Preston will NEVER play Minecraft with me again...

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so you guys my first time on the SMP server was a little Rufe I may have died one or two or three or four I don't honestly remember how many times I died but I think it's time that I make a food dress and lookie here I actually have already started one and it's actually looking pretty amazing I might as well just like hang out in here for a little no first of all I built this in two seconds so I could give you your diamonds it is time for us to build you an actual house I was reading the comments in your last video and you need help girlfriend I'm serious this is pretty you're not just a noob you're a noob autonomous oh that's kind of fun I know demons have to be okay are you gonna I'm going to try to teach you the best I can so why don't we go ahead and start with the basics Bri before we can build your house we're gonna have to gather some resources so why don't you go and follow me the one thing is do you have any food Briana because I do have some lots of Malone's which I could share where do them watermelons even come from Preston I've only seen like one Apple once when I do so goodness gracious okay can you eat a cactus cannot eat a cactus but they are let me try it's just gone I tried in it didn't happen it's gonna be night time this is the spookiest time around hold on your man's no I don't have a sword three two three we're both super underprepared follow me we need to go up to the top for a second because what we're gonna want to grab is we're gonna need to get some wood do you have any extra wood on you perhaps I may have a fence okay so I do have a fence all the prepare you know let's just keep following me be very careful Bri I don't know if you're seeing this there's a lot of monsters I don't want to look around down here there's up here okay okay right now I gotta get into one Brit I gotta make a weapon this is bad this is bad what about sticks just a sick guy get a crafting bench first before I can use this okay hold on did I have a still axe but bring us don't do it [Music] I'm trying to help you once oh my goodness gracious we have spiders for days oh so many monsters up here Bri oh you lend me to the voices not even just relax okay I'll have all these monsters gone and just a couple of seconds hold on I'm about to die and I just started putting a break come back to me silly goofball here we go oh there's a phantom Bri watch out that's a phantom alright those guys down here soon okay Oh watch out he's coming for you again oh my god oh no I brought us here so we could kill the pigs we need to eat survival of the fit type pod top brick preston can you please stop planning I have been looking for you this whole time I just found something amazing I'm not even kidding do you see don't care thank you really you're gonna want to come here follow me okay you killer knew this right here in the distance this is a sand or desert temple which sometimes gonna have diamonds in it they're so rare I paint doors where am I going the same simple this is actually amazing I'm not even kidding oh is that the figure Bree it's a tipple a number three lion it's oh my gosh I think this is a ravine this is some really good story to show you don't present put down your crafting things I shall bow down my crafting bench Preston Preston please give me three I have a wooden pink okay so you owe me to teach you how to make an iron one you need two sticks three iron ingots I have cobblestone I have pink okay so you owe me to teach you how to make an iron one you need two sticks three iron ingots no iron ingles Oh Preston and then can you make can you make two of them let's go tater tots can you make one for yourself did it I did it I'm ready to go explore the thingy Bree follow me now here's the thing the desert temple is very dangerous so look the reason is okay look at oh my gosh all our diamonds [Music] no Brie all of your stuff is gone I'm not even kidding we lost all the diamonds and everything oh so we just lost the ten diamonds everything you own it has been blown up by the deity where was the tears of the desert temples you have to go down really slow because otherwise it explodes there's tea and tea at the bottom I was trying to show you pretending you just cuts good doodles Bree it's okay all right it's okay I'm not crying you're crying don't worry it's about to be it's about to be sundown Bree so come here come here come here we have to be really really fast so you probably really haven't done a lot of mining here can I give you some items to hold real quick for me Bree can you hold some of this stuff real fast thank you yeah there you go and then we're I'm why would I want sugar change you do really good I'll show you a lot of stuff that you can do it later on so breathe okay I'm trying to think about what I can do real fast oh here's half of my watermelons there go watermelon slices thank you now be careful because if you fall more than four blocks in Minecraft you do take fall damage but we got to go we got to do Brees we gotta go okay so we're gonna go down here this is what's called this is a ravine that would be faulty plumbing in the water you won't take any damage just come on come on down just catch the waterfall all the way down right soon how do I fall just hydrolyze the job out I'm robbery I'm we gotta we gotta get you back up to speed it's gonna take a little bit but it don't worry it's gone that was very scary so breathe our big objective right now is we need to find you after you get that cold we really gotta find some iron cuz you need iron gear you might have no actually don't even think you would have survived all that TNT even if you had ing R unless you had the enchant called blast protection which actually been really good to have right there come here I just heard a scary noise I'm hearing scary lady at the bat all the monsters are coming out like the irons right here we're desired Oh so can i my new at this dynamite and pickaxe you can mine it with a stone at the lowest oh I picked it up here I'll give this back to you careful about mining too far down is that all of it there's more breathers born I'm trapped get all of it baby wait there's light you back up here if you want to jump on up Bri or you found a lot of iron so that is called a vein of iron because there's more than one so follow me over here well hey I'm over here Bri good luck I'm going to have you craft your first furnace have you ever made one before I think I have actually in my first I suggest to see if I can uh you know refresh your memory I think I remember how I think I remember well do you wanna give you a head are you gonna try it let's see let's see if I can is it cobblestone cobblestone baby eight cobblestone this circle and then you leave it and then it's like this trinket hey you made it bream I think down yes okay now breathe fill it up with coal good call on the bottom and then put your iron in the top Hall on the bottom just one you can put as many in there doesn't matter okay and then put iron on the top you're gonna need oh it's getting ugly put more coal in there cuz you're gonna run your coal only burns for so long it's a bet I got nitrous and what's of all smell breathe while there's melting here I'm gonna have one in there too we need to find more iron okay it's heating that resident me and I walk away well I'm still wearin totally walk away we just gotta find more ironed escape oh I found a skeleton in the cave hole I'm gonna kill him real quick he's spooky oh my gosh where is he he's gonna eat your skeleton so breathe let me know if you see any iron if you see it on the walls I see coal who I do see iron breathe okay have you ever built up to mind you want sand okay let me show you how to do this cuz this is actually kind of important for you to learn how to do this in Minecraft so do you see the iron I'm looking at oh my gosh did the bad you see that Sona dag you don't worry labrie do you see this all right here we'll get oh right here look come here place this dirt down on the ground right below you jump place jump place and hold shift while you're doing me Leafs don't play someplace - yeah good job reader - like they'll keep doing that one video and then - I like it you might want to go up one or two more oh I need to go higher Preston what if I don't - I do I breathe [Music] now mine up your iron your iron down here by the way is done smelting present one is floating and I can't get you if you don't place a block beneath you so you can land on the ledge oh wait I think wait digit ships reap you don't ship you're going jump ball and you're gonna take a high damage I also dropped right now I know [Music] very stressful I did I got I got tunes it oh my gosh okay place of its out of there that was a lot of work for not alive all right let me know when you've got your iron so what I'm gonna do in the means I have 70 went to look for us semester spot should I should I make a helmet I would save your iron for now why don't you try to make a sword breathe try to keep my wife protected so I have built us a little bit of a hut Bri you we're in an outhouse to the point what you needed like literally we might need this be built out of bedrock keep you alive president let's please let's place a torch down ah but it's too hot where you're not made of lava like me it could burn ooh I was born ready we're actually so low we toss up right here here you see this hole right here where I am blow you free blue either the hole I was in to come chop down hold on Preston I'm over 100 not police on my god there you go so you fill up water so you don't take it one and a half heart okay how do I get money Larry found redstone uh okay so you asked how you get more hearts green you have to eat food what is your hunger gajak oh well I I'm only missing one yeah that you are missing any baloney your hearts will not regenerate so you have to make sure you're at full hunger I have full baloney brief this is perfect you have your iron pickaxe then you can mine the redstone now redstone redstone makes fun things right but I am NOT going to go with redstone we won't need to use it for a little bit so let's not worry about that so pretty what I want you to do is I want you to mine in a different direction as I am I can't hold a torch yeah you got out for the city my words pretty hold a torch so open up your door you put it in the shield yeah we like like and it'll place it down Aubry if you hear lava be careful but it usually means you're about to find something really good Oh do you want to see what it looks like I found lava debris but what if I'm on design brand you oh you've had iron oh yeah I just found a vein of iron oh wow I put coal in the furnace for you to place your iron inside of here thanks Santa Claus Santa hey whoa whoa whoa don't throw your big bags pretty what if that was lava down below so breathe come over here and control she has a different hot key than I do but watch this I'm gonna swim in oh it turns it all into obsidian then you can come down here no gold in a tribe I know that's what I'm sitting in here take the water but don't place it in the lava just place it on the obsidian place it on these all right quick switch to your bucket right click on the obsidian yeah look yeah be careful the okay scoop it back up scoop the water back up right click the water source you know just a slow slow very slow slow once once clicking no right quick it was right the liquor store sweetie you got it wrong right here this is the water source say you place down look up I got looking it right here you see the one I'm right in front of you see this leg cute there you go ok then right click again where the torch is we need it we need to keep turning this sir obsidian because it's too dangerous to walk okay there you go now pick it back up now keep doing that oh yeah there you go I'd do it again because we found a cave system I'm actually gonna pick up some of this Queen this is so cool gold baby dude I feel like my feet should be very hot Oh careful Bri I do here Skelly beans though oh we found something incredibly scary no minecraft is beautiful but scary at the same time so Bri do you see this mossy cobblestone over here next to me actually the lava source also here a lot of gas but yeah I know why this is such a cool find because this means that there's a zombie spot there's a spotter on the other side of it it's not why there's so many scariness look and there's loot inside of it but this aam be spawned herb reads a zombie spawner Oh what do a one by a whole look look like mine one block mind this block right here in front of me just one of them jump up no no no no jump up jump up right here mind the block right in front of you you can spy on them see they can eat you you get it you can hit them there that's so so Bri here's the cool thing to see those chests in there that's got a loot for us oh yeah die zombies that plant site so breed another trick to ever you find one of these if you light it up with torches don't stop spawning for a little bit so come loot the chest breathe see what's inside of them a lot of as you said does that be greedy reasons are really cool we can make a farm out of those okay okay other than that it's just a lot of rotten flesh which I don't know doing some okay stuff so I'm not okay stuff that's what about this there's tons of wood really briea there's probably gonna be a good chunk of mobs but we should probably start trying to resurface here good chunka chunka says hello man in a burrito run to your sword out lb fighter with what i don't know the sort you made everybody we got to make ourselves some shields come here I have been a fool to not make shields I'm just used to the og minecraft where there's no shoots oh [Applause] [Music] alright you know I honestly think I've had enough I'm aiming a breakin also I have some strange like leather pants in my inventory that I don't remember a guy I want me to lay my zombie that died but okay Bri and the next episode of here we will need to make you cows I've also noticed you had a farm had a breed animals there's so many other things in my breath I must teach you but we're now I guess we would everybody [Music]
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 129,700
Rating: 4.8172588 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids
Id: 6GHvxmZprN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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