Predicting The Game Awards 2023 Announcements

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the game awards are less than 2 weeks away and it's time to start making some predictions about what I think might be announced there let's talk about him hello there everybody Welcome to The Comfy spot my name is Tyler and today we are going to be talking about my predictions for what I think might be announced at the game awards on December 7th my last video was about my predictions for what I think will win the different awards at the game awards so if you have not checked those out go check that video out today it's all about announcement predictions there's a lot of predictions that you can make when it comes to the game awards because anything and everything can be shown there so it's kind of tough but for this video for my predictions here I've boiled it down to 12 predictions some of these might happen some of them might not honestly I'm not saying any of these will and or every single one of these will but I think there is a good chance for each one of these to possibly happen at the show and if they all do that's wild even if a fraction of them do then we already have ourselves an amazing show here so without further Ado let's start talking about each of these predictions my first prediction is that I think Grand Theft Auto 6 could be announced here at the game awards and on top of that I think that in this announcement trailer we will also get a release year that release year being 2024 now I know you're thinking man Tyler you might be crazy for predicting this Tyler there's no that could possibly happen or hey you're right it's going to happen it's going to happen for sure here's my here's my you know my thought on this Here's my thought train on this okay first up in favor of it happening we already got that tweet from Rockstar announcing that the trailer will be coming in early December of course as we know the game awards are December 7th that falls in early December so it could possibly happen there also it's the fact that the game awards are more or less one of the biggest stages in gaming for any gaming announcement to happen What better place for Rockstar to announce and formally reveal Grand Theft Auto 6 than at the game awards a show that has hundreds of millions of viewers so like it just makes perfect sense now here's the thing against it though here's what's here's why I think that might not happen it's also the fact that Rockstar tends to operate on at their own devices you know at their own Leisure they like to do things on their own schedule at their own pace whatever they feel like it because they're Rockstar they have that power they have that clout they can you know manage to just do things whenever they want to do it so because of that they don't need to show up at the game awards with Grand Theft aoto 6 they could announce this and have this trailer be dropped any day of the week whenever they wanted to they could even drop it the day after the game Wars if they wanted to and it would still make waves and just stop the entire industry because Great Theft Auto is it's just a it's an industry stopping event right there so that's why I think it might not happen but there is that chance there is that very very very good chance that it could honestly I think it's 50/50 it could go either way who knows what will happen but right now I'm putting some Hope and Faith in the fact that on December 7th we will get our first look at Grand Theft Auto 6 at the game awards with a 2024 release window I don't think we get a specific date I don't think we get a specific month I think Rockstar will wait till later on in their marketing cycle till we get closer to the actual release of Grand Theft Auto 6 to say the month and the day specifically right now though I think that we get that 2024 release window with this first reveal trailer at the game awards prediction number two that I have is going to be about Spider-Man 2 DLC or an expansion of some sort being announced at the game awards now here's my thing we know we just got this game about a little bit over a month ago as of recording right now and Spider-Man 2 awesome game my review is in the works keep an eye out for it it's coming soon uh and I feel like you know with the first game we got that DLC and it was announced before the game came out that we were getting a set of three DLC episodes no such thing has been announced for Spider-Man 2 as of yet but remember when the game first came out there were you know talks with the game director and everything and people were wondering hey is there a daredevil te's coming because they noticed that the sign was missing uh from in front of the law office for berock and Nelson and the game director he was teasing hey you know good eye on that stay tuned maybe something's coming who knows uh so that's had everyone speculating maybe Daredevil DLC is is coming maybe he'll be involved in DLC in some way shape or form I think that Spider-Man 2 is going to get DLC uh it'd be kind of shocking if it didn't and you know so I think it's going to happen and I think that this DLC might have de Daredevil involved in it I think think announcing it at the Game of Wars is smart because it's not too long after the game came out uh you know it's that's not to say that they have to announce the DLC now that they can't announce the DLC for Spider-Man 2 say in April May whatever months after the games came out but doing it now still with the game fresh in people's minds I think that'd be a smart move and I think also this trailer will announce that it's coming in January get it out shortly after the game came out that's that's similar to what happened with the first Spider-Man game that first Spider-Man game the DLC episodes we got I think they each came out like about a one came out a month after the first game came out and then the next one came out shortly after that and the final one came out shortly after that just keeping the game in people's minds keeping it fresh keeping it alive for a little bit longer I think we could see a similar thing happened here with Spider-Man 2 and I'm very very excited about that prediction number three that I have is going to be another PlayStation one not first party specifically a newly second party game that being Stellar blade I believe that Stellar blade could possibly show up at the game rewards again after a long absence with a new trailer and also this is what I'm getting a bit specific here a bit wild possibly a May 2024 release window now the last time we saw cell blade was back in September in 2022 we got ourselves a bit of a more story based trailer with a lot more gameplay in it as well and that's when it officially got the name Stellar blade and it also had a release window of 2023 now obviously ly it's not coming out this year hasn't come out yet there's no way the shadow dropping this game in December that's not happening so at this point it is all but a 2024 game if not pushed back farther out than that now here's the thing recently the past day or two as of recording there has been news that's come out that the developer for Stellar blade shift up has signed a publishing deal with Sony making them now I believe Sony's first Korean second party developer so that being the case this this kind of interesting news to come out you know so close to the game awards and it's not saying that because of that it's going to be uh at the game awards this news could have happened at any point in time but it's it's interesting that it's happened now that we're getting this news now hopefully maybe you know that could be like years turning gear spinning maybe Stellar blade could be getting ready to make the stage make it Grand return and appear at the game awards in December in the coming weeks and the reason I say a May 2024 release window is because simply I think one we don't know much about Sony's 2024 lineup right now we know basically nothing about the 2024 lineup uh outside of one game which I will be talking about next actually so I think Sony will want to start getting the ball rolling on getting Playstation fans excited about 2024 what we have look forward to next year and everything and while I don't think they'll talk too much about first party stuff for 2024 I think they'll you know just open the door a little bit be like hey you know that game startle blade we talked about a while ago it is coming next year you can look forward to it at this specific time a specific date specifically you can wait a bit longer but may 20124 it sounds like the perfect time for a game like St blade to come out it's like right before summertime is starting up the weather is nice and everything it's just Good Vibes and also gives a good bit of leeway between now and then so that's my third prediction St blade new trailer 2024 release window now my fourth prediction is going to be my last PlayStation Studio specific prediction here that being Concord I believe Concord will appear here with an actual proper reveal trailer we first got our quote unquote look at this game earlier this year at uh the PlayStation showcase and that trailer was basically a whole lot of nothing a CG teaser of a ship in space we heard like a tiny bit of dialogue saw a weapon saw some stuff in the ship and then it that was it just said the title Concord and then the the developer firewalk has said said since then that the game was is supposed to come out in 2024 for PlayStation consoles and on PC but we've heard not much since then and if this game is coming in 2024 and we know basically nothing about it at all I think the game awards is the place to show it off to give it a good Grand reveal be like hey this is Concord this is what it is and it is coming next year and get people a reason to actually be interested and excited in this game again also going off what I said about Stellar blade in 2024 we know nothing basically about PlayStation's 2024 and people weren't too fond of the PlayStation showcase and how a lot of the PlayStation Studios games we saw there were these live service multiplayer games where we're looking more forward to you know Wolverine or the next ghost shimo or the next nauy doll the next Sony Santa Monica game so I think if we're going to you know have Concord and everything we want to get people excited about 2024 give people a reason to be excited about one of your live service games give people a reason to be excited about Concord show off what this game actually is not another CG trailer that's 30 seconds long not another CG trailer period preferably give us an actual look at gameplay for Concord show us what this game is let us know why we need to be hyped for it get excited for it and give us an idea of okay maybe you know we get a specific window for it like maybe they give us another summer 2024 or just they say 2024 and leave it at that I'm fine with either one but I think Concord is ripe to show up here and I reason I say Concord and not something bigger than that is also because I feel like Sony wants to probably save its bigger guns for its own of it its own state of play its own showcase you know Jeff does try to get you know at least one big thing from each of the big three Sony Microsoft and Nintendo and you know he works the way he can get and I that's why I don't think also thinking of like past uh Place uh game awards and everything what Sony has come with I don't think they'll give too many big things uh that's why I'm thinking you know if they're going to give a first party thing that's not Spider-Man DLC like an actual full-on game I think Concord might be the most rap for it so Concord new trailer confirming 2024 release window that's my fourth prediction all right my fifth prediction is going to be switching over to Xbox now I going to predict that hellblade 2 sinine was Saga is going to appear once again with a new trailer at the game awards and it's also going to to have a summer 2024 release window we've seen a lot of looks at uh cin Saga HBL 2 so far uh and each look that we've seen has shown that the game is beautiful gorgeous game and they've been very cinematic but we haven't seen much more than that we haven't seen much gameplay they've kind of been kind of hush hush Ninja Theory in Microsoft which is fine you know take your time let it cook let it be a great game the first one for all everything I heard about it was amazing people have been looking forward to the second one and so have I I still need to play the first one myself and I do want to play this one as well but I do think we need a better look at this game we need a new look at this game cuz it's been dark for quite a while and while we did yes get some new footage earlier this year before that it was very dark for a long long time and I feel like we need to get a bit more confidence in hellblade 2 in cine Wasaga and that it is going to be coming out that it is going to be you know the heat that we all want and expect and hope it to be so I think there's a good chance it could be here and if I'm correct it was also the very first Xbox series X game that was shown for console um at the game awards I'm pretty sure it was at that first game awards in 2019 where the series X was shown off as well for the very first time so there's a history of it being at the game awards I do think it can return I think there's a chance it will and then summer 2024 again it's all I mean I believe there have been reports that it's a 2024 game putting together in the summertime I think it's like the right window for it um unless it sh um pushes back to the fall or anything which is totally fine too but I think putting it out in the summertime will give it the nice breathing room that a game like that will really need to hit make waves make an impact and not kind of be just lost in the shuffle and all the hubub of the big fall releases and so on and so forth so again hellblade 2 I think it's getting a new trailer and a summer 2024 release window all right I got another Xbox prediction here this is my only other Xbox prediction actually and that is going to be prediction number six here starfields shattered space DLC I believe that we are going to get a teaser trailer for it at the game awards I don't believe this is going to be a full-on in-depth trailer I don't think this trailer is even going to give us any specific date I think it'll just say you know 2024 and leave it at that but I believe that we're going to get a teaser for it I think it's possible that we'll get a teaser for it you know Starfield it's been out for a couple months now it came out you know mid September uh well actually no more beginning of September and by the time game rewards comes around it will have been 3 months so you know some time will have passed by since then and that's not me saying that I think that the DLC is coming anytime soon I'm sure it's not Le Bethesda cook it'll it'll be fine when it comes out and hopefully it'll live up to expectations and all but I think you know with the amount of space that there's been the amount of time that there been since Starfield first came out I think this is an appropriate time to you know okay give a bit of a teaser give a bit a Starfield and Xbox fans a bit of a taste of what is to come in the future to Starfield to that Universe what this first expansion for will be what we can expect or maybe speculate what we can you know investigate is going to be coming uh with this expansion so I'm looking forward to seeing this hearing about this expansion I still need to finish Starfield uh myself but I think there's a chance it could be there and uh I don't know when exactly I don't have a prediction for when exactly I think this DLC will come out but I think just a little teaser just a a short teaser no more than a minute long it'll probably be CG teaser but I think that's what we're getting Starfield shattered space DLC get a little teaser trailer at the game awards okay now prediction number seven this is my only Nintendo one that being that I believe that Princess Peach Showtime will appear with a new trailer probably showing off some more of her new uh new Transformations her new costumes that she could change into and all and the reason I'm picking Princess Peach specifically is because yes I know you're probably wondering why not prod Metroid why not predict something like Starfield why not not Starfield Star Fox why not predict something like uh Mario Kart 9 or the next 3D Mario the reason being is that honestly I feel like Nintendo is saving all of those announcements and reveals for the announcement of their next Hardware I think when they reveal that next Hardware that's when we'll get the floodgates of Metroid Prime 4 finally being properly revealed the next 3D Mario the next Mario Kart game so on and so forth I I think they're waiting on that right now and they don't want to show off or adce any of those games until that happens which makes sense you know with everything that they have announced coming up so far we have Super Mario RPG that just came out we have the Mario Donkey Kong game that's coming out soon we have Princess Peach on the horizon the switch is definitely you know hitting the tail end of its life cycle and though Nintendo has said that they're still going to support the switch and everything I don't think we're going to be getting or any announcements of big heavy hitter AAA Nintendo games until that next switch uh the next Hardware is announced because I think those games will be coming to that next bit of hardware and it doesn't make sense to announce them right now they be like well can't talk about where they're coming you'll see soon so Princess Peach it's a safe one it's an easy bet uh and if anything you know it's probably the one Nintendo thing we can expect here so new Princess Peach Showtime trailer looks fun and that's what I think will be there okay now my final bit of predictions here are all third part party related ones in the first of which prediction number eight this is going to be Elden Rings DLC shadow of the earth tree I believe that there is a chance that it can appear here at the game awards stage this DLC was first announced at the very beginning of this year if I'm correct with just literally just a piece of concept art and the name saying hey it is in development we are working on it and we have heard if I'm correct basically nothing since then so I honestly believe you know Jeff he was able to be the one to formally re-reveal Elden ring after so long uh he has clearly a connection there with fromsoft and everything where they trust him to make an announcement or be the stage for their announcement so I think there is a chance that the uh Elder Rings DLC can be properly revealed on the game of WS stage uh I have no idea when it would come out or anything what it would entail in this in terms of this trailer because I myself have not even finished Elder ring I played about 15 hours of it I enjoy the game I really love it need to get back to it though uh but I think game award stage there's a chance it could appear there it's been enough time but there's also a chance where they're like hey we need more time to cook on it would I ready to show it off just yet and that's totally fine but I think there's a chance I think there's a chance Elder R DLC could appear at the game awards all right my ninth prediction is going to be a Ubisoft prediction actually and I'm going to predict that Assassin's Creed codename red is going to be properly revealed here at the game awards and it will be given a 2024 release window now this was first announced back at that Assassin's Creed believe it was the assass cre Showcase in 2022 where they announced this and Jade the mobile game and then hexi the witch light game and Assassin's Creed Affinity there's the hub for everything there's a whole lot of stuff uh but Assassin's Creed code named red I believe it could be announced here uh you know Mirage did just come out yes but it was a smaller type game it's not one that's going to be getting updated constantly with new content over and over so I don't think Ubisoft feels like they can't announce code name red or properly reveal code name red you know at two months after uh uh Mirage just came out so there is that aspect of things but there's also the side of things where we did shortly not too long ago I believe it was back in October we got that bit of a leak a bit of a teasy teasy leak from one of the um devs on the game where they had changed I believe their Twitter banner and by accident and the picture they changed it to showed a picture of what appeared to be a female protagonist for this game and they quickly changed it back and was like no no no no no that that's that never happened that didn't happen there uh so like that picture was very very clearly like you know finished start and only like part of a fuller picture and everything so leads me to believe that an Assassin's Creed code name red proper reveal is around the corner having that the game awards will be a great stage for it especially if it is a 2024 for game properly announced it here get people excited for Assassin's Creed finally finally finally going to Japan going ninjas and everything it'll be super cool to see that uh so yeah I think there's a chance that we get that reveal and I'm I'm excited for it Assassin's Creed Cod name red can't wait okay and my final three predictions they are all Final Fantasy predictions uh but I I don't honestly do not believe every single one of these will happen I think there is a good chance that's only one of them will happen which one we'll see first off though we're going to start with Final Fantasy 16 I believe that there is a chance that the DLC or at least one piece of the DLC will be announced and shown at the game awards here um and I believe that this first one will be given a summer 2024 release window putting it out one year after the offic the um the full game first came out this past June now anyone who played Final Fantasy 6 16 knows that there's a whole lot of speculation about what this DLC could focus on maybe it'll focus on Sid maybe it'll focus on stuff that happens in the middle of the game uh during like an unknown period of time maybe we'll focus on another character who knows um I'm not getting into spoilers or anything like that but there's a there's a chance that you know maybe we maybe we finally find out what it what it is that they're doing what this DLC is going to be yes it has been 6 months since Final Fantasy 16 came out so maybe it is a bit too to show anything or say anything but I think it's in the it's in the realm of possibility for it to happen I don't think it's impossible that we could get a look or tease of what this DLC could be it could even just be a piece of artwork as of right now who knows uh but I think that there's a good chance Final Fantasy 16's DLC could start to be announced start to be teased at the game awards and we get that summer 2024 release window putting it out a year after their first game after the original game now my second Final Fantasy related prediction for the game awards is one that I think is a bit more likely than 16 DLC but like only ever so slightly more likely that being that I believe that we will get another trailer for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth at the game awards and I believe that this trailer will be the one to finally show us Sid yes Sid the captain of the high wind uh our Dragon more so to speak in this in Final Fantasy 7 I believe we'll finally get our first look at him in this new trailer uh I mean hey we got our first brand new look at rebirth at a Summer Games Fest on a Jeff KY stage and then a few months later at the state of play we got the new the bigger trailer that revealed Kate Sith and Vincent not Vincent's face but that they were in the game and then after that you know we there were interviews and everything and I forgot who it was specifically um on the team but one of the one of the people working on the game did say that hey you know everyone is essentially going to be in the game everyone in the party will be in this game but they might all not be playable so I I'm pretty you know we got the confirmation s will be in the game it's just a matter of when we see him maybe they save him for another trailer a closer to release cuz I mean at this point Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is going to be coming out at the end of February game awards is beginning of December it's only about uh just under 3 months left to really promote the game so we're going to be getting for sure at least two more trailers one being a launch trailer so it makes sense we get one more proper trailer before the launch trailer at the game awards and that trailer be the one to finally take the lid off to remove the curtain and show us Sid at long last and probably the highwind as well cuz wherever Sid goes that highwind is right there alongside him so I think that there is a good chance that that'll happen at the game awards and now my final game awards prediction is is going to be that I think there is a chance that Final Fantasy 9 remake is officially announced and revealed at long last at the game awards here's the thing this one I think is a giant shot in the dark and again like I said there's three Final Fantasy predictions I have here only one of these I think can happen I don't think we get all three but nine remake if it happens that'll be wild here's the thing we already know that a KN remake has been in development or is in development it was part of that Nvidia League which has been just a source it's been a prophecy it's been a prophecy there so many things from that leag have turned out to be real and true so it's just all but a matter of time before when you know the official confirmation announcement for Final Fantasy 9 REM comes down the pipe there's that aspect of things then earlier this year you know Jeff grub also was saying hey it's happening it's really happening I know it's in development it's coming at some some point in time there's also been other Le leakers and insiders quote unquote insiders or leakers that are saying yeah you know it is in development alongside a Final Fantasy 10 remake as well which is also super exciting uh but the nine remake on top of all that remember earlier this year back in January so plans might have changed but back in January uh Final Fantasy series producer Yoshi Nori kitasi did say that there was going to be news later on this year that was not related to Final Fantasy 7 some big news the only thing I could think of aside from the tactics remaster that was in the Nvidia leag is the Final Fantasy 9 remake so I think if it's going to happen this year and again plans change things change I understand that it is what it is if it's going to happen this year though it's going to be at the game awards and if it's going to be in either one of those two between tactics or nine remake I think the bigger one that would get the bigger pop and take the house down would be the Final Fantasy 9 remake the only thing is I think that it's very unlikely we get that and this rebirth trailers I think a rebirth trailer is very likely I think it's unlikely we get both in the exact same show I think that's a lot I don't I don't think Square wants to do both of those at once uh but we'll see anything as possible and this nine remake you know I'm looking forward to it I've never played nine I have the remaster on my PS4 I just haven't played it yet got to get around to it but I'm looking forward to this nine remake I'm looking forward to seeing what this actually is seeing how it looks seeing how they you know bring it into the modern day what type of remake style they go with for this so I honestly think n remake could happen here do I think we get a date or release window I don't it's a bit too early for me to be making those predictions and all but I think when it comes to night remake there is a fair chance maybe a slim chance but there is a chance it can appear at the game awards and those are my 12 predictions for what I believe can will or might be announced at the game awards let me know your predictions down in the comments section below do you believe that Grand Theft Auto 6 will finally be announced at the game awards or will it be announced shortly before or after the game awards do you believe that we will be getting the Final Fantasy 9 remake do you think Stellar blade will return is this also the event where we finally get another look at hellblade let me know all your thoughts in the comments section below uh make sure you like this video subscribe if you also enjoyed it and turn on the notifications that will you know as soon as videos go live and keep an eye peeled for my upcoming Spider-Man 2 review it is in the works I promise it is coming it is coming soon it's taking me a bit of time taking me longer than I would like but it is coming soon and check out my predictions episode predictions video my mistake for what I believe will be the winners at the game awards as well all that said thank you all so very much for watching and I will talk to you all in the next one have a great [Music] one
Channel: TheComfySpot
Views: 229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Game Awards, Grand Theft Auto VI, Grand Theft Auto 6, GTA VI, GTA 6, Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Final Fantasy IX Remake, Stellar Blade, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Assassin's Creed Red, Concord, Hellblade II, Senua's Sacrifice, Starfield, Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree, DLC, Trailer, Announcement, Reveal, Gameplay
Id: mSSblsFGnNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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