Pride and Humility - Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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in her book The Mind connection Joyce explores the undeniable connection between your mind mouth moods and attitudes and gives biblical keys to developing the right mindset to overcome life's challenges along with the book you'll receive Joyce's three-part audio teaching series life-changing attitudes learn the importance of having a good attitude no matter the circumstances and practical ways to help you change your attitudes these resources are available for your gift to the ministry of thirty dollars or more connect with us today visit online at or call 1-800-709-2895 this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries sometimes you learn what you thought was your greatest enemy is actually your greatest friend yeah a few people get that [Music] some of the things that hurt you the most teach you the most [Music] this morning I want to talk about having a humble attitude go ahead and say ouch now humility a lot of people I think have the wrong idea about humility they think it means to just let people walk all over you and that's that's really not what it is yeah man humility of all the virtues is the hardest one to gain and maintain because we all want to be first we all want to be noticed we all want to be important and we can be all those things but it has to be in Christ not in ourselves and uh I like to say that we're everything nothing's everything in Christ nothing in ourselves everything in Christ nothing in ourselves I hate that well I'm a self-made man well you might maybe if you are but you won't last long and you won't be happy at it and um I don't deserve in the natural to be doing what I'm doing I don't have the right education for it I probably don't even have the right personality my voice is a little unique and but here I am and God God can do anything with anybody but humility is a large part of it rather you will have it or whether you won't and I started 45 years ago with a Bible study with 12 people and that grew to 25 and I had that Bible study for five years in my home every Tuesday night and boy those were five long years and I had a big vision and a little reality does anybody know what I mean by that well we always think we're waiting on God but to be honest he's usually waiting on us and I had a problem with pride I had a problem with pride because I was insecure and people that are insecure want to feel important I was abused growing up and so I always felt like I was no good like something's wrong with me and my dad always told me I would not amount to anything and so I wanted more than anything to be great to be important and God really couldn't do much else with me until I got rid of that attitude God really can only use humble people it's the humble people that get the help the Bible says God resists the proud [Applause] but he gives Grace to the humble God resists the proud and he gives Grace to the humble now Pride is very good at hiding and it's almost impossible to sell a book on Pride because the person that needs it is too proud to go pick it up because they don't want anybody to think that they have a problem in that area I used to have a series on pride and humility I finally gave it up because nobody would buy it the only way you can sell the stuff that people really need is to hide it under a different title Philippians 2 5 this is our goal this is going to take a while let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus let him be your example in humility what kind what depth of humility did it take for God to come down here and take on human flesh I mean the only thing I could even begin to relate it to would be like God asking me to go be a bug so I could save all the bugs in the world Jesus not only took on human flesh he never tried to defend himself he never tried to get people back for anything they did to him he loved everybody even the people that mistreated him because he didn't he didn't think about what they were doing to him he always thought about what they were doing to themselves and see when somebody mistreats you are me we usually think about well you shouldn't treat me this way but really we should be more concerned about what they're doing to themselves because God will take care of you if you trust him too and uh Jesus prayed on the cross father forgive them for they know not what they do they didn't really understand what they were doing and to be honest a lot of people that mistreat you they don't they don't really understand what they're doing do you know when you mistreat one of God's children you're putting yourself in a kind of a dangerous position and I want to tell you and I'm going to say this a lot today one of the most important things that reveals our level of pride our humility is how we treat people and especially how we treat people that us or the world might deem unimportant we're pretty good about treating people good that we want to impress treating people good that we want to get something from but it's the people that don't mean that much to us God cares about the little person [Applause] you know there's a world full of people that feel invisible they just really feel like nobody sees them and nobody knows them and nobody cares well you know I'm here on the platform and everybody thinks it's me well I mean this is me but do you know that there are people that are hidden back there that we couldn't do this without we have a conference Department this works so hard for months ahead of time I mean we've already got every venue booked for next year it takes a lot of work to do this and we have people who do all that there's a room in the back that's full of very talented men that are filming this for TV and so what we're doing here today can be broadcast around the world in over a hundred languages they're important you know who else is important that helps people can't do this without people that help you this isn't this room don't look like this when they show up you you should see what a place like this looks like when we show up I mean there's no lights there's no chairs somebody's got to set up every one of these chairs and I don't think people I really don't think and it's really just a lack of knowledge I don't think people really appreciate what they're being offered when we invite you to come to something like this free who does this free the only conference we charge as far as our Women's Conference and to be honest I there may be one or two other people but there's not very many people that are doing conferences free anymore that's why it hurts me sometimes when people get aggravated about even being asked to give an offering I mean it's like really but I you know I get the credit but I want to give them credit because I can't I can't do this without all the people that helped me amen well what is humility well number one it's the opposite of pride and pride means to boast or to be high-minded to think more highly of yourself than you ought to now God doesn't want us to have a low opinion of ourselves but he doesn't want us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to and he certainly doesn't want us to think down on other people every time we judge somebody it's afraid of pride every single time every time we criticize somebody it's the fruit of Pride because we only criticize people who don't do it the way we do it or don't do it the way we think we would do it well I would never do that well honey you don't know what you'd do until you're put in that situation and then and how pitiful is it when you come to something like this and you leave and all you can do is think about what was wrong with it the lights were too bright the music was too loud you know I've had people write us Joyce's earrings were too long I mean my gosh is that all you can tell me as hard as I work to do this is that my earrings are too long well I I had that Bible study for five years and then for a year I did nothing I thought God wanted me to stop the Bible study and he said behold I knew a new thing well I didn't get what I was expecting I thought I was gonna now I'm ready I'm gonna go to the world well I did nothing for a year but God did something in me that had to be done and needed to be done before I could go to the next level and God promotes Us in level just levels just like you go through school kindergarten one two three four and you always have to pass tests and God will test you on every level before he'll let you go to the next level and if you don't pass the test on that level you'll still be on that level when Jesus comes to get you some of us are going to still be in sandbox when we get to heaven thank you [Applause] and so then a new church started in our town and we started going there and I ended up being on staff there for five years and boy did I learn a lot there the man who was the pastor was 26 and I was 36 and we both thought we knew everything and neither one of us knew anything you know you really don't know much of anything here about 40 or 50. I don't care how many degrees you've got I'm talking about life amen it's so funny it's just hilarious when you got an 18 year old that thinks they know everything don't you just love that one they won't listen to a thing you say because they know they got it all figured out and they know a lot more than you do all you can do is just smile and say well wait and see amen because we were the same way and uh one of the thing is that God has to do for us if we're going to be in Authority is we have to learn how to be under Authority and have a proper attitude about it and so anytime you're under Authority you are going to be told or asked to do certain things that you don't agree with or don't want to do and God wants us to learn how to do that without complaint without gossip yeah and I finally got pretty good about not saying anything to anybody else at the church but then I'd go home and Yakety Yak Yak to my husband and God said no it's not who you talk to it's the words you're putting out in the atmosphere I don't want to be hearing that I want you to zip your lip and just do what you're asked to do hmm man that was hard and there were so many things that I had in my heart that I wanted to do so many things and I would ask my pastor can I write a book and he'd say no and those were the most awful years that I've ever had you know what I mean you can have something that's just wonderful and awful at the same time and sometimes you learn that what you thought was your greatest enemy is actually your greatest friend yeah a few people get that some of the things that hurt you the most teach you the most there's a scripture that says that God will give us Treasures of Darkness and I love that so if you're in a dark time in your life right now if you'll handle yourself right God's going to give you some Treasures out of this and if you're going through something hard right now you're learning more than those of us who are not and especially if you want God to use you you might as well buckle your seat belt oh we pray such spiritual prayers God I Surrender myself to you do what you want to with me oh my gosh are you in for it come on well I wish I had a ministry-like choices well sweetheart I didn't get it wishing [Music] so then God finally told me it was time for me to leave the church and take my Ministry and go north south east and west except by the time he told me I could go I didn't want to go and nobody knew me north south east or west so what was I supposed to do I left the church with a dented desk and a calculator and no money and I had a women's ministry there that about 450 people attended so they did let me have the mailing list from from that and so I started just writing my own little letters and asking people to help us and I had a meeting in North St Louis South St Louis East St Louis and West St Louis I went north south east and west and it's too long of a story for me to tell you the whole thing but I tell you when God called me I had no idea it was going to take this long no idea sometimes I use the example of you know if you go out and buy a thousand piece puzzle you'd buy it because the picture on the box is pretty that's kind of what it's like getting a vision from God and then when you go dump that thing out and see those thousand pieces it's like and most pictures most of it is blue sky and green grass and then there'll maybe be a little cottage here and sometimes you get so sick of putting together Blue Sky pieces that you could just scream now if you're in the spirit with me you know what I'm talking about [Applause] and some of you have a call on your life and you're so tired of blue sky and green grass what I mean by that is you're just doing the same thing over and over and over and nothing's happening and nothing's growing and you just like to throw in the towel and give up and God won't let you and sometimes you do give up for a week or two but then you go right back to it because when you got a call on your life you just can't get away from it amen and we're all called to do something now you're not all called to be in a platform somewhere but we've all got a we've all got a Pulpit it might be your backyard fence or your desk at work but if you're alive and breathing and you're saved then God wants to use you [Applause] Pride means to be high-minded to think more highly of yourself than you ought to to take Glory unto yourself they had the Dove Awards recently and um CeCe Winan won artist of the year and she is just a wonderful person just she's just I mean she's the real deal I I really love her and uh I thought what she did was beautiful and they called her up to give her the award she stood there for just a second and then she sang to God be the glory to God be the glory to God be the glory for all he has done and then she said thank you and walked off wow and see she's where she at she's at and I want you to listen to what I'm going to say she is where she's at because she knows what she's not and I might say the same thing about myself I know what I'm not and I know if God didn't help me I'd make a fool out of myself every time I get up here and don't think for one minute that I ever get up here without studying and without praying because I need God's help now there's something on the Internet that you can print out it's called the 50 fruits of pride in case you want to know whether you're proud or humble and it's by a man named Brent Detwiler I definitely want to give him credit because I didn't write this but it's just very good I'm just going to read a few of these a person who's proud wants to be well known are important well when I worked at the church I looked back now and I'm so embarrassed but there was like five people that had their own parking space in the front of the building with their name on it and when I got one of those spaces I thought I had made it and then the leadership which I was part of we all had our own name on our seats in the church and I had my name on my seat and I had my name on my office door and my name on my parking place and I thought I was so important made me feel so good every time I saw my name when I'd say my name in the bulletin director of women's Ministries [Applause] and oh man when I first went on television and I'd get out somewhere and somebody would recognize me that would just thrill me no end and I can be honest and tell you that now when that happens I'm happy for the people that they get to meet me but I don't get any like kick out of that you know it's not like oh boy somebody recognized me and what I'm trying to get across to you is that you'll go through things like that but until see I realize now that all that stuff that I thought was so important when I worked in that church we just didn't mean anything I remember us interviewing somebody for a job and one of the things they ask in the interview pretty upfront in the interview was what's my title going to be and I thought it's not going to be anything because I'm not going to hire you I mean if that's what you care about what your title is going to be you don't need to be working there amen see if you know who you are in Christ then you don't care about all that silly stuff the Bible says that God is not impressed with the positions that men hold what God cares about is do we love him are we hungering and thirsting after righteousness are we pure in heart how are we treating people how are we treating people that the world thinks are unimportant can I tell you something right now there is nobody that's unimportant God loves every single person just as much as he loves you and just as much as he loves me and God watches how we treat people and that tells him more about us than anything I remember being at a doctor's office one time my son had broken his arm and we were there to have the cast taken off and I brought my Bible with me and I was going to use that take that time to read my Bible and pray a little bit and this old man sat down next to me and he had hurt his leg and had some kind of thingy on it and so he wanted to tell me all about his leg well I didn't care about his leg I'm just just telling you the truth that's where come on I wanted him to be quiet so I could be spiritual foreign [Applause] that God would make him shut up [Applause] and God asked me a question he said if that was Billy Graham would you listen [Music] um well I tell you God knows how to get your word hurts in her book The Mind connection Joyce explores the undeniable connection between your mind mouth moods and attitudes and gives biblical keys to developing the right mindset to overcome life's challenges along with the book you'll receive Joyce's three-part audio teaching series life-changing attitudes learn the importance of having a good attitude no matter the circumstances and practical ways to help you change your attitudes these resources are available for your gift to the ministry of thirty dollars or more connect with us today visit online at or call 1-800-709-2895 at the 2023 love Life Women's Conference I'll teach you how to trust God and find calm in the chaos featuring Joyce and her guests Bishop TD Jakes Sadie Robertson Hoff Lisa bevere Natalie Grant and Danny Gokey October 19th through the 21st in San Antonio Texas register today at but I love that magazine she sends out there's something in there for everybody it's just brought about so much change in my life personally it's always an encouragement for you to want to do more Ministry get your free subscription to Enjoying Everyday Life Magazine today at read encouraging articles from Joyce updates for Hand of Hope and much more reading through the magazine confirms for me that God's at work hope you enjoyed today's program for more information visit this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 120,336
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2023, joyce meyers 2023, joyce meyer 2023, christian youtuber, Your problem is not your problem, it's your attitude, all want to be first, everything-nothing, nothing in ourself, everything in Christ, personality
Id: wtJKTa4uWPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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