Predestination - Movie Review

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don't know if it's out where you are but I do recommend seeing predestination any chance you've seen predestination yet Chris you should check out another great aussie film from this year predestination if you haven't reviewed predestination could you please review dude you never do a review of a movie I want please can you review predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination have you seen predestination yet predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination I've heard you request to review predestination I shall definitely check it out predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination predestination Stars Ethan Hawke and Sarah snook and is a film about hmm that's it's um it's a little hard to sum up essentially Ethan Hawke's character works for an organization that's able to leap through time to cause catastrophes from happening in one particular part of time Ethan Hawke plays a barkeep and someone walks in and begins to describe their life story to him and we see their life story in the past and then some serious mind-bending stuff happens I'm talking confusing stuff and it's awesome I kind of sort of loved predestination this is such a different movie and a really awesome sci-fi movie is directed by the people who brought us Daybreakers also starring Heath and Hawke which I thought kind of flew under the radar and wasn't too bad of a movie this movie however is considerably better and goes in a lot of really strange places that I don't want to spoil for you guys which is good because I don't even know if I can fully explain it one of the things that I loved about this movie were the performances Ethan Hawke is terrific he always makes interesting choices except for get away I don't know about that one but you know boyhood and the before sunrise movies and that's all good but I don't get away I don't know what happened there I do love him as an actor though and he was fantastic in the movie but the standout is Sarah snook she was so good and this is like a star-making turn for her you can't take your eyes off this girl I don't want to spoil the twisty turn aspects of her character if you don't know anything about her character just go into the movie and watch it I think you'll be really surprised because for me I was just like whoa that's something that's a hmm yeah it's the kind of movie that's so intriguing and sets up a plot that is so interesting that you just want to know about it and then once it ends you're like I still am intrigued I still want to know about it and you start doing research and you start sifting through message boards and all kinds of forums and you really just want to talk about this movie with other people to see if they've had the same experience with it that you have it's the kind of movie like that where it just makes you want to know more and it makes you want to learn about its world and it makes you want to investigate the different metaphors and the hidden meetings and the images and all types of things like that that are all throughout predestination that make you realize this is a lot more of a cerebral experience than you were planning to have with this movie because I went into it thinking okay Ethan Hawke Daybreakers filmmakers it's gonna be a fun sci-fi movie what the hell the action looks great it's all filmed very well but for me the thing that I loved about this movie was the conversation between Ethan Hawke as the barkeep and Sarah snook as the person who comes in and starts to talk with him that entire conversation and that entire second act which is like the whole almost entirely the first and second act there's a little bit before it that sets up the world but that whole sequence I found enthralling and riveting I actually wish that that is how the movie started though I wish that from scene one it was Sarah snooks character walking in and then discussing things with him they do a lot of world-building before that that I found was rather unnecessary yes in the long run it is to help you decipher things that happen towards the end but as a film I feel like there was a way they could have just had it open seen one where this character walks into the bar and you're like okay because that would have been just riveting like instantly because it was so well done and that's one of my only flaws with the movie I found the film riveting it's mind-bending it really makes you think it makes you want to watch more and it's one of the best January movies ever if you have a chance to go see predestination definitely seek it out I'm going to give predestination and a - so between this and Selma there actually are some pretty cool things you can see this January what do you know now guys if you saw my review for Selma I mentioned something really awesome and that is that I'm planning a new segment it's going to be a segment entirely about things that have inspired me over the years I'm thinking the title is going to be retro rewind it'll be segments about one particular thing it could be a book series it could be a TV show a movie a game anything really that impacted me as a lover of entertainment or as a film critic or as a writer or as a person and my first episode is going to be up in a few weeks and it's going to be entirely about Toonami Cartoon Network and now Adult Swim's programming block that basically championed and helped make anime famous in the late 90s I have an awesome celebrity guest that's going to be involved with the video and I still can't believe he agreed to it I'm fan bowing out in every possible way I can't wait to share it with you guys and I'm hoping you enjoy it I'll be up in a few weeks it's gonna be called probably Toonami retro rewind something along those lines and I hope you like it guys thank you so much as always for watching definitely check out predestination is way better than anything in the January release date so far that's for sure and as always guys if you like this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes
Channel: undefined
Views: 363,455
Rating: 4.8062701 out of 5
Keywords: Predestination, Movie Review, Chris Stuckmann, Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook, Noah Taylor, Peter Spierig, Michael Spierig, Scene, Clip, Reviews, HD, Full Movie, Trailer, Man, Woman, Twist, Ending, Explained, Analyzed, Explanation
Id: 5riGjpQ2Rlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 14 2015
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