Primal Hunt | Part 1 | The Quest To Slay The Mightiest Dinosaurs!

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello wolf pack and hello that guy welcome to the world's most dangerous hunt no I'm not talking about humans I'm talking about dinosaurs [Music] welcome to Primal hunt I am really excited about this you see I've always wanted to hunt dinosaurs ever since I saw Jurassic Park in that first brontosaurus appeared over the tree I was like oh I want to shoot that how would you do that in this game you're given a bow and arrow and you're set off to hunt dinosaurs but you might be thinking to yourself wolf I can take a T-Rex what's the big deal and number one you're wrong but number two this game actually agrees with you you see instead of hunting normal dinosaurs which we do don't get me wrong and they're very difficult but eventually this game decides to give them rocket launchers or machine gun arms or giant lasers on their heads things are gonna get wild let's go welcome value Patron and thank you well thank you our highest deer hunting experience you are currently suspended in one of our biochamber callous tubes your cybersuit model is a state-of-the-art biomechanical vessel designed to provide the most realistic and exciting hunting experience staying safe within our containment units oh that's awesome sinking your sensory and all connections with clone organs to match your bio signature and prepare your Consciousness transfer Hunter's physical and augmented cognition pairing in progress establishing sensory connection sinking nervous system response brainwave signature acquired Hunter Consciousness integration connecting Phantom Bridge complete thank you again and enjoy your hunt I'm so excited to become a robot man [Music] welcome to your hunting lodge oh here you'll come to receive your hunting permits customize your gear take practice in the shooting range or simply bask in the glory of your previous hunts in your trophy room okay let's get started move over to that console in front of you um yeah okay no I see it move forward and back with your left stick uh I want to go to my trophy room do I do I have any trophies no no I want to have heads mounted on my wall okay I think we're gonna begin the campaign the game warden is Sir Philip Lambert this is your Lodge console okay any information for your hunts weapons and the biomes is stored here my name is Sir Philip Lumber I'm the game warden for these biomes and your personal hunting guide let's get you acquainted with the large consoles interface oh well I appreciate that Philip campaign we require all new Hunters to undergo a training session oh man that sounds boring Phillip at the campaign menu just throw me in front of a Raptor okay I'm ready I can do this this is your hunting permit screen select from available hunts in the different biomes in the regions select The Proving Ground to start your training uh Proving Ground basic uh read through the hunting guidelines in the review the loadout that I have laid out for you to review your gear click the edit Loadout button on the far right okay I see it this screen is where you can review your current gear loading dude I am so cool for future runs you'll be able to customize your armor and gear but for now your Loadout is locked with the basics to prepare you for the tutorial once you are ready click the go to hunt button on the screen to activate the teleporter behind you dude I love my arms what what kind of can I date it please I get to see my stats I am not very knowledgeable go to hunt proceed to the teleporter where is the oh destination try horn planes the teleporter is your main way in and out of the biomes push activate to teleport to The Proving Grounds all right Philip I'll see you there oh my God it hurts welcome to the Hunter's Proving Ground here I will provide you with basic training that you'll need before starting your campaign well great Hunter's podiums are located throughout this area with training information or everything you need for a successful hunt yeah yeah I think I'm ready first Podium with the floating icon over it oh that is so cool alright so we are here no we're here and these might be like rest stops home base areas that's maybe where my target is although I don't know what ooh big old Beetle okay we can we can close out of this I am getting excited all right what is this ah this is needed information at a quick glance at the very top of the HUD out of your Compass Health and stamina bars on the left and right are your Visual and audio meters as well as your Aero inventory ah do I do I have arrows where's my bow oh [ __ ] I have 15 arrows oh that is so cool wait is this gonna shoot okay great can we put that away good get my HUD under control yeah that's what I want to learn you are equipped with the state-of-the-art Tech bowl and an arsenal of arrows to activate or deactivate your bull oh launch the target drones please click close on the screen I am so good I am so good Philip put me in front of the dinosaurs I'm ready to take down the greatest eye of a shield let's test out your articles The Shield will block most projectiles and small melee attacks well that's really cool you can also swing your Shield to perform a shield bash your Shield will reduce its size as it loses Health but will also recharge over time click close to launch the attack drone all right bring it on and destroy the Drone you got it what about that giant awful spider oh don't come near me don't come near me I'm not even paying attention too many spiders you hate spiders it's it's raining my shield yeah where'd that spider go I see you spider I am coming you are my new greatest hunt don't go in the Rocks don't go in the rocks I did it can I collect my arrow so I gained nothing oh well I feel accomplished ammo crates this is an ammo resource oh [ __ ] I'll find them throughout the regions to help with needed supplies to complete your heart hell yes flip the two levers up using your grip buttons awesome okay no I gotta Philip I got that that's really nice thank you sir uh can we kill dinosaurs yet all right I'm guessing the same thing here with health yeah can I can I store that I think I can okay thank you Phillip you're the best Sprint and dash I don't know how to dash okay left stick while walking left stick in Direction while pushing the B button oh oh I am so ready and then those little bars down there each one take some Dash and then when I get low I get the black okay yeah I got it easy we're gonna learn about climbing your Hunter's armor is equipped with powerful easy enough Phillips way ahead of you buddy I mean I'm in like a million dollar robot suit and I have a high-tech bow and arrow you don't need to teach me about crates and climbing teach me about the dinosaurs concrete dinosaurs God destroys dinosaurs okay well you can also teach me about grapple arrows your Aero inventory includes an infinite amount of grapple arrows that allow you to move along the challenge with grapple points wait what does this do proper distance okay oh that was sick I will take arrows please oh I don't like that you have to have both of these open give me give me grapple hang okay so I shoot it and continue holding grip grapple points I'm doing it I'm hanging there's like an arrow in the center of my head but I'm doing it okay I guess we can drop then oh ah ooh how do I get health oh look my armor becomes bloody they put real organs inside the armor so you can see the cuts and the blood that's actually really brutal so I guess I don't have an inventory system although they are just gonna give me the health right here I appreciate that do I do I chug it it just it goes inside me now where do I go Philip I should listen to you more because you don't pay attention in class can I get up here oh you got some sick range on that all right all the way out there no that didn't work what if I hang okay and then we shoot down here oh Phillip I am learning my dude I have a feeling bad things are about to happen down here but you know what Philip I've told you I'm ready let's make sure we have the right arrows is it is it you is this entire area to battle you Mr beetle all right no one's here right now I have a bad feeling about what's behind this gate interactable devices okay yeah yeah yeah the regions you'll find it yeah oh that was disappointing are there secrets over here yeah just another giant gate that's fine I'm sure that's like our way back dash dash I'm so Speedy I'm fast like a shadow uh do you see the shadow in the background that my friends might be a pterodactyl or a pterodon whatever it is I am gonna take it down what is the Artemis system shows hunt tracking and clue information Supply needed information oh God pterodon adult restricted to activate your Artemis hold your hand to your helmet and tap the trigger nearby hunting Clues are now marked in the world with an icon oh I see move to the clue that is next to that Podium so should I just not worry about that that's that's above my my pay grade right okay so what is this pull the trigger oh I'm scanning a clueless diet use your Artemis to find your next clue yes ma'am guessing it's right over there map system yeah yeah kind of already figured that one out your mop with a new clue what is the star here's your map and move to your next clue okay the mop under Gauntlet gives you your current location clue radius Target quarries waypoints another useful tracking information you can set a waypoint by simply clicking anywhere on the mop oh that is nice then you can disable the waypoints I like that Phillips okay oh that is a big piece of poop watch the poop I don't want to scan the poop minus excrement traces of hurt fan berries found your map has been updated with a new search radius all right let's bring up the map new search radius is this way oh it's kind of taking me back to where I was all right that's fine I have a feeling we're about to Corner our prey and in that case I'm ready for it hello no actually it is down here I see our next module tracking your Quarry once we have scanned the final clue Artemis will update your map with the estimated location of the main target listed on your permit that's awesome your Artemis will also start to pick up any tracks your target leaves behind to make tracks saber tooth Velociraptor Tyrannosaurus okay I think that might be well I'm not actually sure what this is but this seems a lot bigger than what I thought I was hunting okay I'm getting a little bit nervous about actually doing the hunt but I have Philip with me Hunter Echo your Hunter's Echo reveals the current alert level of the dinosaurs okay white means they're nervous yellow is an alert State and red rings mean they are fleeing or attacking all right so we do not want red good to know oh I see them I see him way out there oh that's a comps oh no oh no no no no no no don't you're so young I don't want to take you down I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going in oh you're harder to hit than I thought one hit wonder dude they're like covered in blood it'd be cool if you could retrieve your arrows I mean I already killed them so I don't know why I tagged them activate it to tag creatures ability to scan and tag and then it'll just hold it okay hold your hand to your helmet and tap your trigger to open your Artemis line up might be like a little secret way up there hi no no no no no good I like that virus stays where I shot you though and I am getting experience and experience is probably important I see the next thing over there but I want to check out up here first all right that's just some health don't really need that but we can sneak through here we can sneak through okay okay well you know what didn't want to go that way anyway just wanted The High Ground okay that hurt a little bit just broke one of my robot eggs hi how you doing we're cool right oh you are so big wait can I can I like hide in this oh you can Crouch beautiful I can be a stealth robot it's like I'm back in esfire traps grab the freeze trap from the belt and twist the cap on it different traps and lures what are found around your waist on your belt box oh that's really cool hold your gun on that group of companies oh yes yes dude that is like insta cheating uh am I allowed to kill you you did I don't need to freeze you you sank below the ground okay awesome so I have traps that actually let me freeze them definitely need some arrows oh there's a big boy there's a big boy stealth we need to be quiet stealthy you can Crouch oh you can have a stealth Shield stealth are displayed within your head oh it goes away really quick though a stealth area and Crouch interesting the right thumbstick yeah yeah if you are successful we're gonna sneak up on the giant dinosaur it is so much bigger than I thought but I have traps okay let's maybe go stealth Shield while we have to go to the next piece of grass running out running out we're good if I get The High Ground on it hmm okay let me just switch my ear out I think I'm not close enough yet come on come on yes wait come back look at these rudded circles okay I've got him tagged do I do I kill him should I just kill the guy I kind of feel bad now he looks like he's really panicking all right let's let's do this let's put out a trap where I'm hoping he'll land yep that is big there it is okay here we go how are you still spinning are those weak spots oh my God what is happening what Nice Shot thank you you bring down you'll earn Hunter's Essence those orbs will be valuable when you get back to your Lodge um hell yeah trophies in field dressing after scan your Quarry trace the dotted line with the laser distance grab organs I'm taking the organs out of the diamond you are big oh okay so scan him and then I'm doing okay yep nope that's normal oh dear God can I I feel it beating in my hand I have it's hard oh that is so cool okay so in order to complete the hunt we have to return home which is one of the teleporters I think I'm ready I don't think any prey could possibly stand before me that'll take us back to the lodge home sweet home I love technology I hope this is real one day oh God it still hurts [Music] oh I will you did I get a trophy from your hunt click on the skill tree to go to your Hunter's skill tree and spend your newly acquired points but I oh okay submit my permit congratulations on a successful hunt your Perma is accepted and you've earned the head Mount as well it's unlocked oh hell yeah oh I'm gonna stare at you every night before I go to bed on Shooting Range located on either side of your Lodge console you have to see the essence points from your hand great skill tree to go to your Hunter skill tree and spend your newly acquired points you'll be collecting animal Essence which can be used to unlock skills and upgrades when you're ready click the back button to continue your Hunter's Journey yeah okay so will it tell me what it does two percent Arrow damage two percent health and two percent stem I think we might just want to go with a tax for now so we're gonna put three in here and then we have another row all right kinetic damage which is like our basic arrows plus one from resource crates damage to Specialty funny there are weak points okay I saw in his leg there were like red spots and I guess those are weak points ooh this is what I want inventory limit that's what we really need you know I'm thinking maybe we should get health just in case although Stam would probably be good we're gonna stick with attack for just a bit we're gonna get some arrows and we'll just crank the damage on that okay now that seems good game warden sir Philip you're beautiful okay before we do anything I gotta go mount my head uh-huh oh welcome to your truck thank you another secret sanctum here is where you come to mount and Stage your trophies from your hunts and proudly display your head mounts collectible bones claws or even a full-scale body mount areas that are customizable we'll have a trophy Podium near them with available trophies to Showcase your head Mount is available from your last hunt make your way to the trophy Podium near the front door that has a floating icon uh okay select a trophy my Gallimimus head oh there it is that is so freaking cool I can see people just spending so much time to fill out the trophy room with every dinosaur and I guess on these podiums you can have full bodies so obviously here is the mightiest dinosaur of them all and I don't think we're gonna find that one anytime soon but in order to get there we have to do some hunting no Wilson hot man's animals goodbye Robert I guess his name's Robert I'm gonna forget that next episode I am ready to continue my career I don't need a shooting range what do we got all right so we have the trihorn planes we have another hunt the hunters First Step taking you to the trihorn Plains region okay this hunt will get you comfortable with your armor I don't like that I found the environment itself review your Hunter's permits as well as explore your custom options for your loadouts right it's an adult Gallimimus they are rather skittish around any perceived threat I've already killed one it's easy over 40 miles per hour because of our over breeding they are not the most intelligent of our Quarry but still a fun hunt they pose no real threat but keep your eyes open in this region there are other dinosaurs roaming around that are more dangerous oh I don't like that uh so there are a ton of different Arrow types that you're going to be able to unlock along with different look at that look at the cool blades I get I mean this one's neat but that one has a jagged edge chest legs weapon here's my bow oh we are far from upgrading that now I do think I unlocked a device yeah herbivore lure when activated it releases a mixture of chemicals and pheromones okay so it'll bring maybe my lure to me I have nothing else so he might as well equip that I would like the freeze strap that was really handy ah I think I'm ready is like my first real adult hunt they grow up so fast I hope I'm ready ah welcome to the trihorn place oh my God Majestic dinosaurs oh Triceratops these creatures can get up to 10 feet tall and weigh over 12 metric tons but this for something more adequate to your skill on it make sure to stick to your permit and avoid any dinosaur that is out of your league by opening the data button on your Gauntlet okay I mean oh look at him go goodbye goodbye everybody uh all right how my arrows my arrows are full I'm at full health well that is absolutely crazy they're so big you're so big and beautiful uh all right we need to skip we need to get over here I like this uh traversal system although I don't like that I can't have an inventory for my health okay so I'm supposed to actually go this way hey no no good yeah that's right get out of here my cool armor suits really scaring it away look at it Go charging into the fog all right so we have healing we are looking for Clues and a giant beehive it's probably not a good thing I do like that I can get The High Ground now is that something that I should shoot or is that a clue okay I'm guessing that is a thing that I can shoot uh I don't see oh hello this DNA detected on the bark more data is needed to gather the target's location your map has been updated with a new search radius what the hell is that hello oh that is a desecrated body of a Triceratops can can I scan that what did that to you whatever it was that is hi not what I want to run into okay this is really intimidating just dinosaurs just sprinting around you oh that's cool this is really cool I don't need really any supplies because unfortunately I don't ha I see you are you coming for me now I think these guys just kind of give me some uh experience oh gotcha these skis coming around he's coming around oh you charged oh my God right I have a shield I have a shield yeah we want that Essence we want that Essence okay get out of here Matt Shield passion oh that does a ton of damage okay good to know still gotta find the clue I see more bones a lot more bones and some cacti the environment here is actually pretty gosh darn cool I mean for the cool for a quest game oh look at that it's a chest all the way up there hey big boy I mean this is on the quest 2. I do not believe it is coming to pcvr from what I'm wearing now can I use like a grapple and shoot this all right not entirely sure what that does might have to use a regular Arrow I want to try and get up there that's what I want to do oh there's a grapple Point okay so if I get up here hello Secrets although I'm guessing this is just like arrows I don't need oh okay we got some lures that's actually really handy we got those down there I still have to find the clue which might be over Yonder somewhere oh you go slower in the water somewhere around here should be my clue I think I'm getting a clue oh berries berries I remember berries being something yeah we're getting closer okay reason this way could actually use some of this health here real quick I got one little bash by the other boy and Hood hang here there we go all right back to full and ready to hunt now there is something red on the ground there uh it's pulsing oh it's Footprints yeah well I think I know where it is I think I found it regardless of the footprints uh well you know what we should try the lure right see exactly how this works oh what's that what is that it might be too far come on go go to the Mist go to the Mist you big stupid dinosaur right I'm taking it down oh yeah run oh I got you I got you come on come on I was gonna try and tag it oh God I'm in the tail no the water the water Dash I got it no no he's getting away uh I'm not a good Hunter I know I suck at these things follow his big glowing Footprints I need more Stam I am not a very good runner you'd think for having like a robot body I would be a bit better at this ah [ __ ] I think I lost it how does it show up on my map ah okay so because I've gathered a whole bunch of Clues it does key me in on it ah there you are you got some arrows sticking out of you buddy hello who's your big wounded big big one no no no no no oh my God come back hit the weak spot oh I hit it oh you're still alive can I have your organs please how much help do you have oh there he is it is terrifying when he dies like that Oh shot collect your Corey and head back to the lodge for your next pyramid that is awesome okay so it does get a lot more intense when you're not in the tutorial just gonna scan your body here they're so big and when they're running at you I mean this is an herbivore it's not one to really attack it's still terrifying oh that's so cool you really do feel it thumping uh how the hell do I get out of here oh come on it's so high up I'm right next to the bloody corpse that's fine we're okay just a whole bunch of dinosaur bones no one is thinking that you look like a dinosaur and they're gonna want to eat you oh it's so Majestic no no no oh he was coming dude you were charging right at me wow okay well Triceratops in this world are wee bit different I don't need any health and I guess I have to climb a ladder oh why would you want to climb a ladder when you can shoot up a ladder take me home portal oh I'm getting used to it [Music] honey I'm home honey I'm home hey Phillip I did it that was cool gonna submit my permit I really doubt that was a a three star I mean I guess it is a three star I'm up to level four took me under 10 minutes I mean actually that's pretty good all right let's go to this skill tree I'm kind of feeling I might need some more stem although more damages I don't need health because I don't get hit I just can't catch them how many points do I have yeah let's just put them all all in the stand I really like running what is next oh great sir Phillip Lambert oh no we're going to the saber Highlands we're taking down a pterodon [Music]
Channel: A Wolf in VR
Views: 115,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a wolf in vr, wolf in vr, primal hunt, primal hunt vr, a wolf in vr primal hunt, primal hunt full game, primal hunt part 1, primal hunt vr full game, primal hunt gameplay, primal hunt review, primal hunt quest 2, primal hunt gallimimus, primal hunt tutorial, primal hunt walkthrough, primal hunt all dinosaurs, primal hunt vr gameplay, virtual reality, vr gaming, quest 2, new vr games, new quest 2 games, vr dinosaurs, vr hunting, vr funny moments, primal hunt vr release
Id: eRLt4iv3vOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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