PRIME Bottle Catches Pond Monster

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so the fish traps are really easy to make literally go like that oh put the prime fish trap underneath where the pawn monster lurks that's the monster what is that oh is that a blue one oh my God is that a baby today we're gonna be doing six different Prime fish traps starting with this one oh the first fish trap we're gonna be building is the strawberry watermelon flavor crack the seal and don't worry rolfin we're not gonna be wasting any of the Prime we're actually going to be building the brand new Prime secret flavor traps are really easy all you have to do is actually drill a couple holes drill a hole right there perfect and then drill another hole directly over it we're gonna be doing two holes around the entire Prime three times when you're done doing that it should look just like this perfect now you're gonna need a Dremel that should be perfect [Music] oh bro that's sick now just a little bit more cutting and the entire top to the fish trap should come off all right here we go oh but the coolest part about all of this is that you have holes already pre-drilled on this side and you have already pre-drilled holes right there so bada boom bada bang the holes line up and they just add your zip ties just like that now just put the end of the zip ties through the holes right here it's literally go like that oh I know it looks a little weird now but just pull on your zip ties oh perfect boom look at that raw fam subscribe down below if you guys think this is the coolest Prime fish trap on YouTube Once you cut off the little ends right here super simple is that these fish traps are super easy to replicate so uh let's I guess build the second fish trap right we're gonna actually set this one down and it's time to build the second trap the next flavor up is lemonade Prime wow look how much bigger this Prime bottle is than the fish trap that we just converted that's crazy how small it is all right guys it's time to add the second ingredient to our Prime secret flavor oh perfect hey roll fam you want to see something cool oh wow that was sick hold on guys the lemonade flavor's done but before we continue we gotta fill up our Prime fish tank here we go guys oh yeah guys I wonder how long it's gonna take to fill up and it's officially time to complete our Prime secret flavor here we go oh my goodness there we go guys look at the color on it oh my goodness all right here we go we're all fam putting the prime secret flavor inside of the refrigerator guys we're gonna try that new flavor at the end of the video so keep watching oh look at this guys we have six Prime fish traps in total if you guys want to see something cool hey uh Jack snap your fingers oh my God guys all six fish traps are officially done so we just got over to the first spot and this is our first Prime fish trap if you guys come over here there's actually a hole right here that we've caught tons of crazy animals and this right here is actually our secret formula filled with all of our secret food that we put in our fish traps so now our fish trap is ready to go with the openings there all we got to do is put it in the water the fish are gonna go dang what is that smell they're gonna swim in there because of the food and uh we're gonna catch some fish but if you guys look down here it's going in this hole comment down below if you guys think we're gonna catch something crazy in this hole gotta get rid of all the air I'm gonna stick it inside of the hole all right oh it's definitely down deep in there and the coolest part about this fish trap honestly is that it happens like that so uh we're gonna walk back up here literally give it like five minutes and those fish should be flying into that fish trap oh that's so funny guys so a bunch of subscribers pulled up they want to be in the video say everybody say hi to my friends you guys ready no time to wait so we have a fish trap right here you guys just you saw me put in the water right yes okay so now it's this symbol uh oh I love it all right me and Bella do it's okay all right so this is the fish strap I gotta break this open guys you guys ready what do you guys think is going to be in it I need someone to cut something with can you get me something to cut with you guys think a crab a fish what do you think maybe some minnows guys Brothers there's so many fish inside this spot oh my God there's actually so many fish bro there's a really good one it works so many on the first one all right come here guys you guys ready let's see all right and pull this off okay so how long did I have this in the water honestly five minutes you guys drove by and it's five minutes yeah and then we drove back okay ready here we go okay this one should be it you ready guys what is in here I'm gonna put it in the bucket ready guys what do we got a bunch of food oh oh oh what is that oh oh my oh look are those baby Flaco do you want to hold one yeah look at this guys that's so cool oh my goodness is that a shrimp shrimp oh that I think that's I think it's a crayfish yeah it's a crayfish okay all right guys so we just caught our first couple fish appreciate you guys so much so we're all fam let's go to the next spot and uh try our second prime fish trap all right bye guys all right guys let's go to the next spot all right Blake so what do you think we're gonna catch in the ice pop Prime fish trap bro there's so many colorful fish who knows all right guys we're gonna put it in the shallows come on guys let's go so we have our little ice pop fish trap put some bait in there let's put it in the water excuse me sir would you like some pellets yes oh is that the tasty stuff he likes Prime pellets I guess I'm thinking maybe inside of this little like black tube right here there's probably gonna be a bunch of colorful fish inside of this little tube and that is probably perfect right there wow okay that's perfect roll fam oh my God look at all the fish going crazy they're already coming over to the Trap they smell it bro there's like a thousand fish come here come here you will not believe how many fish have just gone over to the traps go to the Trap look there's like a thousand fish all right there all over here because there's a prime trap right there guys I have no idea what we're gonna catch but uh guys comment down below at loganpaulin at KSI so they see this video and send me more Prime guys let's make the raw fam known oh my god do you see that colorful one imagine if that thing went in the Trap Blakey ready bro let's do it all right let's do it I could have swore I just saw something bigger in there look well it's it should be coming to you yeah yeah oh it's right here what'd you get I just got oh what the heck oh it's upside down okay bit look at that guys weird looking turtle what the heck bro what is this it's called Uh Argentinian sadneck Turtle let's put him right here see if he goes you gonna go bye buddy bye what the heck all right get the prime trap pick it up pick it up pick it up to me if there's any cichlids don't get one pick it up pick it up pick it up it's freaking heavy is it I don't think anything bro where's the Trap you see the Trap pass me that net I think it sunk to the bottom oh my god there it is there it is there it is oh my God look at that there's a cichlid is trying to go in we caught him well I think you caught it with the neck and the prime bottle at the same time guys look at this guys look at this come here we just got a little cichlid I guess he was stuck I guess this is oh bro it's too big for him he was yet as he was stuck into the Trap guys look at this what a b he's like a blue he's like a bluish purple we got another beautiful little fishy right there we got a turtle and we also got like a weird thing in the ice pop Prime fish trap let's go try the next fish trap and for this trap we're actually gonna be attaching a GoPro to the prime fish trap kind of like this but I I need a Dremel here we go oh perfect and uh just kind of go like that [Music] um uh is that it perfect so now we're all famed that GoPro will fit right into the prime fish shop just like that hey I see you guys that's pretty cool and now we're gonna add a little bit of tape and one like that and it's perfect and now it's time to cut the last little bit of tape there you go oh perfect so zoom in there the GoPro is officially inside of the Prime fish trap and uh let's see what we catch all right guys let's pour some little pellets in there I wonder what we're gonna see go inside of the Trap I'm gonna have to add a couple rocks because it keeps floating and the GoPro is making it really weird hi raw fam we set the Trap I have no freaking idea what's gonna happen I don't know if it's like a blinking red light in their face from the GoPro but uh we'll see both films there's he's right next to this there's literally bluegill look right over it ow ow that just went in my foot ow oh perfect got two three oh I got three beautiful right there these are normal ones this is like a red ear slider something like that what the heck is this oh my God we just caught a really weird looking snail okay sorry buddy I'll throw Mr snail back in the water all right guys we're gonna let this fish trap sit and uh we have a lot more stuff and it's about a thunder so we'll leave this GoPro here and uh we'll come back later for it we have a purple strawberry watermelon Prime but the cool part about this trap is when you throw the food boom massive fish start coming oh my God look at that look at that big fish big ones up on top everywhere raw fam guys there's fish in here from all around the world there's massive Red Tails massive paku all right guys we are gonna see if we can Chum up a massive massive Pawn monster right before we do the Trap if we can call in the big old Mama fish who knows what's gonna come into that fish trap come on fish oh look at this guys big old fish just came up oh Giants oh my God that thing's huge did you see that oh my God come on guys I'm telling you there's monsters lurking come on fish oh my God oh my God oh my God oh that was a giant red tail did you see that thing okay um a couple more food right there so oh my God guys there is monsters right now we're gonna save a little bit of this to put inside of our trap Jack make sure you hold on to that for the actual Prime trap all right let's see what wants this oh here he is here he is oh my God guys that fish is monstrous Jack Jack Jack fish trap me okay we got the bait and now oh we got the prime fish trap raw fam guys don't call me gross in the comments I I Cub got a bite off a little bit gotta put like really small little pieces in there all right jack I need some pellets buddy that's good that's good that's good all right guys we're gonna put the prime fish trap right here should I put it wait wait oh right here should I put it under the dog is this water right here guys we have a monster fish that lives underneath this dock we call them the pawn monster he's a massive like four foot long red tail catfish but if we put the prime fish trap underneath where the pawn monster lurks who knows what we are going to catch okay perfect that is where the prime fish trap is gonna stay bro it's right there beautiful beautiful I don't know if you guys can see because I have the polarized glasses on so we're gonna back up Jack bro what do you think we're gonna catch in the prime fish trap honestly hopefully a pawn monster oh well oh bro look what's just lurking here guys there is a bunch of massive fish and we just got a little bit of extra fishies right there look at that look at that look at that that's the monster guys it's literally what I was telling you guys there is massive fish and I think I want to try to catch one with my bare hands ready three two one bro these things are massive all right guys what do you think we should just give it maybe three five minutes can we check out Austin's Pond Yeah Austin also does have a pond up there wait should we check on the hybrids yeah I gave Austin a tiger shovel nose hybrid the other day so we're gonna check on that and let this fish trap sit because raw fam I think we're gonna catch something epic all right guys so this is the pawn I was talking about all over here it's a bunch of different types of mini monsters that we've been growing out for over the last couple of years oh crap there he is he's in the middle do you see him yep he's literally right there oh my God they're so cute that's like the same type of catfish that you guys just saw but raw fam there is a pond monster a mini Pawn monster right here if you can zoom in on him he is almost big enough to go out to that massive tank he's right here oh oh overall fam oh oh he's so sick I think that's since we laid the Trap into the water guys let's go under the dock and see what we caught all right Rock fam so don't stomp too hard don't stomp too hard come come out come around this way oh what the heck is that there's a massive fish in there I'm gonna reach I am super deep in there the Trap gotta floated away okay guys guys we just got the prime fish trap let's see what we got come on come on do we have the Dremel or anything dang it we need something to cut it with I could probably just break it yeah watch this I'll break it like this ready bro there's no freaking baby red tail bro this is the smallest one oh my God there's a baby for you with you that is literally the the coolest thing I've ever caught it's a baby red tail bro I don't have any Jack get something to cut it they're stuck in there what the heck Julian oh my God there's a baby red tail and he's spitting up he's spitting up what we had in the Trap he's literally spitting up it's in his throat look look what we put in there is in his throat it's pulling out oh my God he literally was eating what we put in the Trap oh bro oh my God hurry up hurry up last one I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this one out bro we just pulled him out and he had the tilapia that we put in the Trap coming out of it so I pulled it out of his stomach that means that the the big red tails in here had babies they bred they literally had babies oh my it's a baby red tail it is super skinny it's so skinny it has like parasites from the from the canal but how freaking cool is that oh my goodness let's go bro this is the first recorded breeding ever in South Florida of red tail catfish this is the coolest thing I've ever seen guys a lot of the fish that we catch in here are like um escaped aquarium pets kind of like we grow them up as babies and then we throw them in here that's how you see the monsters but I guess one of the real monsters they're like four foot long bred with another four foot long one and they have a bunch of babies raw fam comment down below if you are mind blown like I am that freaking food was inside of his throat so we have all of these fish that water's looking freaking gross okay we gotta get back and we're gonna put all of these fish inside of the Prime fish tank all right guys so we just got back over to the prime fish tank look at that that is so cool the prime bottle it has little bubbles coming out of it so we have our little thing right here and we're gonna be putting in all of the fish that we caught in today's video starting with the this little crayfish put them in hi buddy oh it's not the prime that is so cool followed up with one of the little bluegills that we caught hi booger hello oh my God then one of the coolest fish is that beautiful little cichlid that we caught at Blake's hi booger oh my god oh with by far the coolest Catch of the Day one of these baby red tails look at this comment down below if you guys think we should keep those as pets and try and grow them out as big as their parents or that big one we saw look at that look at that what else did we catch oh one of those little plecos oh my goodness look at that little baby pleco hello oh because he's so sick then we have a little baby oh no I'm sorry that's my fault a little baby bluegill right there hello another blue goo hello and then bro these Red Tails are the coolest thing ever bro look at these little baby red tails they're like Microsoft microscopic right there um hi boogers hello raw fam if you guys look right here this is how big those little baby plecos are that we caught and we caught a mother one inside of Austin's tank earlier why don't you grab a baby so you can show them the difference why we need that one I can show you the bigger ones holy crap look at this come here guys this right here is a massive pleco I grabbed it with my hands so freaking cool so epic look at the little crayfish right there he is so cool believe it or not I'm actually surprised we didn't catch more of those guys because normally when we do fish traps we literally always catch them last little baby red tail that we caught guys comment down below if you guys think we should do more fish traps at Austin's Pond and uh see if we can catch more baby reptiles because they're clearly there you know beautiful and two more epic little baby plecos right there yum oh my goodness guys that's so sick guys make sure you guys like today's video it helps me in the YouTube algorithm this right here is a beautiful little bucket we're gonna water some of the plants get some fresh water going sorry Joe she's mad at me I've been getting water out of her aquarium all day long because it's just so freaking clear look how clear that water is it's perfect but raw fam it's officially time for honestly my favorite fish trap of the day so for this fish trap it's a little bit like cheating because uh I know these guys and I know exactly what they love to eat so there's a bunch of little turtles inside of here with obviously somalis and Little Fishies because I love fish so we're not quite gonna need the actual fish trap because honestly these guys are so trained that it's not even funny it's super simple take a rock put it in there and then because I know what these turtles love grab a little bit of hot dogs right there I caught these guys out in the wild and I guess whoever the heck was feeding them feeding them hot dogs and this is literally the only thing they eat so uh it's a little bit like cheating put a little bit of hot dogs in there I'm trying to get them on a better diet trust me put it in there let me show you what I'm gonna catch come on fishies all right sink that to the bottom I would be very surprised if this took longer than a minute honestly all right guys I'm gonna give it a five minute clock down let me just feed my tortoises real quick come on SO for those of you guys that don't know my name is Franklin and I've been raising animals my entire life if you guys come down here this right here is the world's second largest tortoise breed this is an aldabra tortoise come on oh yeah guys trust me I know exactly what they like and what they don't like we have a bunch of massive tortoises in here that are freaking amazing this is an aldabra tortoise the world's second largest tortoise breed but trust me I have something even cooler oh my God it's Beast she will get between 600 and 11 100 pounds right there I named him Beast after Mr Beast because Mr Beast is the biggest YouTuber and this is the biggest tortoise breed right here she can live between 100 and 250 years all right peace I'm Gonna Leave This here for you I hope you enjoy because we got some turtles to catch and I know that they're in that trap oh okay I got it let's get in there This Is The Moment of Truth guys oh oh look at these right there keep popping his little head out all right buddy what are you doing this right here is actually Godzilla my beautiful snapping turtle I knew he's gonna be in there buddy I know what you love Godzilla we're gonna have to borrow you from your enclosure for a couple minutes it's better in the prime tank this is probably the World's friendliest turtle look at him he's just gonna keep running he sees the camera he's like hey are you subscribed to Raw fishing yet that's my dad oh remember Guys these guys can also get freaking massive so guys make sure you guys are subscribed so you guys can see Mr Godzilla grow up to be a freaking monster one day all right guys so this is the prime Tank come on watch out you got a monster coming in oh it's so freaking cool like he's about to swim down to the bottom and guys there is tons of animals here I hope you guys know I'm practically running a zoo so the final trap is actually going to be this Pawn right here if you guys look this Pawn is completely disgusting and uh honestly guys we've kind of given up on this Pawn so we're trying to get out as many fish as we can and uh hey I need the fish pellets we're actually gonna go over here there's only one spot on this entire Pond that all the fish love to go it's because there is a bunch of shade right here but because there's rocks and all that stuff the fish in different animals will actually climb into the rocks so we have to sink a trap in here and put some rocks in there so it sinks come on come on beautiful see that yep Prime fish trap is in there and guys this entire Pawn right here is actually completely filled with algae here's what I mean raw fam if you guys come over to this green pond there's no colorful fish correct yeah I don't see any honestly I don't either but if you look really close and push into all this green stuff Hello wake up I see one right there hello oh look again if you see him look a colorful fish just came out of nowhere come on oh look at him he's beautiful come on I need to save you buddy stop fighting it go in the net oh and he's gone just like that oh there he is he's right there see him come on come on oh I got him I got him that time I got him that time let's go guys so like I was saying before there's a bunch of beautiful colorful fish just like this one there's probably 10 15 more of these guys in there but I can't see them and I I can't get them out soon I'm gonna have to definitely get rid of all the water in there let's put this guy in the prime Tank come on hey everybody we got a new Beast coming in town uh-oh look at that monster holy crap bro that is sick honestly guys so we're all family we've had a freaking day we've caught in so many epic fish that I think it's finally time to check the last Prime trap of the day inside of that little skimmer so let's check it raw fam all right well fam so we're gonna check this little thing right now exactly these sharks are huge oh I forgot guys so we actually have pet sharks too we're gonna let that sit for just a couple more minutes there's actually a bunch of massive sharks in here oh look that's the swamp monster right there we talked in a massive swamp but if you guys look right here come on come up and eat for the camera come up beneath for the camera oh my god did you get a good look at him wow those things are probably double the size now all right you ready three two one oh what the heck no no back up back up back up something's about to go in there I swear to God I just saw something about to go in he's not coming in just check it just in case I think so yeah let me see if I can where'd he go I just saw him bro all right let me get the trap out real quick like hold the Trap right there dang it bro I swear to God I just saw a crayfish I swear I just put Franklin check this out bro come on I bro I just saw like what looked to be I'm not even gonna like make up excuses bro I could have scored I just saw a blue crayfish come on all right guys so let's see what we got dang that's a lot of pellets come on Buddies oh my is that is that a pod we got two holy crap two blue crayfish what the heck all right guys so I thought these guys were dead long long long long ago these are my one in a million blue lobster apparently it's two in a million blue lobsters right here we did fish traps way back in the day and I thought I lost these guys but apparently these guys are alive thriving and kicking oh my goodness guys those videos have literally millions and millions of views so if you guys want to see those videos it's right there go check them out but here we go put them in put them in let's go this is the coolest video I've ever posted on my channel bro guys I need you guys to comment down below what prime fish trap performed the best today and uh guys subscribe if you guys love Prime because I know I love Prime and uh guys this was epic guys here we go oh my goodness you see Godzilla Godzilla was just right there he's on the bottom we got the beautiful little uh goldfish right there so uh here we go let's get these little boogers out I definitely going for the blue one look at that oh my God he's so gorgeous all right here we go yum beautiful I want to put this blue one inside of the little Prime bottle now he's gone but uh wow this is the last one of the day right there that is freaking epic there we go you know go in there with your buddy we're all fam we caught Red Tails we caught colorful fish we caught Godzilla the one the only bro this is the coolest video I've ever posted so guys I need you guys to do me a favor and like today's video it helps us out more than you know but roll fam does anybody else remember that we had one more Prime fish trap we did the lemon and we caught some really unique um what were they uh called pleco fish oh then we went over to my buddy Blake's house and we did a ice pop fish trap and we caught that really beautiful like uh bluish fish what a he's like a blue he's like a bluish purple and then of course we did the lemon fish strap that we have to go check right now hey something ate that little uh shell look the Shell's completely empty now I thought there was a little snail in there earlier but uh all right guys so over here no bro the freaking trap was sitting straight up like this whoa the GoPro was off bro look at this I just clicked the button to stop the recording and it just started a new one I I don't know what to say bro maybe there's like a setting that we clicked to where it only shoots like 10 minutes at a time or 20 minutes at a time raw fam if you guys want to see us come back and I guess attempt another GoPro fish trap I mean it's super easy I mean now we know how to put it on there so uh it's just rinse and repeat so we're all fam I guess we didn't catch something in every single one of the primes but I mean that's pretty obvious the freaking trap was sitting up like this damn wrong fam I guess it's time to go back to the raw fam all right well babe so if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you guys like and comment down below what fish trap was your favorite fish right here is the prime aquarium we caught so many unique beautiful fish inside of all the fish traps comment down below what fish was your favorite but more importantly you're all Femme I love you guys so much and thank you so much for watching today's awesome crazy adventure and before the video is over I promise you guys I would try the prime secret flavor taste test is gonna happen in three two one all right here we go oh my God I love them really tastes amazing guys comment down below if you guys actually make the new secret flavor and tell me how you guys liked it because uh honestly oh my God I could drink a gallon of this well fam that's gonna be the end of today's video If you guys love Pride don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: RAWWFishing
Views: 7,245,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carter sharer, dangie bros, mrbeast, fazerug, catch em all fishing, unspeakable, mark rober, flair, blacktiph, logan paul, brave wilderness, the urban rescue ranch, fun, funny, animals, rawwfishing, franklin seeber
Id: hGq2bJ5Ax1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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