Pressure Canning Beef Stroganoff | Easy One Jar Meals

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well hello friends and welcome back to my channel I'm Renee and it is yet another video of simple one jar meals we are gonna can beef stroganoff today this is wonderful easy to put together and it is just it's beautiful and jar not to mention it's delicious and it's so nice to be able to have these on your Pantry Shelf so you can take one off heat it up thicken it up and serve it over rice noodles or biscuits however you choose perfect for a busy weeknight anyway this recipe here happens to be beef stroganoff and it comes out of the all-new fall Blue Book of candy our ball book of candy excuse me and it's got a whole section in here on simple one jar meals and that's where our beef stroganoff is coming from so that you all know it is a tested recipe it's not just something that somebody threw together willy-nilly okay so first off these call for about a pound of roast per jar now you can also do these in pints it has the recipe for pints as well but I am doing quartz because of my family now everything is cleaned my jars are cleaned and sanitized my hands are clean everything is clean so I'm gonna go at it with my hands and we're gonna just kind of eyeball this and get again I hate that agent one pound of meat in each jar okay so eyeball this will just divvy this up between all these seven jars I absolutely love these one jar meals I love stocking my pantry with them they're easy to put together the longest part of this is processing it so we will get all this meat in these jars we got a lot to put in these jars I want to make sure they're as even as I can get them otherwise you can get on a scale now yes I got a scale and I just don't want to mess with it but you could if you want to be real technical about this you can weigh each jar to make sure you get the right amount of meat in each one but eyeballing it and you can get it pretty close if not pretty much right on and we gotta put a little bit more in that with some on that one we're gonna hit this one that one and I believe we got it okay let me wash my hands all right so we're gonna also do mushrooms now we're gonna put about a half cup in each jar and we're going to be generous with them you can pack this down don't be afraid to it tells you to pack it rather tightly in your jars foreign sure we'll have a little bit left over and I'll just divvy those up between the jars and those of you who are new to pressure canning kudos to you beautiful for pressure canning don't never be afraid to pressure can as long as you do everything the way you're supposed to you're going to be just fine don't do any of the shortcuts some people may tell you to take don't do shortcuts in Canning do it by the book and you'll always be fine I got just a couple more here I put these in each one of these I love mushrooms my husband won't eat any of this but my daughter and I will make some for her as well all right so we got that one now I'm gonna put um I still got more to put in here and my spices but I always put bay leaves don't be afraid to put a beautiful bay leaf in your jars it enhances the flavor of everything in there they're wonderful to can with they are perfectly safe to can with and when you're canning tested recipes they give you the option of mixing up your your uh spices you can change and arrange your spices the way you want to well I always use a bay leaf especially in not so much my vegetables but in my um one meal jars absolutely love them I do do I do use base or um bay leaves in my some of my pickles jars you know pickles and pickled beets now I'm also going to put a clove of garlic in each one of these jars and I like to do that before I add the rest of everything oh look at that oh we'll just stick two of them in one yes I like to put the bay leaf in the garlic before everything else goes in now we're going to do a half a cup of onions a generous half cup of onions these are wonderful okay and I don't want a big mess and all over my board and if you push it all down nice and tight you'll have lots of room for your spices and your tomato sauce a tomato paste that needs to go in here as well and some of these one jar meals they have so much going in here at once that you usually you only have room for maybe a couple tablespoons of broth if you're lucky so we got a few onions left we're gonna divvy them around it'll be wonderful okay we got that all righty then so that's the solids that's going to go in your jar beautiful now we're gonna do and you know what I want to add salt to this but I want my canning and pickling salt not my eye that I saw it doesn't work well with iodized salt try not to use table salt in your candy you use the canning and pickling salt because that's you know that's what it was designed for we're gonna put and I keep mine in a big old coffee can we're gonna put one teaspoon in each jar okay and you don't have to use salt if you don't want to you really don't have to use any of the seasons and Seasonings if you don't want to if you like your Bland it's your choice we're going to do a half a teaspoon pepper and I'm going to use a generous half teaspoon because we love pepper okay and we're also going to use a half a teaspoon of thyme no a teaspoon of time excuse me excuse me I just use a Scamp teaspoon thyme is very pungent but it is delicious and it gives such a wonderful flavor and all this combination of these spices just make it divine okay all right we've got all our thyme in there foreign we are going to put our parsley in there I'm going to do a nice heavy teaspoon of parsley in each one this just accents the food in the jars beautifully this is parsley and I grew in my garden the thyme as well I grew the time in my garden as well okay now it calls for two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce we'll get it right I guess worse I guess that's where you're staying depends on where you're standing I'm from Michigan so I have that beautiful Mush Mouth accent our Inland accent and we always say things differently but I call it Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce whichever whatever I only put one in there you need to put two in each one I got all tangled up in what I was saying two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce in each jar we could have a whole discussion on that work didn't we okay this gives it just a beautiful flavor beautiful beautiful flavor all right so after that the last thing we're going to add to this is about three to four tablespoons of tomato paste or you can use tomato sauce your choice I just don't happen to be using the tomato paste that I got with my free coupons remember all that tomato paste I bought this stuff is beautiful too by the way and I'm going to put four in each one foreign this and we'll be right back okay friends we've got that done and now all we have left to do is ADD our broth to our jars I'm going to use the little cutting board here let me give this another next real quick beautiful and I'm going to show you I make my broth I get this from my Amish store it's Walnut Creek I'm sure a lot of you know are familiar with this brand makes the most wonderful broth so I usually get that that's what I use for my beef broth okay so now we're gonna fill these up and you only want about an inch head space in there and the Tomato product that will that will mix in when you probably the bubble it I'll mix some in there but you only want this one inch headspace I think that's just a hair more to put in there okay that feels beautiful already okay this goes pretty fast there we go we got that but yes I also like this broth because if you run out it's easy to make more looks like we're going to have just enough yeah I think I got I literally have just enough I'm trying that perfect I did two quarts of broth I did two quarts of broth and look at that not a drop left perfect so if I have to add more I'll just add a little hot water and I got some water in my Kettle over here but that's good that was perfect all right now don't ever ever skip this step we're going to mix this down in there a tomato I don't want that sticking above but don't ever skip this step of de-bubbling and I'll give you another little tidbit of information I told you about your jars possibly your Lids buckling that it could be because your jars are just too tight it doesn't allow for the Steam and gases to escape well if for some reason you do forget to Bubble your jar and you find you've got little air bubbles in your food yes they can Harbor bacteria can I say not always will but can it's a possibility but as long as those bubbles don't multiply and they're not fizzy in your jar on the inside doesn't get frothy you're fine don't don't not eat it don't throw it away you'll be fine but if it gets fizzy and frothy and those bubbles start to multiply it could indicate that that jar of food is either fermenting or contaminated and you don't want to take the chance that and it's too late then you need to toss it for safety reasons only all right doesn't look like I'm gonna have to add any um broth or water back to this it's looking good [Applause] okay that one might need just a little bit of water okay I got just a couple of them that are going to need a little bit of water okay so we're going to add a little bit to this one here and this one I think maybe this one is just okay all the rest look fairly good now we're gonna take foreign a paper towel I'm going to dip in a little bit of vinegar I'm going to wipe down these rims you know you don't want anything on your rims because it will hinder your seal you don't want to go through all this work for your journey to seal so just give them a wipe down especially because I didn't use a uh I got stuff on my rims because I didn't use that um fun take the rest of your vinegar throw it in your can fix your jars from clouding up and it launches a beautiful oh they just Sparkle and if you forget I've done that many times I'm sure we all have if you forget to put a little dot of vinegar in your Tanner and your jars come out a little cloudy don't fret just when you wash them mix a little vinegar in there and it'll clean it right off all right put your Lids on or your rings on finger tight don't crank them down okay well maybe I can get that on there okay these are beautiful and in the canner they're gonna go turn my canner up my canner's warm probably as warm as these jars are because of my brush okay I'll put it in here those are beautiful just wait till you see those we would have done okay put the lid on now we're gonna have to let this vent steel Steam for about 10 minutes once it gets a goodies a good steady stream 10 minutes that'll expel all the air from your Tanner which will ensure that the inside of this canner reaches 240 degrees and the inside of your jar as well as the inside of your food so once that vents I'm going to put the um Jiggler on when the Jiggler starts to jiggle that's when I will time this for 90 minutes because it is quartz if you're doing pints it's 75. so when this is done I'll bring you back and show you just how beautiful these turn out okay friends we're back in our beef stroganoff is done always lift this away from me look at the steam come out all of these turned out gorgeous but we are going to have to let that set for about five minutes so when that's ready I'll bring you back okay friends these are ready to come oh it was a beautiful just take a look at that let me bring you in here a little closer these are going to be a gorgeous addition to the pantry this my whole house smells wonderful from this and it was so easy to put together they're beautiful in the jars the bay leaf will give them added flavor and enhance everything in there they're just gorgeous all right friends well there they are well there you have it friends that is how easy it is to put together beef stroganoff in a jar now when you take this off your Pantry Shelf you can thicken it at that point in time with either flour or a little cornstarch slurry or you can even open up a can of cream of mushroom soup and thicken it with that it's delicious any way you do it you can serve it over rice noodles potatoes all that biscuits it's beautiful so there you have it friends I hope you give this recipe a try it will be a wonderful addition to your pantry I'll see you in the next video and thanks for watching
Channel: Little Village Homestead
Views: 65,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef stroganoff, canning beef stroganoff, canning, pressure canning, beef stroganoff recipe, how to make beef stroganoff, stroganoff, beef, pressure canning beef stroganoff, canning beef strogonoff, rebel canning beef stroganoff meal in a jar, home canning, can beef stroganoff, opening home canned beef stroganoff, pressure canning meat, instant pot beef stroganoff, beef stroganoff instant pot, stroganoff from home canning, beef stroganoff pressure canned
Id: RhpWAA1riEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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