Premium Pressure Washers TESTED - Watch this before you spend your MONEY! #pressurewashing

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today we are testing four pressure washers and  by that I don't mean the Namby pambi ones oh no   we have four high-end cold water pressure washers  to test we're Machinery nation and we bring you   videos all about tools and Machinery every Tuesday  and Friday so please subscribe please like this   video and share it as much as you possibly can  let's crack on tested by Machinery Nation we have   a machine from arva one from Husqvarna a Karcher  professional and steel we are going to test how   easy they are to set up are they user friendly  what sort of Power are they producing first of   all let's check out the specs from Karcher we  have their hd410x classic pumping out 145 bar of   pressure from a 1800 watt motor while consuming up  to 400 liters an hour from its metal pump weighs   21 kilograms and comes with a two year warranty  and retails for 354 pounds including vat from   arva we have the evolution p70 providing us with a  150 bar of pressure from the 2400 watt motor while   pumping out up to 540 liters per hour through its  metal pump weighs 23.9 kilograms and comes with a   20-year warranty Yes you heard right and retails  at 390 pounds including vat from Husqvarna we have   their pw480 which create 180 bar max pressure  from their 2 900 watt motor and provides up to   610 liters per hour through its brass pump weighs  27.8 kilograms comes with a two year warranty and   retails for 544 pounds including vat from still  we have the re 150 plus pushing out 180 bar max   pressure from a 2700 watt motor providing up  to 612 liters per hour from its brass pump and   weighs 31 kilograms it comes with a two year  warranty and retails for 774 pounds including   v80 please pause this table to compare the specs  to the Karcher this is one of their professional   machines because you're probably saying I know  Karcher is yellow but no this is gray because   all their professional equipment is of the gray  color with yellow detail so why have we got this   machine is one of their smallest in their range  of their professional equipment but it is built   properly it's built well it's strong it's robust  it comes with the hose reel it also comes with   which I think it is the only one in the range with  a proper metal Lance so it's got the proper metal   lamp something you'd expect from a commercial  machine but if you want to change the nozzles   in it you've got to undo the nozzle at the end and  change change the nozzle with a spanner it doesn't   have interchangeable nozzles on it but it is a  nice simple just easy machine it's just literally   on and off you plug your water in put your power  on and off you go it's the smallest machine we've   got here today with the smallest motor smallest  pressure and smallest volume of water so it'd be   interesting to see if it still sticks up to the  task of the machines have got higher pressure and   higher volume so next up we have the arva it's  probably not a brand you've heard of but I've   actually come from Norway and they have developed  a range of pressure washers from small ones up   to large ones and they've done a really good job  from what I can see and with an arva you get a few   more benefits that you do from other washers like  everything is joined on so you've got your nozzles   up here at the top you've got your foam tank on  the back and that all comes as standard everything   all tucks in nice and tidy on the side and then  Clips together as you require it but my favorite   bit is this piece here because if I just take out  that there we can then unroll this somehow you   pull on that and that is your power lead and then  you can wind your power lead in out of the way to   store it which I really like because you always  know when you're moving a pressure washer and   you've got all your hoses and everything they're  trying to Jungle it all falls off and everything   and then you've got a slot here so that slot up  the top is somewhere when you while you're using a   pressure washer you've got somewhere you can just  store your lunch you can put your lamps and your   hose down otherwise you've normally got to put it  down in the muck that you're cleaning just on the   floor while you do something else while you move  something like a bucket or a plant pot but this   one you've got somewhere to put it up there just  pull it up there see oh I don't know where to put   it up just lock it in nice I really like that so  quite a lot of plastic going on but it's got the   hose reel so it all finds out there's a proper  you know same as the cartridge it's got a proper   braided sort of hydraulicy style hose on it so  you know it's not going to burn on an exhaust it's   not going to drag on the corner and split it's not  going to Kink nice strong hose and then everything   else feels nice and strong but apparently on that  trigger it's got like less pressure because when   you're holding in a pressure washer and you're  holding the trigger this one clicks in and then   you've got the little button there so rather  than holding the whole handling you're just   holding that little button into there's a lot less  pressure on your hand until it makes it a little   bit more comfortable so yeah looking forward to  having a go with that because it's new to me and   as I said in the specifications it is a 20-year  warranty on this machine you need to look into the   details of how that works but 20-year warranty  who knew now the biggest one in the range of   husqvarnas or Husqvarna however you want to say it  in their range this is the 480 and it is a pretty   sturdy machine it comes with the interchangeable  locking in connectors so you can just pop the   thing on there and you can change your different  specs and everything says that there we go Clips   in you've got two nozzles on the back as standard  so you've got your high and low pressure nozzle   and you saw your fan you can change the angle  of your fan and then you've got your you know   your ball nozzle for power and concrete which  will be definitely using in a minute and then   on the back you've also got your to tank your foam  tank or your any chemical you want to put in there   really but then on the front you've got how you  can change that so you can decide on the level of   chemical that you want to come out so if anyone  a little bit of chemical or soap or detergent or   TFR whatever it might be you can just adjust that  there of how much you want coming out and then on   the side if you've got your high and low pressure  switch so if you want high pressure you can turn   it high pressure or low pressure you can turn it  back down again again steel braided hose hydraulic   type hose on the hose reel so it's easy to fold up  and it's got this guide here as well to guide that   back in again good solid sturdy pressure washer  and also on the Husqvarna and also the cart just   got it as well you can fold the handles down to  make it a smaller machine for storage putting   in the back of a vehicle whatever it might be nice  feature so the steel very similar features to what   the Husqvarna has it's got the steel braided hose  reel it's got really nice design and you're a bit   for sort of guiding the cable in is all built  into that so I should imagine it's completely   anti-snag which I really like again additive  chemical position there so you can again decide   how much chemical you want coming through on the  button on and off switch and then again on the   side here you've got your high and low pressure  setting with your tank on the back again foldable   down handles for storage and transport and it's  just of a really nice design but being that it's   very similar to the husk Farmers it's going to  be interesting to see the difference between the   two right let's crack on and do some pressure  washing all right first test up is washing this   horrible wooden door because it hasn't been  cleaned for many years and I go through it   every single day so definitely needs doing and  Karcher up first just like to say thank you very   much Oregon for the nice PPE you could probably  do some waterproof trousers and some new Wellies   if anyone knows of any anyway right first test  Karcher one board and then go over here they'll   do another board so two boards each and then we  can compare see how good the job they're done and   how long it took right let's crack on let's go  start at the top and work our way down I reckon foreign right over up next and as you can see I've  got my lamps all ready set in its cradle   ready to go but there's one other thing  I didn't mention just now is that turns   so it follows you around so it doesn't pull  it over so much as so they're designed not to   fall over we'll test that in a minute that is  quite a cool thing and also if you press this   button here turn that there and the whole Lance  extends it does look see look at that it's quite   plasticky but it's got some cool features right  I don't need it long I've got it on that nozzle   there which I think is right we'll go with that  let's see what it's like that's what it's doing [Music] quicker than the culture but quite  heavy Lance oh not sure which one   I prefer let's crack onto the  next one Hospital time foreign nice and enclosed not going to  fall out like it right anyway   we're pressure washing you've had a chance  to talk about spec exchange right foreign extremely comfortable nice lightweight  designs and the Karcher with the metal   lamps although you can't change the  nozzle again really light the Arthur   was lovely features on it and nice lots  of power but it just felt quite heavy   Lance on it so yeah varying differences varying  differences let's look at the results on this dirty concrete tests now yeah concrete which  has not been cleaned for a long long time and   it's very very grubby we're going to make it clean  I've drawn a box with one of the pressure washers   and each pressure washer is going to have a box  to clean right all for one screen let's do it boom right so that test was using the standard  fan nozzle but now we're going to do exactly   the same again but with the power nozzle  yeah the one with a little ball bearing   in it which makes lots of pretty circles so  see if that makes a difference on concrete   because theoretically that is what that is  exactly designed for obviously the Karcher   doesn't have a ball nozzle it's just got  the standard single nozzle on that one   so I think it'd be a fair test at the end to  see how that does properly right let's do it foreign to see a pressure washer with all the cables  just dumped on the top looking untidy so let's   check out the cable management right so rather  than just being dumped on the top let's check   each one out and then have the plug dragging  along the floor like a monkey's Knuckles so on   the Karcher you've just got one hook here so you  could uh oh you could go around like that it's   not the worst thing in the world but that's  probably going to be a bit tight for a flex   because you're going to pull on the stuff and  everything okay so that's one way better than   nothing I suppose or get it off just put ah  just do that there we go I think what you're   meant to do is like Loop it around like this  so you haven't got quite so much such a tight   bend on your Flex it's okay probably most people  will end up just wrapping it around the top nice   and tight so yeah cartridge is not a great  not great cable storage let's check out the   Alva bro so the Alva as mentioned before has got  this cable storage reel which I really like the   idea and the principle of because it gets rid of  messy cables if you haven't got them all tangled   up before you start and then pop the plug in the  little flop and then you just wind it up like so   and that all goes in out the way but that is quite  plasticky baby even looked after that should be   absolutely fine there we go the cable goes in  there nice out the way all right so that's fine   has got these two clips each side with the Turning  knob to take it off so nice and easy round like so   not too strenuous nice and easy for people to use  it goes around like so let's say their cable is   quite a stiff cable it doesn't really Flex it goes  around like that right let's see what happens with   the plug and the plug goes up in there and into  that bit there that's not too bad it sort of grips   it if that was a little bit tighter on there it  grew up the plug better I know nice and tidy right   so there's still it's got a lot more flexible Flex  huh that's why it's called a flex maybe power cord   whatever you want to call it and again similar  design to the Husqvarna wrap it around you've got   the little turning knob at the top to take it off  with I think the important bit here is going to   be how the plug is stored get that wrapped around  nice big fat cable like that so that one comes up   round and then if I'd done that right it pulled  around right then then what there we go and that   one just clips into there it does actually really  go in there you've got to pull that together out   so definitely good design that a common question  which is asked when buying a pressure washer is   does the pressure washer need a hose pipe  plug into it or can it draw water none of   these washers say anywhere that they draw water so  why not let's see if they can right so hose pipe   from a barrel of water into the pressure washer  obviously there's water already in it so there   it is sort of primed so it might work going with  the dry pressure washer it might not work okay   we only find out let's try it it's all on we're  ready to rock and roll is it going to draw water uh but I still wants to draw water  it's pumping away the houseboat is   well in there the barrel was full  right I'd say no the still doesn't   let's try Husqvarna Husqvarna same setup  pull the trigger let's see what happens   nope same outcome not gonna do it like  the other can it draw water let's find out   oh hello just trying to do something just  trying to do something let's do more than   the other two so far I reckon if you put a  tap at the bottom of this bucket it'd make   a big difference to all three of them all four of  them maybe oh he's trying there we oh here we go   here we go we have got pressure we are pressure  washing sucking out the top of a bucket it is I did not expect it to  do that oh there we go foreign pump pull water as well as push  it out the end let's find out straight away didn't I didn't  even have to wait for it   half mad a little character is pulling  water out of a bucket perfectly look at that okay more mcgate cool wow I'm  surprised I'm really pleased with that it's   now time for a pressure washer drag race this is  we're going to see which one is fastest no we're   not what is the most annoying thing when using a  pressure washer falling over you're there washing   away all of a sudden oh no run back to it stand  up again right which one stands up to the test of   not falling over let's just pull out the hoses and  see what happens do it culture first right Karcher   come on be fair the cable sticks a little bit so  we don't want to we'll just ease it out gently   it already wants to tip over but I'm gonna line  him up again pull it out it's a bit tight let's   pretend it's already out I don't know why that's  a tight it's just quite stiff pull this out we'll   just see how long they are can't we which one's  got the longest Lance uh that way around there we   go right yeah that's that tips over really easily  didn't even hardly need to pull that over pull it   out it comes out really that just comes up really  nicely about the same length give it a little   pull no it's all right that's yeah you've got a  really really got to pull that pull over foreign involved with the other but that's why we've got  the little legs at the front but what I don't get   is why do they put the hose reel at the top yes  it makes it easier for winding up I'm going to   bend down but put the hose reel at the bottom put  the pump at the top are you pulling at the bottom   it's not going to fall over come on manufacturers  101 physics physics right Husqvarna pulls out nice   and easy pulls out nice oh it's got a lot we've  got a longer hose here hello where are we going   that is way longer still is it going to be the  same length as a Husqvarna might be who knows   oh we didn't actually pull the Husqvarna to pull  it over did we need to do that yeah I think we've   got another long hose on the steel here is it same  length as a Husqvarna ish right pull the Husqvarna   right how is that going to pull over no not bad no  there it goes oh bit fell off that one I'll pull   the still over while we're here pull us all over  how easy is that one no she's sitting tight she   is she is sitting tight pull over ah there she  goes out I think the steel gets that out of all   Fallen even though the other's got the feet at the  front yeah and see we broke a switch on the steel   we broke a switch the turn needs to turn it on and  off switch and on the Husqvarna what do we break   no we didn't break anything on the Husqvarna we've  just got the nozzle popped out that's right we can   cope with that let's pull them all together pull  them all together which one's going to go first   putting all together cartridges out as Farmers  out oh because it has finally oh I need to pull   the other two all right yeah we'll get Arthur and  still joint I gotta enjoy that test even though I   did break something right let's go so the Karcher  nice sturdy solid construction is the plastic on   it is brittle it's solid it's really well made I  think it's well put together so if you want just   a pressure washer for General pressure washing  it is a nice little washer and to be done all   the other jobs done the stuff that comes out the  end the water yes it probably takes a little bit   longer than bigger ones but it's a good solid  little washer one thing I did find I'm six foot   two and the lamp is really short obviously you  can get bigger lances my 10 year old son over the   weekend had a go on this one he really loved it  because it's shorter so you know if you're around   sort of five foot ish then you know it's all below  that is probably excellent because you're closer   to the ground whereas without a family of doing  the concrete I'm going to bend down really low   to do it you know doing what we've done fine  but doing it for an hour I know when my back   will be aching but I do like the little washer  it's a good solid compact machine everything's   on it yes it hasn't got quite features of what  the other ones have but it's solid is nice and   as well priced the Alva new probably hardly any  of you have heard of it 20-year warranty mad to   be quite honest it does come with one thing that  the others don't and that is the foam bottle as   standard but we didn't compare it because the  others haven't got it on it and these machines   are as they come out the box but the other it's  got some great features I like the swivel on on   the hose reel it doesn't tip over as easy as the  others it didn't damage anything when it tipped   over well a few scratches on the front but that is  it it's cable roller I love the idea but it's made   out of like children's toy plastic it's not quite  the whole the whole the whole structure is very   plasticky put the same sort of plastic cartridge  has got or what Still's got on on your washer and   you've done it you're there it's brilliant also  it's got the aluminum hose pipe connector on the   bottom rather than all the others have got the  plastic connector which is great unless it does   break and then trying to replace it is a bit of a  nightmare whereas obviously the plastic ones you   can pick up from anywhere so Pro and a Cod now  really but yeah it is a nice washer is really   powerful I do really like the extendable lamps  on it that is great I really like the idea I'm   fine I did find it a little bit heavier than the  others but you know when I was doing the concrete   I didn't have to bend down at all you know I just  put it put it to about there and it's perfect for   me standing nice and straight pressure washing  and then you know for longer longer use that   is perfect the Husqvarna is plain simply a great  machine everything is on it as it should be the   cable roller nice and simple could do work on  the how the plug sort of slots in a little bit   tighter but other than that it's got everything  on there the when it fell over obviously the   nozzle did fall out so it could do somewhere  where those actually perhaps go in and slot in   rather than just go in and sort of just balance  because obviously we know pressure washers do   they fall over it has got additive tank on the  back of this one which I didn't mention through   the video so you can put additive in this one the  other obviously you've got the foam tank and the   Karcher I don't actually know what how you put  chemical through that or can you you might not   even be able to no I don't think you can nice  long hose on the Husqvarna easy cable wind up   cable pull out it does have a plastic Lance on it  which I prefer a metal Lance like the karcher's   gone which I think is really robust and they  do last a long time but it does come with a two   nozzles so you've got the normal fan nozzle and  the high and low pressure the ball nozzle sorry   the Wither what do you call that what's the proper  name let me know in the comments what the ball   wizard attachment is called the still to be quite  honest it is a solid machine everything on it is   as it should be it's compact it's well designed  I really love how you can put the nozzles in   the little cupboard out the way they're not going  anywhere you always know where they're going to be   you're not going to put them on a shelf somewhere  you've got some are proper to put them the cable   on it is really flexible and much bigger much  fatter which imagine that's like 2.5 mil cable   compared to 1.5 on the Husqvarna so I really like  that the handles fold up which is great cable reel   on it which is the cable reel thing when I brow  wound them up just now the steel was by far the   easiest to roll out because it's just got a proper  slot there even though the husqvarna's got that   as well it's still not quite as easy as it is on  the still one negative obviously won't fell over   we have broken the switch and there is that is  the switch what's left of it still works which   still goes on and off it is just literally the  cover on the outside so it has only done damage   aesthetically not functionally so it still works  properly everything on it is just solid it's nice   it does exactly what it's meant to do and to be  fair it's probably the most powerful washer there   or felt it when I was doing the concrete you can  see in the diagrams of how fast it all done it but   I think as overall the steel was probably one of  the nicest to use and the arva for features hafana   good solid basic washers got everything you need  on it and the Karcher basic pressure washing for   a robust machine big tick in the box so hopefully  that's given you a rundown of what you can get on   the market obviously there are others and we did  invite other manufacturers to join in one of them   was meant to turn up but has been lost with a  courier but we had to get this video out that's   just one of those things unfortunately and some  other manufacturers haven't got back to us but   thank you very much to still Husqvarna Ava and  Karcher for supplying these machines that we can   do this video if there's any machines that you'd  like us to review please pop it in the comments   below or ping us an email and a couple of weeks  time we are filming another pressure washer video   but this time it is battery powered pressure  washers which you might be thinking just those   little tiny ones which just you know wash  off a mountain bike no we have got little   small ones as well as great big commercial ones  it's going to be a really good video to see how   far that battery technology has had and does it  replace these leads does it replace it you know   is are we going to have a pressure washer which is  battery powered and can suck out of a tank so that   you haven't got to have anything connected to it  a cordless pressure washer completely I know we'll   bring that to you very very soon we're Machinery  nation and we bring you videos every Tuesday and   Friday all about tools and Machinery so please  click that subscribe button if you can click   the like as well if you like this video and also  the notification Bell so you get notified when   we bring you something out so thank you very much  for watching we'll see you in the next one cheerio
Channel: Machinery Nation
Views: 183,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best pressure washer, best pressure washers, pressure washer, electric pressure washer, best electric pressure washer, pressure washers, electric pressure washers, pressure washing, pressure washer reviews, best power washer, best car pressure washer, best pressure washer for patio, electric pressure washer review, best pressure washer for car detailing, Stihl pressure washer, Husqvarna Pressure washer, Ava pressure washer, Karcher pressure washer, jet washing, jet washer
Id: M8BKgPfYxcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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