Precision Landing a Drone on an Aruco Array

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all right now we have that script written up let's go ahead and test out our aruco array precision landing let's type ross run the name of our package gazebo drone and then the name of the script that we just wrote gazebo precision landing array dot pi and hit enter let's open up one more terminal while that is loading up let's just type rqt so that we can see what the camera is seeing now the drone is flying up in the air and it's doing a little velocity command away from the eruko and it's going to wait a little bit and then once the time is up it's going to aggressively position over aruka 129 right because we're looking for marker 129 and it's descending now it's at seven meters around that and you can see what the drone's seeing here still above that four meters and the drone should switch from looking for 129. there it goes you see the drone now target or route 72 that smaller aruco which is going to allow us to get much more precise on our landing as we get closer to the ground yep our marker is 72 we found our found not found count is pretty pretty good and there we go the drone has finished that precision landing we saw it initially target 129 and then once it got below a certain altitude it repositioned over 72. now it's time to go out and do this in the real world all right so now we're out in the field and we're going to attempt to do our aruco array precision landing we have our aruco 129 here on the left and the aruco 72 on the right we have the drone offset a little bit from those targets so it'll be very easy to see whenever it first starts tracking those targets and it'll give us a good idea of the radius from which that precision landing script will work so let's hop on to an ssh terminal and try it out all right we're about to test that double aruco precision landing script and the drone should take off into the air we should go to around 10 meters pretty high up there and then it should be pretty obvious when the drone starts tracking aruco 129 there it goes centered itself over the marker now we're still pretty high up there but still doing a good job tracking it looks like very close to that pad and then remember at around four meters we should see the drone start tracking aruco 72 should be getting pretty close to that now any second we should see it move over there we go now it's tracking 72 and doing a really good job you know we were up there at 10 meters and now look at how precise we're getting on the ground see how close we can get there to the end go to your home buster go to your home that was a great precision land right there
Channel: The Drone Dojo
Views: 21,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: precision landing, opencv, computer vision, aruco, aruco array, dronekit, ardupilot, navio, raspberry pi, picam, drone dojo
Id: tJMMEgprBn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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