Pretty boy Floyd Bio p-2

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these happy days for the Floyds quickly became overshadowed by poor Economic Times farmers were the first to feel the oncoming Great Depression and by 1925 Farm prices were plummeting as families lost their crops Banks were closed on their Farms retaliation by social Bandits as they were called sprung up everywhere and before long Charlie Floyd saw a new opportunity to make 's meet he was apparently trying to make an honest living as well as he could he had Ruby his pretty young wife his little baby boy but still he had those itchy feet Charlie's big Walts on that line separating good for evil really took a turn for the worse if you will back in 1925 that's when he went Big Time Charlie grabbed some friends and a gun then robbed nearly $112,000 of payroll money on route from a St Louis Bank to the Kroger Grocery Company Charlie and one of his Pals made the mistake of coming right back home he always went back home to those beloved Hills of Oklahoma went back to salisa smoking a big cigar driving a car and sportting some clothes and they smelled the Bay Rum they look good local police there saw Charlie Floyd coming into town and they knew he must have been up to no good they stopped him and bris him and his partner and found rolls of bills on him still with the rappers from the Tower Grove Bank well it wasn't long before Charlie was being shipped back to St Louis and in fact his partner soon spill the beans and Charlie could do nothing but plead guilty you left behind a a crying wife and a crying baby boy and he didn't see him again for a long time cuz after that g went down in that St Louis courtroom They Carried him off to the middle of the state up on the Bluffs of the Missouri River and a big old dank Stone Penitentiary the Missouri State Penitentiary and that's where Charlie did his time and he did it hard Charlie ended up serving three and a half years of a 5-year sentence his time in Jefferson City Missouri was probably the worst three and a half years of Charlie's life there was correspondence for a time with Ruby on the outside but but that prison time spent up in Jeff City took a toll and by the time he got out she had divorced him Ruby divorced uh Charlie Floyd and and went off and and took off with a man who was good to her and and good to her boy Jefferson City was a Hil ho I mean just regular beatings and just one thing after another and if you couldn't uh Supply some money to uh some of the uh guards and so forth you know you would get the you know what details and which was terrible I'm sure it was a bad experience because he said he would never go back he would never be taken alive again and he he never did but Charlie made use of his time in prison he observed and learned a lot all from the wrong people people he spent all of his spare time discussing crime and robberies with some of the Hardon cons and Veteran criminals who were there in the prison this was his education in other words in many ways he failed prison Because by the time he was done he was determined to renew his career on the outlaw Trail and this time to do it right Kansas City a town ripe with corruption crime and loose morals also one of Charlie's first stops as a free man it was here he earned his famous name pretty boy story goes that Floyd got his nickname one night while he was playing cards in Ash's boarding house bua beard who was a really beautiful young woman tall buom quite a looker side up to it put a beer down in front of him and said what's your name pretty boy the name stuck and bu stuck to Floyd Charlie and his new girlfriend appeared to live well despite economic downfall it wasn't long before family members caught wind that something wasn't right I remember one time he had this real fancy automobile when I was just a young kid well I thought that was really something and that's when I I guess really realized that Charlie was making some money probably illegally well by that time he robbed the ear for a bank the mod bank and tup little Bank he uh robbed banks for living he he couldn't go back during that very busy year of 1930 mostly spent up in Ohio finally Charlie was pinched by the authorities this time for his high crimes and misdem remainers they gave him a dozen to 15 years to do in the big house under guard and put on a train and was headed to that Penitentiary but in the darkness of night on a speeding train kicked out the window eluded his guards and vaulted off into time and space into that void into that Darkness into the brush into the Ohio Countryside pretty boy escaped the Press now caught on to the catchy name pretty boy newspapers became flooded with stories of Charles Pretty Boy Floyd he rises to prominence he rises to fame against the backdrop of the the most incredible economic downturn the nation has ever known which hit the very region out of which he came the hardest of any part of America which then of course was attacked by Nature as well it seemed as if everything nature and man was conspiring against these people they looked for Heroes wherever they could find them and here's a local boy making good robbing the enemy robbing the banks robbing those who pray upon them the most no wonder they worship Charlie Floy though Charlie was a hero to many he wasn't happy he missed Ruby and his son Dempsey Charlie tracked them down and this once happy family instantly became reunited my mother and father when I saw them together they were uh it was just great they were in love you could tell they were and uh I used to go in before they get get up you know kids usually get up before their parents and I'd go ah and look at them and excuse me he'd always have his arm kind of around her and it thrilled me to see them that way they took up residence in Fort Smith Arkansas out in a quiet little neighborhood living under the Alias of Jack Hamilton Mr and Mrs Jack Hamilton in son in Fort Smith Arkansas and he took on the disguise of a traveling salesman a peddler with his uh fices and bags and his old car driving around it was the best six months of my life that I can remember being with him he did a lot of uh funny things he teased my mother and he cooked for us he made spaghetti and meatballs and he enjoyed cooking and doing things with us took me fishing and did everything that fathers usually do wrestle around with me and at night he'd always take me to bet he put me on his shoulders and take me in and throw me in the bed you know like having fun with me later on when he moved over to Tulsa he wasn't really a traveling salesman at all fact is he was out robbing banks he was doing what he knew how to do best that's liberate Hard Cash and currency from the bankers the bankers who many folks insisted were on the wrong side of the law themselves Charlie always always made sure his son had plenty of money and gave him many of the coins he obtained from Banks he said uh I'll tell you something said there's a sack of coins underneath my bed anytime you want something just come in get your a handful of money and go do it so that was great I had a lot of friends you know we'd always have money for ice cream or we'd go to the show and stuff and my mother discovered it and uh she counted it all out and and went down and bought me a suit with short pants which was a really a bad thing you know only wore short fants but that was the end of the money it was also the end of these sweet times as Tulsa Police began to close in on Charlie's whereabouts the police went over there rumbling down the street in an armored truck with all kinds of weapons brandish and so forth and of course much to their srin the Phantom Terror old Charlie Floyd pretty boy and his partner slipped out the back door and disappeared appeared into the
Channel: muddbosss
Views: 120,068
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Keywords: crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2012
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