Prepping for beginners - top 10 guide

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after a major disaster whether natural or man-made taking care of yourself and your family will be of utmost importance if you were to wake up in the morning and the electricity wasn't on and no water was running out the faucets would you know what to do this video is supported by energy energy produces the Kodiaks solar generator which i've reviewed on this channel before it's a lightweight device that packs a large punch that can power critical devices like the refrigerator of phones and other important electrical devices if the grid goes down check out the link in the description section below to learn more and use coupon code city prepping for 20% off your purchase at the energy tech comm website when starting to get serious about prepping or just emergency preparedness in general it can be a bit overwhelming not knowing where to start the goal of this video is a serve as a starting point you can build on I won't overwhelm you with the advanced elements and goals most people that call themselves Preppers achieve over years of prepping but rather in this video I'll lay down the immediate short-term goals for those just starting out if during the video you have any feedback or questions please post those in the comments section below as I always learn a lot from the community and always love to provide feedback and support for those with questions let me start off by saying that FEMA recommends a three day supply of emergency items at a minimum I'd recommend a two week minimum supply as the first milestone I recently spoke to people in Florida that were impacted by hurricane Michael in two weeks worth of supplies was a bare minimum some recommended the items I lay on this video won't break the bein and will put you ahead of probably 95 percent of people around you so let's run through the top 10 items you'll need to put you in a good position should there be an emergency I'll put these items in order of priority F anytime you want to pick up any of these items I discuss in the video I'll put links in the description section below where you can purchase these items if you'd like to support the channel I'll also provide links to each of these points for more in-depth videos covering each of these 10 points so let's jump in number one is water storage the general rule of thumb is one gallon of water per person per day if you're just starting out you can pick up the 1 gallon water containers at the store and store these in your pantry or closets you might want to consider moving up to a portable five gallon water storage container which can be stored and rotated in your home again the goal is one gallon per person per day so for a family of four you would want to have four times fourteen or 56 gallons of water which is going to cover you for two weeks if space permits you definitely want to add a lot more for other things you'll need like washing your hands or for cooking but this number should serve as a bare minimum starting point the ability to purify water is just as critical having the ability to boil your water purify and filtered is critical in a water supply has been compromised dysentery cholera and other human infectious diseases are rampant after the water infrastructure is impacted by a disaster at a bare minimum having a small water filter like I saw your mini water filter would be an excellent and affordable option to have on hand these are rated to filter up to 100,000 gallons of water bleach can also be used to help purify your water destroy harmful pathogens that could lead to illness or death number two is food without going into a deep discussion about nutrition we want to make sure that we have a solid balance of the three primary macros carbs fats and proteins so with the goal of building up a 2-week food supply here's an easy list to start with and by the way I borrow these from another youtuber the dynamic prepper and I think it's a solid list to start with of course you can change these items to food you would normally eat but it's a good list nonetheless 20 pounds of rice 20 pounds of beans 20 cans of fruit 20 cans of vegetables 20 cans of meat 2 containers of peanut butter 2 large containers obtain 2 bags of flour one bag of sugar one bag of salt 1 pound of oats and one gallon of olive oil of course the question will come up how will we cook all of this food we'll discuss this a little more in point number 5 by the way if you prefer not to have items that require a lot of cooking there are some quick and easy options such as canned food dehydrated food freeze-dried food and MREs point number three is first aid we're so used to being able to pick up the phone and call 911 11 C but now you have to think about what you would do if emergency services were not available in your one thing I learned after taking a cert training course through my local fire department after a major disaster the public services like fire police and medical services will be primarily focused on areas where the most will be impacted and they will not have the ability to come to your home to address your particular problems as such it will be critical you have your own medical gear on hand now I'm not just talking about band-aids but rather more advanced gear that can help treat trauma like a tourniquet don't stabilize you until you can find professional help when I started out and getting my medical kit together I started with the medical kits you can buy online since then I've added more advanced medical kits like the ones carried by first responders while it does represent a considerable amount of money that you would need a spin it will be money well spent if you have to use it to keep you and your family alive in addition to the kids you should also consider getting the material that can help educate and provide basic first-aid information like the survival medicine handbook point number four it is sanitation in the immediate aftermath of a disaster diseases can spread quickly and simple cuts can turn deadly of sanitation is compromised basic things you should have stored are soap hand sanitizer toilet paper and makeshift toilet I bring up a toilet because the sewage system especially in an urban environment can easily go down when pumps stop working what will you do with your excrement and urine number five is the ability to cook earlier and point number two I mentioned we discuss how to cook the items you have store having a means to cook if the power or gas lines go down will be critical the first thing you'll need is a stove there are a variety of stoves on the market and while I won't go into each type in very detail these are great to have on hand a Coleman grill rocket stove these are super efficient and can burn a variety of biomass which are often plentiful after a disaster solo stove again these are a very efficient type of stove that can burn small debris propane barbeque grill most people have these in their backyard but this would be the last on my list due to their inefficiency in the issue of OPSEC which I'll discuss in a moment regarding fuel I keep two primary types of fuel on hand propane you can store this for long periods of time and propane tanks without it going bad in the second I keep is wood I keep a small wood right behind my house which I add to whenever I'm clearing out with around my house both are important to have on hand for standby should they be needed and lasses utensils having a combination of basic cooking utensils pots pans and other items cast iron is great should you need to cook over a fire number 6 is power source and lighting the first item is flashlights have a LED flashlight for each family member batteries I try to keep a fresh box of double-a and triple-a batteries around our house at all times my next plan is to start investing in rechargeable batteries so I have a way of continuing to power my devices if the grid does it come back for an extended period of time and how will I charge those batteries you might ask and that leads us to the next point generator the two primary options on the market are gas and solar generators both have their pros and cons and if you have a tight budget there are entry-level options on the market for both personally power is one of those things I'll definitely want you need to power my cell phone or run a refrigerant number-7 having cash on hand when power goes down the banks and a teams will go down as well as we move toward a cashless society people tend to no longer carry cash and these moments cash will be king having cash in a safe place in your home will enable you to buy the things you need at the store if paying with plastic is not an option depending on your budget try to work up to about a thousand dollars in cash if you can keep it in a secure location number eight is communications first item you should pick up is a radio when starting out you can get a simple radio like the one sold on Amazon by the Red Cross these are very simple rĂ­os that have a hand crank that will allow you to stay informed with what's going on around you a ham radio another affordable option is an entry-level ham burrito that will allow two way communication during an emergency you are legally allowed to broadcast on these devices without a license corded phone many of us have moved away from corded phones and simply rely upon our mobile phones but a dedicated phone line in your house generally will work when the power goes down point number nine is mobility most of the items mentioned above will be useful if you are able to stay in your home but what would you do if you were forced out of your home due to something that was beyond your control like a hurricane earthquake or fire in these situations you'll need a bill to grab your stuff and go having a bag with necessary items ake a bug-out bag will provide you with the essentials to survive out of your home this bag should provide you with the following shelter water food and security while covering the details of what should be included in this bag is a bit beyond the time that I have to cover in this video I'll provide a link in the description section below that documents this in greater detail the last point number 10 is self-defense and OPSEC depending on the severity of the event you may be loved to defend yourself and your family at things collapse to a point where people get desperate remember earlier I mentioned that by having a two-week supply on hand will put you ahead of the majority of people that's because most people do not have beyond a few days worth of supplies and when people get desperate they may act out of desperation which leads me to the second part of this point opposite OPSEC is short for operational security without going into a great detail about this point the takeaways is simply not allow others to know what you have now by saying this it may upset people as some may question as to why you would not want to help others I'll let you decide on how you want to handle this issue by no means am i advocating that you should not help your neighbors in the time of need but I would say that you should keep in mind the consequences of what may happen when you do the moment others find out you have supplies you may have a line outside your door which opens up a whole new series of problems and how you handle this is really going to be up to you so hopefully this video will help those starting out to lay a foundation that they can build on again this is a starting point that I believe with a little budgeting and patience you can achieve I posted the links in the description section below to each of the items that we discuss and I also provide the links to more in-depth videos on each of the subject matters that we covered should you want to study more if you enjoy this video please click the like button share on social media or subscribe also please post any feedback and the comments section below as always be safe out there
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 462,201
Rating: 4.9406681 out of 5
Keywords: prepper, prepping, how to prep, beginner's guide to prepping, shft
Id: o9niShq9_Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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