Predator 3500 Inverter generator Review Full test sound weight load test!!! Is it that good ????

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all right everybody welcome back well today we're testing out this ever popular predator 3500 watt generator we're going to be using this guy to verify to see if it's actually accurate on that meter as opposed to our meter here and to see if we're getting everything out of it that it states so this guy here is going to show us our wattage our ampergenner voltage at the same time we'll do a little bit of math at the end to kind of verify that and then we're also going to check out its empty weight it will have oil in it and we're going to check out its sound and then we'll also see how much power we can really suck out of this thing before it goes in lit mode and just kind of you know kind of go from there so we'll throw up the specs on the board tell you a little bit of history about it as well and kind of go from there all right let's get started okay we're going to first start off by looking at the specs this generator runs at basically 25 amps at 3 000 running watts and 3 500 max that's for starting in a 212 cc motor basically running 87 octane it holds a little over two and a half gallons of gas at 57 dbs and uh basically this this generator comes from china and it comes from this company called lansing and you can see this is actually what it looks like when it comes from their company they have a big company out there in chongqing and that's where a lot of these companies are that actually manufacture these things and i don't promote them in any way i'm just giving you a little history but you can see those are probably all honda clone engines there so we'll take a look at the face plate real quick and these are our parallel outlets there with a grounded bolt underneath and that's kind of like your 30 amp service plug and that one there is basically for like a travel trailer with a 30 amp service and you can see the little reset buttons right next to it 120 volt service plugs there you have this dc plug there which it's not very common i prefer the socket instead and that's just a reset button for that lcds display with basically your indicator lights eco throttle position switch there and then you got your electric start there this switch here will take it over to the start position then you put it in run after the choke and if you want to turn on see the hours there you go all right the battery is back behind this little door here and also comes with a kind of a nice little wheel locking so you just kind of flip the switch and basically there you go so kind of a nice feature all right we'll do the weigh-in here real quick and so i'm going to reset that scale and do a little bit of camera trickery on you here i kind of have it flipped upside down to see it but anyway the generator doesn't have any gas in it it just has oil in the battery and as you can see it's it's coming up is it basically 100 pounds flat so kind of getting some squats and lifts in here real quick but and we'll do this again and i did this a couple times too just before the video i shot but so i think that's good enough but 100 pounds flat roughly and you know when it's ready to use you just gotta add your gas so anyway we'll get out to the testing part of this and and i don't like that uh wheel cog there so because it constantly rattles so i put a little rag in there to get rid of it because it was so noisy but we'll start our sound check 23 feet away and we're gonna start with the eco off so we'll let this run just a little bit kind of let it average out i have it on the slow position currently that way the meter doesn't bounce around so much but so you can kind of tell it's running right about 62 dbs so we'll go back over here and turn it into the eco position and one thing with this generator i noticed in both positions off and on the idle is set quite a bit lower than some of the other generators i've played with and then we'll take another look at some focus there and as you can see right there we're pretty much running and let this thing average out about 60 dbs so so you can kind of tell that it's pretty quiet i mean this generator is one of the main popular reasons for being so popular is because it's quiet and somebody was also asking how come you always have the exhaust facing you i was like well that's the loudest part it's only going to be quieter from there but i've turned it and kind of see how much quieter it is if i do i couldn't put it up against the wall because it would just pretty much reflect the sound so but that drops at a full another db and it is noticeably quieter when you do turn it so and uh just for reference sake that's kind of like the little brother the 2000 watt predator and i do have it on eco mode as well so i figured just for reference we'll throw it out there let it kind of run and because i'm feeling pretty generous i'll keep the number under 60 db and we'll throw it at 59.7 so hey how about that anyway so both good generators they do the job so this is what our test setup looks like i have this plugged into my 30 amp service trailer that wheel i don't know just rattles a lot you can see my meter there um this guy's kind of set up running already but so anyway we should reset everything and the only thing that's on in the trailer is my converter and that's basically what charges your battery and runs all your dc circuit stuff so and we're going to kind of play with the numbers here in a little bit and you can see that the amps and the volts they you can see the volts on the generator there at 124 pretty much matching up and the amps are just slightly different but you know we'll come back and play with that in a little bit and then you have volt amperes right there which that's basically just another way to tell um your wattage so and i think uh looking at my meter here actually looks like the generator might actually be a little bit closer but uh we'll go inside go turn on a bunch of stuff throw some loads on this thing and kind of go from there so i turned on a bunch of lights to get the converter to really kind of jump up and power so it's basically doing about three amps and we're going to turn on the refrigerator you'll see the meter kind of start bumping up there now that basically puts it on ac versus running it on propane and now we'll bump up this heater because everybody's cold so turn that on so that's basically on low and we'll go to medium real quick and you can see the load start to come up on the meter and one more switch right there and let that kind of equal out a little bit so now we have the converter on this 1500 watt heater and we just have the refrigerator running on ac so we'll come out here we'll do a little bit of playing around to see which one is kind of you know we have 121 volts showing on both meters and 16.3 so the meter is showing about 1976 watts ish and then we look at the harbor freight it's pretty much right on the money so my stupid meter here maybe i'll build another yeah all right well let's go back inside throw some more stuff on so i threw on the microwave real quick i'm going to add a little more time there and that basically throws on another 10 amps so we're going to try to get this video going just to you know see that way it's not 20 minutes long but so now you see the generator is really working i turned on the ac fan the ac is not on it's just a fan on low and that's basically a couple amps right there so we're right at almost 30 amps and this thing is still holding strong we'll do another check on our numbers and 116 volts and 29.4 amps that's pretty crazy because this thing is rated at 25 amps and normally these generators are shut down about oh three amps above rated but this one's still going it's uh doing pretty well so look at that about 3410 it's uh that's pretty good so yeah meters not quite what i expected odd anyway so let's switch some things around here see if we can get this generator to shut off because it's still running and i actually did a couple other tests too when i wasn't doing the video and the generator just kind of keeps going it'll stay there with that light flashing for a long time but once it goes solid um then it kind of changes up so we'll go over here to this little heater guy here this is actually a great little heater it's 350 watts about 3 amps i'll throw a little link up there so you guys can take a look and if you guys do like this video make sure to subscribe right down there i have a whole bunch more generator comparisons coming out too so you know that way you guys don't miss anything all right so let's let's kind of do a little bit more uh playing with the numbers on the generator here so take another look kind of running the same stuff and 3 300 watts on the meter and if we take a look at the harbor freight meter it's 3 340 watts as well so it's it's still running i mean it had i haven't shut this thing down the whole time during this part of this video making so we're going to switch things up now we're going to turn the fan on high and this is going to draw about three amps so we just had the heater going before so now we have the heat the big heater the microwave is going now we have the the high speed fan we have the little heater over there going to see the light solid now and still running that's amazing look at 31 amps basically that's that's a lot of power for this generator considering it's rated at 25 and there it goes shuts off so a max of almost 36 that's basically where our starting is so we're going to go out here and turn this thing off and we'll reset it and then we'll do one more test just to kind of show you guys what it's like to run ac and a couple other different features so so right now we're just turning on the ac and only the converter is now on the fridge and everything else is off we're completely starting over so we'll turn this ac unit on you'll you'll hear the fan kick on here in just a second and then after the fan kicks on it'll be about another oh 15 seconds or so until the actual compressor kicks in and gets going with that you'll see that in the generator watch the voltage drop here in a minute that should be coming on any second and look at that look at the voltage drop real quick so kind of interesting just for perspective but um so anyway now we have the converter running which is still charging the batteries and the fan is on low on the ec but the ac is going and we basically just have the uh just the ac in the converter so that shows you how much power a 30 amp trailer uses with just the ac unit and a converter which a lot of people tend to forget that whenever you plug in your generator that that guy's going to kind of kick on and start you know running in little meter that i put in i'll put a link up there if you guys want to see how that guy works i was playing with it looks like i need to reset it so we'll also turn on the fridge because since the generator is going to run the ac for a few hours because it's hot we'll throw that on too and save a little propane and so now you can see that just the ac the refrigerator on ac power as well and the converter we're burning about oh almost 16 amps so you can see that you know just if you needed these type of features you wouldn't necessarily need to get this big of a generator you could get probably a smaller one two small ones um they have 2500 watt options out there you can still carry that are not so heavy because this thing is heavy at 100 pounds so anyway that kind of concludes the test
Views: 17,777
Rating: 4.8928571 out of 5
Keywords: predator, predator3500, 3500, inverter, invertergenerator, predator3500inverter, rvgenerator, RV, boondocking, generator, rvboondocking, drycamping, quitegenerator
Id: yEoWY-MhMhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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