President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents' Dinner!
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Channel: SuchIsLifeVideos
Views: 20,825,388
Rating: 4.7570047 out of 5
Keywords: President, Obama, Donald, Trump, Birth, Certificate, Michele, Bachmann, Mitt, Romney, Health, Care
Id: k8TwRmX6zs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2011
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A room full of respected people, led by the President of the United States, openly busting a gut laughing at Trump, while his squishy face becomes more and more red, and he rocks back and forth, probably sitting on his tiny hands to keep himself from reaching for his phone to start sending juvenile tweets.
God damn, dude, this is like, borderline porn for me. Fucking hilarious watching him get completely humiliated after spending years trying to convince Americans that Obama is some sort of secret Muslim insurgent sent to destroy us from within.
Trump got cucked. Look at him sheepishly grinning and nodding his head.
But it cut out the best part where Obama shows clips from the Lion King.
I remember watching this live in 2011. I'll never forget the look on Trump's face listening to Obama joke about him. Desperately trying to act like everything's cool while he's barely containing his rage.
This is hilarious, Trump got rekt and didn't look too pleased about it. I love how Obama is like "All kidding aside, here let me drive the knife in a little deeper"
Best part is that it didn't change a thing for Trump. Still questioning if Obama is a secret muslim and rejoices in/plans terrorist attacks. Still questioning if he's 'American' enough to be president.
I wish I could upvote this more than once.
Obama's entrance was great too. Also at the beginning of your video.
That was brutal, good lord.
Ever had a dream where you go to school but forget to put on your pants? And then you realize that you're sitting in class with no pants on? That's how Donald felt at that moment.