled or raw potatoes are stopping when I was Japanese it wasn't very good news I like that very much we are ready with the all wave transmitter yeah sir you left an egg on the chair but most of that time more we have been this is gem give witnesses in order to demonstrate the only way to prevent this is for all nations and all the governments of this planet to agree to accept his terms for unconditional surrender people are worth listen to me you've only one response to make very good put him back in his quarters get him some tights all right as you can see your professor is indisposed so I will address you personally you will tell me then whether you prefer to throw shooter oh and we need worms I still like boot blacking very much Mon slave-labor I mean kids hit will go to a land where we are free to bootblack [Music] my egg is crowning wonder how far we trying to walk I am going to boot black in my room who want princess faces these are my money the button don't worry Mickey Oh I be he's gonna win forgotten about us the bird left a letter of resignation hey me fifty cuddle bones under the bridge or I start spotting your car dear Mickey go to Johnny's house right away would you sister dine Princess space hey Wally what do you think about that let's do what the note says Mickey no wait a minute who could put a note like this up in a cage never mind that get a move on what do you want to do it the note says right right yeah come on let's go boy goodbye Wally don't worry about us go on with your dinner hurry Kimmy come on that kid Oh got chickens Prince of space I was thinking was going to be Fritz Mondale but of course not Prince of space oh you guys look ridiculous [Music] hi cherry you again come closer I'm close enough thank you anyway the Finch your foul breath is more than my stomach can stand go get away fire fire sorry sorry you do that better right meteorites will pound them to pieces in a few minutes mmm give everyone four hours off forget something when you get dressed this morning oh oh good just in case tell the journey better keep awake tonight huh you never know you might get through those meteorites bring those Earthlings into the Great Hall right well time for our daily empty threat session crank or is Mary Queen of Scots taxi go ahead on three Oh Cecil Fielder what the devil is that come on start this place you hear that a monster quite right my dear makin a monster which I created he obeys my slightest command like wander around aimlessly and gain weight now gentlemen your time has come prepare to leave Franco what's that prepare to leave each of you will enter a space capsule what here it'll be filled up each one of you in turn will then blast off almost no far far outfits and furthest reaches of the galaxy origin your course will be selected at random would and will ultimately be determined by the celestial bodies near which you packed what do you say those of you who are fortunate will fall into a star posner agony will be horrible but it will be brief return after all you preferred not to surrender hey don't move me over there hey he's coming coming tickets at all Ticketmaster outlets Oh berry in Ross Perot it's starting to become a weird movie would you save us it's just worth a look now let's get on with our ceremony a does he realize how forced it seems another beer here see these guys it's hard to believe human beings ever have sex please stop space it's my computer of course expensive space [Music] switch all the heating current to that griddle right now that I've got him I'm gonna broil him alive I hope he has it turning shinola mom make my costume I am saving up such a lass come on this way no wait it stops this way now run hurry come this way oh wait that's the way out of course come on wait probably it is okay watch it spices my arthritis oh my [ __ ] colon oh my god oh my bad knee oh my baldness would you get back boys are you morons stop right where you are well no accumulated memory whatsoever why your breath is bad - are you all right write it down you having a moment to lose everybody board the ship right away what about you I'll just stay here till you're safe on your way 1 hurry next the prince will so nametags in their underwear babies beautiful and look there on the visual screen the where are you everything - ah it's the Prince of Spain yeah that's movie name you want to renounce my Toyota whoa it's the end [Music]
Channel: wiley schmitt
Views: 32,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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