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hey everybody welcome back to my youtube channel welcome to today's video for today's video i thought i would do a pregnancy update so i am currently on the last day of my 17th week of my third pregnancy so tomorrow i turn 18 weeks and i'm pretty sure my last update i think i included in my one of my day-in-the-life vlogs um i'll link them down below i've got a whole pregnancy series but i think it was at my 13-week appointment um and i just gave you like a brief update of how i was feeling so well overdue um i did say that i wouldn't do this every week but i thought you know i'm at the end of my 17th week now and i would just do another update for you so yeah i hope you enjoyed today's video don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you're not already and let's jump in to the video okay so if you're new to my channel then this is my third baby and i am as i said at the start in my 17th week i turn 18 weeks tomorrow um and i've had quite a few questions i popped a box on my instagram if you don't follow me there again i'll link it down below and it's always the handle is here on the screen and i popped a box up just to ask me any questions but um i'm also aware that some people don't follow me on instagram so i thought i would pop it up here so i've just got a list on my phone of some questions i thought it would be really helpful just to go through them if there's any questions you want to know that i don't answer in this video leave them down below in the comments box now i'm feeling really out of breath one of the symptoms that i've got at the moment um but yeah leave it down below in the comments box and i will be happy to answer it there and obviously i can include it in a future update so when i can catch my breath first question i've already answered this twice said how far along are you so i'm currently 17 weeks and six days when i am uploading this obviously depending when you're watching it i could be further along um says do you know your due date um it has changed a couple of times it changed at my 13-week scan which is called the dating scan so it came forward slightly at that scan to the 2nd of october but it i will be delivering baby early i'll get into that in a second because i've got another question on um baby delivery and do i know where i'm having babies so i'll jump onto that in a minute but yeah official day it's the second of october but baby will be here early and it says what are your symptoms that you've been having so since for the last couple of weeks actually i've been doing so so well um slightly breathless not all the time um just sometimes if i'm you know doing something or overexerting myself then i'll find i need to take a step because i'm slightly breathless but other than that i don't have any other symptoms i just feel quite tired in the mornings i've had my iron levels checked with my bloods and they're absolutely fine with my previous pregnancies towards the end my iron was very low so i had to um go on an iron supplement so obviously we'll see i've got quite a long time to go but at the moment everything is good with my bloods other than feeling tired i'm not feeling any other symptoms to be honest we are super busy at the house so sometimes i feel like i have to take a step back and think oh actually i am pregnant i felt a few flutters i've had another question of saying have you felt baby move i have helped felt baby move i think i first felt movements by week 15 um which is quite early for me with oliver my son he was my second pregnancy my placenta was right at the front so i didn't feel movement with him until i was about 19 weeks and with my first baby darcy um that i think was about week 17 so this time around i felt movements quite a lot earlier um and just feels like flutters at the moment there's not been anything really like a forceful kick or a punch just as yet obviously baby's still quite small um so obviously as we progress i'm well aware that those movements will become a lot stronger i've also had a question to ask do i know the gender of our baby i do i've posted a whole gender reveal um on my channel i'll link it here link it down below if you want to um see that we surprised our other two children because they didn't know um it's really really sweet actually but we are having a baby girl so i will have darcy who is my eldest she is nine in may so she'll be nine when baby arrives then i've got my son oliver he will be six when baby arrives and then we're having a baby girl so it'll be girl boy girl so yeah we're all super super excited i've also had questions saying have we got a name for baby no um obviously we know the gender so we only need to think of names for a baby girl um i quite like traditional names so if you've got any suggestions leave them in the comments down below because i need all the suggestions i won't be announcing the name until baby girl is here um but we've got a list actually funnily enough myself and tom my husband we were sat on the sofa last night and i said oh have you had any thoughts of girl names and we're just totally like i said maybe that no i don't like that and then he'll say name and i'm like i don't like that i just i think it's got to go with darcy and oliver um so we call see darcy and then olly for sure so i just want it to kind of they're more traditional names i would say um so i kind of like to stick with that so yeah there's a process i've got a list on my phone so um but obviously you'll find out when baby girl was here but yeah any suggestions please let me know in the comments um now i've also had let me bring my questions back up i've also had a question asking um if we're going to be doing a nursery reveal now i would love to say yes but at the moment baby girl does not have a room um so oh there's so much going on in our house um i updated you again i'll link this below because it will tie in if you're new to my channel you've not watched any of my other videos but um baby girl was a lovely surprise so we weren't um expecting baby girl so she's kind of surprised us and we don't have room currently at our house so we need to do some sort of extension conversion to our house so we were already converting the side of our house we're extending the side of our house that will give us a downstairs toilet a utility and then like a garage area at the front so that's in the process of being done my husband is doing on his own so obviously he's got a full-time job that he does during the day so he's doing the side when he comes home from work and also on the weekends so he's taking it's not taking particularly long but it's taking longer than if we were to have a building company in but obviously we're trying to do it on somewhat of a budget and he does the work himself so we've got that going on so that's slightly crazy um and we are also going to be doing our loft now originally when i found out i was pregnant we were just yet the loft will be done myself and tom will move into the loft which will give us a huge master suite an ensuite and like a wardrobe dressing room area and then oliver my son will move into our bedroom and then the bedroom that oliver is in is our like tiny box room so that would be the nursery now that is still going to be the plan but whether that is ready for when baby girl arrives i'm kind of thinking it's not going to be and um i think i've accepted it now and i think if we rather than try and force something and it'd be really stressful in the lead up to her coming she needs to stay with us anyway for the first six months so it's not the end of the world um we just need to jig around our wardrobe and kind of make some space for her um and her clothes etc obviously she'll be in like the bedside crib that goes next to our bed anyway so yeah i will keep you updated with progress and obviously i'll link like i said the video down below because i do give you a little tour into the extension that we're doing on the side and obviously you'll see future renovations on my channel um and i've also had a question saying have i bought any new items for the baby so i have but not a huge amount so when we found out i didn't really buy anything until we find out the gender because i have kept a lot of um darcy and oliver's baby items so i've got pretty much quite a good selection of newborn my daughter was 4 pound 15 when she was born so she was in kind of like premature tiny baby clothing for um a one her newborn lasted her longer than say ollie because he was seven pound six so although he was still quite tiny he was he felt really big compared to darcy um so i've got a really good selection of newborns so i've gone through what i've got i've washed everything um and just gone through just to make sure everything is like not got any rips or anything like that and it's not stained it's all good so i'm pretty confident that i'm done in like first size and newborn although i have bought her i like coming home little set from next which i will show you um although i've got quite a good section i did just want to buy her something new that's it's just hers and she'll wear it home and then obviously wear it throughout the day so i got this from next um it comes in a set i believe it was 16 pang no 13 pounds sorry and this i got in the size first size so this is up to the weight of 7.8 pangs um obviously i don't know how big she's going to be at my last scan she was measuring just oh slightly over the 50th centil so by average but i'm gonna have growth scans um from week 28 i'll be scanned every four weeks i believe um which i had to have done with darcy and ollie just to cuz i had obviously darcy was very small so they like to just err on the side of caution and keep an eye on baby but so i bought this because i thought it hopefully will fit if not so i have to if she's bigger um i'll have to exchange it but it's just very lovely so it's white and it's got um really really if i turn it around and show you the back the print is clear on the back really really faint pastel outline of bunnies on it um so it's very soft pink um and some green so this is the kind of onesie it's the poppered onesie as you can see i love the zip ones but they're not they're quite hard to come by here in the uk so i'm on the hunt for them because that'll make life so much easier um she's got a little vest to go underneath which just got obviously polka dot and flower detail on and then it comes with the bib to match the baby grow and then just a hat and the baby grill arms have the built-in kind of like scratch mitts that you just wrap over their hands so i just thought that was a lovely set and then just because these came today i have got her a couple of little headband pieces because things like this although they were around they didn't ever seem as pretty as this when darcy was a baby um so i got her this little bow here it's from a company i found them on instagram called little daisy dream i'll tag them below but it's really soft so the headband itself is tan and i mean it's so soft it's not gonna be tight whatsoever um and then i got this one which is a slightly larger headband again really soft lots and lots of stretch and it's kind of got like the cable detail on it if you can see it there and this one is called ballet pink so i'm planning on getting her a few more little headbands um i also had a question asking if i was going to breastfeed and the plan is yes i am i breastfed darcy and olly um although darcy i only got to about six weeks and then my milk supply completely dried up so i had to switch her to formula and with ollie he just wasn't latching um so i only got to about three weeks with ollie but what i'm planning on doing this time is um just doing as much research as i can and just reaching out to any online courses i can do any breastfeeding support groups because i was very much left um dare i say i didn't have a great deal of support to be honest um around it so i would very much looking to educate myself more this time around because i would love to be able to breastfeed her um but you know which if i can't do it as long as i've tried my best i'm not gonna beat myself up about it we have got a sterilizer that i bought off of the tommy tippy website just in case and some bottles and there's also got the perfect prep machine other than that um we haven't really bought anything else i've still got my buggy from when ollie was a baby so i had the bugaboo chameleon with him but he by the time he was nine months he just looked absolutely huge so i then um bought him a new version of the bugaboo bee which i had for darcy um so i've kept that and i'm planning on just using the bugaboo bee i need to buy a car seat that will go on top of it and then the pram attachment so yeah we're good on that front and then i also had another question asking if i have booked in um at the hospital so i know where i'm having the baby so yes i have selected where i'm having the baby it's just our local hospital here now i had two cesarean sections with my previous babies so i am under the care of the consultant so it's not a high risk um pregnancy but i am under consultant care so i do go to see my midwives as per the midwife schedule so i have my 16 week appointment that was over the phone and then i don't see them now until week 28 which i think is such a long time but regardless i've got my 20 week scan in between that and then also from week 28 i actually see the consultants at the hospital where i will be delivering now the reason for that is because of my two previous cesarean sections they want to um talk to me about birth with baby number three and obviously also with my growth complications i had with darcy and with both babies i also had reduced fetal movements um so it's to keep an eye on that as well now i've been told by the midwife that i don't have to have this baby by a cesarean section if there you know if everything is um straightforward and there's no complications um but she said obviously i need to talk to the consultants about that so when i know a little bit more about that i will let you know um what the plan of action is but yeah i do know where we're having baby um but i know that my pregnancy won't be allowed to go past the due date if anything it will either be induced or the cesarean sections here in the uk are planned for the week 38 to week 39 i think with with darcy had to have her delivered it 37 weeks because of her reduced um growth and with ollie he was delivered in week 39 so obviously they were all class technically his term but darcy was just a couple of weeks earlier than ollie so yeah when i know more about that i will let you know i also had a question i wanted to leave this towards the end saying um have you got any stretch marks and have you gained much weight so i at the moment i don't think i've got any new stretch marks yes i do have stretch marks and i gained stretch marks in both of my pregnancies so with my first pregnancy i gained them on my hips um and with my second pregnancy i gained a couple on my tummy they've completely faded so they're kind of like the silvery um color now and i don't even notice them to be honest with you i was really really upset when i gained in my first pregnancy and now it doesn't even bother me i use a tummy rub every night to make sure my skin is moisturized but if i i'm probably going to get some more i got the mother too um and i know that they will fade in terms of my weight gain i don't know 100 because we have no scales in our house um when i went for my appointment at the hospital i had put on four pangs and to be honest with you i will give you a bit of a bump update um i'm trying to film stages of the pregnancy so when baby is here i can do like a bump or body progression through pregnancy but i will give you a bump update but at the moment i'm in no maternity clothes which is um crazy for me so typically with my other two pregnancies i gained four stone so even though my first baby was four pound fifteen i actually gained four stone with her which is crazy um and i bloated in my face my lit i just put away absolutely everywhere with ollie it was kind of more just bump my bump was very very big but again i put on four stone um but with this baby i don't know whether it's because i'm more active obviously i've got two children they're both at school i'm working i'm constantly running around there's always stuff to do at the house um and obviously both the children are in kind of like after school clubs so i'm always always on the go obviously i'm very mindful that i need to take rests when i need to so i'm very good at listening to my body when i need a rest i will take a rest but yeah i'm all my pre-pregnancy clothes are still fitting um at the moment i've just got back from work so hence i'm in my comfy i've got just a jumper and my black joggers on um but yeah in terms of weight gain i i'm just very i'm not mindful of obviously i eat quite well anyway um but if i fancy like a sweet treat or chocolate bar i will allow myself to have that i'm just very conscious that i need to keep my water intake up um so yeah i don't think the only other questions that i had to be honest were more about names if we got names um and what are my symptoms which i've already covered so i think what i'll do now is i'll give you a bit of a bump update um and i'll try obviously i'll do that live and i'll try and insert some pictures here of some still photos that i've been taking um of my bump but yeah baby girl is um doing very well obviously i'll know more when i go for my 20 week scan that is where they actually check all the development of baby um so i plan on doing a vlog on that um but yeah let's jump in to my bump update okay so as i said i'm in my pre-pregnancy closer i've just got on today just a jumper um i mean obviously usually it probably a bit more baggy on me but i've just got my joggers on so they're not maternity um and if i just pull them down you'll be able to see my bump so obviously from the front you probably wouldn't know it probably just looks like i've gained a little bit of weight on my tummy but if i turn to the side then you can just see it is starting to come out but more so i just find that um with darcy my first so i thought obviously girl bumps would say i kind of carried around here but i don't seem to be doing that so it is starting to um go out but if i see it's just it's still very very compact so i don't know whether that's um had something to do with obviously the workout regime that i was doing um before in the lead up to this i haven't been working out as much um to be honest i probably haven't actually done a dedicated workout in a good few weeks but i've been making sure that i'm doing my at least 10 000 steps a day which i do easy just obviously without even thinking in just a busy mum life but yeah i'm very happy with how things go i have got a few things maternity so i've got some leggings and things like that i don't feel overly comfortable in jings anymore although i can still put them on but they just they're just not very comfortable to just sit in around mike they're obviously a bit snug around here now um but yeah i have got some maternity so i'll keep you updated with the bump update but yeah baby girl is in there and she's cooking away nicely so that's gonna be it for my pregnancy update week 17 video i will keep you updated with see baby number three and i'm planning on doing these every couple of weeks i probably won't do it every week um but yeah i am planning on keeping you updated and it's something for me to look back on and because this is more than likely going to be our last baby so i want to keep this because i haven't got it from when my i have my other two because i wasn't on youtube then um but yeah if there's any questions i didn't answer today that you want to ask me as i said just drop them in the comments and i'll be happy to answer them there and if not i can also include them in a future video if it's something you want to know a bit further down the line and as i said please please please if you've got any name suggestions leave them in the comments box for me because i need all the suggestions i can get but i hope you enjoyed today's video don't forget to give it a thumbs up leave me a comment down below and i will see you in my next video bye everyone hold up just a minute been looking for some just help find myself
Channel: Emma Nightingale
Views: 3,148
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: PREGNANCY UPDATE WEEK 17 | HONEST UPDATE.. FEELING BABY MOVE // WEIGHT GAIN, pregnancy, 17 weeks pregnant, pregnant, pregnancy update, pregnancy weight gain, second trimester, pregnancy symptoms, 17 weeks pregnant baby moving, 17 weeks pregnant belly, 17 weeks pregnant update, 17 weeks pregnant channel mum, pregnancy update 2021, pregnancy q&a, pregnancy update belly shot, pregnancy week by week, third baby pregnancy, pregnancy announcement, pregnancy vlog
Id: sKrbaFwL54w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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