Preterism Evidence Part 1: Why I became a Preterist

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youtubers and friends and family this is Greg Vasquez and I'm here to talk about how I became a preterist preterism is a view of the end times most people have different views at the end times you might have pre-trib post-trib mid-trib for example and preterism is one of the other views preterism has been around since the early church 2nd 3rd century I believe and along with other views that were present back then early church views were not always solid a lot of scholars going back and forth on trying to figure out what you know their end time view was when you study the early church eschatology end times but I became a preterist about a year and a half ago and I was studying post tribulation ilysm and I was I was teaching it actually on the YouTube and you know that's what I really believed was true was was a form of post tribulation and that's that's a form of dispensationalism that's what most people are today are dispensationalists and that just means basically that either you're a prima doorpost tribulation of you there's more to it but that's you know to sum up and preterism takes the view it means passed like the English word preterite when you're studying English language it means passed and it means that some of the scriptural things that are mentioned have already taken place in the past the for example the Olivet discourse which is Matthew 24 and any other parallel scriptures that are talking about the same event was about the destruction of Jerusalem and most people take that you know and pick parts of it out and say oh this is future that was passed you know and and the preterist believes that most of Matthew 24 most of it up to towards the end was at 70 AD in the past from now and that we're still looking for the coming of the Son of God the the final day but you know we believe scriptural evidence points to much of that have already taken place and a lot of what is said is just out of context or misunderstood and there's quite a bit of metaphor in the New Testament that's really missed that's obvious once you learn the Old Testament and and that's what happened to me I was teaching post tribulation for 25 years and I begin to have some unanswered questions nothing that bothered me a whole lot and I was out studying I said we don't one of these days I'm going to get it you know get in there and just spend three months and learn what revelations really means there's got to be answered because I have answers for other things in Scripture and there and they make sense why not revelations and why not the prophets there's got to be some answer and so I went out and the more I studied the harder things got the more questions I came up with the more problems I came up with and it was very difficult and I kept running into these people called preterists who believed these things and I and I you know once you figure out what they believe you start going well there's there's no mark of the beast there's no end time Antichrist there's no golly you know this is this is crazy and and so you know I didn't really give him a second chance but the more I'd run into them more I would see these guys online some of them were kind of crazy they'd said crazy things they're hyper preterist some of them and I would I would go what you know there's no way but I would see bits and pieces of evidence that answered certain questions and it was from the scripture and so you know I began to realize there's something there and after a few times running into this and looking into it I finally decided that I was I was too busy arguing with their points that they make and saying well what about this what about that and not really learning what they what they taught and every time I would you know read a little bit more about the mind realized oh they don't actually believe this they you know I'm misinterpreting it according to my views cherry-picking is what a lot of people like to call it and you take what you want out of one something and you know and don't make sense of it really and you got to read it in context and so I begin to you know really read about what preterism teaches and finally found some good ska you know there wasn't really many Old Testament scholars that throat' a whole lot about that and but there were some new ones Hank Hannah graph and and Steve Greg Gary de Mar and people that that were not exagerating type people these were good people I read Hank Hannah graphs apocalypse code and I knew before I got that that it was gonna you know help me solidify some things that put some pieces together because he's a good scholar you know and and I I wasn't a pentagram person really and I just decided you know I knew enough about him and had read one of his other books that you know if I got that it would help me and it did a lot and so I became a protist and I was in shock for a month and a half because I had been I thought I was right for 25 years it was very humbling and I think it was so humbling because unless you spend the time studying this out you will not always see all the evidence there the average Christian that that studies the Bible or has read the Bible two or three times all the way through will not always pull out all these things you know we there's tons of times that we overlook many things scriptures that we don't realize have to do with the end times or put them together with other scriptures and go oh this makes sense and you know when when an older wiser scholar might put it together for us and we see it we're like amazing and so you know once I begin to see all this scripture I realized I was not dealing with all of the scripture that there has to do with the end times I only had a third of it and when I had all the cards out on the table it painted a completely different picture it made a lot of the smaller scriptures that I was cherry-picking not makes sense you know how can they make sense if you read them in context and and you know simply and you know case in point Matthew 24 you know people loved it picked pieces here and there but if you read it in order I carry this sign you know when I was teaching post tribulation and this is the order of Matthew 24 you know it goes from signs to persecution to the abomination of desolation and and right there I verse like 11 or 13 says immediately after the days of the tribulation the stars will fall from the sky the Sun shall not give its light nor the moon Christ will descend and then gather the elect from the four winds four corners of year and and so if you look at at every other instance of the Olivet discourse it's always in that order after the days of the tribulation then the son of man come and so I mean you know when we don't read it in context the typical dispensationalist picks stuff from here and here and they just they read it in any order they want not the order that it was taught and in every time it appears in the New Testament in Thessalonians and Corinthians it appears in that order and and so that's what I'm talking about and when you read the scripture in order when you read it with evidence and and stuff from the Old Testament it makes a lot more sense this way and anyways I won't go into too many of the details but you know one of the the reasons I believe it's it's important to do a video on preterism is because I learned why it was important I knew it was important before because uh you know it's in every end times as in every book of the Bible there's something in Revelations is dedicated to it obviously and Thessalonians you know sort of but you know it appears in every book to some degree and so to do that same degree we should study it we should know it we it's God wants us to learn it it's important other reasons might be that you know for example Corrie ten Boom you know she was a Holocaust survivor and when she went to China on a missionary journey there had been thousands of Christians and churches there and when she went there on a missionary journey she asked someone locally what happened all the Christians that were here where have they gone and you know apparently the person told them well they were all here they were all serving the Lord and on fire but when the Communists came in and took over and persecuted everybody they all back slid and went back to their idols and communism time you noticed Haiti Christianity and and what had happened was he said to her that all these Christians from evangelical Christians from England and in America we're teaching them that they would surely be delivered from any evil from any bad thing the rapture that's the big thing with the rapture it's going to deliver you from all your problems you know or I'm not going to see any bad things and they take that one scripture that says you know that we were not made for Wrath and they try to say that that you know we should not have to endure persecution tribulation or any bad thing you know and and funny that this comes from Americans and English people who have armies behind them protecting us you know it's it's the armies people with the big guns here that are being protected that go around teaching doctrines that you know that you don't have to go through all these things well were yeah we wouldn't say that if we were living in China and just because it says we were not made for Wrath it means God's wrath just like the children of Goshen were were protected from the plagues of Pharaoh they were not made for God's wrath but you know they still were persecuted and Jesus died all twelve disciples died thousands of Christians and since then maybe millions and even today have died and and no rapture has saved them that's a careless doctrine over a one scripture that's very very general Jesus actually also taught in this world you shall have tribulation you shall be persecuted if they hated me they will hate you and and and those are the things that Jesus actually did specifically teach and those are not general and and so you know that's an important reason in the end times Satan is going to use things like the pre-tribulation rapture if it does not happen to deceive many people and and just put their false hope in something that God may not be using to deliver them and you know there's I'll show you scriptural evidence in the up a video that you will see there's this viewer really does make sense and you'll see what the future does hold for us from the coming of the Lord but you know Corrie ten Boom was a was a very big eye-opener for me and like I said the average Christian will not see preterism unless it's sort of pointed out a few things because we spent so much time reading over all these scriptures and until you kind of study till you understand the Old Testament you know you and you get all the scripture out on the table then and you have to give it a chance you know I like I was fighting preterism literally and I had to play devil's advocate I had to say what if some what they're saying is right let's at least study it enough to understand it and I realized I was really misunderstanding what they were saying and and it really blew me away because what you wind up with is a lot of the things that we're looking forward to all these dark times in the tribulation period and become much of it becomes metaphor that happened to the Jews if you read Josephus who was a Jewish scholar and read his book called war of the Jews in 70 AD it's like reading the newspaper with the Book of Revelations when you see the things that happen it lines up perfectly with much of what revelations taught was going to happen to the Jews and that's who God was angry with he was not angry with the whole world he was not destroying the whole world at that time and and so that's that's a different event the destruction of Jerusalem was a different event than the end of the world when the elements meant melt with a fervent Heat and so you start to realize that much of the Book of Revelations has a lot of metaphor in it it's an apocalyptic style book which was common to the Jews back in their day these were the Hellenistic Greek Jews who taught books like that there were Jews that understood apocalyptic language and that's what revelations was written in written to the four churches and to these Jews that understood that type of book and there's all this evidence that started piling up Josephus and just the fact that that much of the modern dispensational views are only a hundred and fifty years old you don't find them in books past 150 years John Nelson Darby was a priest who became a Plymouth Brethren and started the view of modern dispensational eschatology end times and you don't find it you find in the early church preterism you find historicism views and you find a couple others but there were not solid Church views these were just happened to be certain scholars teaching this off and on and and trying to figure out what they believed themselves it wasn't set in stone by any means and one other thing you'll you'll see much of the millennium as well was just appearing in Revelations only the mark of the beast all these things that only appear in Revelations and nowhere else in Scripture the the Millennium itself being a thousand years if you look at the Millennium everywhere else in scripture is everlasting and it's a contradiction so the thousand year period you start to see also was a was not lining up with with scriptural evidence pointing to the fact that revelations is metaphor then you see the fact that the millennium is quoted by the disciples as fulfilled in Christ when he does miracles he said thus fulfilled Christ by doing this that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb that beat their swords into plowshares and they start quoting by His stripes they were healed all these millennial scriptures that are supposed to be for our future fulfilled in Christ when he was alive on this earth and all these things start to piece together and I'm gonna have to show you in another video there's just too much and you need to see it in more detail but I guarantee that if you sit with me this may sound crazy to you it did to me and that's why I'm doing this video and putting myself out there because it sounded so crazy that it amazed me I thought these guys were crazy and blasphemous or just off their rockers but once you get a taste of it at least go another video or two and get an idea of the actual scripture used for this and it's in plain English third grade English than anybody can understand it's obviously about the end times and it obviously makes a lot of sense you know things like like Christ said to the disciples talking about his coming in 70 AD which is a different coming to the end of the world he said you shall not go to speaking to the disciples you shall not go through all the tribes of Israel before the Son of Man comes in his glory and scholars you know I used to read that off and on and go what about this you know and scholars spent all this time trying to explain that as something else making up any shadow of evidence that they could you know grasping at straws to to explain that and he was clearly with much much scriptural evidence talking about 70-80 coming in judgment not coming back permanently but coming in judgment and and if you if you look at Daniel 9 it's there if you look at the destruction of Babylon all the same languages there he's just repeating himself in in the same text and and so when you start seeing all these things it makes complete sense but there's those scriptures like that that we've passed by and we don't realize they are there there's tons of them I almost will get a little shaken up I did it's it's normal especially if they like me and I did dispensationalism my whole life until I saw this and and I was so humbled because I felt stupid that I that I passed up all this scripture that was right in front of my face until someone showed me until I read Hanks book and a few other people's this is a lot so I'm going to show you a lot of Miss Scripture I'm going to show you how metaphor is one big thing that we're missing in the New Testament things like the millennial scriptures that were fulfilled in Christ spiritually not literally that the disciples quote things like John the Baptist you know that most people know John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah but was not the Elijah he was not Elijah but Christ said if you can accept this you know this is he was Elijah and so there's a lot of metaphor and spiritualizing going on in the New Testament and this was the part of the reason that Jews rejected Christ because of he did not come and literally destroy the enemies but he came and destroyed the power of the enemy and a lot of metaphor and things that the disciples directly quote in plain English it's all evidence I'm going to show you this I'm going to show you why revelations cannot all be taken literally and and why end up compared to the Old Testament prophets why revelations has is mostly literal I'm sorry mostly not literal and and and it has a lot of metaphor and you can't just go through and pick well this sounds literal this done without understanding what type of book it is and the evidence there and the timeline in Revelations that's completely hard to understand so I'll show you this millennial evidence and really explaining scripturally what happened in 70 70 AD and why the Old Testament is full full full full of Scripture that explains all of this what God was doing what he said it's going to make complete sense and it's going to be in plain English and just stick around for this next video god bless you
Channel: Greg Vasquez
Views: 17,865
Rating: 4.6538463 out of 5
Keywords: End Times, rapture, millenium, 666, mark of the beast, John N Darby, Hank Hannegraaf, late great planet earth, dispensationalism, hal lindsey, armageddon, judgement day, post trib, mid trib, pre trib, pan trib, preterism, partial preterism, 70 ad, Gary DeMar (Person), left behind, revelations, prophecy, signs of the times
Id: JtC7eVxuGec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 11 2014
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