Pretenders | Eminence in Shadow Ep 6 Reaction

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shadow last episode Sid blew up the whole town just a flex on this dude um I don't understand the semantics behind that we're not gonna get into that okay you just bro I'm still upset about that if you could you just wouldn't do it if because I mean no what is anybody gonna do what am I gonna say to you no he means the semantics behind like you didn't know but he actually just actually made a good point if I could you sing like I don't understand why he had to blow up the whole time when he didn't do that he did it because he could or unless he just thought that the underground little covering was going to work on the uh no no no no he did it because he could yeah he did it but I I do like that you asked me if I had the ability to do that when I was like what are you gonna say to you I mean yeah evacuated maybe but the city was evacuated yeah but there's always like those one or two floors now the show told us it was all gone so we have to go over what the shows on this we also have um a fake Shadow Garden running around and uh Shadow Garden yeah and Alexia's sister is putting together a new investigation team because their sort of structure was actually working for the cult of Diablos and they think that the Knights of the Round might have something to do with it or you know it might be involved so let's see what we got going on we're gonna go ahead and jump right into episode six [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] what was that oh fake Shadow Garden yep okay so why was you telling him who you are and then killed is that what you were about to say I was gonna say like how suspicious is it it's literally all you say but my thing is like because you're trying to spread the message by yeah he is being puppeteered it seems like but like they're trying to frame Shadow Garden but while they're trying to frame Shadow Garden the only thing that they're using is this pedal guarded I'm Shadow guarded yeah man I heard this man say he was Shadow guard and he just was shopping people up the worst case scenario you just can't decipher it and they gotta find somebody else nope all right [Applause] that's half the time at the park I literally yep by the time we done with the ride it's gonna be lunch time you are pathetic the two of you damn we don't need you anyways Dilbert's yeah dilberts that's actually accurate interesting nah I'm good oh [ __ ] is this Bed Bath and Beyond the Beyonce [Laughter] a city outside is that a house that's a house on top of a department store what the hell is happening oh his women Shadow Garden wow hiloki owns the store didn't know and that makes sense because he's like I've never seen any other stuff in this world yeah [Music] oh Jesus how else is she supposed to fall not like come sit on these yeah I'm actually slip like that [ __ ] up the whole moment [Music] his homie's like damn fireworks the light of my love it's more power is that is that what that is damn that's how you was looking oh abandoned and Caked Up oh [ __ ] Mario coin we have one million Zenni yeah and you literally been doing nothing I wouldn't even want that I'm like baby you made all that that's just give me a little bit you don't gotta give me all that the [ __ ] yeah I'll take some of the rest is yours yeah okay that's her money okay that's her that's her money foreign [Music] [Music] she's like okay I'll be taking five of these coins leave I'll catch um something's going on [Music] what the hell is this bro this is [Music] one of them he heard the swords clashing that's why he's stuck yeah you know that's not really a disguise oh that's actually all it takes this would be the perfect time for Sid to help damn ow did she even kill him she just punched him oh that was like it hurt she's like I [ __ ] up my sword hand finally oh there he is yeah Mega Man music [Music] you're stupid they got the [ __ ] out of there wow they got really far really fast so cool oh we got away oh [ __ ] bro Don't Be Afraid nah oh [Music] oh he's like okay do you think new get cut no I caught oh bro wait she had time to get dressed and everything remember it's just the group yeah I know I'm just being ridiculous they got that almost Bayonetta [Music] I think it's the item that they were they're trying to study cookies [Music] just said I didn't hear you sorry I watched too much anime I know that anybody with red hair is a problem well her sister is a problem that's what I'm saying oh [ __ ] wow are you like sitting there trying to talk some gas stones come here let's have a little chat [Music] and he's gonna get his eyes I will not make the same mistakes potato that's his name his name is potato oh [ __ ] yeah oh no yeah yeah she just blows yeah what oh [ __ ] that was her yeah [Music] the cough of the trail [ __ ] no he's he was coughing when he walked to the door what's wrong with him yeah I'm saying she's coughing because of the trail if he's one of them I'm gonna be upset he's actually the [ __ ] into armor we've located the item [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I think sure might be right that shut up I don't know about you but I'm a little thirsty the cough of betrayal and the fact that she's adopted I don't think that that bodes well either it's kind of weird you're not my daughter and because the dude the dude in the armor was saying we've located the object in question so it has to be somebody in like in that little mix that's leaking info or maybe that could be the case he leaked the info to them that's possible I don't know I don't trust him the only person is myself also this listen this kid's literally creating the world like it's literally feeling all because everything's happening as chocolate just essentially came into existence oh wow and he said oh when he was like back then the knowledge that I gave her she used it to create this and he's like and then it flashed back to when he told her about chocolate he's like oh yeah you make some beans and then they Harden or some [ __ ] and then now like that's what the the adopted father was like oh yeah it's a confection that's popular these days but because it's like new it's like it's just coming about yeah because of him interesting because he's dead he's [ __ ] dead that's why no he's not a coma streaming all this [ __ ] up right the only thing that hasn't come true was he thought that Alexia was the killer yeah but other than that everything has been pretty spot on with it so and I'm also mad that his friend's name is po Tato like yeah that's ridiculous so potato the stalker and I just stall for rookie today oh my God I'm not gonna make the same mistakes he did all right well let's see how this investigation goes okay that's gonna be if episode six and on to the next door is like subscribe following all social today bro she's gonna fix my Twitter anyway check out the mercury in today's down below but that's all we got for you guys today hope you have a great day and we will catch you guys [Music] thank you
Channel: YaBoyRoshi
Views: 128,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaboyroshi, the eminence in shadow, eminence in shadow reaction, the eminence in shadow reaction, eminence in shadow episode 6 reaction, eminence in shadow ep 6 reaction, the eminence in shadow episode 6 reaction, kage no jitsuryokusha ni naritakute, eminence in shadow 6 reaction
Id: 1dbCLTg5EiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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