Prince Live - Play that funky Music - Hollywood Swinging - Fantastic Voyage 4/28/11
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: sean d
Views: 5,430,405
Rating: 4.8842778 out of 5
Keywords: Prince, Live, Welcome 2 America, Purple Rain, Sott, 1999, Kiss, When Doves Cry, Wild Cherry, Kool & the gang, LAkeside, Zapp, Funk, Bootsy, Bass solo, Guitar solo, LA, Forum, PArliament, THe TIme, Shelby J, Elisa, Liv, NPG, Parade, Blu Ray
Id: LNrAFb3I2js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hopefully this wonβt get pulled and people can enjoy a fun live clip of Prince in HD!
Nobody is cooler. Nobody is as badass. Nobody more sexy!
Man, I miss this guy.
Best part of the dvd !
the end kinda hurts when he leaves :( I was at this show the week prior. Had some life issues going on at the time and regret not going back 10 more times :/
Sooo goood The Prince i'll always love
I was a casual Prince fan until I found this clip - so much funk (including the female bass player). I'd love to have this on my Spotify playlist but can't seem to find it -is this content only available on youtube? Thx.