"Prehab" Routine for Runners at Home | Finding Health in 2020

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- my right leg bada-bing bada-boom that wraps up hip and strength mobility oh that was hard [Music] onward and upward how're we doing everybody here we go my full prehab routine for runners at home we're diving right in because I'm not running right now I have a little bit of extra time to film a vlog like this one where I'm gonna walk you through everything every step I'm doing at my house to stay healthy in 2020 and so prehab where does that name come from I did not come up with it I don't know who invented it but I think it's very creative so instead of rehab which is a reaction usually to an injury prehab is steps that we can take as runners at our houses to stay healthy now you've seen me do most of these exercises here at my house in the vlogs over the past you know two years but I've never made one video where all of the exercises stretches movements are in one video in one location so now you can bookmark this this link and come back to it over and over again throughout the next week month whatever whatever the timeline might be for you to integrate maybe not all of the exercises and movements that I do but some of them and I will say I realized this is not maybe the most exciting vlog that I've ever published but it may be a very valuable one for you if you are striving to stay healthy and frankly even just become a stronger runner and for all of these movements I've just say I'm not a physical therapist I'm not a massage therapist I'm definitely not a doctor I'm not even like a certified strength coach I'm a runner okay but what I do is I run a lot ah sometimes I get injured and then I listen I listen to the experts on what I can do to prevent injuries in the future so all of these stretches movements is information that I've absorbed for the last 22 years basically from my high school cross-country coach to my collegiate cross-country and track coach and then collegiate lifting coach and then a physical therapist a massage therapist etc etc I'm trying to think of them oh yeah and then one last also some people that I have gotten to know through YouTube through Instagram who have been sharing tips and tricks with me who have a medical background I've never met them in person but I'm also integrating for example this slant board right here okay this is something I picked up from a vlog fan who taught me about it and frankly so far it's doing wonders for my runners knee so I just want to say take everything I say with a grain of salt I'm not a medical experts but I am a runner who's striving to be healthy alright there we go let's get set up here and I guess first thing first things first there's my cruiser one kicks I'm gonna take these off so I think it's always good to do as much movement these exercises as possible without shoes on in order to stimulate and strengthen the little muscles and stretch out the everything in your feet but the tendons the muscles down in your feet and that helps by not wearing shoes okay so let me just get set up here now I sit I should also mention that there's a lot of gear you're gonna see in this video you don't need all of this gear many of the movements I do you can just do with your bodyweight but some of these items do help okay for example you don't have to have a pad like this I love it because I have hardwood floors but if you have carpet at your house that works too if you don't have carpet and you're extra tough tougher than me then you can just go on the hardwood floor I almost forgot to mention for every section of pre having at your house that we're gonna run you through right now I'm gonna put the time codes down in the description so you can jump 2 feet strengthening if you just want to focus on your feet or your hip mobility if you just want to focus on your hip mobility or stretching or etc etc okay so time codes are listed in the description so you can fast forward if one of the sections is more interesting or more more important for you as a runner alright just wanted to mention that ok here we go before we dive into the movements the exercises step number one of course is the warmup if you have time to go walk around your block or go for a quick jog around your block you know two three four minutes that's awesome most of us don't even have that kind of time to get out the door and then come back in so I use the foam roller for my warmup to warm up the legs also in here just in my house I'll show you in a second I do butt kickers and high knees and yes in the summertime when it's really nice out you can do them in your front yard your back yard your neighbors might look at you kind of funny but those are a couple other options for warming up the legs but I'll just start first with and you can have a regular foam roller ah twelve bucks maybe right here maybe ten bucks or a really nice electric one but they both can accomplish the same thing this one just happens to vibrate and I think it helps especially when your eggs legs legs are extra tired but you're looking at two hundred dollars with this one so affordable not so affordable now I do get a lot of questions about the foam rolling I typically foam roll for ten minutes all right at least ten minutes I start with the easiest position which is this one where both of your legs are on the foam roller you have your calves here and they're just you know you're just you're just rolling back and forth and I better pause right now tip number one number one tip for foam rolling the slower you go the better it's critical the slower you go if you go fast your muscles it's it's not digging in as deep as going slow okay so slower the better with foam rolling after doing both legs on the foam roller for maybe 30 to 45 seconds I will hop onto one leg so you cross the leg over here and that puts extra weight on that calf and oh does it start to burn a little bit and it digs in even that much deeper and you can see I'm already going a little too fast I got to slow down just slow down okay and then I'll switch to the other leg hold it for 30 to 45 seconds just nice and easy both legs and then I'll do so let me just turn this off I'll do calves hamstrings quads I'll even do I'll go like this so hopefully you can see this there the tibialis anterior right along so if you have the shin splints or history of shin splints and I'll get a better shot here in a second but basically just rolling up the side of your tibia bone and just nice and gentle oh my goodness it feels so good especially when you're running a lot to get that the front of your shin and slightly to the side because the front of your shin is right on the bone you don't want to go right on the bone just off to the side and oh man does it feel good so again for the foam rolling each each section of muscles I'll stay on the muscles for about two to two-and-a-half minutes so the quads the the hamstrings the calves and then the tibialis right in the front of the Cheniere the shins so all of that takes a approximately ten minutes for the warm-up then if you have an available if you have enough space you can also do some butt kickers so just boom you can also do these in place just to get the muscles going a little bit more just like that then also some high knees so boom boom boom so high knees the knees want to you know you want to hold your hands basically straight out and you can do these in place I like to usually move forward when I do that but again butt kickers is also part of the warm-up just boom boom boom and I'll do both for thirty seconds each and by the end believe it or not you are breathing like I am right now alright so after the warm-up with a foam roller and then some butt kickers some high knees you should feel warmed up a much more than twelve to fifteen minutes ago the blood is pumping through the body you should be breathing a little bit especially after the buck kickers and then it's on to the stretching so the first stretch I like to do is the hip flexor stretch alright and this one I need to work on a lie I constantly need to be monitoring my hip flexors so your hip flexors are here in the the front of your leg right here alright and there's a lot there's a lot of muscles and tendons happening at going from oh gosh basically your stomach area your abs all the way down to your knees there's just a lot happening through this hip flexor so how I like to stretch my hip flexors is to put my one leg up on a chair or a couch and then have your other leg slowly dip down toward the ground and oh am I gonna say this is about as far as I can go but again I'm feeling it right through here and I'll move the camera it stretches so so good and with runners knee I really need to pay attention to the hip flexor stretch okay and then off for this I'll hold it for 30 seconds and then switch to the other leg okay so put it back might take you a little second to get your balance but you'll get it and then hold it for 30 seconds and I will do that two times okay so let's just say 28 29 30 and then I'll switch again so two sets two sets by 30 seconds for the hip flexor next stretch is the Cobras so you're it's almost like you're getting into a push-up position but your knees are on the ground and then you drop your hips toward the ground and it's just like a Cobra kind of raising his head up into the sky into the air and what this is getting is your lower back and oh it feels amazing especially of it if you have a tight back so mine is always - - constantly tight but basically you want to kind of look toward the sky and just hold it again I do - by thirty Seconds so I'll hold it for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds so for resting I'll just kind of come out of the position sit here for 15 seconds and then I'll go back down into the Cobra stretch or I'll hold it for 30 other thirty Seconds all right all right that's the Cobra stretch to get that back it's important okay so after after the Cobra is the groin simple stretch again two sets of thirty seconds so just hold it and for me the key is to keep that back straight instead of slouching over I like to keep the back straight you bring the feet in a little closer to the body and then you just get in that growing inside of the the thigh oh it's it's really really good and especially if you're often sore or tight in that inner thigh so get that whole area real good next is the glutes and the piriformis stretch okay so for the glutes there's a couple of different ways you can do this one way that I love to do this is to cross one leg over and you're it's kind of an awkward position until you get used to it but basically you're gonna dip down into this stretch and all you're getting your glute so I'm stretching my right group glute right now and again - by 30 seconds so each leg so actually it's four sets of thirty Seconds okay because you can't stretch both at once so that's the right side and then to switch you put your right leg back on the ground and then cross over your left leg oh and my left I am very sore and tight right now so this one hurts more but again hold this for 30 seconds and then I'll switch back over to my right I'll give you a different angle just so you can see it for the left there it is and you just kind of dip down you see how I'm moving my arms my shoulders are kind of coming forward toward my my feet and that's when the stretch gets deep now the other option for the glutes and piriformis stretch is to do this where you pull your leg toward your chest and try and cross it over your body as much as possible without you know you don't want to strain yourself but you can also stretch your glutes this way so kind of pulling your your knee toward your chest and then crossing over your body over your chest that is another option for the glutes and piriformis stretch next are the quads now there's actually a lot of different ways to stretch your quads some people stand up I prefer because I learned this one in college from my college coach I prefer to do it this way but some people don't like doing it this way because what I'm about to show you because they think it puts a little too much strain on their knees so just be careful if your knees are sensitive or you got sore knees you may want to avoid avoid this one but basically you put both feet right in front of you and then you push your knees toward away from your body I should say and then right there oh my goodness it stretches the quad so well so right now I'm stretching my right quad because I'm putting my right leg down toward the ground and my left quad is staying up in the air and then I'll hold it for 30 seconds I'm on my right side and then after 30 seconds I'll switch to the left so now I'm stretching my left it's just subtle but the left leg is going down right leg coming up and that's two again to buy 30 seconds and then back to the right for another 30 back to the left for another 30 ok so that's a quad stretch I will show you the other option is this one so where you're standing up a lot of people stretch the quads this way where basically you simply catch your leg like that and boom and you can and you can stretch your quad this way it requires a little more balance I will say but once you get in if you do it with shoes on it's a lot easier but you're simply pulling pulling your leg back so that is another way to stretch your quad but I prefer again to do it on I prefer to do it on the ground here's another angle just for you like like that ok so right now I'm stretching my left side right there and then on the right I just go a little lower that way ok so that's a quad stretch and then oh yeah on to the calves so this is where let me set this up real quick this is a piece of gear that you definitely do not have to get but I am enjoying it a lot because I think it's gonna help me stay healthy I'm gonna use it in a different way as well here in a second but this is my slant board many of you have already seen this on the channel it's about this one was about 50 dollars ok so they're not cheap I will have this for the rest of my life though the company is yes for all is the company and I will have this for the rest of my life because I can tell the build quality of the construction is is really high now for the slant board I like to do a minute hold so instead of 30 seconds a minute so two sets by a minute if you have time to do three sets especially if you have really tight calves I think that's important now of course not everyone can afford or wants to buy another piece of recovery gear like that that's bit you know it's kind of a lot of storage so another way to stretch your calves is to get into come the push-up position and basically my left if I'm stretching my left leg my left foot is going to be on the ground and I put it back like that many of you do this one again two sets by 30 seconds if you choose to stretch your calves this way another great one is of course to push against against the wall and one benefit of pushing against the wall is I think you can stretch your solely as well which is your soleus so if this is your calf muscle this is your soleus right below your calf and your soleus if you bend your knee while pressing against the wall I'll show you here in one second you're able to stretch that solely it's really really well on the slant board you really don't have an option you're stretching it sigh it's going it's a really really deep stretch because of the angle of that slant board and you're getting you're getting your calf and your soleus in that one stretch okay so let me just get that wall press real quick okay so here's the calf stretch for the wall many of you stretch your calves like this where you put your pressing against the wall so if you keep your knee straight you're getting your calf then if you start to bend your knee you start to get your soleus okay another option there's a lot of different ways to stretch your calves is to put your foot against the wall but anyway so there's no from what I know there's no right or wrong way to stretch your calves there's just a lot of different options for doing it next are the hamstrings oh the hamstrings now without a doubt everyone what I struggle with the most are my hamstrings I bet many of you out there do as well I don't know what to do I feel like I stretch all the time very consistently I try to listen to everyone who encourages me like I really do stretch and my hamstrings they just don't want to loosen up but anyway and I know like flexibility is not the name of the game for runners but I do think general flexibility it's not like we're trying to you know put our head against our our knees like I'm not looking to be that flexible but I must say I need to work on my hamstrings so anyway here we go I use a rubber big band for my hamstrings and you I usually start just resting like this just to warm just to kind of let the hamstrings know I'm coming for them just kind of like this just straight leg hold it for 20 to 30 seconds and then I'll put my head down and then I'll go into the deeper stretch where I'll let my leg down and then come back and then bend my bend my knee just a slight bend in the knee not much but a slight Bend because that's what gets that hamstring rather than stretching the back of the knee if you bend your knees that's what really starts to get the hamstrings so as usual 22 sets of 30 seconds for each leg so a total of two minutes of stretching so I'll hold that for 30 seconds just like that and slowly pulling it tore you know using your arm strength pulling your leg back backward but I really have to focus on that if but then I'll switch I'll sue see this side a little tighter so and it's a workout for your arms too as you try to pull your leg and then what you can do on the second set so that I'll hold that for 30 seconds then on the second set what I'll do is I'll pull my leg back but then I'll drive the heel of my leg that is in the air so my left leg right now I'll Drive my heel toward the ground but I'll use the resistance of the band to pull my hamstring back so basically it's like a resistance exercise for my hamstring and I should in theory be able to move I should be able to move my hamstring back further and further so like right now I'm pushing I'm pushing my heel toward the ground and I'm resisting with the band and then in theory over time if I had more time right now my hamstring would be able to come back and again it's on that second set that I do that for 30 seconds both legs okay next IT band with bands so your IT band okay this is a little controversial because I realized the tendon IT band it's a tendon you can't really stretch tendons I would I realize it's not a muscle but I've heard a lot out of way I think you can at the very least and again I'm not a doctor but you can loosen up the tendon keep it limber rather than tight all right so the IT band basically is the same thing the band you're holding it over and I should say your IT band goes from your knee all the way to your hip okay right along here and of course your your your hamstrings are in the back your leg so your IT band what you're gonna do you're gonna cross your leg over and you're gonna pull with your left arm so if I'm stretching my right leg my right IT band I'm pulling with my left hand over my just like that and again as always two sets by 30 seconds uh-huh I would I'll just say everybody if you have time to hold the stretch for longer it cannot hurt if you can hold it for 45 seconds to a minute if you have time perfect but at the very least I would recommend 30 seconds okay so that's your IT band stretch oh man so then you'll switch over to your left so just like that oh my gosh it's just getting this entire outside of your leg really really well and it doesn't feel amazing but I know it's doing good okay so that's your IT band stretch I've added this in I've added the IT band stretch in more so frankly because of my runners need and because of my physical therapist he is a big fan of the IT band stretch oh right there you go next is the tibialis anterior stretch so you can all right you can do this in a chair but I think you can also do it on the ground it might be a little more effective in a chair um basically yeah bass okay I'm gonna get a chair so for this one you're gonna sit with your leg crossed and you're stretching again remember the foam rolling we did to warm up this area right on the outside of your shin of that tibia bone so now the tibialis anterior you're crossing your leg over and then you're pulling your foot toward your body so if I'm stretching my left leg just like this oh my goodness it feels amazing oh man so you're getting that tibialis anterior all through here and if you again if you're if you're tight if you have shin splint issues this is the stretch for you going gentle at first don't go crazy with it just gentle at first to get that tibialis anterior whoo oh my goodness that feels good okay there you go now listen we could stretch as runners all day we could do 50 stretches I don't know 50 stretches but those are the main stretches that I do okay I'm gonna run you through them again right now the hip flexor stretch all right there it is on your screen the Cobra and again hip flexors is for your hips the front of your leg right up by your hip number two the Cobra okay to get your your back especially your lower back there's the Cobra your glutes all right along with your piriformis all right there's the glutes that's how I like to stretch my glutes with that position but there's a couple of different ways to do the glutes your quads all right that is number five I believe as your quads again I do them a little maybe a little different than other people but there's a couple different ways to stretch your quads you're hitting your calves with a slant board or again there's a lot of different options for stretching your calves I'm probably going to start integrating the slant board exclusively for my calves when I'm stretching at my house next hamstrings with a band IT bands stretch tibialis anterior stretch now there's some other ones for example us runners we often forget about our arms I think there's there's definitely a good we should stretch our arms I would say we don't put a ton of attention to our arms but crossing your arm over again their right to get that shoulder stretch I'll be gonna be completely transparent I don't stretch my arms all the time but I think it's a good idea especially let's say before a big workout or a big race where you just really want to be limber all right so stretching across to get that shoulder and trapezoid stretch all right and then also you can do a doorway stretch I'll show it to you here right now okay so if I'm getting my left side so boom and then boom and I am stretching that PEC real good right now again it's I'd say it's nuanced if you don't have time to do your upper body I understand lower body is definitely most important for runners but I think it's a good idea before bigger workouts bigger races where you're just you want to make sure there's a nice good fluid motion with those arms as well next up here we go section three four prehab work for runners at your house strengthening our feet 80% of injuries in the last 22 years of running for me have been in my feet not in my knees not in my hips you know not in my hamstrings it's been in my feet so this section is really important for me it all starts with a towel alright here we go obviously with the approval of everyone else in the house okay here we go so you want to be barefoot put the towel on the ground you can probably already guess what I'm gonna do here and for each foot so here's my right foot we're gonna scrunch the towel up as much as possible three times for each foot okay so here we go so you see that see how my toes are doing the work here this strengthens the bottom of your feet I'm actually doing a little better than I expected and it takes time everybody it usually takes about 20 to 30 seconds to scrunch up the towel completely and you got to work especially toward the end to get the towel all the way scrunched up and toward the very end it's sometimes almost impossible but there we go okay so there we go so that's the right foot you spread the towel back out and then the left foot this is my weak foot same thing and again what we're doing is we're firing all those little especially on the bottom of our of our feet which as my mic like my grandmother always says the feet of our bodies is the foundation of our body so we got to take care of our feet we got to make them strong especially me so here we go scrunching up the towel with my left foot see I can already tell this side is gonna be a lot harder because it's my let it's my I'm also not as coordinated which this helps with coordination for your feet and it shoot again should take twenty to thirty seconds wow this sides so much better that's amazing so just keep going keep going it just takes time and again you're firing all the little muscles you're strengthening that fashio tendon if you struggle with plantar fasciitis this could really really help you this is what I have been doing and have done in the past especially when I struggled in college with plantar fasciitis and again toward the end of the towel sometimes it gets really difficult that lasts to two inches so if you as long as you get up to thirty Seconds you can call it good alright so there you go feet strengthening with a towel next is the oh yeah the stability disc now out of all the gear if you're thinking about picking up one item of gear it this might be at the top of my list okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna stand here and we're just gonna do ankle rotations all right so I'm standing again barefoot is always better than shoes and what I'm doing is ankle rotations so I do two sets of ten for both feet but in both directions so you'll rotate clockwise ten times all right on your right foot and then you'll switch then you'll go is this clockwise or ken no this is clockwise right now so this is clockwise clockwise clockwise ten times and this is working your ankles your feet your toes everything it's amazing all right so you do two sets of 10 on your right leg and you rotate clockwise and clamp counterclockwise ten times alright so so this side so again we're gonna go clockwise all right ten times see that and I am balancing myself okay just so everyone knows and then counterclockwise all right there you go counter clatter you do ten times I won't do ten for you right now just to keep moving through everything so those are ankle rotations okay next here we go perpendicular single leg lifts okay again balancing on one leg and then just raise and your your your opposite leg up that's not on the balance just and two sets of 10 both sides alright so I guess that's 40 total if you like to do the math that way you don't have to lift your leg up too much but in addition you're also strengthening your hips as well for this all right so there's there's the right side and here's the left side so these are the perpendicular single leg lifts on the balance disk now right so both sides two sets of ten and slower of course is always better slower is always better all right there you go there we go all right now this one is ridiculously I think this is the hardest one no doubt again single leg and blind so what do you do you close your eyes and this just takes practice practice practice I need to continue to work on this and I've been doing this for a long long time but your balance on one leg I like to keep my hand right about here and then once you feel like your balance is in pretty good order you close your eyes and you try and balance for with no other movement for again 30 seconds it's very difficult very difficult in fact I'm struggling right now with my eyes open okay so basically you're gonna close your eyes because as soon as you close your eyes you lose your depth perception but what happens and I'll film my foot in a second is your ankle starts to freak out a little bit and starts to really fire in a lot of dirt like it just starts to really overcompensate and you're really using all these little muscles tendons ligaments down there in a big big big way like I'll feel my ankle in a second and you'll be laughing at how much it's moving again here's that blind my eyes are open right now open open open and watch one eye when I say closed watch my ankle closed see how it just starts to kind of freaked out because you lose you lose your depth perception oh there we go so it's just again it's it's it's forcing your feet it's forcing your feet to compensate for that depth perception and really struggling to keep your balance and all it just works that ankle in that foot so so so well okay last stability exercise is the moon landing so this is a little more advanced don't feel like you need to do this right out of the gate but once you work up to it it's great I love it so what you're gonna do is you're gonna jump on to the the disc and I even like to go up into the runners position the running yeah the running position and then back off okay and then alternate to the other leg boom and then up to the running position and again you're just firing all of those ankle and feet muscles just in an amazing way and then back off and you're about just so you know you're about two and a half feet back from the stability that's maybe three feet at the most so boom okay and depending on where you land on the stability to disc will impact kind of how your ankle and this is really this is really good for trail running and strengthening your ankles if you're concerned about rolling your ankles in the summertime when you're out running the trails this is a great one for just strengthening those ankles for the roots the rocks all of that stuff out there in the trails during the summertime and me you know maybe even in the winter time as well so again as always two sets of ten both sides that is called the moon leaning on the stability disc okay so the foot log this was my 2018 recovery gear of the year I loved it for not only massaging my feet but stretching the bottom of my feet and many of you have seen me use this already as far as for stretching but literally you just stand right in the bottom of your foot right on it now you know I don't put all my weight on it but I do put a lot of weight and I'm just stretching out that fashio and all those tendons down there muscle down there at the bottom of the feet I'm just putting my weight into the bottom of my foot June you know gentle at first Oh everything I say gentle at first but then you can work your way up and then eventually after I feel stretched out I'll start to massage the bottom of my foot just rolling through that foot log you know as as always as slow as possible okay and get that heel oh my goodness I just I love it it just feels it feels amazing and I think it's actually doing some really really good things for the feet and then of course I'll switch to the other side so stretch in the bottom of the foot rolling out oh my goodness it's just amazing total this probably takes you know two minutes so it's not too much time for the foot log there you go for that now last but not least is self massage I actually don't have it out here but if you have some lotion that's good but you can also just do it yourself just with your hands okay and I picked this up from a fan on Instagram you know who you are he is just I'm always impressed with the strength and mobility of his feet and he tells me that he is constantly working his feet with massaging like just always just just you know starting out gentle at first but then slowly digging in to his feet with his hands and just working out all the little niggles in there because you know and you're running high volume your feet they take pounding and they need some TLC so this is but I also think some good self massage can also help loosen up but also strengthen your feet as well especially if you do it consistently okay okay so again here's my foot just work in the bottom of that foot really good now it probably would help to have a little bit of lotion just so you know but you just work work those feet out does work them out and again when your feet are really tired this can be a little painful but I think it I think it's a really really good idea just to work the kinks out and then of course switch to the other foot as well last but not least on the docket is hip strength and mobility everyone pre having I learned so much I know this runners need was not fun injury to go through like for me or even for you know anybody that wanted me to go race in Houston or go race at the Olympic Trials but the lessons that I have learned through this I would say it's been a I'm just going to say it's kind of been at a quicker injury compared to let's say a bone injury but I've learned so much from the physical therapy so I'm gonna communicate that with all of you again I filmed many of these things for you in the past but now I'm packaging it into one long video thanks for sticking with me by the way through this long stuff but again you could bookmark this if you got a zip off to work you can come back and re-watch this later and see how I'm doing all of the exercises and movements and the tips that I've picked up from the PT on how to do them correctly okay so here we go hip strength and mobility gonna let me just get this pad moved into the middle of the room I will recommend if you can these ankle weights are really important eventually you don't have to have them at the beginning in fact I wouldn't use them at the beginning but let's say three weeks four weeks maybe five weeks down the road if your hips are feeling stronger you can add and these are four pound ankle weights I think they sell them as light as basically a pound or two these are pretty heavy the ones that I use at the physical therapy office are three pounds these are four pounds so but I would really recommend these to basically go to the next level of strength in your hips all right so I'm gonna put these on my ankles actually I just forgot we're actually gonna we're actually gonna loosen up my hips first so I've actually filmed these for you in the past already but I'm gonna do it again actually let me move the camera okay here it is the windshield wipers you know the drill so these are the windshield wipers with your hips oh my goodness it feels so good so you're just going back and forth back and forth alright windshield wipers two sets of ten two sets of ten on both I guess it would be so you can do ten and then you can rest if you need to or you can just do 20 straight you can probably just do 20 straight so all the way through so boom 20 of these 20 of these back and forth and then windshield wipers with hip hinge so again hopefully hopefully you can see this let me just move that up a little so it's the windshield wiper but with a hip hinge okay so you're gonna go across and then dip down okay hinging at your hips alright so boom boom hip hinge again 20 of them boom boom and again what we're doing here is just warming up those hitch hips and stretching them out a little bit for the actual exercises so boom across boom hip hinge all the way down to the ground with your nose boom feels amazing so those are the hip windshield wipers and then hip windshield wipers with hip hinge a lot of hip okay next on the docket is the supine active straight leg raises I've got the ankle weights on your on your back one knee is bent and then the leg that is straight okay it's gonna be doing the work you want to flex your quad that's critical flex your quad in order to fire everything in your hips okay so we're just like this and we're gonna go to 10 so 3 sets of 10 both legs if you can go just go do 30 great that's a lot of times what I do but if you need to break it up it's totally fine especially when you're just starting out so flexing the quad raising the leg up and what I have found to be very effective is to go down slow that makes it much harder so up and again bring it bring it up you know basically to 90 degrees if you can't quite get it there that's okay I'm not quite there and then again three sets of ten again flexing that quad is the key and it makes it much more difficult all right so there you go - ten on that side and then switch put your other knee up in the air flex the quad on the left leg and then up oh man so who - all right so this is the supine active straight leg raises all right so three sets of ten on both sides and the next side lying hip abduction all right side lying hip abduction so what we're gonna do is lie on her side you can bend the knee that's on the ground just a little bit's for a little stability and again flexing the quad on the leg that's gonna go up in the air so flex that quad and then you've got the ankle weights hopefully you can see see everything here and then again three sets of ten both sides if you can do 30 here if you you know if you need to do two sets of 15 that's okay but so you and you don't need to go crazy high that's actually too high you just like right there that's about all you need right there and then come down slowly slow so up down and then slowly slowly up slowly back down man remember flexing that quad muscle so then you'll flip for the other side you'll flip over okay so again you can use your bottom leg for a little stability straight leg flex the quad and then three sets of ten two sets of fifteen or one set of thirty alright so there you go this one is the side lying hip abduction you will feel the burn in your hip by the end trust me you will feel that burn and then next is be prone single leg raises so this one you're getting on your stomach let me just get that situated okay you lie on your stomach alright and then just like it sounds single leg so here we go so you're gonna straighten my I'm doing my left leg first straighten it out and then boom so you can do three you know three sets of ten the same thing but both legs okay so the key is you don't want to rotate in order to lift that leg up you don't want to rotate you wanted to stay as straight as possible so you want to keep your right hip on the ground just nice and slike you're it's cemented into the ground that right hip if you're working your left leg okay so you don't want to rotate at all so there you go so four six eight ten let's say I did ten and then switch and then again flex that quad in the right leg if I'm doing my right leg one two three four five six all the way up to ten alright so there you go so that is the that is the prone single leg raises so next is we need something in here next up are the clam shells I love the clam shells they they're just it's just nice it's a good one I like it a lot so clam shells helps to have a resistance band but you don't have to have a resistance band especially when you're starting out but eventually you're gonna want to resist a resistance band again these are from the yes for all company right there and so put it around your leg just like that and then around this leg just like that and then just like a clam shell you know again same deal three sets of ten both sides so that would be one so up and down you might have to hold it so it doesn't slide off your leg so two three four then all the way up to ten and then you simply flip over for number four for ten on this side okay then going to three so thirty so it's gonna be a sixty total so one two three and it will burn trust me by the end all right so those are the clam shells with a resistance band great one I love that one a lot okay next up oh boy single leg hip bridges single leg hip bridges this one this one doesn't exactly feel good now I keep my ankle weights on you don't have to just for a little more challenge I like to keep my ankle weights on basically you're lying on your back your knees are bent for this one the trick is that you want to you want to remember that a rod is going through your foot through your heel and so your heel needs to stay on the ground and you want to get your power from your heel okay so if your heel is on the ground on my right leg again hopefully you can see that so you're gonna straighten your left leg and then you want to make sure these legs are staying parallel okay moving up into the air so what's gonna happen or my hips are gonna go up to about here they're gonna go up and down up and down of course three sets of ten both sides let me just move this Mike here real quick okay I'm just gonna put it right there okay it's all ready so we're gonna go one two three and again the power comes from your heel not from your toe it's got to come from your heel because that's what's gonna be working your quad okay and then so six seven and trust me this burns eight nine ten and I need to I need to work on these honestly okay so right leg straight just like that heel in the ground and then the other side two three and these are really getting your hips really getting your hips four five six seven all the way up to ten okay but everyone if single leg is too hard that's okay it's totally fine you can do double leg to start okay so double leg is just like this one two three but frankly double leg is way way easier so double leg feels too easy it probably means you can try single leg alright so there you go that's single leg hip bridges next our little fire hydrants so you know how the dogs do they're do their business alright so fire hydrants for this one I only do two sets of 10 so basically you're in a on a for like 4 so your hands are on the ground your knees are on the ground and you're just gonna lift your hip up okay so you're gonna do two sets of 10 both sides so 40 total so see how I'm doing that lifting my hip up just like a dog in a fire harried right now all right so here you go all the way up to 10 and then switching over and the key is that you don't want your hips to rotate too you know you don't want your hips to row you don't want to go like this you want to stays nice and straight once again so just like that yeah that's like that there we go oh my right is struggling a little bit okay so I'll just do my left one more time so you can see it so again these are called fire hydrants again trying to keep those hips nice and level not rotating too much okay all right there you go those are the fire hydrants next oh yeah next donkey kicks two sets of ten so 40 total so boom and again you don't need to you don't need to raise your leg way up in the air okay let me just move down a little bit you can just go straight out so - so 10 so it'll be 2 3 4 5 and I just keep the ankle weights on for all this for a little more resistance basically 8 9 10 and then switch over so these are donkey kicks 2 sets of 10 40 total there you go there you go and there you go all right okay all right so those are donkey kicks next are the mountain climbers ok these are hard these are very hard so you're gonna get down on your down on your elbows like this and then you're gonna bring your hips up just like that 2 3 alternating 4 5 six seven eight nine ten I'd like to do three sets of ten for the mountain climbers because in addition to your hips you're also working your core in a big big way those are called mountain climbers I'll do them one more time just so you can see all right three sets of ten one keeping the leg off the ground two three four five six seven eight nine ten here's the deal everyone ten days ago with my knee I could not do those mountain climbers no way no way so that's a good one okay next up are the here we go this is fun so we're gonna take the ankle weights off we're done with these okay so here we go this is where it gets fun for me is the slant board okay let me just make sure we're looking good here okay so this slant board was recommended yes from a lot of people but one gentleman in particular he knows who he is and he has suffered from runner's knee in the past I've added this into the rotation it's working your hips but it's also working a lot of different other things as well a lot of other things as well your knees your your quads your it's working everything it's basically a reverse squat okay I'll just show it to you on so eventually you can work up to three sets of ten and yes I am still barefoot just to help fire those feet and I'll do a couple different angles for this so the key for this one is that you want your knees to stay over your toes you don't want to you don't want your knees to end up way out here so you want to keep your knees back so you're squatting with your actual glutes so you want your you want your your your butt to stay back okay so okay so here we go so three sets of ten again watch my knees and I'm gonna try and concentrate on keeping my my knees back so it makes it much harder it's so that'd be one and again slower is better if you have runners knee don't do this unless you've been approved by your physical therapist and/or you have basically little to no pain in your knee you don't want to over stress runner's knee okay so again keeping my knees back oh that's nice so again three sets of ten slower is better slower is always better and you might need definitely definitely you can work up to three sets of ten you don't need to do them right out of the gate okay so just like this down we go keeping up keeping that butt back you know back that way okay now let me just do another angle just so you can see the front okay and that'll get you I'll get you burning I must say those legs they're screaming they are screaming okay so again we're trying to strengthen the quads everything around the knee especially for me in order to help prevent runner's knee in the future but just down okay and you don't want your knees to come in you don't want them to go out straight just nice and straight okay and again keeping the net keeping those knees over the toes okay there you go there you go just do one more just you can see nice and slow okay perfect alright so that's a slant board and the reverse squat now for this this is simply called the lateral resistance band so the resistance band is around my ankle let me adjust the camera so you can see that you see that I'm putting that around there and then what you're gonna do let me move the camera back up so you can see is you're gonna go to the left and then come back and for me in my house it's about maybe 25 feet maybe 30 feet so I think that's a good distance to go approximately of course it depends on maybe you might if you live in an apartment building you might have to use the hallway your neighbors might think you look a little weird but that's okay or your dorm room if you're in college okay so you want to keep you want to stay low that's that's the key with it you want to stay low so not not like that but just like you don't want to be up like this so you want to be kind of in a little bit of a squatting position and then move your left leg and then when you bring your right leg over to your left leg you want your right leg to come up in the air you don't want to drag your foot across the ground you want it to come up okay so let me start again right here we're gonna go boom and then up boom and again staying low to low to the ground for your for your for your button so all the way across the ground here and then back okay so I didn't go all the way but this is the lateral resistance band really good really works a lot of different things it's strengthening the knee for me with my runners knee has been amazing okay so there you go that is the lateral resistance band I'll do it one more time just so you can just so you can see and again so what I'll do is I'll do three sets of about 25 feet okay so maybe 70 approximately it doesn't have to be exact as long as you're getting the work in and you stay facing the same direction the whole way because on the way back you're going does that make sense you're going your left leg is bleeding my left leg is leading right now and on the way back my right leg will lead hopefully that makes sense so there we go lateral resistance band and then I won't go all the way and then I'll hand them back so right now my right leg is leading butter my bread boom and oh man it burns by the end that's getting your hips in a big big way ok the next one is the monster resistance band so basically you're gonna go forward on the way out and backward on the way back again about 25 feet out whether it's your house or your dorm room whatever wherever you can find someplace that's 25 feet and then so here you go hopefully you can see this so you're gonna keep your feet together and then you're gonna step to the right and then bring your left foot to your right foot and then step to the left and bring your right foot to the left and then out and then out and then and again lifting your leg up that's trailing okay so boom boom and again you want to stay low I didn't do very well staying low there and then on the way back you're gonna go backward okay making sure you don't run into anybody so boom boom all the way back and this is again working to just firing your hips in a different way okay so I'm gonna try that one more time just to stay a little lower so boom and you want to go forward you don't want to go to the side too much you want to fire forward so boom boom I'll do one more then on the way back boom boom and again three sets by 25 feet okay boom boom boom and these are again yes yes for all resistance bands alright and I am really loving these right now really loving these well folks butter my bread if I did say so I must say those resistance bands get me breathing I'm breathing right now and last but not least for hip strength and mobility is the cord alright this is maybe one of my favorites that I've picked up from the physical therapist these chords mmm this this company let's see what company is this this is fitness gear and I think it was ooh was it ten dollars I think it was about ten to fifteen dollars for for one of these chords okay and this is a thirty which one is yeah this is a 30 pound cord so I'm gonna go connect it to my kitchen table and then show you how to do this in case you have not seen me do this a couple days ago on the blog okay so let's see so we're gonna connect this end to here to the kitchen table which should be enough weight to hold it down and then pull it this way and then with the other end you're gonna wrap it around well either ankle it doesn't matter which one first because you're gonna do both sides and you're gonna pull this through here and again this is just firing those little muscles right around your knee especially so if it's on this one that means I'm gonna be working if it's on my left leg it means I'm gonna be working my right leg the most okay now for this one you're gonna do one set of 30 but for different directions okay so this is the first direction where you're gonna balance on your right leg and then with a straight leg you're gonna go out just like that just like that okay so you can do 30 of these and by the end it's actually your right leg that is doing a lot of work okay so again working on that hip strength and all those little muscles down by your knee right above your knee especially like your your lower quad so you do thirty that direction and then you go like this we're gonna do thirty this way so putting your leg out to the front okay well and it's a balance exercise as well as you just saw there so just like this like this like this just like that so you do 30 that way and then 30 behind you okay so hopefully this makes sense so boom so out to the let if it's again if you're right you're balancing on your right leg your left leg this is the third one on your left leg is going out to the left and thirty of those and then last but not least you're gonna go back behind you okay and again boom and trust me by the end you're really really burning okay it's like it's one of the hardest things I do at the physical therapy office okay so this is going that way just like that so you do 30 of those and like even yeah I didn't even do half and like my leg is tired it's really really tired okay so that is the cord and that is my and then for to switch you just switch it over to the other side and you do the same thing okay but opposite directions so let me just show you real quick so you can see so for this you're gonna stand here but I'm gonna start this way because I started the other so you're gonna go this way first just like that 30 of those and then this way 30 of these forward and then behind 30 okay and then backward alright and then backward boom and so now I'm working my left leg as opposed to my right leg bada bing bada boom that wraps up hip and strength mobility oh that was hard well folks butter my bread if I ever said so I must say by the end of all of that I am breathing like it's now I'm not running right now so maybe I've lost a little aerobic capacity which is fine but it is it's a little bit of a workout and you can do these at your house this prehab I love that word prehab in order to have hopefully avoid injuries moving forward and it's you know it's all these little things now here's the question of the day and I'm intrigued to hear your thoughts on this but it's these little pre having that I'm hoping and I listen I've aspired to do this stuff for years and years and I've dabbled in it but I've never been able to fully commit why of course time right and that's the question of the day be honest with me how much time do you think you really really have on a consistent basis and I should just say right now all of this you don't need to do this every day I'm doing it every day because I'm injured and I'm trying to come back from an injury based on again what I've been told in the past is two days a week and it preferably three days a week is ideal so question of the day how much time do you really truly think you have to accomplish prehab work whether it's five minutes whether it's a half hour because guess what all of that that I just showed you it would honestly probably it's probably gonna take you at least forty to forty-five minutes maybe more and I get it we're busy people you're busy and do you have an extra if let's just say you're doing it three days a week do you have an extra hour two hours and 15 minutes a week that you can carve out for prehab work to hopefully avoid injury in the future especially if you've been dealing with a lot of injuries in your running career so that's the question the day just really drilling down into drilling down into reality with your time and it's hard it's hard but that's listen it took me about an hour and a half but I was moving the camera around and you know so it took me an extra extra time to setup the shots but I'll be curious to hear just that brute that brutal honesty with how much time you think you have alright that's it for today I realize that was a lot thank you for watching that long long prehab vlog and again you can bookmark this and then come back to it as much as you'd like in the future yeah I'm excited I'm excited for 2020 and I'll probably update this vlog once a year maybe twice a year but probably once a year I'll obviously let you all know as I continue to learn different things that I think work and maybe don't work not to mention everything in the gym alright everyone we're tossing it back on the right to a little more detail a foot and ankle strengthening on the right that I made about a month ago and then yes a little detail into the hip mobility and strengthening mobility on the lap thanks for being here thanks for watching everyone boom boom boom let's stay healthy in 2020 see beauty work hard and love each other see you tomorrow
Channel: Seth James DeMoor
Views: 54,219
Rating: 4.9704795 out of 5
Keywords: seth james demoor, long distance running tips, running shoe reviews, running gear, running motivation, how to start running, how to run, motivation for exercise, motivation to start running, running inspiration, how to run fast, how to run faster, best neutral running shoes, how to choose a running shoe, marathon training, best road running shoes 2020, best trail running shoes 2020, seth demoor runner, demoor global running
Id: yn87CO_oVko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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