PREGNANCY Q&A | Gender, Home Birth, Sex...

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hola muchachos welcome here we have holes in our shirt and an acne patch on our face it's kind of bothering me i hope it doesn't bother you by the time you guys are watching this video i'm getting close to being 17 weeks pregnant and have yet to do a q a the thing is for me as soon as i see or know some am i even in the center hold on i'm also hoping i don't spill my coffee in this video on my beautiful white linen bedding leave me a like right now because so far so good as soon as um someone on social media or youtube or friend or whatever gets pregnant i'm like okay i have questions i suddenly become this curious person and i just want to know like so what's going on so in today's video i'm going to tell you guys what's going on i hopped onto my instagram and i was like ask me some questions i have some cues no you have some q's i have some a's give me your cues i'll give you my ace [Applause] sorry kieran who's editing this video back for me yesterday i went through these questions and i tried to pick out the ones that a lot of people were like continually asking so hopefully i kind of get to your question here i hope you guys enjoyed this video let's go ahead and get started how are you preparing your other kids for the arrival of this baby this is baby number four for me and kids really just naturally at least my kids prepare themselves and a couple key things come into play here when it comes to that and one of them is my body my body just continually growing and forming this baby and going from stage to stage my kids just by visually seeing me or mentally preparing themselves for baby there's something in my legging oh okay got it okay and then i guess on top of that me and karen can kind of help that process by talking to them getting them to feel baby baby is slowly starting to move and kick i do have a placenta on the front which i've never had before so a lot of that feeling i'm getting it deep and this is so weird there's freaking holes in my shirt this it's airy i like it because it's airy and the washing machine is so loud this is going really well ivy's been through this calvin's been through this elizabeth hasn't but she still is kind of at the age where she's getting it and understanding i have never had such a big gap between two kids before this kid and elizabeth will be like two and a half just over years apart where previously it's been a year and a half and a year so there's a bit of a gap here but i'm thankful because my kids are older and they can kind of understand and i feel like they deal with it easier and they get more excited about it and this is a huge thing i never talk about anything that's gonna happen during or after baby in a negative way i'm never gonna be like oh i'm just gonna have you know what i'm not gonna have a lot of time i'm gonna be super busy i don't say things like that because then kids are going to link this negativity or maybe concerns that i have with themselves towards baby so if we talk about baby it's exciting it's cool if i have any concerns i really keep it to myself and i share that with kieran or maybe my midwife but when we talk about baby it's positive it's exciting and then we also affirm them in their roles even as five three and two-year-olds and how important they are to us before we got pregnant with ivy were you scared of labor how did you get over it i was not scared of labor there was definitely parts of labor that were not i don't want to say nerve wracking but definitely almost made me feel intimidated but something i just constantly reminded myself about was that god made my body to actually do this it's not like god made me and then he was like you're gonna have kids and it's gonna suck and it's not gonna work out god intended for women to bear children therefore my body is going to work in its best way in order to do so so i feel like a lot of people can get nervous around labor because of what other people might say about their labors and i think it is so important and i saw this recently to not scare new moms i don't know what it is there's so much fear that new moms have because i think a lot of good stuff is shared on the internet and then some stuff shouldn't be shared so drastically or new moms just need to kind of really protect themselves and their hearts and their minds during their first pregnancy because like some stuff it's like oh my gosh i would have freaked out if i saw that uh when i was pregnant with ivy but i really guarded myself um i prayed a lot i really remembered god's intention when it comes to women bearing children and stuff so i went into labor with ivy actually feeling extremely good and very confident and after i gave birth to her and she was on my chest i looked at kieran and i said i would do this again and i have and i will continue to do this until until i'm done doing this so really guard yourself guard your heart focus on yourself don't compare yourself to other people and realize people have awesome labors it's just a lot of people don't actually share about their awesome labor because they can actually have guilt over it please know i have had no gas no epidural totally natural labors and they've been fantastic so if you want someone to just tell you labor can actually be so fun and so cool i'm that person how much into your pregnancy will you work out right to the end i have worked out before being pregnant during pregnant after pregnancy with all of my kiddos as each pregnancy has gone on my workouts have changed just because i have some pelvis issues i also had diastasis recti with all of my kids and i successfully healed it after my third but now we're back in we'll talk about that a little more in a bit there is nothing stopping me from working out my entire pregnancy i'm not working out because of vanity or anything like that uh mentally workouts is that didn't make that wasn't a proper sentence mentally working out for me is like the number one reason why i work out is literally mentally i'm happier i'm nicer i enjoy my days more i feel more fulfilled in my days and productive when i start with moving my body and labor's like a marathon i want to be fully prepared for labor and for me working out is just a really good way that i can do it with names do you usually wait until the baby comes out or do you decide before we usually me and kieran are very relaxed with names i love these videos of people being like these are the baby names we have picked these are the names we're not using and the husband and wife there's points where i'm like this is almost heated like the woman would be like i would never name my child that and the husband is like i would have loved to name my child this i'm so thankful that karen is really relaxed when it comes to baby names and i would like for him to think that i'm really relaxed too maybe he doesn't but i feel like i am i named ivy ivy yvonne that was a name i just had picked out and i loved it we didn't actually have a name for a boy really there was a few but i was really set on iv on if it was a girl then with calvin you know i named ivy and i was like kieran name the kid whether it's a boy or a girl we didn't know the gender for all of our kids and kieran chose calvin isaac i was like cool i'll go with that and then for elizabeth when when your third baby comes it's just kind of like huh we'll figure it out sometime and we had a bunch of names but when we looked at elizabeth we were like you are an elizabeth and then for this one we have a girl name picked out and then we kind of keep playing around with the boy name but we have an idea of names and usually some like pretty certain ones that we like and then when baby is born that's when we really figure it out and decide we can take our time we can be quick about it me and karen aren't really that picky we have the same taste in names which is nice is four kids your goal or are you planning for more i want more after elizabeth i was like i'm done i'm good we tried adoption and it didn't work out it wasn't really our fault i mean it kind of was but kind of anyway long story but when we decided to have this one i think when i really thought of the age gap between elizabeth and this one i thought i would like to maybe have one more after this depending on my pregnancy and how everything goes i don't think i want to stop at four i would like to have this one and maybe another maybe another i have no idea where they are closer in age kind of have like two sets of kids you know what i mean so i'm not even looking at this pregnancy like it is my last because i honestly would like more how crazy is that how is your diastasis recti doing hope for a smooth pregnancy and delivery for you and that was like that was the nicest thing about reading through you guys's questions was just a lot of people being like we're praying for you we hope everything goes well thinking of you and i was like dang guys are so pure and so nice and so genuine seriously thank you so much for all that kind of stuff as for my diastasis recti so after elizabeth i completely healed three different pregnancies where i dealt with diastasis recti so here's the thing when you're pregnant your abs do split it is very very very rare that your abs will stay together your abs naturally split but diastasis recti comes in when your abs split and then postpartum they don't go back together usually postpartum the abs will kind of come back together over time but die slice is rectized just when they don't and won't so mine didn't and wouldn't so i did workouts and they came back together and as of right now my abs are separating the way that they're supposed to i don't feel loosey-goosey through here i actually feel really firm i've actually dealt with some muscle tension through this area because i am so firm through here that now the groin belly it's kind of challenging that tightness that i had and have in my abs so i mean things are going good i won't know if i have diastasis recti until i just spat everywhere until like postpartum i think i will have it and i'm not gonna be too sad about it because it just gives me something that i can continually work on to better and then get to a point where i was before this pregnancy where i had abs and felt super toned and tight those those were those were the days man those are such good days but i'm so thankful that i'm pregnant now and i'm loving this like ridiculous belly that i'm starting to get do you want to labor at home again absolutely my first two i labored in the hospital uh elizabeth i labored in the bathtub and i am planning to do the exact same thing i'm going to give birth lord willing at home in the bathtub that's that's how this is gonna go down i loved a water birth i found it to be so soothing on my really sore cramping belly the water was just such a pain reliever i loved it so that is the plan this time i really pray that i get my home birth again because i just loved it previously i just mixed the transition like i didn't have to transition from here to the hospital to the hospital to here and i felt like that kind of made it harder for the kids transitioning going back and forth and they're waiting for mama come home and that's when the baby comes like it's a little bit much but if i can stay at home the entire time kids come and visit me while i'm in labor or whatever like awesome i just found it easier with elizabeth that transition and it was just so nice to stay at home the entire time it was so nice are you gonna share baby's gender before you give birth no because i will not know baby's gender before giving birth i don't like knowing the gender of my babies before i give birth we live in a society where like the gender reveal finding out the gender before all this stuff is quite big and i personally think knowing the gender ruins it for me when it comes to my own children there is nothing like the adrenaline of going into labor giving birth and then finding out the gender it is just it was the way that god kind of made it you know and i know with technology like things have changed and you can find it out and i'm not judging anyone who's found out the gender before most people in my life have found out the gender before but for me knowing the gender before doesn't serve me at all i found i didn't have to plan before which was nice i didn't have to be like oh i'm going to have a girl so i'm going to buy girl oh i'm going to have a boy so i'm going to buy boy clothes i just kept with the neutral newborn clothes had my kids wear those and then by the time they were no longer newborns then i could go ahead and buy them things that would be suited to a boy or a girl i don't know honestly it takes out all the fun and i i also don't want to be this person but here we go i don't take a lot of interest in finding out what other people's kids are like when people like oh we're having a boy we're having a girl before the baby is born it's kind of like oh cool like it doesn't do anything for me and i know the whole gender reveal these holes are just the weirdest and i know the whole gender reveal party is not happening as much right now but it's still like a thing people get invited and it's exciting but i've i've never gotten excited over the fact that someone is having a boy or a girl i get excited over the fact that someone is pregnant that's you know that's it and then when the baby is born then i take interest and i'm like did you have a boy or girl then then and only then am i really really interested i could talk about this for a long time i think i'd have but it just it takes away so much of the fun i love not knowing what i'm having until giving birth i'm kind of old school traditional like that you should have been at my wedding very traditional i don't know i just like it i just think it's fun and i don't really care about the gender heavily i've never been like i want a boy i want a girl i think i kind of can lean to one gender or the other but it's never intense like i just i'm like i'll have what i have and all i want is healthy baby that's that's what i'm focusing on are you and your hubby still intimate during pregnancy if so how far do you keep it up we are intimate like right up until labor for all pregnancies we found intimacy to actually be a nice way of getting ready for labor it naturally ripens your cervix it can help you dilate it can help bring on labor i knew a girl and during intimacy her water broke and she gave birth on their bed like and she was like it was awesome nothing is stopping me from having intimacy with kieran unless my midwife said like oh we're having some issues but then even in that we would practice intimacy differently but also do you like kieran we need to be intimate more i know it's just like we've had a busy season of life but i always crave not always a lot of the time i can crave intimacy more in pregnancy just because like my hormones and stuff intimacy during pregnancy is like totally cool and actually kind of fun and just parts of my body are bigger and better and i feel better about it i don't know nothing nothing's gonna stop me from being pregnant and being intimate with my husband who made me pregnant at the same time unless my midwife says like we're having some huge issues here kind of like life or death stuff then i'm like oh okay what is the hardest part of pregnancy for you oh definitely just my belly growing i am 5'4 if i stand up really tall or like really straight which like that's not really short it's kind of average but i'm shorter than most people that i know so it feels really short but i have a short torso like i don't have a lot of room through here so as my belly grows i really feel it through my groin pelvis like hip area that's the hardest part of pregnancy for me just that it just it growing it can cause a lot of just like discomfort and like tenderness through that area and pregnancy insomnia i struggle with pregnancy insomnia it sucks i will go sometimes a couple nights with no sleep and it's horrible or sometimes i'll just be awake for like six hours at night for no reason at all melatonin gummies are saving my life right now but i've had pretty easy labors and pregnancies and postpartum experiences but as far as just hardest stuff when pregnancy goes pregnancy insomnia and just kind of working with this growing belly next the question 28 weeks pregnant scared to death about postpartum life any tips again please either guard your heart or some people need to stop over sharing their postpartum lives i do think it can help people like i know there's some postpartum stories that are so helpful but we need to be so careful to not scare new moms we need to just tell them how it is but be gracious about it and also know like my postpartum life was the best i loved being postpartum almost as much as i loved pregnancy your baby is there you're healing naturally from something that was like pretty intense i never bled a lot i never hemorrhaged or had any issues like that i got to see a lot of people baby was there which was so cool i started to breastfeed i start to lose weight postpartum is so different for everyone but don't think your postpartum outcome is going to be negative just have that mindset um as for tips belly wrapping is so great because it just kind of pushes everything back into place and order and it just feels nice to have like a bit more of a snug feel through here eat lots of snacks drink lots of water if you have a husband or someone who's willing to help you just get them to help don't feel like you gotta do everything in the first week or two take advantage of whoever is there to help you um during that like kind of two new two weeks of of you having a baby take baths take baths with your baby i never had issues postpartum mentally or physically so don't think that your postpartum is gonna be horrible because other people's work and i know it's kind of the same thing like don't think yours is gonna be good because mine was but i guess i just want to give you some hope postpartum life is freaking awesome i kind of live my best life when i'm postpartum i really do truly enjoy it don't be scared of it um if you work yourself up to being nervous and scared over it you're gonna be nervous and scared when it comes oh man just enjoy your baby heal yourself do what you gotta do take lots of salt baths that's like that's it okay a few more pregnant with my third with you that is so cool how many people are pregnant with me right now i love it what would you do differently this time nothing i've been very intentional in all my pregnancies and i actually i wouldn't really do anything different this time around but i am actually no i am more careful about my skin care the products i'm using all that stuff because everything i put onto my body goes into my body into my bloodstream and to my baby things like artificial fragrance um bad chemicals toxic chemicals all that stuff that you put on your face or use like like salicylic acid stuff all that kind of stuff it goes to your baby and it's not good for your baby so i guess i'm being a lot more careful about the items and products that i'm using on my body my face my hair for the sake of baby and just baby's well-being and like healthy blood and stuff but that's really it i'm continuing to eat well working out i'm thankful that i have some nice maternity pieces that i'm wearing right now but yeah that's like that's it i feel like i did really well in my pregnancy what i mean all my pregnancies but especially elizabeth so i just kind of want to keep that train moving how do you decide which workouts are safe for you and baby it's pretty simple for me right now in this pregnancy i can't do any workouts that have jumps in them so say like i'm doing a burpee i can't jump up come down on the ground throw my feet out back in i go on releve then i come down i walk my feet out to a plank i walk my feet back in and i just continue that any sort of jumping jack i modify to side squat side to side i can't jump because of my pelvis it just brought too many issues so i can still work out i just can't do things like that i don't do any workouts on my back because i find that i just can't breathe properly and i don't do things like crunches or sit-ups or anything that encourages my belly to cone i'm very aware of what my body is doing while i'm working out so if it's my belly starting a cone or whatever i stop reset just very careful in that way i still do like pilates which is great for mobility lots of boot camps lots of booty lots of arms lots of core stuff you can still work your core when you're pregnant you just gotta do it a little bit differently and that's cool and yes working out while you're pregnant is totally safe i think too many people think it's not like movement is bad and you got to give your uterus a lot more credit than that your uterus protects your child from like the craziest things it's quite incredible what your uterus can do so if you're working out and moving around you're doing all this stuff your uterus is taking care of your baby and your baby is totally fine i've worked out through all my pregnancies and all my babies have been awesome all my labors have been awesome all my postpartum life have been awesome oh man i love working out and i usually work out four to five times a week then here and there i do deep stretches to open up especially like my hip and groin area getting me ready for pregnancy and then stretching up through here because i feel like you can just kind of feel tight and you're like losing room through here so it's nice to like really pull up and stretch through here not a pregnancy question when are we getting merch we're working on it thank you for watching i hope that this answered obviously some of your questions that you had i love talking about pregnancy and i especially love talking about my pregnancy so i do hope that you guys enjoyed this video let me know if there's any other pregnancy content you guys want me to do i've done things like things i'm no longer using i've vlogged a bunch of pregnancy stuff i've logged my entire first trimester all this stuff you can see on the baby playlist back on my channel but is there anything specific you guys want me to show you let me know and i will try to do that thank you for watching i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Sarah Therese
Views: 164,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pregnancy q&a, pregnant, baby number 4, sarah therese, home birth, water birth, gender, intimacy, questions, answers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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