President Biden Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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[Music] distinguished guests the president of the United States [Applause] [Music] please have a [Music] seat I think I told my buddy John Cary for the first two years every time I heard Hal the chief I turn to look around where the hell is he anyways great to see you all and on behalf of Jill comml and Doug thank you all for being here in one of our favorite events at the White House 61 years ago President Kennedy established the presidential medal of freedom to recognize quote any person who has made an especially meritorious contribution to the security of national and National interest of the United States or world peace cultural or other significant Public priv public or private Endeavors you know in the first class of of Medal recipients was a great great American writer eie white years after receiving the medal he received a letter from someone who was losing faith in humanity and EB white replied and I quote Relentless relentlessness curiosity inventiveness and genuity have led to deep trouble we can only hope that these same traits will enable us to claw our way out hang on to your hat hang on to your hope wind the clock and tomorrow is another day today we have another extraordinary honor to bestow on the nation's highest civilian honors of 19 incredible people whose relentlessness curiosity and venness Ingenuity and hope have kept faith in a better tomorrow you know we see that faith in Father Greg Bole who has changed count L lives and pastor of a disadvantaged Catholic parish in Los Angeles father you through your pioneering gang intervention programs you know uh I was kid I I went to I was taught by the norber teens in public school well you know they always were worried we were going to go to Jesuit colleges because they said you guys are too liberal thank God for the jebbies thank God how my staff hates me doing ad living your service as judg of priest over four decades reminds us of the power of redemption Rehabilitation and Our obligation to those who have been condemned or counted out thank you Father grave for your Amazing Grace thank you for some of you today I know personal experience that you wish you'd never had to be an event like this one without a piece of your soul having been gone Judy Shephard spent 25 years Judy S we last spoke of your beloved Matthew your husband Dennis is here today as well the brutal murder of your son galvanized the movement and into a law in his name to protect LBT lb lgbtq Americans your Relentless advocacy is a reminder that we must give hate no Safe Harbor and that we can turn into purpose and that pain you fall into significant purpose you've done just that thank you and today we honor megar Evers and his family's pain and purpose an army veteran who worked tirelessly to end segregation of Mississippi to deliver the promise of America to all Americans a patriot was gunned down by the poison of white supremacy but his Spirit endures joining us is medgar's daughter Reena who's just was a eight years old when she walked out and saw daddy in the driveway was taken from her four days before Father's Day she's here on behalf of the family and her mother excuse me her mother merlee who is unable to attend to travel today I want to thank merlee for her work to seek Justice for Medgar and and for forging her her own civil rights Legacy not just bedar their own civil rights Legacy in 2021 In This Very Room I signed one of the most important laws my presidency making juneth the First new federal holiday since Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day the first person I handed to pandu was Miss Opel Lee a grandmother of the movement that helped make it possible juneth is a day of profound profound weight and power to remember the original sin of slavery and the extraordinary capacity to merge the most painful moments with a better vision of ourselves Miss op made it her Mission To Make History not erase it we're at a better Nation because you thank you born in Philadelphia the Cradle of our democracy Dr Clarence spe Jones wielded a pen as a sword and gave words to the movement the generated and freedom for millions of people a speech writer for and lawyer for Dr King helped Define the enduring ideas included in the dream that will be ever for engraved in the ethos of America letting Freedom Ring Dr Clarence B Jones thank you Dr Jones and before social media and clickbait news Phil Don you broadcast the power of personal stories and living rooms all across America helped change hearts and Minds through honest and open dialogue over the course of a defining career in television through thousands of daily conversations Phil Don who steered the nation's discourse and spoke to our better angels I wish you were still speaking there pal it made a big difference from Finance to Media to philanthropy Michael Bloomberg has revolutionized our economy he's transformed how we consume information he's changed us he's challenged us as well to solve the toughest challenges from gun violence to climate change and as mayor he rebuilt the city of New York after 911 channeling our spirit of resilience as a nation and a beacon to the world Michael thank you Mr Mayor thank you for his I first met Katie Lei in 2012 I thought my God what an athlete she won her first Olympic goal at age 15 and though through hard work and humility she's won 10 Olympic medals 10 21 world championship titles became the greatest female swier of all time she continues to compete this summer the par par Olympics at age 27 which some say is old for swimming I've seen 27 don't don't let age get in your way I mean you know what I mean Katie age is just a number kid and I and I can't wait to welcome you back to the White House with more R medals from Team USA I really me it the finest woman swim in American history Jim Thor a one-of the kind Champion I grew up in scran Pennsylvania hearing from my grandpa his name was Ambrose finegan and you know he uh he was an All-American at Santa Clara playing football back in 1905 and I grew up always hearing about Jim Thorp I'm serious as the greatest a not just the greatest ball player the greatest athlete of all time he talked about him all the time time in 1912 he became the first Native American athlete to win an Olympic gold medal he set world records of the catalon was a professional football player professional baseball player professional basketball player Jim Thorp showcased unparallel unparallel athleticism and he transend R transcended racial barriers and the power of perseverance sheer will and determination thank you Lynn who is Jim's oldest living grandchild for accepting this medal on his behalf he after hear my grandpa I used to go to sleep in Scranton thinking God I wish I could meet him incredible anyway I'm going to get carried away here for most of the American dream to be successful in whatever Endeavor you choose here on Earth for Dr Ellen Ooa this is a a Dream from the heavens her dream from the heavens granddaughter of Mexican immigrants Ellen is the first Hispanic woman to go to space ushering a whole new age of space exploration and and proving what it means for every generation to dream to reach for the stars and to get there and I tell you what you're getting there kid thank you so much thank you Dr Jane Rigby a daughter of my home state of Delaware I my ADD she's not only she's not only the only person receiving this medal she's a uh she is a uh you know uh it's not the reason she's getting it it's because she from Delaware although I keep looking at she's a groundbreaking astrophysicist in charge of the most powerful telescope ever launched into space did you ever see some of the images they're breathtaking light years Millions late years away she's also a longtime advocate of inclusivity and the Sciences by piecing by piercing together and everything that she's done and by making sure that the grand story of the universe and locking the secrets of the galaxies Dr Rigby Sparks a sense of wonder deep in our souls you ought to see some of the photograph I mean some of those telescopes it's it's mindboggling to me for embodying the American dream and helping Americans reach theirs also I want to honor a very good friend of mine who's not here today Frank alberg an army veteran from New Jersey the longest serving Senator who I serve with Frank is remembered as a tireless advoc for consumers public health and safety Bonnie thank you for being here to accept the medal on Frank's behalf gra Romano embodied the essential truth about America We're a nation of immigrants where everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect the first Latino to become president of the national Union in the a national Union in the United States she made a life better for thousands of Farm Workers who put food on our tables all of them and protecting them from extreme heat securing overtime pay she shows us what it means to be a champion for dignity to work and when I told you when I ran the first time in 1972 the United States Senate he was organizing Farm Workers in the state of Delaware and uh Nixon won my state by 6 % of the vote but I was down and Champion just learning from him and uh guess what I won anyway but anyway thank you very much for all your over four decades and on and off the screen Michael Yo Michelle yo excuse me has shattered stereotypes and glass ceilings to enrich enhance americ amican culture her roles transend gender cultures and land and languages martial from martial arts to romantic comedies to science fiction to show us what we have all have in common as the first Asian actor to win an Oscar as best actress she Bridges cultures not only to entertain but also Inspire and Open Hearts and that's what she keeps doing congratulations another inspiration not just to me but to Bob Dole God love him was Elizabeth Dole you're a Trailblazer Elizabeth the first woman in nearly every Public Service Vision you held over four decades you serve I serve with her in the United States Senate and uh she's a fierce advocate for military and families and their caregivers she's a true partner who and our beloved Bob was a dear friend who I missed dearly he was a friend as you know I loved him thank thank you Elizabeth country owes you a Deb of gratitude a significant dead of gratitude throughout a defining career public service this guy Al gor demonstrated love a country and showed the world how to lead I worked with Al when he was a Senator and when he was vice president after winning the popular vote he accepted the outcome of disputed presidential election for the sake of unity and Trust in our institutions that to me was amazing what you did Al I won't go into that but and Al continued to serve by Leading a global movement to fight climate crisis earning him the Nobel Prize in 2007 Al hist history is going to remember you for many many reasons among them will be your honesty your integrity and the legacy of your service thank you Al you're first R I've served and work closely as Senator and as vice president and then as president with this guy John Cary John Cary I was vice I was vice president he was Secretary of State and in my Administration he led our efforts to Across The Globe the first special presidential Envoy for climate throughout six decades throughout six Decades of service of the nation John as a soldier a senator a Statesman John KY was the patriot of the highest order I can personally attest that my dear friend has as much moral courage in his pursuit of American politics as he did physical courage that earned him a silver star in Vietnam you're the real deal John you are the the real deal pal I have enormous admiration in my view excuse the point of personal privilege the last two guys I mentioned both should have stand here at this Podium a beloved daughter of a congressman and the mayor of Baltimore as my dad was born in Baltimore say Balmer Nancy Pelosi grew up knowing the power and purpose of politics historic f as the first woman speaker the house representative she used her superpowers to pass some of the most significant laws in our nation's history on January 6 Nancy stood in the breach and defended democracy with her husband Paul they stood up to extremism and absolute with absolute courage physical courage Nancy is a brilliant practical principal and determined leader her accomplishments are overwhelming and I predict and I've said this to her for a while history will remember you Nancy as the greatest Speaker of the House represent I we got some great speakers Nancy but I love you kid I really do love you you're the best you're the best the toille said if America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great that's one of Jim kurn's favorite quotes always grounded in faith family and service Jim has guided South Carolina and our country with a steady hand and an honest heart for over the last half century and I can say this without fear of contradiction I would not be standing here as president making these awards were it not for Jim I mean that sincerely and neither of us would be standing here without Emily kurn a woman of enormous character who we all miss we're a great nation Jim because we have good people like Jim and Emily kber and our honores today all of them my fellow Americans Jim is the best thank you Jim what I had to keep doing when I was writing these introductions is make them shorter and shorter and shorter there so much the more to say about each one of them but we'd be here for 12 hours but you all know how incredible they are an incredible group of people and so ladies and gentlemen my fellow Americans I congratulate the presidential freedom of Medal recipients and now and their families for their relentlessness and curiosity and now I'm going to make sure we provide those medal and put them around your neck so thank you very [Applause] much Michael R Bloomberg [Applause] from the son of a bookkeeper and secretary to a Visionary business leader and public servant Michael Bloomberg epitomizes American industry and Innovation he revolutionized the financial information industry with the Bloomberg terminal and Bloomberg News modernized the way information is reported and received by the public as a three-term mayor of New York City he transformed Schools transportation public health and more as a philanthropist his contributions on everything from gun safety to climate change remind us of our responsibility to our communities our country and the world [Applause] [Applause] Gregory J Bole inspired by his Jesuit teachers father Greg Bole has dedicated his life to healing and hope as a young priest assigned to one of Los Angeles's most underserved parishes he founded Homeboy Industries now the largest gang Rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world it has helped thousands of angelinos turn their lives around connecting them to jobs counseling and a warm-hearted community where all are welcome and cherished answering Jesus's call to serve the least of these father Greg is a testament to the power of God's healing love and America's enduring Grace [Applause] [Applause] James E kurn [Applause] the son of a South Carolina preacher Jim kurn is a beacon of moral Clarity a graduate of South Carolina State University this student of History became a teacher and movement leader for a fairer and Freer America his dignity and decency are surpassed only by the love shared with his dear Emily who marched with him and often ahead of him from classrooms to Congress through three decades in the House of Representatives he has transformed the lives of millions of Americans by passing groundbreaking laws for all our families Jim kurn is touched by the Divine and his March brings us closer to a more perfect union [Applause] [Applause] Elizabeth Dole [Applause] a singular Trailblazer Elizabeth Dole was the first woman to hold nearly every position she had over the course of four decades in public service she served as the Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Labor president of the American Red Cross and senator from North Carolina she established a preeminent Foundation dedicated to supporting America's military caregivers known for breaking barriers and Building Bridges Elizabeth Dole has paved a path for generations of Americans to serve with honor and dignity [Applause] Phil Donahue [Applause] from Irish Catholic roots in Cleveland Phil donah Hugh Rose to transform television and reshape the national conversation over 29 years nearly 7,000 episodes and 20 emys he pioneered the live daytime talk show holding a miror up to America he interviewed everyone from our greatest stars to our forgotten neighbors uniting us around the toughest issues of our time insatiably curious and accepting he saw every guest as worthy of interest and work to build understanding bringing us to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans [Applause] w [Applause] Reena Evers accepting on behalf of Medgar Wy [Applause] Evers Medgar Evers was willing to face death to to give America New Life an Army soldier he fought for freedom abroad during World War II at the height of the Civil Rights Movement he was a crusading lawyer fighting for equality at home investigating lynchings organizing voter drives and dismantling School segregation the life he chose to live and the risks he took to do right are reminder of the history he made and our charge to keep in a life cut too short Medgar ever's Legacy casts a ray of light on our quest to redeem the soul of our a [Applause] Al Gore over a lifetime of service Al Gore has been an army serviceman Senator vice president Presidential nominee and a Visionary climate Statesman in a historic act of selfness selflessness and love for Country he accepted the outcome of a disputed election for the sake of our unity and the strength of our democracy through his Noble Peace Prize winning leadership he inspires Millions to confront the existential threat of climate change he is a model of American resilience proof that what matters most is the courage to take on a cause bigger than ourselves [Applause] Clarence B Jones [Applause] the Philadelphia son of domestic workers and a former foster child Clarence Jones became the word Smith for a movement a doer of the word he was an Army soldier on the front lines in the battlefield and a civil rights lawyer on the front lines in the courtroom wise and unflinching Clarence Jones's lyrical pros and prophetic life shows us all the enduring power of the idea of America an adviser and speech writer to Dr Martin Luther King Jr he helped write a new American Declaration to ensure we hold these truths to be self-evident is for ever linked with I have a dream [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] John Forbes kry wo John K's Public Service spans seven decades and seven continents he demonstrated courage fighting in a war and equal courage fighting against it a decorated naval officer who volunteered for combat he made peace with the country for which he' fought on the battlefield elected five times to the Senate by the people of Massachusetts he was the Democrat party's Presidential nominee and came within one state of Victory the son of a foreign officer diplomacy the son of a foreign officer diplomacy is in his DNA as Secretary of State he worked for peace negotiated arms control and forged the historic Paris agreement on climate change he built on that work as the first ever special presidential Envoy for climate his bold and Relentless Public Service reflects his enduring belief in America where our best days are still to come [Applause] [Applause] Bonnie lenberg accepting on behalf of Frank R lenberg [Applause] Frank lenberg was a patriot of the greatest Generation born in a family of Jewish immigrants he enlisted in the Army at 18 and served in Europe during World War II after graduating college on the GI Bill he built and ran one of the world's most successful software companies he later became New Jersey's longest serving Senator as a strong advocate for Consumer Protection the environment and Safe Transportation he took on the danger of secondhand smoke and fought for health care for people living with HIV AIDS when history called Frank lenberg answered [Applause] opal [Applause] Lee two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freedom for enslaving Americans was finally enforced in galvaston Texas marking the nation's 1st juneth in that same town opal Lee was born six decades later growing up in a home that was burned down by a racist mob she understood that history must never be erased a teacher and Advocate she helped lead a movement with the national juneth observers Foundation more than 150 years after that day in galvaston Texas she stood next to another American president who followed her lead and made juneth a Federal holiday the nation thanks opal Lee the grandmother of juneth [Applause] Kathleen Genevie [Applause] Lei a humble leader Olympian and champion of UN parallel determination Katie Lei is the most decorated female swimmer in history with 10 with 10 Olympic medals and Counting an athletic Prodigy from a swimming family she captured the world's admiration with her punishing strokes and unmatched stamina pushing through and setting the highest standards for some of the toughest races ever known powered by faith family and teamwork Katie Lei is a symbol of perseverance and strength with a heart of gold that shines for the nation and for the world [Applause] [Applause] Ellen Ooa [Applause] a granddaughter of Mexican immigrants Ellen Ooa lived up to their dreams that anything is possible in America the first in her family to go to college she became a groundbreaking aeronautical engineer inventor and astronaut on her way to becoming the first Hispanic woman to travel to space in addition to nearly a thousand hours in orbit she is the second woman to serve as director of NASA's renowned Johnson Space Center a beloved Trail laser and Mentor Dr Ooa continues to inspire people around the world to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams [Applause] [Applause] Nancy de alesandro Pelosi after raising five children with her beloved husband Paul and leading the California Democratic party Nancy Pelosi became San Francisco's tireless champion in Congress as the first woman speaker of the house she has shephered some of our nation's most consequential laws by keeping coalitions together and standing with and up to presidents of both parties her resolve on January 6th 2021 helped guide America through one of our darkest days for her efforts to protect freedom and democracy Nancy Pelosi will be known forever as the greatest Speaker of the House in American history [Applause] Jane Rigby a daughter of the great state of Delaware Jane R's passion for astronomy began is a child peering at the stars through a small telescope in a soybean field following her Instinct and Imagination she has become a pioneering astrophysicist now managing the James web Space Telescope the most powerful telescope ever launched into space a brilliant and prolific author Dr rig is an inspiration and tireless Champion for the lgbtqi plus community in both her professional and personal life Dr Rigby reminds us to never lose our sense of one Wonder hope and spirit of Adventure As Americans [Applause] [Applause] Teresa Romero a trailblazing labor leader Teresa Romero is a champion for Farm Workers across the fields Orchards and Vineyards of America who Feed and Fuel our nation born in Mexico she has built an American Life in service to others standing up for one of our most vulnerable yet essential groups of workers and giving them the voice hope and inspiration to push for change with Grace Under Fire her fight for safe working conditions Fair pay and a path to citizenship is bringing us closer to realizing the full promise of America as a nation of immigrants [Applause] [Applause] Judy Shephard Judy Shephard took a mother's most profound pain and turned her son's memory into a movement Matthew Shepard's brutal death 25 years ago shocked the conscience of our nation and galvanized millions of Americans to stand against anti-lgbtq Qi plus hate together with her husband Dennis their courageous advocacy has since driven tremendous progress in our laws and culture giving young people and their families strength and hope for the future the shepherd family's compassion reflects the best of America where everyone is equally deserving of dignity and respect Gail ly Hannon accepting on behalf of James Francis Thorp Jim Thorp was the country's original multisport athlete and one of the greatest stars in American history a member of the sack and Fox Nation he embodied his given name bright path and became the first Native American to win an Olympic gold medal he broke the world record in the decathlon and captured the Public's awe as a a professional football baseball and basketball player he demonstrated moral courage time and time again as he overcame shameful bigotry Jim thorp's story reminds us of enduring contributions of tribal history to American history and the ongoing work of Healing The Souls of our Nations Michelle [Applause] yo Michelle yo is one of of the most acclaimed actresses of our time for four decades she has faced and shattered stigma and stereotypes to form a groundbreaking career as one of the most versatile performers in the world becoming the first Asian to win the Academy Award for best actress her efforts to advance gender equality conservation issues and Global Health have been felt around the world equal parts performer and Pioneer Michelle yo continues to enrich American culture and inspires us to believe in possibilities on the big screen and Beyond [Applause] [Applause] I tell you what makes you proud of being an American doesn't [Applause] it let's give one more round of applause for this year's presidential freedom and w
Channel: The White House
Views: 32,646
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Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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