President Biden arrives in Arizona

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Well, turning now to some breaking news. President Joe Biden is just a moment away from touching down n Arizona as he begins his four day Southwest trip team jobs. Bram Resnick is on the ground live from the Grand Canyon National Park Airport. And Bram, what's the significane of the president's trip? Specifically, why is he coming ? Well, I do want to warn you, Ma, we see Air Force One on approach to Grand Canyon Airport should let be landing within minutes. So we'll cut away to that. I think you can see a shot of Air Force One right now. President's coming to the to designate a National Monument monument of about 1,000,000 acres on the North and South side Grand Canyon National Park. Uranium mining will be banned in that area. That has been a long sought goal of tribes here in the area. I spoke to 1 tribal leader a few minutes ago. She told me she never thought this day would come. Uranium has a legacy of poisoning tribal members, poisoning the environment goingk to the Cold War era when uranium mining was done on the Navajo Nation. So this National Monument on the North and South sides of the Canyon is expected. We're expecting the president to announce this tomorrow. Hasn't been formally announced, but that will ban future uranium mining. There's a couple mines in the bat within the boundaries. They are not doing any work. They are not producing any or so it's it's a huge day for the tribes , something our members of Congres have worked out for several yea. And right now Air Force One is t to touch down at Grand Canyon Airport. This runway is as long as the ry at Andrews, a Joint Andrews Bas, Air Force One's home, and Air Force One is touchdown. President Biden has landed at Grand Canyon Airport and in a big cloud of dust. They certainly must. They must have had some spectacular views on the approa. Looks like they came in from the north. It would have gone right over, right over the Canyon. Quite a . The last president who flew Air Force One here was President Barack Obama back in 2009. He did it like the tourist. Still he brought the family on r Force One to visit the Grand Ca. They had a great time. Everybody made a great fuss ove. Now Joe Biden coming again for n announcement, for an announcement tomorrow. We expect him to announce the designation of a National Monument near the Grand Canyon. There is opposition to it. I should note uranium miners are opposed. They say it's not necessary. They say uranium mining is safer today than it was 20304050 years ago. Some ranchers are opposed. They're concerned about grazing rights and things like that. The National Monument would not get in the way of grazing right, we are told. Mark Bram, how much of this do you think with an election year coming up is for optics versus an importat reason to actually come to Ariz? It's clear to me there's a lot of substance to this. This isn't just some issue that he's decided to take care of. This is something that's been an issue for quite a while. President Biden, sorry, President Obama back in 2012 imposed a moratorium on uranium mining in this area for 20 year. President Donald Trump back in 8 tried to overturn that and fail. President Biden decided to maket permanent by designating this monument. At the same time, we have to note Kamala Harris ws here just a month ago speaking o a tribal nation close to Phoeni. Connecting with those voters. Tomorrow, President Biden will speak to a large group of tribal members who are voters too. In a close election. Those votes count. I would, I have to say though, I can't recall a White House getting this close to tribes and tribal issues in a long, long time. And it is that brand because thy feel that the the tribal members are an untapped voting bloc that they need to try to get within e tent with another election proby against Donald Trump coming up. Well, ask any candidate, statewide candidate, They know they're a voting bloc, particularly the Navajo. They c. There's a voting block they might be able to grow. You know, when they say doing good by doing good, it's certainly enough a politicl opportunity as well as a policy opportunity. I do want to add that Congressmn Raul Grijalva of Tucson is here. He is one of the cosponsors of legislation to create the monum. Monument. Congressman Ruben Gallego of Phoenix also here, both Democrats. Tomorrow, we do expect to see Senator Kirsten Sinema up there with President Biden, or at least in the crowd she he. She sponsored legislation in the Senate along with Senator Mark Kelly. So there's a large group of Arizona members of Congress whot behind this cinema and Grijalva, the two most prominent ones. Mark Graham, I wanted to ask you about the lay of the land there. You're at the Red Butte Airport. A lot of Arizonans probably havt even ever heard of that airport. Well, I I need to correct you t. We're actually at the Grand Canyon airport right now. Red Butte is an older, older airport that's a a little bit of ways from here. You wouldn't see the Grand Canyn airport from the road and and yu can't even see the Canyon from . It's just a airport that gets a lot of use by the airplanes that fly people over the rim, helicopters or fly them over the rim. I should add, Marine One is her, so they're ready to fly the president somewhere close, I would presume to the event tomorrow, on Tuesday. That hasn't formally been announced yet. So we're still waiting on that. Yeah. And this is part of a, it's part of a much larger trip, right, Brand. He still has stops in New Mexico and Utah as well. Good point. It's a big Southwest swing. He'll be going to New Mexico on Wednesday and then Utah on Thur. I believe a big Southwestern Western swing. Utah's an interesting state. It's pretty red and you have to wonder what the president sees there. Nevertheless, it's on his list. They think there's some opportunities it appears. I had to point out that Air Fore One is now taxiing slowly towar. It is ultimately going to come to a halt right in front of our camera position. I would say it's at least a about 100 yards away and closing fast as it gets ready to taxi to the end of this flight from from suburban Maryland. Yeah, Bram and Biden should be pretty well rested. I've been seeing photos of him vacationing at the beach here recently. Over the past week or so. He was at one of his favorite s, the the Delaware beaches. On a personal note, that was one of my wife's favore spots when they were kids living in the Washington DC are here. It's a great, it's a great beach community th. He celebrated the Houston Astros World Series victory at the White House earlier today before heading out here to Ariz. It'll be just a short swing we expect. And there you saw Air Force One going by it's going to make a U-turn and then we should shortly see the Presit of the United States descending from Air Force One to get his Arizona trip underway. Bram President Biden won Arizona last time in a a very much contested and as you know discussed controversial election, at least in his mind an election that he thinks he won. I'm sorr. President Trump thinks that he . I'm wondering how important this visit is and is this the first of man, do you think, by the Biden team as they try to make sure that ty have Arizona in the next electi? I would expect more visits. I was told to expect more visit. We had again Kamala Harris here last month, Joe Biden here this month. This is the August recess for Congress. So members of Congress are coming out here to join to join the presid. We we are on the map. That's clear. And Republican minds, they don't think they need to wn Arizona in order to take the See but Joe Biden definitely needs to win Arizona in order to take the White House. I and I should say Republicans , don't think they, they Republicans need Arizona to win the White House as well. But they're just kind of hard to see what kind of push they're going to make here. It's hard to see, especially depending on who the Senate candidate is. Yep, I I checked the approval ratings today for Biden right now. Right now they're like the approval ratings for Biden. Biden are at about 46% approval, 52% disapproval. How big of an impact for voters do you think these visits make? Do they make a difference at al? That's a good question. It's it's hard to know who gets exposed to them who knows about them ins busy busy media world we live in where you're bombarded with mess and video by the by the second. I think in this case what the White House is doing is, is is pursuing a very specific p with a lot of common interests and I think it's safe to say that would have a big impact. I remember when Bernie, Bernie Sanders and a Democratic Senate candidate for president 6 made a visit to the Navajo Nati. That was the first visit ever ba presidential candidate to the Navajo Nation. That made an impact. That was a big deal. That was national news. This monument may only matter to folks here in the Wes, Maybe a parochial issue in that, and it certainly does matter to a lot of Arizonans, certainly not just tribal membe. But if you wanted look at a specific block of voters, it's clear to me it matters a lot to tribal members not to trivialize this visit and the importance, importance of the issue brand. t is Do you think that part of the president's motivation for making this trips to contrast with what's going on in Washington right now with wih former President Trump battling his third indictment and possiby later this week getting a fourth indictment from the state of Georgia? Well, I yes and no. I think those poll numbers you pointed out a minute ago get a get a the problem. The economy is doing very well.d President Biden is pointing to several pieces of legislation passed ons watch that he says are helping helping make that happen. And that's one of the things he wants to point out on this trip, the impact of its investments in clean energy and infrastructure and really the fe of the country. And he does have several pieces of legislation you can point to. The question is, is that going to move the needle on his approval rating and move the needle with voters? And I have to say it's getting a little loud now. Air Force One is about 50 yards away from us. I'm going to have to take a little break. What a sight. No matter where you stand politically, seeing that beautiful plane with the United States of America written on the side, it is stil, even after seeing it countless times, a magnificent sight. Yeah, I've seen it before at Sky Harbor. I've gone there specifically just to see it. You have to see it in person to really understand, like, the full scale of how ginormoust plane is and just how impressive it is. And if you're just tuning in, President Biden on the ground in Arizona tonight at the Grand Ca, he's expected to create a new National Monument on more than 1,000,000 acres of land adjacent to the Grand Canyon National Pa. Right? Trying to preserve those areas from being high Mark and Cree bacon. Can I point something out? Can I point something out to you? We're accustomed to seeing the big stair steps. We're accustomed to seeing the big stair steps being wheeled up to Air Force One and the President making his exit from the front door just below the the cockpit. Joe Biden uses the back door right behind that engine there, the engine closest to us, and he'll be emerging, we believe from the back door. There is no large stair being moved to the front door. That's been his habit lately, I suppose. A concession to age. Can't blame him. It's a long walk down those sta. We expect him eventually to emerge from the back, the back staircase. I see no movement by this by the larger stairs to the to the front door. Or maybe is he Garrett? I'm going to say photographer. Is he coming out the front staircase here? Perhaps the front staircase staircase than the upper one. OK what do you. So Piers, he's coming out the forward staircase. I thinks So what appears he's coming out the forward one. Yeah. The internal staircase within Air Force One as a the short, the shorter one. Yeah. As opposed to what you were talking about, Graham, which is the the scene we normally see with the g set of stairs being rolled up te front door of Air Force One, ri? Just momentarily as you our live coverage here on 12 News, we should see the president coming out. Graham, what do you know about the schedule? I mean, he's landing this eveni. So what is he doing for the rest of the evening and what's he doing tomorrow? Don't know. They have not officially released the schedule. We know he's going to make a big announcement, the big announcement of the mont that's expected to happen tomor. A lot of tribal members are in n for that and we now it's just in town for that and we'll just have tot to get our formal advisory on w, where and when that's going to . And you're seeing the beast pulp to the front steps of Air Force. Kind of a country beast and SUV, Not the Cadillac, the big bolt up Cadillac we're used to seein. And the large convoy of vans behind as well. I count by vans, looks like a military vehicle behind. There's usually an ambulance as well. I don't see that. And we expect the president to emerge at any moment to the right of that SUV. If you can see it is Ruben Gall, Congressman Ruben Gallego in the dark suit, Congressman Raul Grijalva in the lighter suit. They are waiting to greet the president on the tarmac, Congressman Gallego staff told me earlier He will be asking the president to give the give FEMA a nudge about declaring heat emergencies when the heat gets too extreme. That's his little message to the president. We had to point out that even our local politicians have to take a selfie of the moment. Did you see them a moment ago, Congressman Guy? They took a selfie together in both of them, obviously. Let's do, let's see what happens once. Yes, I was going to say in bothe two of them have all go ahead. y have also been really pushing this monument as well. Yes, they have. They are among the group of Arizona senators and members of Congress who've been pushing this monument. You can say the lead has been taken by rule. Grijalva, he's been pushing for this for at least eight years from his Tucson district. He's had a high profile royal re on the environment committee. Oh, I'm going to stop. And there's the President of the United States descending the staircase, shaking hands with Congressman Rule Grijalva and a hug for Rule Grijalva, longtime congressman. Another hug for Ruben Gallego. It's like a warm exchange of views of their discussion. Grah. It is 9 should add on the East Coast. So getting a little bit late for the president. Does he have anything official, to your knowledge, on his agenda for tonight? Nothing we know nothing about. There's nothing on his official schedule that we're aware of. I haven't seen anything. It's possible I I may have missed it, but I have not seen anything about his. What's happening tonight? I asked Congressman Guy. Hey, go about it. He said he didn't know, so we'll have to leave it at that for now. Graham, you have covered so man, I should point out. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I did want to point t Governor Katie Hobbs isn't here, but she will be at the event tomorrow where we expect the monument, the National Monument, to be announced. Graham, I was going to say you'e covered so many presidential vi. Does this ever get old to see this site? No. Never. Never. It's it's something. And just watching, watching the approach of Air Force One. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, I don't know, a relatively new American, still gives me chills. It gives me chills. I it's it's a powerful symbol of this nation. We need more and even more powerful symbols right now. But it's now. It's a big hunk, big hunk of metal. But I think it's a powerful sym. There's that big suburban president now inside Secret Service, waiting outside. And in just a few moments, the Beast, as they call it, will be on the road. And we have some special guests standing by to give us some context on this visit. But we wanted to bring you this live coverage of Air Force One arriving in Arizona, the president's second trip here since he became president. The first was back in December of 2022 when he was here to visit the construction site of the TSMC microchip plant in Phoenix. And now here he is back to talk about dedicating million acres f land adjacent to the Grand Cany. And the purpose of this monumens to preserve some sensitive area. In addition to permanently withdrawing some of those areas from uranium mining, they're also trying to protect some underground aquifers and se drinking water to be protected e for some of the local communiti. So it covers a pretty big area, about 1.1 million acres surroung the Grand Canyon. And of course, this is just one stop of a biggr trip that Biden has planned. He'll be making visits in New Mexico. He'll be going on to Utah as we. He'll be talking about climate change, clean energy and also some vetes benefits during his trip out to the West. And the president is on the move. Bram, any last thoughts? It's going to be an exciting election year, I'll tell you that. And this is the is not the last you've seen of Joe Biden in Arizona? No, I I would, I would tell yout the administration needs it to t carry Arizona and he will be bak here before it's all said and d. Graham, thanks. All right. We are now joined in studio. We have two special guests withs to discuss President Biden's vi. We have Aaron Lieberman, a former Democratic candidate for Arizona governor, and Christine Jones is a former Republican candidate for govern. Both of you, thanks so much for joining us here in the studio ad for waiting along with us for te president to arrive for quite a while. What do you guys make of this t? We'll start with you, Christine. Well, I think you guys made the point earlier that no matter how many times you see Air Force One lan, and I think Aaron and I both hae been there in person as as have, it's a really special site. And regardless of whether you support the president or not, it is the president of the Unitd States and he is here to visit us and that's really special. I I do agree with Bram on in one sense that we will see a lot of Joe Biden in the coming months because Arizona is a swing stat. And whether you're a Trump suppr or a Biden supporter and whether you think he wanted or not, he does need Arizona to be the deciding factor in, in another victory. So I think we'll see a lot of h. I do want to talk about the monument, but. And I don't want to monopolize . No, no, look, I I think Arizona is very narrowly divided. Joe Biden barely won. That's just the reality of it. And every single vote is going to make a difference. You know, when this trip was originally announced last week, what I heard it was going to be about was in part the inflation Reduction Act, the whole clean green energy ef. They're now focusing a lot on the monument, and that's awesome. It's really important to the tr. But I think there's a huge story that Arizona has been a massive beneficiary of, which is that kind of clean energy jobs package. And I think that's meant a lot to anybody who's, you know, withstood all the heat we've had in Arizona this summer. I I have to ask you both a ques. How can a president come to Aria and not visit the border when is such an important issue for thoe of us who live here, especiallyr people who live near the border? We know that immigration is a he topic for the upcoming election. If you're here in Arizona, is it a mistake not to visit the border? Well, I think I certainly visited the border when I was writing state. I know Aaron did. It is a very different experience to go there in person and actually see human beings walking across the line on a map. Obviously they're they're trying to do it to gain a better life, but it is something that's impot and personal to the people of Arizona. I think both Harris and Biden he made a mistake not going there. But also, Mark, why not come to Phoenix? Why not go to the fifth largesty in the country if you're going e in the state and you're making s broad sweeping trip to the Southwest? It is a little bit of bit of a backhand to the voters in Phoenix that he absolutely needs to be successf. I mean, we all understand that n 2023 and upcoming, 24 optics are huge. And to your point, you know, mae this wasn't a swing and a miss. Aaron, look, I love the Grand Canyon. I think it's a great place to gn the summer. And there's millions of Americans who do that too. I I don't think it's ever crazy for a president to come visit the Grand Canyon. I think it's awesome to have him here. I suspect, like you guys are talking about, we'll see a future return trips and they'll kind of check all of those additional boxes that they need to right n. But I, you know, I'm a big fan of the Grand Cany. The Grand Canyon in the summer. That's a pretty apple pie. All America setting for me. And I thought if the plane lookd great touching down up there. Yeah. So Speaking of the Grand Canyon, what do you think the significance really is of this new National Monument there? Well, it's hard to think of this as not being political. And the timing is a little bit suspect, right? We've had other presidenn the past that have looked at this and instead of designating a monume, have maybe put in some environmental restrictions. But let's focus on what's actually being done here. We're talking about designating 1.1 million acres, Okay, that is larger than the state of Rhode Island, approaching the size of the president's home state of Delaw. More than 50% of Arizona will now be under federal control. And that is a big deal, particularly for people who are in the clean energy space. And I think Mr. Lieberman probably can talk about that a little bit. But we're talking about designating a massive piece of property around the Grand Canyo, which will be limited basicallyr time and all eternity against any kind of mining or drilling or development. And that's a that's potentially a problem for Arizona. How about you, Aaron? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say if you ask the average Amern average Arizona and should we be drilling for uranium in the Grand Canyon, they're going to say no. I mean we want to preserve the Grand Canyon. It's literally a a wonder of the world. I think to Christine's point frm the political dimension there's clearly an element all of our tribes, not just the tribes, not just the habit suit by all of the tribes feel very a deep connection to the Grand Canyon and will be touched by this. Again these elections come downo its little tiny slivers of of of voters and if you can get more of the tribal voters to turn out becaue you came here and made this monument, that could quite literally be te difference in getting President Biden reelected. I I I agree with what Bram said. There's actually a lot of substance to this. There's a lot of substance. I'm, I'm working on the clean energy world right now. There's a lot of substance to what they've done with that inflation reduction act. There's 13,000 new jobs in Arizona just because of it. I saw our congressman Stan put out something today, 6000 in the East Valley alone. These are things that actually matter to Arizonans in terms of getting our environment under control ad trying to start battling some of this incredible heat that we've. I think seeing the president shw up and be here here in the state is is always a good thing. How crucial do you think the tribal voting bloc is and can you convert those by going up there? I think it's very critical and e had some politicians in Arizona who are more successful at this than ot. Obviously, former Senator McCain was very close with the Native American communities. It's very critical, I think to Aaron's point, in a very narrow case when you literally need a few thousand extra voteso appeal to those people and gettg any community of of an interest group out to vote is critically impor. And this might be the thing that that pushes people over the edge to y he is really taking this seriou. Let's band together. Let's get tribal voters to the polls. And this could really, actually help. I I think honestly, especially for Democrats, you can really make a compelling case at the Navajo reservation. Elected Governor Hobbs was a key constituency and getting her ovr in that very narrow margin proby really helped Biden get there. Just just do the math. I think there's 300 Navajo livig on the reservation right now. Those elections are complicated. You got to go with somewhere to vote for their your tribal elections and somewhere else to vote for the federal elections. If you get thousands of more pee to kind of take that additional walk, I can absolutely be a game chan. Yeah. OK. So last question for you guys before we head out. Do you think Biden can win Arizona again in 2024? What? Can we just point out that it's ridiculous that we're going to have another Biden Trump electi? But putting putting that aside, I think it's anybody's game. The Republicans are serious about taking Arizona back, and the state chairman now is much less about election conspiracy theories and much more about winning elections. So I think it's down to the wire here and I think Arizona decides the presidential race. I I think that last part is definitely true. And I think Biden can beat Trum. I mean, the reality is it's really clear. We could have the, the state chairman say whatever he wants. The guy at the top of the ticke, all he wants to talk about is the election four years ago. We have a president in the White House is actually trying to move forward and do things to move te state in the country forward. Arizona's close, but if you have an extreme candidate like Donald Trump and a guy who's just trying to get things done like President Bide, that's the type of Democrat that can win in Arizona. He's done it once and I think he'll do it again. Aaron Lieberman, Christine Jone, thank you both you, you really helped give us some context about the importance ofs visit and what lies ahead in 20. We certainly appreciate it.
Channel: 12 News
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Keywords: [ politics, arizona, local ], news, president joe biden, joe biden, phoenix news, arizona news, grand canyon, doug ducey, president biden, joe biden arizona, grand canyon national monument, 12news, 12 news kpnx, kpnx, arizona 12 nbc, 12 nbc, nbc 12, nbc 12 news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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