Primavera P6 Training (Video 06) 1. Define Activities 2. Estimate Activity Duration 3. Activity Type

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after the creation of The WB's now I will tell you how to define the activities so for defining the activities we have to go to the activities option so activities option can be selected by either going to the left side toolbar and here you can see the activities button I will click on this and it will activities tab was already of open but for example if I select the WPS window and I want to go to the activities tab so I will go to the project and here I will select the activities so activities tab will be opened so here you can see the existing WBS I will create the activities under these WBS so defining activities is the process of identifying and documenting the specific actions to be performed to produce the project deliverables in the process the work packages are further broken down into activities or tasks the resulting project document is called activity list the activity list includes all the activities that are required for the project in sufficient detail for the others to understand what has to be done so first of all we have to organise the layout based on the WVS and sort by activity ID so I am going to go select the layout by WBS here you can see that it has already been organized by the WVS so if it is not organized or in this way it is blank so you can see that it will remain or blank now you can see that the window of WB's has been disappeared because we have not if we have not organized by a WBS then it will appear like this so we have to organize where WB is just simply click aww it will go to the WVS option select and apply them the other thing is that you have to sort it on the activity level activity ID though here you can see this but this triangular button moving towards downward it means that we are sorting the activities on the basis of activity ID so I will define the activities in the WVS so for if in for example if we want to create the activities in the milestone wao we have to select the milestone WBS then we will add the button add this button it will it will going to create the activity name here you can see that the activity wizard has been opened I have told you earlier that while doing the settings in edit preferences that if you want to open the resource or activity wizard you have to check mark the options so in this for the for your for your example I have kept it unchecked so that how I can tell you that how to fill the activity wizard here at the top you can see that activity ID for example exam we are going to start the project with milestone so I will mention as MLS 1000 and I have to press the tab button it is shifted to the next tab activity name is project start then I will click Next here he is oxygen for the WVS so w base is already selected right but if you want to change the W base room here you can see this window and you can change accordingly and then click Next and then change the activity type here is a lot of options but you know that the project start is the start milestone so I am going to select these star milestone as an activity type then click Next here is optional he is asking that dependent activities whether you like to assign the predecessor and successor here or not but in this option we don't want to link the activities so I am keeping the option as no continue and clicking the next here he is asking for the more details like project expenses activity codes and work product and documents but we don't want to attach these things on this activity here next and here he is we can say that the new activity has been created so by using the activity wizard you can see that it takes a lot of time to create one activity so if we have a thousands of activities it will be it will take a lot of time so to avoid to to to avoid the delay in defining the activities we have to uncheck the activity wizard so I am going to the Edit toolbar and here I will use a user preferences go to the assistance tab and I am checking the and the source wizard and activity wizard then I will click close button now I will add an other milestone and you will see that this wizard has been disappeared and you can see that the activities has been added with the increment of 10 units now next activity is the next activity milestone is engineering start procurement start so you can add the activities or milestones by using this plus button or using the shortcut key as an insert button so next activity is the next activity milestone is construction start project completion so one more thing I would like to tell you that this is not the hard and fast rule to create these that milestone activities you can describe the milestone activities according to your requirements now you see that project start activity showing zero duration it means that its milestone has already been assigned but engineering procurement construction and project completion all are showing the five days activities so I am going to change the task activity type so I will go to the general here you can see the activity type option and I am going to select the start milestone here after changing the activity type from the task dependent to start milestone you can see that its duration has been become zero then coming to the procurement start I will end this as a start milestone again procurement start as will start milestone and project completion is the finish milestone so I am going to change it as finish milestone here you can see that all of these milestones have zero duration and the start milestones are showing date in the start for column and the finished milestone is showing here in the finished column now I'm going to define the activities in the engineering WBS so I will go to the general WBS and I will select the I will press the Add button and the next for next important thing I want to tell you that we can modify the activity ID in such a way that we can identify from the activity idea that whether which in which W based it is being placed in images available so for example this activity is engineering activity and second it is in the general WPS and here I will enter one zero one zero so I am going to change the name of kickoff meeting then I will press the Add button or insert key another activity can be defined basic engineering nor plan so here we are just defining the activity list we will assign the duration later on now we are going to create the activity list in the architecture WBS I will define the activity as engineering architecture - 1 0 1 0 and I will define the activities for example we have four main areas main production Hall materials architecture you can see that architecture in the architecture W is we have defined the four major activities till so far we have created the activity list for milestone and engineering and you can see all the activities in the W Bay's of general architectural equipment and piping Electrical and Instrumentation now we are going to define the activities of procurement but don't worry regarding the Gantt chart and and also the start and finished it all the activities are going to be started at the same day because we have not linked the activities together yeah in this exercise just follow on defining the activities now we will define the activities of procurement first of all I am going to define the activity of procurement for for equipment so I am going to write here supply of main production hall equipment procurement which we have created we have defined the supply of main production hall equipment supply of utility buildings equipment supply of pipes and fittings what may both if the buildings then supply of electrical equipment and cables instrumentation instruments and cable as well now you are going to define the activities of the construction first of all I will go to the general WBS then I will define the activity activity can be added by just inserting button or by using this add button and I am going to define the mobilization of manpower and equipment so see my activity ID notation cm for construction G and for general then one zero zero zero activity parity mobilization of Matt and manpower because at the start when we are going to start deconstruction and we have to mobilize the equipment and manpower in this way I will define these other activities see I have created all the activity list in all of the W bases you can see one by one from here I will just right click again and collapse all then I will do it like this one expand it one by one in the milestone because you can see all the milestone activities then I able to expand the engineering W base in this way a general architecture and all the activities can be seen under the W views from here no I'm just going to expand all here you can see if the if you feel that the row height H the low when we can increase the row height of these activities simply right-click go to the table fort and row and if you want to change the height then just unclick keep current row Heights go to the select height for all the role I am going to increase its value up to 21 then I will apply you can see that the height of the Rose has been increased then coming here if you want to change the activities the font go there just simply click your desired font if you want to increase the size just simply click on third is apply you can see if the changes has been affected in this window and now I want I will tell you another thing and if you want to align the text in center of start and finish and duration is simply right click go to the columns here you will find the original duration just go to the Edit column options just align it as Center okay aligning in the center it looks presentation a bit beautiful so there is an option which I want to tell you that you can increase the column width as well as you can align it in the center now you can see the changes has been done another thing I want to tell you if you want to check this spell while doing the while doing the activity list there is a no there might be some problem for spelling so just simply click f7 you can check spell so I will just grab my Spelling's so in this way you can check your spell and next step is to add the duration of the activities the durations are very important duration are calculated on the basis of your productivity rates on the basis of your quantity takeoff so yeah the duration is just based on the your required work so now this is very simple how to define the duration simply add a column of original duration and change the duration one by one according to your needs suppose kickoff meeting is will remain one day I will just enter one day basic engineering management had decided to take ten here ten days for the basic engineering I have taken ten days for that plot plan it will take ten days architecture for four days in this way I will change home I will modify all the duration and I will show you the after changes has been done so far we have defined the activity list and activity duration as you know that the estimated activity beautician is very very important it defines or estimate the number of working hours required number of working hours or days required to complete the job these the calculation of duration depends upon experience depends upon historical data and expert judgment and quantity takeoff and standard norms and procedures for doing some activity extended man-hours productivity dates set forth e defining the activities so I have defined the original duration as well for all the activities then whatever you have made the changes in this layout just simply click layout and save now I another thing at the start we have changed the activity type by going into the general tab and selecting the required activity type I can show you again in if I click on engineering you can see here the start milestone and the other activities like kickoff meeting basic engineering etc so yeah one option is just to do select the activity and go to the general tab and select activity type there is another option you can display this activity type field here in the right side in the column field so I am going to add here activity type simply right click and go to the columns and if you are not familiar that where this field is available just simply click available options find I will type activity type point next it will automatically jump to that field where it is available so I will simply double click it will move to the right side then I will adjust its place you can see here just simple double click here it will expand the its field here you can change the activity type by clicking on this drop-down list will appear you can change your requisite activity type from here but all of our activities right now at this moment is the task dependent we're not going to change any of this activity type but the purpose of adding this column is just to tell you how to do how to change the activity type in the columns as well
Channel: Primavera P6 Training
Views: 319
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Planning Engineers, Schedulers, Primavera, Project Managers, Trainers, PMP, Project Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architectural Engineers, Site Engineers, Primavera P6 18, Primavera P6 Tutorials, Primavera P6 Software, Primavera P6 Basic to Advance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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