Preparing for Christmas | Decorating my home, baking & making a mess

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hi guys today it is Wednesday the 6th of December  and it's- 21° outside now so it's really cold   though I was not supposed to sit here right  now both me and Johan are spending some days   at home this week because we catched a cold it's  not like horrible I'm not like super super sick   but I definitely feel you know sickness in my  body I'm a bit uh you know and it's definitely   enough sickness to stay at home because we don't  want to spread it to the rest of the team in our   work especially not this time of the year because  usually in December we spend most of our time in   the Santa workshop where we pack all the orders  from the web shop and you know it's it's a   very intense time of the year but it's also the  most fun time when it comes to that kind of work   I think with just decided to take a few days at  home and take it a little bit easy to make sure   that we are back on our feet for next week so  yeah at first I was a bit sad that we couldn't   be in Sollefteå and work this week but another part of  me is like oh I think this was meant to happen   because especially this year I've had a longing  for making it nice and cozy at home and decorate   for Christmas and maybe do some baking because  usually we never really have time for that in   Christmas so I think it's a very common to feel  that you you actually don't have time for that   Christmas can be like a really pressured time  and usually I haven't cared about it so much   like usually I put up the Christmas lights in the windows like just a few days before Christmas   I don't care so much you know but this year it  feels more important I don't know why but I just   had this longing for making it nice and clean at  home because right now it's so messy we haven't   had time to clean in a long time and you know  just prioritize different things so now when we   have to stay at home and just take it a little  bit easy I decided to make something good of it   so I'm going to clean up a little bit at home  and I just uh got all our Christmas stuff so I   going to Christmas decorate a little bit and also  spend some time with you I decided I could film   a little bit these days and I would just love to  light a little spark of magic Christmas feeling   because I want that too like I really feel like  I need it and it's so beautiful like it's such a   real winter this year it's so cold it's Northern  Lights almost every night it's millions of stars   it's snowy forests like it's magical so I hope to  capture a little bit of this magic and give to you   and also I have actually seen a lot of comments  I almost see it every year people wanting me to   share a video where I Christmas decorate our  house and I'm always like how could anybody   think that's interesting like that's not a a big  thing but I also realized that to some people   that is a really big thing and it's so beautiful  cuz I feel like I have a part of me that really   loves that part but I always prioritize it the  last like I have other things I want to do and   that's okay too like that's fine we are who we  are and we we can't be everything I'm going to   try at least now but I'm also going to take it  slow I'm going to rest and make sure I don't get   even more sick cuz that would not be good I'm  just very happy that you're here and uh let's   um make some Christmas magic right I have to start  with the most boring stuff which is to clean. Lets go inside and start Tthe feeling when you have cleaned  and it's all done and it feels like you   can breathe again so I have been cleaning  on and off the whole day in evening and I'm   pretty much done with downstairs now I haven't  done anything upstairs yet but I think I will   leave that for tomorrow but I'm really glad that  I got downstairs done and it smells good in here   and the Christmas lights is in the windows  and yeah it's something special when you put   up the Christmas lights because the light is  so soft it's like they are meant to make you   more relaxed and and to calm down a little  bit Johan is upstairs in the bedroom to rest   a little bit he has been laying down there the  whole evening because he's not feeling too well   and I think I'm going to make some ginger tea  some really strong ginger tea with lemon and   maybe maybe some garlic I've heard that's good  yeah I'm going to light a fire in in our other   stove and make some really good hot tea for us  to drink and hopefully that will cure this cold I just realized Im very tired Have you been able to sleep anything? Yes, yes Oh have you? Have you been sleeping a long time? Yes Thats so good! Im making some magic tea for us How kind of you And look how cozy you made it here let's see here if I can do this No no no Cheers everybody! Its really nice I like the heat Yes its very strong It's chili, ginger and honey I think I'm gonna drink up this tea now and then I think I'm going  to take a shower and then just go to sleep do   Mm What do you think about that? Yeah sounds good take it a little  bit slow now yeah you need to rest now I've been   Yeah sounds good Take it a little bit slow now Yeah you need to rest now, you've been doing so much here I'm very grateful I've been sleeping and resting yeah but you really needed that   yeah it was really good yeah I think you had  fever before you went to it looked like that   Yeah I was shivering in the in the bed But I had Nayeli taken care of me Neyeli our cat There isso many people asking like for me to film Nayeli more  but for some reason every time I have the camera   up she's just gone yeah yeah she doesn't like that  no and also she she is more like by herself most   of the time she's like us it's not like she  yeah it's in the evenings like when we going   to bed she gets really like want some contact  I guess yeah she sleeps in our bed every night   that's nice but she's on the days like she's  more like wild in that way she's not   so social she takes care of herself and yeah mind  her own business but I'm going to try to to catch   her on camera tomorrow yeah And Nanook he's laying in  bed snoring I can film him a little bit Little meatball you look like a famous writer or  something Um...I don't think so Don't you think? you've been in your  little bubble for 10 years writing For too long Going crazy Okey good night my loves Yeah good night We love you! just taking a little walk with Nanook as usual he's still feeling really good. By the way, Nanook is I would say 80-70% deaf so it's very hard to  communicate with him nowadays Morning morning Here we have Nayeli This is the only time you see her a lot that's when she's hungry she wants  food finally people get a good picture of you Hey Nanook This is fun is this even beautiful I don't know I'm not so  good at this I don't know I wish you could tell   me live like right now doesn't look  weird it doesn't look okay? I found this one I found this one instead that was better I think This is really cute Do you think it looks nice? What are you doing? I am...just setting up the camera to my little christmas show I dressed up a little bit I can see that yeah  you're going to see outside later so cozy yeah   me and Nanook has been out and uh yeah we've been  doing some stuff. Welcome to Jonna and Johans Christmas show I'm not going to be in it. My plan for this evening is to do To put "Nejlikor i apelsiner" Do you get it? What is it called in English? I dont know Maybe it's a Swedish thing I have no idea Carnation Carnation? That sounds like something bad is gonna happen. Anyway I'm gonna put carnations into oranges oh gosh the smell  of that oh that's Christmas. That smells like gingerbread cookies and "glögg". It's just so weird because Im sick I feel it in my throat and I don't feel 100% but  I feel so good I feel like I'm at the top of my   life I I don't know I feel so creative and yeah  you just needed to cut off from from the regular   stuff yeah maybe we have been in a work mode  for our long long time it's like yeah I can't   do anything else but making Christmas at home. This is a nice, how do you say... Table cloth yeah tablecloth uh and I was going to put it  on the kitchen table now but I don't have an   iron at home because I think I have it at my art  studio and I'm too lazy to go there now do you   think I can put it out anyway? Yeah yeah I just hear the voice of my mom like no you should never put   up a table cloth before ironing it. it's new times now we want the wrinkles in it or what you   say the natural beauty of the tablecloth this is  how it came out from the washer very tiny though   for our big table I should have had a little  bigger one I like this lantern I got it from   my mother's cousin Anna Karin so look at this nice  wrinkly tablecloth that's what we working with   today a natural Christmas and look in there  in a living room just have to show you the coziness can you feel the peace I love December  I love the darkness and the candles and just look outside we have really good news. Johan wanted to join Yeah At least I did this when I was a child we always did it every  Christmas so you take a orange take a nice   one there and then I take the carnations  and then you just uh start from the top   and then just put it in ah yeah what you  thinking do you do you make a hole for it   first with like I didn't we just hurt our  fingers a lot while doing it so you just   make a line down but you can also just uh make  them everywhere because this will smell really good So you do it like how many lines? I dont know Like four? Or you have done? Ive done three now Yeah so I'm maybe eight? The analytical mind, you need to have like a pattern Yeah I'm done soon Yeah I did two very quickly Johan says it looks like they got some kind of disease And I kind of agree now when I see  yours cuz it's really beautiful you have like   a pattern oh it's so beautiful it's not perfect  but oh it's super beautiful yeah you want to vote   Johansor mine? which one would you like most  to have in your home yeah me too. You made fool of me at the start like oh look at this  kindergaden guy. Yeah Do you feel it? what are you laughing at I don't know but you  made two yeah exactly I made just one so it's   like quantity against quality yeah exactly and of  course we always choose quantity yeah yes exactly   but that's actually very like you have so much  more patience than I do when it comes to many   things mhm maybe yeah depends it depends on what  it is yeah yeah exactly and also you can be out in   the freezing cold and just keep on filming or  doing what you're doing yeah but you are much   more patience when it comes to everything else  I don't know. I feel so weird in this setting   cuz I feel like yeah this is just not really me  I'm just I don't know what I'm doing so please   don't take after me. Look! And where are you gonna put it? Yeah I dont think... Maybe thats not the... What do you think? No No we should put it in the middle Yeah but...shall we Maybe we shouldn't even hang it up there? No I think can we just put them on a plate or something These nice plates are made by Helena Stroem How do you say? Potter They are so nice looking, actually these are perfect for Christmas Now we're going to make some dinner and since  we're very lazy today we are going eat a porridge   but it's Christmas porridge so it's "risgrynsgröt" how  did you say that rice porridge rice porridge and   we didn't do it ourselves from the scratch we  did we bought these uh yeah they were pre-made So I'm going to make saffron buns in  Swedish they are called Lussekatter or Lussebullar Im going to follow the recipe from this book by Clara Lidström, she's a Swedish content creator   and writer and just a very multi-talented  woman you can follow her on Instagram I'm   going to put it here somewhere uh cuz she made  a book about Christmas and I actually I think   this book is a little bit the reason why I  suddenly felt like I wanted to do a lot of   Christmas stuff it just inspired me a lot  so she put out a recipe on Lussekatter, and I'm starting to feel more and more sick but  I'm going to do it. We're gonna do it, yes. saffron [ __ ] Concentrate Jonna Oh it smells so good My mom always did this when she was baking in   Christmas and I feel like I need to do  the same otherwise it's not the same feeling Now it really smells like Christmas in  here with the saffron and the oranges there and   we had some Glögg earlier We made it, I think What now? One egg And we have these nice eggs they actually come from Adrian's  little farm he has a lot of the what do you   say hens chickens so they're like from his  home. One egg... One egg? Sugar, egg and salt No, no no My brain No.... Johan? I dont know what happened I was really, really thinking that like okay now I have to be really careful to not get  eggshells in there and then it was like my brain   just did the opposite I I just want to be really  clear that I promise you that no one else will   eat this buns except me and Johan cuz now I'm  actually having my fingers in this and I'm sick Did you call on me? Yes I've been calling on you many times Oh really? I feel like I'm a bit weird Nanook looks very interested in what you are doing have you give given him something no no  but I think he just smells it. I've done wrong! No what? What have you done wrong? Because...its suppose to be Oh no... It said 1 1/1 dl Rye Sight Yea? And 14 and a half dl flour Yeah...did you do the opposite? Yea... I thought it was 14 dl Rue Sight It's such a mess! I had a feeling this would go really bad They might be really dry Yeah I guess Now we will get really dry buns with eggshells How proud Clara would be now (not) oh my goodness I did a little bit  wrong but [ __ ] happens but [ __ ] happens Now I think its done Yeah...definitely Johan is worried Are you worried? Yes Yeah...about the buns. You can relax Ah okey I got this So me and Nanook went outside for a little bit Ney Nanook And I'm gonna go on a little quest I'm going to go to Mother  tree it's the most beautiful pine tree   here in the garden and I'm going to hang up  some jewelry in the tree because uh that's   something I've done every night now for  the past weeks and I'm going to tell you why. so the reason I'm hanging up jewelry in  the tree is because we have gotten a lot   of special requests from customers lately  and that was because I shared a video on our   business Instagram account, "@jonnajintonsweden", you  can go check it out if you're interested but   I shared a post about me putting out some jewelry  overnight in the snow because we actually do get   a lot of special requests from customers who  want us to yeah let the jewelry spend a night   outside in the forest for example or to dip  them in the lake or the river or stuff like   that I shared about it because 2009 when me and  my mother first started this jewelry business   that was one of our visions that we would you  know put the jewelry outside of in nature so I   was just sharing about how special that feels  that I actually get to do this now so after   I posted that we of course got so much more  special requests from customers and of course   we can't fulfill all of them it depends on what  it is uh but most of the request right now is   to have the jewelry uh hang in a tree or in the  snow overnight or under the norther lights and those   of course we can fulfill even though it takes a  little bit of extra time so even though it's a   lot of extra work I just love it you know this is  part of why I started a the business from the very beginning and it's kind of cute that all these  necklaces hanging here are going to be sent to   our customers later and they've hanged here in  the in the mother tree as I call her this pine   tree one night there was actually a fox that  stole a little bag of jewelry that I had put   out so we we didn't found it until like 2 days  later it was like 100 m away from where I put   it and the fox had bited hole into the bag so  some of the jewelry had fallen out and that's   how I found it I just found some pieces of jewelry  out in the snow but everything looked fine it was   nothing was damaged so yeah that customer had  its jewelry stolen by a fox just kind of crazy   anyway I think I'm going to make a little video  now to insert in this video about our jewelry   and some updates and sharing about some new  jewelry designs because in a previous video   I shared when I was in the mountains to take  photos of some of our new jewelry designs for   this year but I only showed you a little glimpse  of that because they weren't released on our web   shop yet and it actually took a lot of time before  we could release them it was just a few days ago   that we finally had all our new designs up on  the web shop so I want to show some more of   these new designs that we have created this year  and also some news and good information to know   about Christmas and yeah so for those of you who  are not interested in our jewelry you can just   skip for what a few minutes but for those of you  who are, roll the clippies. so hello guys as I'm   sitting here editing this I am at the peak of this  cold that I catched as maybe you can hear on my   voice but I'm going to do my best here because  I really want to give you a good look of the creations we've been working on this year first out we have  this arm cuff called "Berg" which means mountain in   Swedish and is one of Johans creations. we wanted it to feel like you wear a piece of a mountain   and therefore it has this rough texture with  melted and oxidized silver to make it look like stone. and then we have this arm cuff called  "A ncient" which has the exact same texture   as "Berg" but a different lighter design  with a shape inspired by ancient Nordic jewelry. And this design is called The Eternity  arm cuff and it's a heavy piece of silver but yet   very comfortable to wear it's one of my favorite  from this year's collection because I think it   combines something bold and raw with smooth and  elegant it's inspired by the Celtic love knot and   Eternity symbol which you can find in many other  jewelry designs that we have for example in these   new pieces that we also added to the collection  The Eternity necklace and the way of the heart earrings. and last but not the least we finally  have silver hoops which is something that I   wanted to have for a long time these pieces  are called "Bjork" earrings and the shape of them   are inspired by the branches of a birch tree and  therefore the name, because "Björk" is the Swedish word for birch. They come in three different sizes  which can be bought as a pair or as a whole set I actually pierced some more holes in my  ears just for this design so that I could wear   two hoops at the same time and the other tiny  little silver ball earring that you can see   here is a new design for next year and that  also will come in three different sizes and   that can be combined with any other earrings. all of these new designs are up on our webshop now and of course there you can also find  all the designs from our earlier collections   as well another thing that is new for this year  is that we finally have digital gift cards which   is something that has been requested a lot you  can find all the info about that on our website. and now Christmas is coming closer and me and my  little elves are very busy in our Santa workshop   and for those of you who have planned to order  something from our web shop and want to make   sure to get it before Christmas, place your order  at latest December 14. most of the orders that we get this time of the year are Christmas gifts to loved ones so we know that it's so important   to get the package in time and of course we  will do our very best to make sure that orders   placed after 14 of December also will come before  Christmas we have free shipping worldwide and we   use FedEx International priority so usually our  packages travel across the whole world in just a few days. I so much look forward to get back to our  Santa workshop next week and I will share stories   from our days there on our Instagram account. Thank you so much for watching this video and showing  interest in our art and jewelry and for supporting our little family business. Now, back to the baking Johan is going to the wine box. "Glögg" Look at that! So nice! we have a lot of buns to eat. That was a nice one What do you think? Yeah the were...maybe a little bread-y, (dry) I suspected that because I did wrong it's like a bread bun, I would say Cheers! Cheers! Honestly I feel very tired right now. Mhm Sorry Its almost 1 in the night Yeah you been busy all day Yeah I had a lot of fun I dont know is it the buns or? I think we should end it here now. I have no idea how this video is going to be, my with this video is that it would bring you some  Christmas feelings and yeah you know spark that   magic that Christmas Springs but right now I feel  like it just became a pancake off everything. But its nothing wrong with the spirit. The spirit has been here Yeah Yeah at least I feel a lot of Christmas feelings right now because of all the smells and look in here. Yeah it smells really good here I feel like I nailed it. but I hope you guys got... yeah that you also feel like   you get a good Christmas Vibe I have no idea if  I'm going to make another video before Christmas   I have no idea if I'm going to make another video before Christmas   because next week when we're fresh again we're  gonna be in the Santa workshop and work a lot. So we're going to focus a lot on that I love  all of you so much and I'm so grateful that you   have been hanging around with us these two days  I'm pouring out my love to all of you and yeah   I hope you will have a wonderful December and  we will see each other soon again and please   all of you out there take care of yourself and  each other focus on things that makes you happy   and don't stress about Christmas no embrace it  yeah embrace it and just uh know that you are perfect the way you are. Thank you so much now we are going to eat up the rest of the buns All night we're gonna stuff ourselves. Cheers everybody! Merry  Christmas Merry Christmas! bye-bye
Channel: Jonna Jinton
Views: 697,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonna, jinton, jonna jinton, winter, christmas, preparing, decorating, christmas video, sweden, swedish, scandinavian, nordic, north, nordic christmas, baking, rural, rural lifestyle, nature, nature life, countryside, swedish countryside, countryliving, lussebullar, lussekatter
Id: I-UvsPU7S70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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