Preview | Chinese Watercolor Techniques: Painting Animals with Lian Quan Zhen

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hi welcome my name is Lin Zhen today we are looking at both Chinese painting and watercolor paintings painting animals I stopped eating when I was very young about 10 years old first Chinese painting I like it later watercolors I love with to today when I paint I combine both Chinese painting and watercolor painting techniques to create beautiful effects so let's start with learning Chinese painting the exercise we're going to do we only need three simple materials this is a simple Chinese plus blank color is made out of move here the second material we need is the drink bottle ink the third material is a small piece of raw rice paper is also called rob shun paper to do this exercise which is very simple you get some water with your brush pick up some ink and the tip of the brush so right now your brush has duck ink lighter ink in lighter and lighter thought he'll there's no x-ray there is no ink on the hill you hold your place with two fingers approximately at the center Park and then close the other three finger put in the back so you hold your brush very firm when you hold your brush straight is called Center blush side way is called side blush very simple so holding the brush side way you can make brushstrokes like these you see the ink from dark to light and light lighter no ink and also you create some love textures you use this to create some love texture objects such as to each one's rocks probably some of the skin of animals the second kind of brush stroke is cos gentle brush strokes you hold your brush center straight and start painting like these or you can move from left to the right so with these brush strokes you can you can have full soft effect not like the love effect like this now let's use brush to create more brush strokes plus strokes is very important in Chinese painting it suggests objects suggest textures okay let's use the same brush get some ink on a table brush first let's use side brush to create some leaves let's say Orcutt leaves so when you're moving when you move your brush you can use it keep it fluid not going like little chunk by little chunk when you paint a brush stroke you go all the way probably smaller lighter at the beginning press down a little bit more and then also leave on the bus a little bit more at the end now use Center brush strokes tween some exercise create some long brush strokes like this see painting the orchid you can use both brush strokes next we are going to use the both sigh plus and sender brushstrokes to create a fish get some water with your brush and then get the ink at a tip area and the ink will plane a little bit into middle but no ink at the heel one brush strokes you get a body or the fish there's a side brush and then sender brush hold your brush straight see this is the body of a fish a little bit more ink side brushstroke get a tail the tail is out of paper is alright now get duck ink pin the head of the fees let's say also the dorsal fin the other fins now when I delete very direct pupil and Akio okay if you want a little texture on the body you can get some darker ink to put it there while still wet here we create a fish you
Channel: ArtistsNetwork
Views: 161,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, watercolor, chinese, painting, techinques, animals, inks, artistsnetwork, Lian, Quan, Zhen, demo, demonstration, tv, artist, tutorial
Id: wQeZtZheb3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2009
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